Limitless Arrogant Sovereign



"Die ?" "Dead!"    


When Song Qianqian looked at the profound rhinoceros that had collapsed to the ground with a loud thud, she looked at it in shock.    


"Don't just stand there. Hurry up and take out the inner core of the Profound Beast. Let's continue looking for the next one." Just as Song Qianqian was in a daze, Ye Xiu walked over.    


Ye Xiu was naturally clear about Song Qianqian's blankness. After all, it was the first time he had personally participated in killing a Profound Beast, and it was with his own eyes and eyes that he had watched this Profound Beast be killed.    


Everyone had their first time killing someone, so even Ye Xiu was not very optimistic about it.    


"Oh, oh!"    


Under Ye Xiu's warning, Lin Tian and Chen Aoxuan swiftly made their moves, while Song Qianqian watched the bloody scene of the pill being retrieved.    


"Got it!"    


In a few breaths of time, Lin Tian had already taken out an Orb from the Profound Rhinoceros Beast's body, and this was also the first Profound Pill they had obtained from this mission.    


The Profound Beast's Inner Core also had a lot of uses, and the most valuable part was when used to refine pellets, adding in the Profound Beast's Inner Core, the medicinal value of the Profound Pill also increased by a lot.    


As a sect, the consumption of any Profound Pill was huge. Therefore, just relying on medicine to refine Profound Pill was obviously far from enough.    


Therefore, most of the Profound Pill in the sect had mixed with the inner core of the Profound Beast. Although this would make the effects much weaker, it could refine even more Profound Pill.    


Just like this, after collecting the Profound Beast's Orb, Ye Xiu and the other three continued their journey.    


"Ye Long, it would be too wasteful for us to search for it on our own. Why don't you help us look for it? Ye Xiu said to Ye Long as they walked.    


Ye Long's perception was astonishing, so with his help, Ye Xiu and the others would definitely find Profound Beast after Profound Beast.    


With the strength of Ye Xiu and the others, even if they met two or three Second Level Profound Beast, they would still be able to handle them easily, so dealing with them one by one was simply too much of a waste of time.    


"Master, of course there's no problem, I'll start now." Ye Long replied.    


It was merely sensing, and was not likely to cause much harm to Ye Long, so Ye Long naturally did not hesitate to accept Ye Xiu's request.    


"Master, two kilometers away from you, there are Profound Beast." Not long after, Ye Long's voice sounded.    


"Got it!"    


Hearing that, Ye Xiu nodded his head, and then said goodbye to Lin Tian and the rest, and the group of five quickly headed towards the right.    


Sure enough, two Second Level Profound Beast were lying on the ground resting lazily at a distance of about two kilometers.    


"Roar! Roar!"    


However, when they found traces of Ye Xiu and the rest, they immediately let out furious roars.    


It was obvious that the two Profound Beast were unsettled by the human's approach.    


"Lin Tian, Chen Aoxuan, you guys take care of one Profound Beast. Song Qianqian, you take care of the other one with me." Seeing the two vigilant Profound Beast, Ye Xiu reminded them.    


While speaking, Ye Xiu unhesitatingly took out a Broken Sword from the Profound Treasure Bag, and then he and Song Qianqian rushed towards one of them.    


At the same time, Lin Tian and Chen Aoxuan also rushed towards the other Profound Beast.    


Very quickly, the two Profound Beast s went to war on their own, but very quickly, the two Profound Beast s were mercilessly killed by Ye Xiu and the others.    


Although Ye Xiu and the others were invaders, and they did not have any grudges with the two Profound Beast, it was fate for them in this world where the strong preyed on the weak.    


The two of them were originally resting peacefully in their own territory, but due to bad luck, they met with Ye Xiu and his group. In the end, they died without a complete corpse.    


The Orb was in the body of the Profound Beast, so in order to collect the Orb, he had to cut open the stomach of the Profound Beast.    


"Ye Long, continue!"    


Although Ye Xiu felt that he was a little cruel, but in order to collect the Contribution Point, he had to become cruel.    


Furthermore, even if these Profound Beast were not killed, they would definitely be killed by other humans or Profound Beast, or perhaps the next day, they would eat humans as if they were food.    


Therefore, even though he felt that he was bullying the weak, Ye Xiu didn't feel the slightest bit of unease, because this world itself was not fair.    


Just like this, as time passed, with Ye Long's help, Ye Xiu and the others would almost every ten minutes or so encounter one or two Profound Beast, and these Profound Beast's strength had generally reached that of the Second Level Profound Beast, but they were also accompanied by Third Level Profound Beast.    


If they met Third Level Profound Beast, then Lin Tian and Chen Aoxuan's joint attack wouldn't be too strong of an opponent. But if they really met someone who was troublesome to deal with, Ye Xiu naturally wouldn't stand by and watch.    


As for the words of the Sirius Dog, they did not make a move because to date, the Profound Beast that Ye Xiu and the others had encountered were all within their endurance.    


Because of this intense battle, Lin Tian and the other two people's sword skills had improved by leaps and bounds, especially Song Qianqian's. Not only did Wind-blowing Sword Art familiarize itself with the previous few moves, it almost had to learn the next few moves as well.    


