Limitless Arrogant Sovereign



"Miss Song, what did you call me here for?" Ye Xiu asked softly as they walked along the road inside the Song Family.    


For some reason, he had the feeling that something was up, but it had been a few minutes since he had entered the room, yet the other party had not mentioned a single word, as he continued to introduce the various parts of the Song Family.    


Although the environment of the Song Family was not bad, it was clear that Ye Xiu was not in the mood to enjoy it.    


"Ye Xiu, you can just call me Qianqian." Ye Xiu, you can just call me Qianqian. After hearing Ye Xiu's question, Song Qianqian replied with a light smile.    


"I'm sorry, this is only the second time we've met. We're not that familiar yet." Ye Xiu shook his head.    


Even Qin Rouer did not have such treatment, so of course Ye Xiu would not call him by his name directly.    


"As the saying goes, once you are reborn, when you are reborn, this will be the second time we meet. Then you are naturally familiar with it too." Song Qianqian said with a friendly smile.    


"Ye Xiu, since Miss Song has already said so, don't reject it. Um, can I call you Qianqian?" Chen Aoxuan asked with a smile.    


"Of course."    


When Chen Aoxuan finished speaking, he smiled lightly and nodded in agreement.    


"That's great! Qianqian, that's right, what's that? Why does it look so strange ?" Seeing that Song Qianqian agreed to let him call her by her name, Chen Aoxuan smiled even more.    


When Ye Xiu saw that Chen Aoxuan seemed to be captivated by Song Qianqian's beauty, he shook his head helplessly.    


As the proverb goes, it is hard to pass the trial of beautiful women as a hero, but from Chen Aoxuan's appearance, it was obvious that he was interested in this Song Qianqian.    


Originally, as a friend, Ye Xiu should have given his blessings to Chen Aoxuan, but he felt that Song Qianqian's target was him, so he had to be vigilant.    


It was precisely because he was's friend that he couldn't let Chen Aoxuan sink into his deep thoughts, otherwise his heart would be so broken that he would be unable to break free.    




Just as they were walking forward, suddenly, Ye Xiu frowned slightly, because he felt a strong Profound Array undulation.    


"Is there a Profound Array here?"    


Ye Xiu frowned slightly, but at this time, he seemed to have understood in his heart why the other party had brought them here.    


Song Qianqian was a Profound Array Master, adding on to the time when she was in the shop, the Third Level Profound Array Jade Chip she drew exploded, and on top of that, it was Ye Xiu who found it, it was simply a humiliation to a Profound Array Master.    


Thinking about it this way, Ye Xiu finally understood why the other party invited him to the Song Family.    


As expected, when Ye Xiu felt the powerful fluctuation of the Profound Array, Song Qianqian's gaze shifted to him from other places.    


"Ye Xiu, I want to spar with you, what do you think?" Song Qianqian could see that the other party was also showing signs of a Profound Array from Ye Xiu's eyes, so she believed that he was also a Second Level Profound Array Master.    


Given that they were both at the same Second Level Profound Array Master, and that Ye Xiu had discovered the oddity of the Third Level Profound Array Jade Chip earlier than her, Song Qianqian naturally understood that he should be a strong opponent for her.    


Within the Lianyun City, she was around the same age as Song Qianqian, and her Profound Array s were of the same rank as hers, making it impossible to find a second person.    


Especially since this person had surpassed him in terms of Profound Array, Song Qianqian would naturally want to fight with him.    


"Exchange pointers? sparring what? "    


Although he felt the fluctuations of the Profound Array, Ye Xiu still pretended not to understand and asked.    


"Ye Xiu, I know you are a Profound Array Master, but since everyone here is a Profound Array Master, what are you going to compare notes for?" Song Qianqian replied.    


"Qianqian, do you want to spar with Ye Xiu on Profound Array?" Chen Aoxuan immediately asked.    


Regarding Ye Xiu's Profound Array Inherent Skill, Chen Aoxuan was naturally very clear about it. The other party's Profound Array Inherent Skill could definitely be called an existence of monstrous level.    


"That's right, I called some people over to have a spar with him. Ye Xiu, are you willing to fight with me?" Song Qianqian nodded.    


"How do we compete?"    


As for Song Qianqian's words, Ye Xiu did not reject them, because since he was already here, then he would not be able to leave if they did not compete.    


Therefore, in order to avoid trouble, Ye Xiu would naturally not avoid battles.    


"It's very simple. You lay down a Profound Array and I will lay down a Profound Array. The one who breaks the formation first will win." Song Qianqian replied.    


Since they were all of the same Second Level Profound Array Master, then the Profound Array that had been set up must also be of the same level.    


Earlier, Ye Xiu had instantly broken Song Qianqian's Profound Array. Although it was just a First Level Profound Array, the speed had somewhat exceeded Song Qianqian's expectations.    


"Qianqian, it's too dangerous. Ye Xiu's Profound Array is very powerful, you better not compete with him. What if you get injured?" Chen Aoxuan suggested.    


In Chen Aoxuan's heart, unless there was a Profound Array Master of a considerably higher level than Ye Xiu, there would definitely be no Profound Array Master that was stronger than him.    


