Limitless Arrogant Sovereign



"Found it!"    


After confirming that the square in the wall could be pressed down, Lu Jun revealed a smile.    


"Senior Brother, quickly open the door!" Liao Hong ran over and urged him.    




Lu Jun lightly nodded his head, and then, he stretched out his hand to press onto the square-shaped wall.    


"Boom boom!"    


Following the rumbling sounds one by one, the stone door that was originally still began to slowly move.    


"It's open!"    


Seeing the stone door open bit by bit, a man and woman with Nine Profound Sect smiled emotionally.    


"Rustle, rustle!"    


However, as the door slowly opened, a strange sound could be heard from within the room.    


"Senior, what is that sound?"    


When Liao Hong heard the sound coming from behind the stone door, her eyebrows creased slightly.    


There was a sound coming from inside the stone door. Could it be that there was a living being inside?    


One must know that this was a tomb, so how could the living things that lived here be good?    


"Senior, quickly close the stone door."    


Thinking of this, Liao Hong hurriedly shouted.    


But at this moment, the stone door had already been opened, and a black mass swarmed out of it like a swarm of creatures.    




When Liao Hong saw all of these Profound Beast things appear in front of her, she instinctively let out a loud shout.    


Even though Liao Hong's cultivation was very high, it remained that she was a woman. As a woman, she was naturally afraid of reptiles like bugs.    


"Junior Sister, quickly leave!"    


Because he was afraid, Liao Hong was stunned in place for a moment. When Lu Jun saw these guys quickly crawling towards them, he immediately regained his senses, and then, together with Liao Hong who was in a daze, he quickly escaped.    


However, the stone door still opened bit by bit. More and more black insects crawled out from the stone door.    


These bugs crawled very quickly, but compared to Lu Jun and the other person's speed, it was still a far cry, so in the blink of an eye, the two of them disappeared.    


Even so, there were still a lot of bugs crawling towards the direction they escaped in. The densely packed bugs would make people's scalps go numb.    


"Ye Long, did you notice anything wrong?"    


After changing a new path and continuing his search, Ye Xiu suddenly stopped in his tracks and asked Ye Long in his mind.    


"Master, I didn't notice anything was wrong. What happened?" Ye Long asked.    


Because Ye Xiu suddenly asked, Ye Long knew that there must be a reason.    


"Nothing, I just suddenly feel scared, as if something dangerous is about to come." Ye Xiu muttered.    


Of course, it was just a premonition. In addition to the fact that this place was a tomb with many dangers lurking in every direction, it was very normal for them to come here if they were in danger.    


It was precisely because of this that Ye Xiu did not think too much about it, and continued to advance forward with Yan Xiang and the other two.    


But when time slowly passed, the bugs released by the two Nine Profound Sect disciples had already crawled away from the tomb.    


"Rustle, rustle!"    


When a voice rang out, a disciple that was looking for a treasure was stunned for a moment.    


This was because there was originally no sound around. But now, it had suddenly appeared. There was definitely a problem.    


"Hey, did you hear something?" This disciple turned around and asked the other two.    


"Sound? What's wrong with that? Did you just hear things with your ears! " Someone answered.    


"Don't talk anymore, this is a tomb. What do we do if some bad things are brought here? We should quickly find if there are any treasures. If there aren't, then we should leave as soon as possible." The other person looked around with fear in his eyes.    


With that, the young man was about to turn around and search for something, but at that moment, something seemed to land on his shoulder.    


"Hey, can you two stop messing around? scaring people to death here." The young man didn't turn his head to answer.    


"Junior Martial Brother Shi, you ?" What's that on your shoulder? " When the other man turned around to look at the young man, he immediately pointed at the black object on the young man's shoulder, revealing a terrified expression.    


Black originally gave people a sense of fear, but now that it was a living creature, it naturally made people even more afraid.    


"On my shoulder?"    


The young man frowned. However, when he looked down, he saw a black bug that was about the size of his palm had landed on his shoulder.    


"This... What the hell is this!? " The young man's face was filled with fear.    




But just as the young man was about to remove the black thing, a black shadow suddenly attacked and the thing directly flew towards his face.    


"Quick... Come and get this thing for me. " The young man was so scared that his entire body was trembling as he shouted.    


"Junior Shi, we... "Ah, there are some here too!" Just as the other man was about to say something, he suddenly pointed at the side of the rock wall and yelled.    


"There's more over there, why are there so many?" There was another man who wanted to save her, but as he turned around, several similar black figures appeared on the walls.    


