Limitless Arrogant Sovereign



"What, Ye Xiu!"    


When Fang Xuan said this name, the other seven people present immediately became dumbstruck.    


Could a brat with Great Perfection of Profound Qi Stage be able to take care of a Profound Array that even couldn't?    


Moreover, Ye Xiu was not the Profound Array Master, so how could he understand the Profound Array?    


Second Elder, what do you mean by this? The Five Elements Sect Great Clan Elder asked with furrowed brows.    


From his point of view, what difference was there if Fang Xuan let a brat handle this Profound Array?    


"Great Elder, since the Second Elder asked for Ye Xiu to come, then there must be a reason behind it, right Second Elder." Ling Zhen asked.    


But to Ling Zhen, when Fang Xuan said the name Ye Xiu, he also wanted to know why.    


Why was it that Ye Xiu could handle a Profound Array that he couldn't even grasp using his Fourth Level Profound Array Master?    


"Clan Master, let me tell you the truth, when you all called me over, Ye Xiu coincidentally became a Third Level Profound Array Master." Fang Xuan replied.    


"What, Third Level Profound Array Master!"    


Hearing Fang Xuan's words, Ling Zhen and the rest were shocked once again. After all, Ye Xiu was a cultivator, so how could he be Profound Array Master now? Could it be that he also knew how to use Profound Power s to set up formations?    


"Second Elder, how do you know that Ye Xiu is a Third Level Profound Array Master? How is that possible? " The Great Elder said harshly.    


Duo Cultivation was a taboo. Although there were many who would succeed, there were only a few who would succeed. Most geniuses, however, would end up doing nothing because of their greed.    


But for Ye Xiu, there was nothing that a cultivator could say. For his cultivation level to be able to easily defeat the Peak Profound Qi Stage Expert, it was clear that his strength was on par with the Minor Profound Core Stage Expert s.    


With this ability, as long as he didn't die in the future, his achievements would definitely not be low.    


However, if a person had developed to such perfection in both aspects, then as long as they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, who would believe that another genius cultivator of the same level had appeared in this world?    


"That's right, Ye Xiu is indeed a dual cultivator, and a dual cultivator who has developed extremely well in both aspects. However, he had set up a Third Level Profound Array in front of me, and it was even a Third Level compound Profound Array, how could it be fake?" Fang Xuan answered the Great Clan Elder's question.    


Second Elder, even if Ye Xiu is a Third Level Profound Array Master, but you are a Fourth Level Profound Array Master. Even you cannot handle the current Profound Array, but how can a little brat like him handle it? The Great Elder asked doubtfully.    


"Great Elder, can you call him over soon? Although the Profound Leaf Sect is a distance away from the Five Elements Sect, I hope that you can personally make a trip back here for the sake of the Profound Crystal?" Fang Xuan said.    


"Of course there's no problem, if Ye Xiu can really take care of this Profound Array, then this Profound Crystal can be moved back into the Five Elements Sect. At that time, if the Second Elder can set up a Level 4 Profound Gathering Array near it, then it would definitely be beneficial for us to cultivate inside. Ling Zhen said.    


Because the situation was urgent, after Ling Zhen said this, he rushed towards the Five Elements Sect with his fastest speed.    


"Second Elder, you really saw Ye Xiu set up the array with your own eyes, and it's some kind of compound Profound Array, it's been lost for a long time, how could this Ye Xiu know about it?" The Great Elder asked.    


Although the Great Clan Elder was not a Profound Array Master, he had lived for a long time.    


Therefore, when Fang Xuan said that Ye Xiu had set up a Third Level compound Profound Array, his first reaction was fake.    


But, was there a need for Fang Xuan to lie? Because as long as he brought the person over, he would know whether it was real or fake.    


And just like that, the Great Clan Elder started to believe in Fang Xuan's words, because if Ye Xiu truly knew the long-lost compound Profound Array, it would be a great thing for the Five Elements Sect.    


Although the Great Clan Elder valued Yan Xiang within his Golden Gate Sect, if Five Elements Sect could possess such an outstanding disciple like Ye Xiu, it was naturally a good thing.    


Therefore, if Ye Xiu was really that outstanding, it wouldn't be a problem for him to become the next Patriarch of the Five Elements Sect. After all, there was a Clan Master with a great future ahead of him, which would be extremely beneficial for the development of Five Elements Sect.    


"Great Clan Elder, I saw this with my own eyes, and I realized that Ye Xiu's attainment in the Profound Array is above mine. However, because of the difference in cultivation, he was unable to set up a higher level Profound Array." Fang Xuan replied.    


"What, his Profound Array's attainments are above yours, that means if Ye Xiu's cultivation goes up, he will become a Fourth Level Profound Array Master like you!" The Great Elder exclaimed.    


Not to mention the Great Clan Elder, even Xie Shan and the others were shocked at this moment.    


Everyone had witnessed Ye Xiu's age, and a young Fourth Level Profound Array Master meant that even the geniuses of the sect were only mediocre, they were even worse than Ye Xiu.    