To be able to become familiar with the Wind-blowing Sword Art in such a short amount of time, his talent was indeed very heaven-defying.    


Regarding Song Qianqian's progress, Lin Tian and Chen Aoxuan could see it in their hearts. After all, everyone's Inherent Skill was limited, so no matter how envious they were, they could not envy it.    


Under Ye Long's guidance, Ye Xiu and the others also harvested a lot of Profound Beast inner pellets in one day. However, there were five of them, so the amount of Profound Beast inner pellets was still far from enough.    


In the blink of an eye, Ye Xiu and the other three had stayed in the wild for three days. In these three days, aside from essential rest, they were constantly searching for and fighting Profound Beast s.    


As the proverb goes, fighting is the best way to cultivate, so even though it might only be for a short three days, Song Qianqian had almost learnt the Wind-blowing Sword Art in these three days.    


Although it would still take a long time for him to truly comprehend the sword intent, Song Qianqian's Wind-blowing Sword Art already had a trace of charm to it.    


It had to be known that Song Qianqian was previously a Profound Array Master who did not touch profound artifacts, but now, she had learned a somewhat difficult Wind-blowing Sword Art in a short three days. Just this point alone was enough to prove how suitable she was to learn sword techniques.    


"Ye Xiu, we should be getting more and more Profound Beast, right?"    


After the arrival of the fourth day, Lin Tian and Chen Aoxuan asked at the same time.    


"Mn, it's about time. Moreover, we have already been out for a while, so it's about time for us to return to the Five Elements Sect to have a good rest and reveal our faces. We shouldn't let others think that we have left without saying goodbye." Ye Xiu nodded.    


"Ye Long, you don't need to continue looking far ahead. If you find any Profound Beast on the way back, inform me." Ye Xiu said.    


After he finished speaking to Ye Long, Ye Xiu decided to bring Lin Tian and the other three along the same road back.    


"Master, I'm afraid you won't be able to leave for now."    


But right at this moment, Ye Long's voice slowly resounded.    


"What's going on?"    


Hearing that, Ye Xiu frowned, he clearly did not understand what Ye Long meant by that, he could not leave for the time being, could it be that something was going to happen?    


"Master, not far ahead is a group of social Profound Beast, their cultivations should be all at the Second Level Profound Beast level, and there seems to be a few among them." Ye Long replied.    


"Oh? How many are there in a group of Profound Beast? " Ye Xiu's brows knitted slightly as he asked curiously.    


"Master, you don't need to worry about the quantity because they have already found your tracks." Master, you don't need to care about the quantity because they have already found your tracks. Ye Long continued to answer.    


"Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar!"    


The moment Ye Long's voice fell, howls came from all directions.    


Hearing so many Profound Beast's cries suddenly sounding out, Lin Tian and the other three's faces became serious.    


Because the voices were indeed coming from all directions, it was very clear that they were surrounded by Profound Beast.    


"Ye Long, why did you only say that now?" Feeling that something was wrong, Ye Xiu hurriedly asked.    


Only now that he was surrounded did he remind Ye Xiu, which made him a little angry.    


"Master, when I discovered them, they had already surrounded you. At that time, you have not even finished fighting yet, I was afraid that you would be distracted if I told you." Ye Long explained.    


"Stop talking."    


Although Ye Long had explained it, Ye Xiu did not want to hear any further explanations.    


"Sirius Dog, release your auras." Ye Xiu ordered the two Sirius Dog.    


"Woof woof!"    


With Ye Xiu's order, the two Sirius Dog began to cry out, following that, two powerful forces erupted from their bodies.    


"Ye Long, have the Sirius Dog's aura stopped them?" After the Sirius Dog released its aura, Ye Xiu continued to ask.    


"Master, although the cultivation level of Sirius Dog is higher than these Profound Beast, but social Profound Beast s are not afraid of those whose strength is only one level higher than theirs, because it's reasonable for them to be at level 4 and not threaten them, so ?" Ye Long did not continue.    


Of course, although Ye Long did not finish his words, Ye Xiu already knew what he was going to say.    


This meant that the Sirius Dog could not stop the approaching Profound Beast.    


"There's no other way. It seems like I have to fight my way out." Ye Xiu said as he let out a light breath.    


Of course, even if he was surrounded, Ye Xiu was still very calm at the moment, because he had Fourth Level Profound Array Jade Chip with him, and also a few that were not useful.    


Therefore, even though Ye Xiu and the rest seemed to be at a disadvantage, it was unknown who would win and who would lose.    


"Although we've almost collected all of the Profound Beast's inner cores, I don't mind having more. After all, the more inner cores we have, the more Contribution Point we can exchange for." Ye Xiu muttered to himself as he held the Broken Sword.    


"Ye Xiu, what's wrong?"    


When Lin Tian and the other three saw that Ye Xiu had suddenly become alert, they could not help but ask.    


"Prepare ourselves for battle, we should have a tough battle coming up, but although the battle is tough, it is still a good training experience. Remember, when you can go all out, if anyone can't hold on, the Sirius Dog will protect you." Ye Xiu reminded.    


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