Although these black bloke did not appear to be dangerous, due to their pitch-black bodies, they gave off a terrifying aura.    




However, right at this moment, a miserable scream suddenly sounded out.    


When the two men heard the scream, they were so frightened that they immediately turned to look. When they did, their faces instantly turned as pale as paper.    


"Save me! "Save me!"    


A bloody face faced the two of them, and it even let out a miserable cry for help. This scene was absolutely shocking.    


However, it was precisely because of this bloody and desperate face that the two of them looked at each other, and in the next second, they immediately fled in panic.    


"Ah, save me!"    


When the blood-covered man saw his fellow apprentices flee on their own instead of saving him, he immediately let out a miserable scream of despair.    


"Shoo! Shoo! Shoo!"    


However, just as he started shrieking miserably, there was the sound of rushing wind, followed by several black shadows falling on his body.    


"All of you, scram!"    


Seeing that there were a few black fellows crawling on his body, the man was enraged. The Profound Power in his body suddenly exploded.    


Ah ah ah ah ah!    


While the man was going crazy, he was ripping off the black thing that was crawling on his body. However, every time he tore off a piece, a bloody hole would appear on his body.    


That's right, these black fellows were all biting him. Their bite caused the man endless pain.    


However, in order to survive, the man knew that he had to kill them all and find an opportunity to escape.    


However, following the appearance of the fresh blood, more and more black fellows began to climb onto his body. No matter how hard the man tried, it was all useless.    


Finally, in a desperate struggle, the man was completely surrounded by the black creatures, and the black man fell to the ground.    




Following the sound of something hitting the ground, the densely packed black figures immediately dispersed. However, when they all disappeared, the original person also disappeared.    


These black guys could eat people without even spitting out their bones. It was extremely terrifying.    


"Senior, wait for me."    


When a man and a woman were travelling, they would occasionally look behind them.    


Although they did not see any black bloke behind them, for some reason, neither of them felt at ease or at ease.    


"Junior-apprentice Sister, those guys that we let out are definitely not ordinary people. With so many of them being surrounded, the situation won't look good. Let's leave this tomb so we won't be unable to walk around when the time comes." Lu Jun said repeatedly.    


Of course, when he was speaking, Lu Jun did not slow down at all, instead, he slightly increased his speed.    


"Senior Brother, you're right. We've been searching for a long time, but haven't found any treasures. I don't think there's any treasures in this tomb, we shouldn't have come in here." Liao Hong nodded his head in agreement.    


However, just as she finished her sentence, she suddenly stopped in her tracks. At the same time, she looked forward with a look of terror on her face.    


"Senior-apprentice Brother, it's dangerous!"    


Liao Hong shouted loudly. At the same time, his expression had completely changed.    


After Lu Jun heard these words, he subconsciously raised his head to take a look. But just from that glance alone, he felt that it was the end of the world.    


"Shoo! Shoo! Shoo!"    


In an instant, the sound of wind breaking sounded out, and one black shadow after another pounced towards Lu Jun, densely packed.    


"Get lost!"    


Seeing all these things pouncing towards him, Lu Jun immediately roared angrily, and then, the Profound Power in his body suddenly erupted.    




However, when Lu Jun's Profound Power erupted, these black fellows were actually not sent flying by the Profound Power, but instead continued to pounce at them. His face was filled with fear.    


Of course, Lu Jun was an expert at the peak of the Profound Infant Stage. Even if his cultivation was restricted to the peak of the Profound Pill Realm, his reaction speed was still astonishing.    


Thus, when he saw that these fellows seemed to ignore the Profound Power, he took out his own profound artifact and started killing without any hesitation.    


However, no matter how fast Lu Jun killed, he couldn't compare to these densely packed black guys, so very quickly, he had a few on him.    




In less than two seconds, a miserable scream came out, followed by some blood stains on Lu Jun's body.    


"If you dare to bite me, then die!"    


Lu Jun roared in anger, then crazily tore off the black fellows on his body, and ruthlessly slashed at them.    


With Lu Jun's strength, the power of this strike naturally split this black fellow into two.    


"Junior Sister, quickly save me!"    


When he felt the pain on his body become more and more intense, Lu Jun immediately shouted at Liao Hong.    


However, Lu Jun's bloodied look had already scared Liao Hong, and with the black figures rushing in from all directions, how could she dare to get any closer?    


"Senior Brother, I'm sorry. You should pray for good fortune. I'll be leaving first." Liao Hong shouted before fleeing in another direction without saying a word.    


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