Limitless Arrogant Sovereign



"I know, but I don't like the way you let me stay!" Ye Xiu's plain and normal voice came out from the room.    


"I ?"    


Hearing this, Song Qianqian wanted to say something, but Ye Xiu's voice sounded once again, "Don't worry, since I'm staying, I will definitely do my best to help you level up your Profound Array. But the moment your Profound Array increases, I will leave at that time, and I hope that you don't force me to stay like this anymore."    




Ye Xiu's words made Song Qianqian not dare to say anything more, because she was worried that if she continued to anger Ye Xiu, what would happen if he did not spar with her on Profound Array?    


And it was like that, at this time Song Qianqian left obediently. Of course, since Ye Xiu had said that, she would obediently let her servants bring the prepared food to their rooms.    


The reason why Ye Xiu had rejected Song Qianqian's invitation, was not only because he was currently angry, but also because he was considering Qin Rouer.    


If it wasn't necessary, Ye Xiu didn't want the fifth person to know about Qin Rouer's situation. After all, the less people that knew about the Heaven Disaster Venomous Body, the safer it would be for Qin Rouer.    


"Ye Xiu, thank you!"    


Qin Rouer was not stupid, so when Song Qianqian left, she thanked him.    


"Qin Rouer, there's no need to thank me. As for me, due to my relationship, I caused you all to stay in the Song Family. But don't worry, I won't let anything happen to you all." Ye Xiu promised.    


"Ye Xiu, don't you dare say that. That Miss Song has probably taken a fancy to your Profound Array Inherent Skill, and decided to keep you here. She probably doesn't have any ill intentions towards you." Qin Rouer said.    


Although Qin Rouer said this, Ye Xiu didn't have any good impression of Song Qianqian at all.    


"Alright, let's go back to our rooms to eat then rest early. If there's nothing else, try not to go out to prevent any accidents." Ye Xiu reminded.    


"Alright, I'll take this opportunity to cultivate in peace for a while." Lin Tian and Chen Aoxuan nodded lightly.    


Since he was unable to leave the Song Family, then in order to not delay his cultivation, the only way was to quietly cultivate.    


"Oh yeah, come over to my place after eating. Let's divide up the things in Shen Family first before we start cultivating on our own." When Lin Tian and the other two were about to leave, Ye Xiu suddenly thought of something and reminded them.    


"Got it!"    


Lin Tian and the other two nodded, then left Ye Xiu's room.    


Not long after, a servant knocked on Ye Xiu's door while holding onto a few delicious delicacies, which were all placed on the table in front of Ye Xiu.    


"Young master, please enjoy your meal. Eldest Miss has instructed you, if you find the food unpalatable, you can ask for it. I will order the kitchen to prepare the other dishes." After the maid neatly arranged the dishes, she respectfully reminded him.    


"No need, I don't have much demand for food. Please help me thank your Miss." Ye Xiu shook his head.    


"That's good. Young master, please enjoy your meal. If you have any instructions, you can come find me. I'll wait outside the door." The maid said.    


With that, the maid quickly left the room.    


Originally, Ye Xiu wanted to say something, but seeing that the maid quickly left the room, he did not say anything more.    


Moreover, the maid was standing outside the door under Song Qianqian's orders, even if he allowed her to leave, she would not dare to do so.    


Therefore, Ye Xiu did not make things difficult for the maid. After all, he did not have any grudges with her, so there was no need to make things difficult for her left and right.    


And just like that, without thinking much, Ye Xiu casually ate a mouthful of the dishes on the table and rewarded all of these dishes to the two Sirius Dog. As for himself, he naturally sat cross-legged on the bed and began meditating.    


"Woof woof!"    


After a short while, the two Sirius Dog s let out a woof woof sound, and upon hearing the sound, Ye Xiu opened his eyes and saw that the table of dishes had become empty plates.    


"I'm done eating. Come in and clean up the plates." Seeing these empty plates, Ye Xiu called out to the people outside.    


Hearing the sound, the maid who was standing outside the room immediately opened the door and entered. When she saw that the dishes on the table had all been cleaned up, a look of surprise appeared in her eyes.    


It was because the quantity of these dishes was not small, but how could this person eat all of them in such a short period of time?    


However, when the maid looked at the two Sirius Dog s who were lying on the ground with satisfied expressions, she understood everything.    


Without asking any more questions, the maid cleaned up the empty plates before respectfully leaving the room.    


After that, Ye Xiu continued to meditate until the door was knocked again.    


"How is it, have you eaten your fill?"    


Seeing Lin Tian and the other two come to his room, Ye Xiu asked with a light smile.    


"We're full. Although we are currently trapped in the Song Family, at least they did not make things difficult for us in terms of eating. These dishes are truly delicious and delicious, they might not even be edible in the restaurant. Chen Aoxuan sighed.    


"Chen Aoxuan, it seems like you still have some ideas about Miss Song. How about this, why don't you stay in Song Family, you eat well here, and live well here." Lin Tian gently smiled.    


Furthermore, even if I wanted to, my Miss Song doesn't think much of me. Of course, if Ye Xiu was willing to stay, then it would not be a problem. " Chen Aoxuan said.    


