The Super Universe Leveling Game

C4029 Failure?

C4029 Failure?

It was normal to see this kind of weather in other places, but it was incredible to see it on T'ien Shan.    


The sky grew darker and darker, dark clouds covering the sky. Suddenly -    


Boom ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~    


The lightning descended from the sky, splitting open the darkness. The lightning was like a silver Giant Snake, slithering down and striking the thick snow, causing an avalanche that poured down like a stampede of ten thousand horses.    


As the snow fell, it revealed a thick layer of ice. The lightning continued to fall, striking the ice that had been frozen for who knew how many years.    


Crack ~ ~ ~    


Crack ~ ~ ~    


Crack ~ ~ ~    




The loud noise caused more snow, and with the thunderstruck mountain at the center, the silence of the surrounding ice peaks was broken, and avalanches began to occur, hundreds of thousands of tons of snow pouring down, and the acceleration of free fall was devastating.    


If someone was halfway up the mountain, they would instantly be killed by the avalanche.    


In the cave, at the most critical moment of the body-tempering, Mandala's face was red, and her brows were wrinkled. Her dress was wet with sweat, and then it was dry again, and then it was wet again, and then it was dry again... Every thirty minutes, she had to take a dan bead, or she wouldn't be able to hold on.    


She herself had not expected that this exercise would be so difficult. She had been fully prepared for it, had calculated and calculated the difficulty of the exercise, and only at the beginning had she realized that she had underestimated it.    


Fortunately, Dongfang Qingyu's strength was extremely powerful and his willpower was astonishing. Otherwise, he would have exploded and died a long time ago. At this moment, Mansa Zhuhua no longer thought about what would happen after her failure. She was wholeheartedly supporting Dongfang Qingyu and had no time to think about anything else.    


Inside the pill furnace, Dongfang Qingyu's skin was completely red, like a piece of red-hot iron. From head to toe, there were dense cracks and spider webs. From the cracks, blood continuously flowed out, fusing with the medicinal liquid, and then being absorbed by his body. Before he could completely digest it, it was carried out by the blood again.    


Dongfang Qingyu clenched his teeth tightly, and his expression was ferocious. There was no sign of his handsomeness at all. His eyes were tightly closed, and he firmly held onto a bit of clarity in his mind. He knew that if anything happened, he and Mandala would both die.    


Crack ~ ~ ~    


The lightning pierced through the ice and struck the pill furnace. Inside the pill furnace, Dongfang Qingyu trembled violently, and all the hair on his body stood up.    


Dongfang Qingyu almost jumped out of the pill liquid. He opened his mouth and immediately a stream of medicinal liquid rushed in, blocking his screams. Even though she was three meters away from the pill furnace, she was still touched by the overflowing electric sparks. Half of her body was numb, and she almost fell down. She was surprised and happy, and took three steps back.    


The appearance of the lightning meant that the body refining was about to succeed, and at the same time, it also meant that the difficulty had increased. Dongfang Qingyu was in danger. She was also in danger, but she was only worried about Dongfang Qingyu and did not think about herself.    


Dongfang Qingyu's aura was fluctuating a lot, which meant that Dongfang Qingyu was no longer able to control his body refinement like before, but she couldn't help.    


"It's still too risky." She threw the herbs into the cauldron, one by one. She couldn't stop now.    


The cooldown time of the Yin Yang Body Refining Technique was enough. In theory, she could refine her body, but Dongfang Qingyu was actually not prepared.    


The cooldown time was the most ideal time, but body refining required a strong foundation. Dongfang Qingyu had accumulated a lot, but in fact, it was still not enough. According to his situation, he would need at least half a year to refine his body, but there was not enough time. She understood Dongfang Qingyu's situation.    


Therefore, Dongfang Qingyu's body refinement this time was actually a huge gamble.    


When the Honeysuckle fell into the furnace, the medicinal liquid suddenly calmed down. Without waiting for Dongfang Qingyu to catch his breath, the medicinal liquid suddenly boiled, and almost at the same time, a human shaped lightning bolt struck the furnace.    


