Limitless Arrogant Sovereign



"I left the Five Elements Sect not to gain experience, but to make a trip home." Ye Xiu spoke the truth.    


"Go home? Return to the Bluestone Town? " Lin Tian asked with suspicion.    


Counting the days, Ye Xiu and the other two had left the Bluestone Town for about a year already, but now that they suddenly went back, Lin Tian and his group did not really understand.    


After all, they were all at the Gold rank cultivation stage. However, if they were to suddenly return home after not cultivating properly at this age, there was definitely something going on.    


"Ye Xiu, did something happen?" Lin Tian continued to ask after thinking for a while.    


"It's nothing. I just want to go back and take a look. What's more, my cultivation is already higher than yours, so right now, your most important thing is to cultivate. Otherwise, I will leave you behind even further." Ye Xiu said.    


"Ye Xiu, if you don't want to stop us from following you because you are afraid of delaying our cultivation, then don't worry about it at all. If not for your relationship, how could we possibly enjoy such treatment within the Five Elements Sect?" Chen Aoxuan said.    


"Ye Xiu, you said that you won't separate from me, so you must bring me along." Qin Rouer said at this time.    


Ye Xiu, I have not been to your house before, so you must bring me along this time as well. I really want to see what kind of place the Bluestone Town is, and why such a monstrous genius like you was raised here. " Song Qianqian stated his stance after Qin Rouer.    


Although Ye Xiu had the highest cultivation out of the five of them, none of them wanted to continue cultivating, and only wanted to leave with Ye Xiu.    


I just need to go back and take a look, so you all don't need to follow me, I have the Sirius Dog's protection, and what's more, my strength is not weak, so there will definitely not be any danger during this journey, so you all don't need to follow me and waste your cultivation time. Ye Xiu said.    


After Ye Xiu finished speaking, his gaze fell upon Lin Tian's body, and then he continued: "Big Brother Lin Tian, your physique is the same as the sect master's, so as long as you cultivate properly, your future accomplishments will definitely not be any worse than the sect master's, so your time cannot be wasted."    


"I ?"    


When Lin Tian heard these words, he did not know what to say. Because what Ye Xiu said was completely okay, and he could not find an excuse.    


"Ye Xiu, then I ?"    


Seeing that Lin Tian did not know what to say, he hurriedly said: "Ye Xiu, Lin Tian has a special physique, but I don't think I have it, so it's fine if I waste a bit of time. Let me follow you back, and I can also go back and visit my family."    


"Chen Aoxuan, have you learned your Eight Sword Technique? Your perception is not bad, so don't waste your own unique perception. Cultivate properly, and try your best to quickly master the Eight Sword Technique. One day, if you were to really learn it, your strength would definitely reach a height that you cannot imagine. " Ye Xiu looked at Chen Aoxuan as he reminded him.    


Chen Aoxuan, who had originally thought that he could persuade Ye Xiu, also became mute after hearing these words.    


"Qin Rouer, I know what you want to say. Compared to Big Brother Lin Tian and Chen Aoxuan, you need to work even harder to cultivate. Didn't you say that you can control the poison in your body? So in order to become a normal person as soon as possible, you must not relax for even a moment, and train hard. "    


When Chen Aoxuan didn't know what to say, Qin Rouer was already prepared to speak, but before she could say anything, Ye Xiu interrupted her.    


Just like Chen Aoxuan, Qin Rouer was rendered speechless by his words.    


After all, what Ye Xiu said was right. She had to control the poison in her body and become a normal person as soon as possible.    


"Song Qianqian..."    


After saying that, Ye Xiu's gaze landed on Song Qianqian's body, but before he could say anything, the latter raised his hand and indicated for him: "Ye Xiu, I know what you want to say, I have just started learning the sword, I cannot relax for long, I need to properly learn it, sword techniques are not something that can be learned in a day, if I were to give up halfway, all my hard work would have been in vain." Song Qianqian said.    


Seeing that Song Qianqian understood what he had to say, Ye Xiu lightly nodded his head and said, "Song Qianqian, you are an innate Sword Heart, so you should first learn the Wind-blowing Sword Art that I taught you. When I return, I will teach you the Eight Sword Technique."    


", do you really plan on teaching me the Eight Sword Technique so quickly?" Song Qianqian asked with surprise and joy in his heart.    


"That's right, but the condition is that you have to master the Wind-blowing Sword Art thoroughly, otherwise, even if I teach you the Eight Sword Technique, it will be very difficult for you to learn it, and you will have to take many detours." Ye Xiu reminded.    


But Ye Xiu, you have to come back safely. You can't go back on your words, okay? Song Qianqian reminded.    


Hearing Song Qianqian's words, Ye Xiu smiled and nodded: "Don't worry, the person who can take my life has yet to be born."    


Just like that, after explaining all four of them, the five of them gathered together for a short while before returning to their respective rooms.    




When Ye Xiu and the other four separated, the first thing he did was to find two Sirius Dog.    