"Alright, alright, stop talking nonsense. Let's just take a look at how many Profound Stone s the Shen Family has given us." Ye Xiu said.    


Regarding staying, it was definitely impossible for Ye Xiu, because he still had other important things to accomplish and he still had to work hard to become a Ranker.    


Moreover, Song Family was not Ye Xiu's home. This kind of feeling of living under someone else's roof was the most uncomfortable, so Ye Xiu would definitely not consider it.    


"Alright, alright, although there might not be a 100 Thousand Middle-grade Profound Stone, but it should not be less than fifty thousand." Chen Aoxuan said with excitement.    


Profound Stone were good things, especially Middle Grade Profound Stone. The concentration of Profound Power contained inside was several times higher than Low Grade Profound Stone, so using Middle Grade Profound Stone to recover Profound Power would be much faster than absorbing Low Grade Profound Stone.    


Just like this, in everyone's anticipation, Ye Xiu took out the Middle Grade Profound Treasure Bag that Shen Wan had given to him.    


Although it was Ye Xiu who took the Profound Treasure Bag, he did not know how many Profound Stone and other treasures were inside.    


However, based on his trust towards Shen Family, Ye Xiu reckoned that the number of Profound Stone should not be too low.    


Because if it was too little, then where would the face of the Shen Family go to? Therefore, even if it was to keep up his dignity, the number of Profound Stone in the Profound Treasure Bag s would not be too little.    




When Ye Xiu took a look at everything inside the Profound Treasure Bag, his expression changed slightly.    


"Ye Xiu, are there fifty thousand Middle Grade Profound Stone?" Seeing Ye Xiu's slightly changed expression, Chen Aoxuan hurriedly asked curiously.    


If the number of Middle Grade Profound Stone didn't even reach half of what the Shen Family had promised, then this image of the Shen Family would be greatly reduced in Chen Aoxuan's heart.    


"Take a look for yourselves!"    


Seeing Chen Aoxuan's expectant gaze, Ye Xiu passed the Profound Treasure Bag over.    


"This ?"    


When Lin Tian and Chen Aoxuan checked everything within the Profound Treasure Bag, their faces revealed expressions of shock, because they had never seen so many Profound Stone in their entire lives.    


"Ninety thousand Middle Grade Profound Stone, this Shen Family is actually giving us ninety thousand Middle Grade Profound Stone." Lin Tian replied after taking a deep breath.    


Other than the Middle Grade Profound Stone, there were also two other profound artifacts and a bottle of Profound Pill.    


Although they did not know how much these two profound artifacts and Profound Pill were worth, even without these three items, the amount of ninety thousand Middle Grade Profound Stone had already exceeded the expectations of Ye Xiu and the others.    


After all, Shen Wan had said before that there weren't that many Middle Grade Profound Stone in the Shen Family.    


"Looks like this Shen Family is indeed a family that keeps its word." Lin Tian took a deep breath and nodded.    




In regards to Lin Tian's words, Ye Xiu also nodded in acknowledgement.    


"Ye Xiu, I don't need these two profound artifacts and Profound Pill, you can just give me some Middle Grade Profound Stone." Chen Aoxuan said.    


Even if they divided the ninety thousand Middle Grade Profound Stone evenly, that person could still get twenty thousand.    


It had to be known that even if it were twenty thousand Low Grade Profound Stone, it would already be considered a considerable amount of wealth, let alone the higher level Middle Grade Profound Stone.    


Before this, Chen Aoxuan would never have thought that he would one day possess so many Profound Stone, and even more so Middle Grade Profound Stone.    


"Ye Xiu, since this Soul Devouring Beast Stone is so precious, we can go back and gather some after we leave the Song Family. This way, when we don't have any more, we can directly auction it off." Lin Tian suggested.    


"Alright, as long as we successfully leave the Song Family, we will immediately return to the Lianyun Mountain to collect them. At that time, we will gather all the Middle Grade Profound Treasure Bag that we have on us." Ye Xiu nodded in agreement.    


Since this Soul Devouring Beast Stone was so precious, Ye Xiu naturally wouldn't abandon it.    


Of course, even if they went back to mine, they would have to leave a part of it behind, because only in this way would they be able to guarantee that no Profound Beast would enter the Lianyun Mountain.    


It had to be known that the Lianyun Mountain was currently where the Baji Village resided. Even if they had the protection of the Five Elemental Eight Trigram Formation, without the invasion of Profound Beast, then it would be able to reduce a lot of danger and trouble.    


Just like this, when Ye Xiu finished speaking, he started to distribute the treasures.    


Originally, Ye Xiu wanted to share it evenly, but in the end, he obtained thirty thousand Middle Grade Profound Stone and two profound artifacts. Lin Tian and the other two people obtained twenty thousand Middle Grade Profound Stone and a few healing Profound Pill.    


The Profound Stone was of great use to everyone, but compared to Ye Xiu who could use the Profound Stone to set up the Profound Array, he obviously needed it more.    


Furthermore, Ye Xiu found the Soul Devouring Beast Stone first, so it was reasonable for him to take the lead.    


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