Crack ~ ~ ~    


The pill furnace instantly turned white and transparent. Standing outside, Mansa Zhuhua could clearly see what was happening inside the pill furnace.    


"Not good ~ ~ ~"    


These words came from the hearts of the two of them, Dongfang Qingyu and Mansa Zhuhua. She saw it clearly. The lightning meandered into the pill furnace, and finally drilled into Dongfang Qingyu's body like a silver snake. In an instant, Dongfang Qingyu's body was covered with silver lightning, and it was also at this time that the Honeysuckle melted, and the surging medicinal power poured into Dongfang Qingyu's body.    


The two forces collided in Dongfang Qingyu's body. Not to mention that Dongfang Qingyu was a human, even if he was an immortal, he would not be able to withstand it. The power comparable to a volcanic eruption erupted in Dongfang Qingyu's body, and just as Dongfang Qingyu was about to be blasted into pieces, a wave of purple light came out of the hole and absorbed more than half of the berserk power. Before she could see what was going on, the purple light disappeared, and along with it, more than half of the destructive power disappeared, leaving only a portion, which happened to be something that Dongfang Qingyu could withstand.    


The medicinal power that had fused with the power of lightning and thunder quickly circulated within Dongfang Qingyu's body. With every revolution, it became smaller and smaller. Bit by bit, it was absorbed by Dongfang Qingyu, and in the end, it completely disappeared. Dongfang Qingyu's cracked skin healed in a few seconds, and his red body returned to its normal color. The pain on Dongfang Qingyu's face disappeared.    


Crash - -    


Dongfang Qingyu jumped out of the pill furnace with a strange expression on his face.    


"Congratulations." Mandala gave her blessings.    


"Something's wrong." Dongfang Qingyu said.    


"What's wrong?" There was not much change in Dongfang Qingyu's body. The biggest change was her aura, which was like a deep sea beast. Just getting a little closer would make people feel fear.    


"Just a little bit." Dongfang Qingyu said.    


"What's wrong?" Mansa Zhuhua asked.    


"The Ultimate Jump." Dongfang Qingyu said. This time, the body refining process was too smooth and lacked the qualitative change of being reborn. Although he had also become much stronger, it was much worse than he had expected. It was like a fruit, ten days before the sweetness was at its best, but on the fifth day it was picked, and it was both edible and sweet, except that the texture was much worse.    


"What is that purple light?" she asked.    


"The crystal head." Dongfang Qingyu said.    


"I understand. The crystal head saved you, but it also caused some flaws in your body refining this time." Mansa said.    


"It's hard to predict fortune and misfortune." Dongfang Qingyu didn't know whether he should be lucky or sad.    


"This kind of result isn't unacceptable." Mansa comforted him.    


"You're right. At least we're still alive." Dongfang Qingyu stopped hesitating and walked out of the cave.    


The Heavenly Mountain only had one color, white. Other than that, there was no other color to be seen. Looking into the distance, one could see a thousand miles of ice mountains that even birds would not be able to cross. It wasn't rain that was falling from the sky, it was snow. One flower after another. A poet would like this kind of scenery.    


"This place is so holy." Mandala was only wearing a thin skirt, and the average temperature of Sky Mountain was 25 degrees. Mandala didn't seem to feel the cold.    


"I heard that there are snow lotuses on the Heavenly Mountain," Dongfang Qingyu said.    


"Just now, the heavenly lightning caused an avalanche within a radius of dozens of miles. Even if there were snow lotuses, they would have been submerged in the snow."    


"What a pity!" Dongfang Qingyu said. The Heavenly Mountain Snow Lotus was an extremely precious medicinal herb. It was a divine herb that even the Emperor yearned for. It was said that the Emperor had transplanted it twice. He had set up the same environment as the Heavenly Mountain in his harem. Unfortunately, he failed both times and lost two precious Snow Lotus.    


