The Super Universe Leveling Game

C4140 Difficult Brothers!

C4140 Difficult Brothers!

Dongfang Qingyu was still in a daze even after boarding the plane. Didn't she say that she was going to work? Her translation had not even started to take effect yet. Why did she have to return? She thought that she had failed, so she did not dare to ask, afraid that everyone would be unhappy. Only when she heard the conversation between Dongfang Qingyu and Xu Shaoqing did she gradually understand. It was not that she had failed, but that she had done it well.    


"The equipment and technology must be brought back to the country. There is no room for negotiation." Dongfang Qingyu's tone was unquestionable.    


"Yes, boss," Bao Yangze said seriously. The company was overseas, so it was naturally more convenient for them to enjoy more benefits. From a business point of view, it was the best if they did not place it in the country. However, Dongfang Qingyu was the boss, and he had the final say. As the CEO of a company, he did not approve of Dongfang Qingyu's actions. However, he had just been appointed, so he did not understand Dongfang Qingyu's temper. Therefore, he wisely kept his opinion.    


"When does Dong Shao think the press conference is appropriate?" Xu Shaoqing's personality was that he rarely asked others for advice. He asked his father the most, but when facing Dongfang Qingyu, he did not dare to make the decision himself. Not only was Dongfang Qingyu the major shareholder of the company, but she was also more domineering than him.    


"One hour after getting off the plane." Dongfang Qingyu thought for a while. He had already wasted a few days. He did not want to waste another day for a press conference.    


He had to inform the media of such a small matter in such a short amount of time, and he had to ensure that they had time to rush to the scene. Even if he could arrange the scene, it was not easy to control the time of others. It was very difficult. However, Xu Shaoqing did not consider all of this. His identity as the son of the richest man in the world was the hype of the news. He announced that he was going to hold a press conference. Even if the major media did not have time, they would still squeeze out some time. Not to mention that the acquisition of Dong Mengzi Industrial was a killing machine.    


They were still on the plane, and the Internet was already in an uproar. Xu Shaoqing had already asked his subordinate companies to create momentum.    


"Oh my god, Dong Mengzi Industrial is going to go bankrupt? Is it true? German Dong Mengzi Industrial? It can't be the same name, right? "    


"Impossible, absolutely impossible. One of the world's three major heavy industrial enterprises, how could it go bankrupt? How could it go bankrupt? Even the engine of a few large planes can't starve them to death. "    


"My god! It's acquisition, and it's a domestic enterprise's acquisition. Is this true? A domestic enterprise has acquired Dong Mengzi Industrial? Today is not April 1st. Recommend this kind of news to me. Could it be that they know that my life has entered a low point, so they want to make me happy? "    




In the beginning, many people did not believe it. After all, Dong Mengzi Industrial had once been known as the industrial jewel, and it controlled the world's most top and core technology. The world's large machinery engines were basically all controlled by Dong Mengzi Industrial. The lathe, various high-precision machines, and electrical systems... There were too many, and Dong Mengzi was synonymous with high-end technology. In the eyes of many people, it was impossible for a company that controlled such a high-end technology to go bankrupt. However, as more and more media reports and foreign media also followed up, the people in the country finally believed it.    


This industrial jewel has been taken away by our country’s enterprise.    


“'1989 Future Dream Technology'? What company is this? I’ve never heard of it before. Is it that powerful? How did it manage to acquire Dong Mengzi Industrial?”    


“Where did this come from? Who is the boss? Who is the legal person? Is it a country-owned enterprise? Don’t make a mistake in the end.”    


“Lin Qianer, it’s a woman’s name. This name sounds a little familiar. Where did I hear it before? Where is it… Hiss… It’s her! Damn, isn’t she the vice president of ‘Black Tortoise City Group’? Dongfang Qingyu’s woman!”    




When someone found out that the legal person of ‘1989 Future Dream Technology’ was Lin Qianer on the enterprise’s website, it seemed that all the questions had been answered. Everyone felt that it was natural.    


“Isn’t this something to be proud of for our country?”    


“Of course. This representative of our country’s cutting-edge technology has made another step forward.”    


“As for Dongfang Qingyu, she has a lot of problems, but she has nothing to say about patriotism. I know about ‘1989 Future Dream Technology’. Its predecessor was ‘1989 Future Technology’. It was acquired by Dongfang Qingyu when the typhoon erupted. Its purpose was to use robots to rescue the victims. In the typhoon disaster, it made a huge contribution. Now that it has acquired Dong Mengzi Industrial, it should be considering this aspect.”    


"I was wondering why this '1989 Future Dream Technology' sounded so familiar. When I heard it from upstairs, I immediately remembered. That's right, my wife was rescued by a robot."    




The ZGJ800, which was the China knot phone, had just aroused people's patriotism. Now that they saw Dongfang Qingyu making a name for the country, some of the people who supported Dongfang Qingyu became even more determined to support him. Those who did not know him well also felt that he was a good person. Those who had opinions about him also began to change their views on him.    


The Public Relations Department of the Black Tortoise Group was very good at using the momentum to write articles as quickly as possible. They did not fabricate or exaggerate anything. They spoke with numbers. They wrote about Dongfang Qingyu's contributions to society. A few years ago, a flood had occurred in the central province. Dongfang Qingyu's company and his personal donation of 1 billion plus, the donations for certain disasters, the donations for schools, the donations for poor children, and the donations for medical equipment, equipment, and so on and so forth...    