"How is it? Are you used to staying here?" Looking at the two Sirius Dog crouching in front of him, Ye Xiu asked with a light smile.    


"Master, this place is not bad. The Sect Leader treats us pretty well too, we can freely enter and exit the Profound Crystal Holy Land. There are plenty of Profound Power there, I believe if we go a few more times, it will be very helpful for us to advance to the Sixth Level Profound Beast." The Sirius Dog that was squatting to Ye Xiu's left said.    


The two Sirius Dog were a female and a male, and the one who had just spoken was a male.    


"Sixth Level Profound Beast, you guys are confident in leveling up to Sixth Level Profound Beast." After hearing this, Ye Xiu's eyes revealed a surprised look.    


It had to be known that ordinary Sirius Dog were at most Third Level Profound Beast, and these two Sirius Dog had only reached level 4 because of an accident, and because of luck, they had once again risen to level 4.    


Thus, hearing these two Profound Beast say that they were going to advance into a Sixth Level Profound Beast, even Ye Xiu could not believe it.    


"Master, this is something that you don't know about. The Sect Leader said that as long as we properly contribute to Five Elements Sect, he will think of ways to help us continue to improve in the future. At that time, we might even be able to take human forms." The female Sirius Dog spoke out.    


"Turn into a human form!"    


Hearing these four words, Ye Xiu silently nodded his head. If these two Sirius Dog could cultivate to the point of taking human form, then they would definitely be the strongest Sirius Dog in the world.    


"Alright, as long as you have this confidence, I will think of a way for you to advance. But before that, I need your help with something. I want to go home, you guys follow me." Ye Xiu said.    


"No problem, Master."    


The two Sirius Dog answered at the same time.    


It had to be known that Ye Xiu was their master in the first place, so as long as Ye Xiu said those words, no matter what they were doing, they would immediately carry out Ye Xiu's orders.    


"Don't worry, as long as you guys are fine, I, Ye Xiu, will definitely keep your promises. If possible in the future, I will definitely try my best to transform you all into human forms." Ye Xiu promised.    


"Thank you, master!"    


The two Sirius Dog thanked simultaneously.    


Although this was only one of Ye Xiu's guarantees, to the two Sirius Dog, their master was absolutely an omnipotent existence.    


Therefore, as long as he could guarantee it, they would naturally see hope as well.    


"Alright, you should all rest well for the night. Tomorrow morning, gather outside my room. When the time comes, we will leave together." Ye Xiu reminded.    


With that, Ye Xiu turned and left, and after the two Sirius Dog saw this, they immediately closed their eyes and rested.    


Just like this, when Ye Xiu returned to his room, he did not continue cultivating. Instead, he took a good bath and lied down on his bed to rest.    


In the blink of an eye, a day had passed, and when the morning of the second day arrived, Ye Xiu slowly opened his hazy eyes.    


However, in the next second, his hazy eyes suddenly brightened up. After resting for almost a day and a night, his tired body had completely recovered.    


"Master, they're here!"    


When Ye Xiu sat up on the bed, Ye Long's voice slowly sounded out in his mind.    


"Mn, it's time to head out. Return to the Bluestone Town earlier and figure out the situation of the Blood God Clan as soon as possible." Ye Xiu muttered.    


With that said, Ye Xiu immediately jumped off the bed, and then opened the door and saw the two Sirius Dog s already squatting at the entrance.    




Seeing Ye Xiu, the two Sirius Dog called out respectfully.    


"Let's go!"    


After saying that to the two Sirius Dog, Ye Xiu closed his room and rushed out of Five Elements Sect.    


"Master, please wait!"    


But just as Ye Xiu had not walked far, a voice came out, and upon hearing the voice, Ye Xiu turned his head to look, only to see Fang Xuan running quickly towards him.    


"Second Elder, I'm sorry, but I need to leave the Five Elements Sect for a period of time, so I'll have to delay the matter of instructing you on setting up the formation." When Fang Xuan came over, Ye Xiu said apologetically.    


Honestly speaking, what Ye Xiu this Master did was not in place. Although Fang Xuan had already learnt a few array laying techniques, the other party had already been under him for quite some time, and should continue teaching him some new things.    


However, in order to clarify the situation, Ye Xiu could only apologize to him.    


"Master, you don't need to be like this, I have yet to figure out the Profound Array s you taught me before, so I am not in a hurry now. I heard from the Sect Leader that you are going to leave the Five Elements Sect for a while, and I was afraid that you would be in danger on your way, so I specially sent you a few Fourth Level Profound Array Jade Chip." Fang Xuan said.    


As he spoke, Fang Xuan gently spread out his right hand, and five Fourth Level Profound Array Jade Chip appeared in front of Ye Xiu with a weak aura.    


"Master, two of these five Fourth Level Profound Array Jade Chip are defensive type Profound Array s. These defensive type Profound Array Jade Chip can withstand an attack from a Profound Infant Stage Expert." Fang Xuan introduced.    


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