"No, a conservative estimate. If his cultivation reaches the Profound Pill Realm, he should be a Fourth Level Profound Array Master, and if his cultivation reaches the Profound Infant Stage, or even just the peak of the Profound Pill Realm, he should be able to set up the Fifth Level Profound Array and become a Fifth Level Profound Array Master. If he can have the same kind of Perfection of Profound Infant Stage as me, maybe even a level six Profound Array can be set up." Fang Xuan shook his head and replied.    


With his level of cultivation, Ye Xiu had successfully set up the Third Level Profound Array. If he had the Perfection of Profound Infant Stage, then it was really possible that he had set up the level six Profound Array.    




When everyone heard Fang Xuan's words, no one knew how to describe them.    


Although Fang Xuan had guessed all of this, he was still an expert who was about to become a Fifth Level Profound Array Master.    


Second Elder, I hope what you said is true, Ye Xiu's Profound Array is above yours, and that way, our Profound Crystal will have it, and with the help of the Profound Crystal and Five Elements Trial Field, raising Ye Xiu's cultivation will not be a problem. Xie Shan said at this time.    


If Ye Xiu was really like that, then the person whom he was talking about was getting closer and closer. After all, he was definitely able to lead such a talented person to rapid development of his Five Elements Sect.    


Just like this, in anticipation, Ling Zhen returned once again. At his side was a stupefied Ye Xiu.    


It was so fast that Ye Xiu had not recovered from the shock even now. Moreover, he did not know what exactly had happened, but after Ling Zhen saw him, he brought him and flew over without saying a word.    


"Clan Master, Elders, why are you all here?" When Ye Xiu saw two clan masters and six elders from the Five Elements Sect gathered at this place, he was immediately shocked.    


However, in the next second, he understood one thing. Why did Golden Gate Sect Eldest Senior Brother dare to target him so arrogantly earlier, it was to take advantage of the fact that he was not even in the sect.    


Of course, Ye Xiu would never underestimate something that he could solve. Furthermore, with the Fourth Level Profound Array Jade Chip in his possession, he believed that he would be respected and respected in the future in Five Elements Sect.    


"Ye Xiu, I've encountered a problem. I wonder if you can solve it." Fang Xuan looked at Ye Xiu and said.    


Now that Ye Xiu was here, there was no need to talk about other things.    


No matter what, this was still Profound Leaf Sect's territory. Although the Profound Leaf Sect had already been destroyed, some of the disciples with more powerful statuses and ordinary innate skills were still let go.    


If this was the case, then it wouldn't be long before the news of his Profound Leaf Sect being extinguished would spread.    


Of course, Profound Leaf Sect was a sect that suddenly rose to power, so no other sects with good relations had it. This bit of Five Elements Sect was a guarantee.    


It was just that, Five Elements Sect did not need to worry about other sects coming to take revenge, but they could not let their guard down either. Since all of the big figures of Five Elements Sect were all at this place, if someone were to attack them right now, it would be extremely dangerous.    


Therefore, to be able to solve the Profound Crystal's problem as soon as possible, the faster the better.    


And it was also because of this, as Fang Xuan spoke, he pointed at the Profound Crystal that was emitting a faint light in front of him.    


Ye Xiu was also a Profound Array Master, so Fang Xuan did not say much.    


Second Elder, did you get me here because of the explosive Profound Array on top of this? Ye Xiu asked.    


While talking, Ye Xiu looked around, only to realize that everyone, including Ling Zhen, was looking at him with anticipation, as if hoping that he could successfully finish off the Profound Array.    


"Second Elder ?" "You ?"    


Ye Xiu originally wanted to say something, but at this time, he was interrupted by Fang Xuan, "Master, I'm sorry. I did not obtain your consent and have already told you about your situation.    


As Fang Xuan was speaking, he directly knelt in front of Ye Xiu in front of her.    


"What, Master!"    


Fang Xuan's actions were too sudden, so when he kneeled in front of Ye Xiu, Ling Zhen and the others reacted.    


However, at this time, everyone was looking at Fang Xuan and Ye Xiu with shocked eyes, and their minds had turned blank at the same time.    


A Fourth Level Profound Array Master which had reached the level of Perfection of Profound Infant Stage would actually acknowledge a Third Level Profound Array Master whose cultivation was only at the level of Great Perfection of Profound Qi Stage as its master.    


Second Elder, when did you acknowledge Ye Xiu as your master? Ling Zhen recovered from his daze first, then asked while blinking his eyes filled with suspicion.    


Clan Master, after you told me to watch the Master using Profound Stone as an array, in order to learn how to use the Profound Stone as an array, I forced myself to acknowledge the Master as my master. It was just that for the sake of face, I had concealed the relationship between me and the Master as my master, but now you do not need to, Sect Leader, because not only does the Master use Profound Stone as an array, my attainments in the Profound Array are also above mine. Fang Xuan explained.    


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