People only realized that Dongfang Qingyu had already donated more than 20 billion RMB without them noticing. This was not a small amount. Some people who did not know Dongfang Qingyu had a great change in their perception of him.    


"Dongfang Qingyu is the person that everyone should learn from. In comparison, what is the use of LEEKEE, who only has a good-looking face? What kind of contribution did he make when the disaster happened? How much did he donate? Not only did he not make any contributions to society, he even squeezed the fans. Can the fans have money? It was all squeezed from their parents. Many fans' parents work at the construction site. The money that they worked hard for a year was used up by their children in one night. Although their children are very unfilial, LEEKEE might not be responsible for it."    


"That's right. As a man, I have to do something meaningful. Compared to Dongfang Qingyu, LEEKEE is trash. My girlfriend actually likes someone like LEEKEE. I must be blind to like someone like that. From now on, break up. I don't want to have a girlfriend like that."    


"This society is so strange. Those positive people and things are not popular. Instead, people like a person who has no talent, no morals, and no virtue. In the future, if Dongfang Qingyu does something wrong, I will be angry with him."    


"There is another thing that everyone might not know. Dongfang Qingyu heard that foreigners look down on the sales of the China knot ZGJ800. Some famous bloggers bet that if the sales reach 10 million units, they will lick the cow's butt. They directly ordered 10 million units. As long as they are members of the Black Tortoise Corporation, they will be given one. The 10 million employees of the Black Tortoise Corporation can testify."    




The China knot supported Dongfang Qingyu. The employees of the Black Tortoise Corporation naturally supported their boss. With Dongfang Qingyu's fans, they continuously dug up the good things Dongfang Qingyu had done. When people who were not worth anything saw it, wow, Dongfang Qingyu was a great person. Not only did she donate, she also worked hard on some projects that were beneficial to the country. Such a person was actually framed by LEEKEE. It was too hateful.    


Leikeke was beaten up by his fans’ boyfriend. He was still thinking about how to make his fans’ boyfriend suffer the most severe punishment. Just as he had just announced that he would not tolerate this, he was hit in the head by a big melon. Looking at it carefully, this melon was his melon.    


Because he framed Dongfang Qingyu, there was no definite evidence or definite statement about whether it was a false accusation. However, people tended to be biased. When you think that a certain person is a good person, you subconsciously think that he would not do anything bad. On the contrary, when you think that a certain person is a bad person, everything seems to be related to him.    


Since Dongfang Qingyu was a good person who loved the country, then Leikeke was a bad person. The charges he had stated were obviously unfounded. Leikeke was definitely framing Dongfang Qingyu.    


Leikeke had not even been discharged from the hospital when he suddenly lost a large number of fans. Because of the video incident, nearly half of his fans had lost their fans. He did not lose any fans, but instead, he received sympathy from many fans. However, when Dongfang Qingyu's acquisition of Dong Mengzi Industrial News was spread within the country, Leikeke's fans' number rapidly decreased. When he received a call from the company, the number of fans had fallen to 101.2 million. This number was not even comparable to some of the more famous internet celebrities. Furthermore, this number was still falling, and it could not be stopped.    


"How could this be?" Leikee felt his head no longer hurt. He was enveloped by fear and uneasiness. He did not understand why Dongfang Qingyu was praising Dongfang Qingyu. Why did he have to be whipped? He did not do anything wrong. On the contrary, he was the victim. The bandage on his head had not been removed yet.    


Naturally, he did not know that the effect of 'treating' would be even more intense if he stepped on it. There was another person who was whipped together with Leikee, Chen Jinchao. Leikee was not alone.    


As a genius lawyer, Chen Jinchao had countless halos above his head. However, he had to rely on underhanded means to promote the success of the negotiation. If the final result was that they succeeded, then the winner would be the king and the loser would be the villain. Perhaps there was nothing to be said. Unfortunately, he failed. This matter had been exposed by the foreign media first. He had been humiliated internationally.    


Regarding the bribery, the internet had already been hyped up. However, Chen Jinchao and the company behind him were very powerful. They quickly publicized it and suppressed it in time. Not many people knew about this matter, but with Dongfang Qingyu's acquisition of Dongmeng Industrial, this matter was immediately dug up again.    


Without comparison, there would be no harm. Similarly, Chen Jinchao had offered conditions that were almost pleasing to the ears. He had also bribed him in secret. In comparison, Dongfang Qingyu's terms were completely beneficial to the country. There was not a single one that betrayed the interests of his own people. The two contracts were posted online, and Chen Jinchao was immediately crucified on the pillar of humiliation.    


Faced with the wrath of tens of millions of netizens, the company behind Chen Jinchao immediately drew a clear line between him and his company, in order to avoid being implicated. Chen Jinchao saw the overwhelming public opinion and felt helpless for the first time.    


After understanding the situation, Zhang Lu'er was still confused. Why did Andrela suddenly change his mind and sign a contract that was unfair to Dongfang Qingyu? Even though she was on Dongfang Qingyu's side, she still found it unbelievable. When she got off the plane, she finally couldn't help but ask Dongfang Qingyu this question.    


"Everyone has something they care about, such as money, power, family, etc. This is their weakness. As long as you grasp the weakness, everything is possible." Dongfang Qingyu smiled slightly, and her smile carried a trace of cruelty.    


Chapter 12 – The Secrets of the Geniuses    


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