"Injured? "Are you that confident in your friend?"    


After hearing Chen Aoxuan's words, Song Qianqian's brows lightly rose in reply.    


"Of course, Ye Xiu is someone who can arrange Second Level Composite Profound Array s, can you?" Chen Aoxuan immediately revealed Ye Xiu's secret.    


Even Chen Aoxuan who did not understand Profound Array knew that its might was stronger than a normal single Profound Array.    


Therefore, if Song Qianqian destroyed the Profound Array, the possibility of the latter getting injured was extremely high.    


"What, Second Level Composite Profound Array?"    


As expected, when Song Qianqian heard the name, her eyes revealed a look of shock.    


As I said before, the compound Profound Array has already been lost in the Profound Sky Continent, so even if it wasn't lost, it isn't something an ordinary Profound Array Master can have.    


Even though the Song Family was not that ordinary, in regards to the entire Profound Sky Continent, even the Lianyun City was extremely ordinary.    


Furthermore, the expert guiding Song Qianqian was only a Third Level Profound Array Master, while he was hired by the Song Family, it was obviously just an ordinary Profound Array Master.    


How could an ordinary Profound Array Master possess a compound Profound Array?    


"That's right, I know of Profound Array s, so if you want to compete with me, you will be facing Second Level Composite Profound Array, are you sure you want to compete?" Ye Xiu replied.    


Since Chen Aoxuan had already revealed his secret, then he wouldn't hide it anymore.    


Of course, Ye Xiu did not blame Chen Aoxuan, because even if the other party did not say anything, his plan would have been discovered by the other party by then.    




Song Qianqian replied after taking a deep breath.    


Although the compound Profound Array was much more powerful than the ordinary Profound Array, Song Qianqian had never seen a true compound Profound Array in her entire life.    


"Little friend, I am also very curious about your Second Level Composite Profound Array. Can you allow me to challenge the array with Eldest Miss?" Just as Song Qianqian finished speaking, a voice filled with curiosity rang out.    


Hearing the voice, Ye Xiu turned to look, only to see an ordinary dressed Middle-aged And Elderly Men appearing in his line of sight.    


Although this man looked to be ordinary, Ye Xiu could feel a faint sense of danger from his body, and if this was the case, then this person was clearly the Third Level Profound Array Master hired by the Song Family, the Profound Array Master who was about to break through to the fourth level.    


"I don't have any objections."    


Regarding the man's suggestion, Ye Xiu naturally did not have any objections.    


"Old Fu, you can accompany me in, but you can't interfere in breaking the formation without my permission." Song Qianqian reminded them.    


"Sure, I just want to see the legendary compound Profound Array. Of course, if Eldest Miss is unable to break it, I will break it." The Middle-aged And Elderly Men that was called Old Fu answered.    


The reason he had revealed himself was firstly because he was curious about the compound Profound Array, and secondly, to protect Song Qianqian's safety.    


After all, what if the Profound Array was very powerful? At that time, he would not be able to help at all.    


"Ye Xiu, you can begin to set up the formation. As for my Profound Array, you should be able to sense its position." Song Qianqian said.    




Ye Xiu nodded his head lightly, and then looked for an empty land to start drawing.    


Of course, since he was talking about Second Level Composite Profound Array, then Ye Xiu was naturally drawing Second Level Composite Profound Array s. And as he drew out the profound runes on the array, both Song Qianqian and Old Fu revealed surprise in their eyes.    


Because, whether it was the profound mysteries of the Profound Array or the speed at which Ye Xiu set up the formation, they were all first class experts.    


After less than twenty minutes had passed, following the formation of a powerful Profound Array, the Second Level Composite Profound Array had been set up.    


"This is the Profound Array of the Fire and Ice Technique, it contains both the power of ice and the power of fire." After successfully setting up the Profound Array, Ye Xiu explained to the dazed Song Qianqian and Elder Fu.    


"Ye Xiu, you don't have to tell me anything, since this is a competition, then we have to be fair, don't worry, I will not cheat, if I cannot break it, I will admit defeat." Song Qianqian replied.    


As they spoke, Song Qianqian entered the Second Level Composite Profound Array that Ye Xiu had arranged without hesitation.    


After Song Qianqian, Old Fu also walked in.    


"Ye Xiu, is everything going to be okay?"    


Chen Aoxuan looked at Song Qianqian who had disappeared, and asked worriedly.    


"Don't worry, the power of the Profound Array of the Ice and Fire Technique is inferior to that of the Wind Lightning Array. With the Third Level Profound Array Master at the side, your beauty will not be injured." Looking at the slightly worried Chen Aoxuan, Ye Xiu said with a gentle smile.    


"Ye Xiu, what are you talking about, what about my beauty?" Hearing Ye Xiu's words, Chen Aoxuan's face instantly flushed red.    


"What is it? Don't you like her? Who was the one who was constantly displaying himself just now, and wanted to get the attention of the Miss Song? " Looking at Chen Aoxuan's flushed face, Ye Xiu couldn't help but start teasing him.    


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