"It's not certain if there are any nearby." Martha said.    


"Let's go back?" Dongfang Qingyu looked at her.    


"I thought you wanted to recite a poem." Dongfang Qingyu was stunned by the beautiful smile on her face. This smile appeared on the peak of the snowy mountain, like a rainbow of seven colors, surpassing the ten thousand li snowy mountain.    


The two of them left together. They didn't want the pill furnace anymore. It was almost destroyed by the lightning, and they couldn't refine any more pills.    


"Do you want to have a meal together?" Returning to Xuanwu City, Dongfang Qingyu invited.    


"Let's eat. We have plenty of time in the future, so I'll owe you." It was unknown when she had put on her veil again, only revealing her eyes.    


"Have a good rest." Dongfang Qingyu watched as Mansa Zhuhua left, then turned around and walked into his office. When she heard that he had returned, Wang Feiyan rushed back immediately.    


"Did you succeed?" Wang Feiyan's strength was too low, so she was not very sure. There was no such high spirits between Dongfang Qingyu's brows.    


"Sort of." Dongfang Qingyu glanced at the pile of documents on the table. He was not in the mood to look at them, so he asked, "How's the situation with Cao Rongyang?"    


"Not good!" Wang Feiyan's expression turned cold. "I went when Cao Rongyang was looking for Duan Jiuyin. Duan Jiuyin said that the boss is not suitable."    


"Who did he say is suitable?" Dongfang Qingyu was not surprised. Duan Jiuyin had always been polite and amiable, and had never shown any signs of looking down on or disliking him in front of him. However, he also had a sixth sense as a man. He felt that Duan Jiuyin did not like him, and since he did not like him, he naturally would not choose him.    


"He didn't say." Wang Feiyan said.    


"Does Duan Jiuyin have any intention of recruiting Cao Rongyang?" Dongfang Qingyu asked.    


"Yes, he said it very obscurely," Wang Feiyan said.    


"Cao Rongyang must be pretending not to hear it," Dongfang Qingyu said.    


"Boss is wise." Wang Feiyan flattered.    


"How's the situation of Green Dragon City?" Dongfang Qingyu was concerned about a lot of questions, and Green Dragon City could be said to be the most important one.    


"It's a mess. The Forbidden City has released a mission announcement, and many players have accepted the mission. Delay has given the time it takes for the Crimson Flame Green-Gold Ant to break through the Forbidden City, but the number of Crimson Flame Green-Gold Ant is endless. Every day, a large number of players die. Old Player predicted that the players would not be able to hold on for more than ten days." Wang Feiyan said.    


"If there is a mission and the reward is generous, I would also accept it." Dongfang Qingyu understood the players' actions very well.    


"Some of the players who defected with Guo Zhengfeng want to come back." When Wang Feiyan reported, she carefully observed Dongfang Qingyu's expression.    


"What do Xiao Yiren, Lin Qian'er and Luo Bingfei mean?" Dongfang Qingyu asked indifferently.    


"I won't use it for the rest of my life." Wang Feiyan's tone was firm.    


"All three of them have the same opinion?" Dongfang Qingyu was a little surprised. In his impression, Xiao Yiren was a very rational person.    


"Yes!" Wang Feiyan nodded. There was something that she did not say out loud, and she had the same opinion.    


"Then there's no need. Where's Guo Zhengfeng? What's the situation?" Dongfang Qingyu asked.    


"He died twice. The first time, he died from the Crimson Flame Green Gold Niwan Ant, and the second time, he died from an assassination." Wang Feiyan replied.    


"Who assassinated him?" Dongfang Qingyu was curious. He remembered that he did not give any orders to kill.    


"Hehe... Guess!" Wang Feiyan replied.    


"What? It's her!" Dongfang Qingyu was incomparably shocked. This was definitely an unexpected answer. He did not expect that the one who stood up for him would actually be a girl.    


Chapter 15 - The World    


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