Limitless Arrogant Sovereign



"Ye Xiu, are you alright?!"    


When Ling Zhen and Xie Shan saw the dumbstruck Ye Xiu, the two of them spoke up at the same time.    


"I'm fine. Clan Master, why haven't you invited me to your Profound Sky Sect?" Ye Xiu who had come back to his senses asked softly.    


Profound Sky Sect and Nine Profound Sect should both be very strong, and it would be better if a strong sect came to bear witness to their strength.    


"Profound Sky Sect? Nine Profound Sect? "    


Hearing about the two sects, Ling Zhen's face showed helplessness.    


"Ye Xiu, these two are the top two existences within the sect, so it's just a Zong Assembly, there's no need to alarm them." Ling Zhen said.    


"Ye Xiu, even if we want to invite them, they would not bother with us." Xie Shan answered.    


Sect Leader, if Profound Sky Sect sends people over and supports us in being the next Sect Leader, then it would be an advantage for us to be the next Sect Leader. Ye Xiu asked.    


"Of course. Even if the other sects only have one support, as long as the Profound Sky Sect supports it, the other sects would not dare to say anything." Ling Zhen replied.    


"Ye Xiu, you couldn't be wanting to invite your Profound Sky Sect over, right?" Xie Shan asked.    


At this moment, Xie Shan thought back to what had happened on the Northern Yuan Dark Mountain, so if Ye Xiu appeared, the Profound Sky Sect would definitely send someone over.    


"Clan Master, since the Profound Sky Sect is beneficial to us, then please leave the mission to me. I guarantee that I will be able to get the person to come." Ye Xiu said.    


"It's true!"    


Hearing Ye Xiu's guarantee, Ling Zhen's face revealed an excited expression. If Profound Sky Sect really sent people over, with their support, the chances of their Five Elements Sect being called as sect would definitely double.    


"Oh right, there's no need to invite us for Nine Profound Sect. Just one big sect is enough. Alright, I'll go in first. The other five sects will be invited by Sovereign." Ye Xiu said.    


After saying that, Ye Xiu immediately turned around and returned to his room.    


Although that three year agreement was only halfway through, Ye Xiu really wanted to see the cultivation level of the genius girl who was much higher than him back then if Lingyun Sect was able to send the girl he had made a bet with.    


Of course, in the past year, Ye Xiu's cultivation had increased quite quickly, but the girl was inside the Lingyun Sect, so if she was nurtured by the sect with all her might, her current cultivation should not be low.    


As for how high it would be, Ye Xiu was confident. After all, unless a person encountered a great opportunity, even if they used Profound Pill s to cultivate, their cultivation would still increase by a few levels over the course of a year.    


Therefore, if the girl's innate talent exceeded his and she had a large amount of resources, her current cultivation would at most reach the Profound Pill Realm and not exceed the peak of the Profound Pill Realm.    


Even if the other party had reached the highest peak of the Profound Pill Realm, Ye Xiu was not afraid, because as long as he opened two gates and added the Eight Sword Technique, defeating her would be easy.    


Although Ye Xiu still had some expectations for the profound skills on this continent, so far, not a single one had entered his eyes.    


He had seen nearly all of the Cultivation Techniques And Profound Techniques s inside the Five Elements Sect pavilion that Ye Xiu had entered, but was extremely disappointed as he did not even fancy a single profound skill.    


This was because the profound skills of this continent only consisted of condensing the Profound Power within one's body and then releasing them at the same time. For example, cultivating a fire attribute mystical technique; that could slash out a fire dragon or something like that.    


However, these were all useless in the eyes of Ye Xiu. In his opinion, pure sword qi attacks were the most destructive, those gaudy things were completely useless, they were just a fake display of might.    


Of course, even if Ye Xiu agreed to request for Profound Sky Sect, since Ling Zhen had not even chosen the right time, he would naturally not be in such a hurry to notify Qin Tianxu directly.    


That's right, the reason why Ye Xiu was so confident was because he could notify Qin Tianxu to come over.    


For a strong practitioner of Profound Mansion Stage, even if he came here alone, he would still be powerful enough to intimidate others.    


Ye Xiu had saved Qin Tianxu's life, so he would definitely give this face, even if the other party did not have time, they would definitely find time to show off.    


So, whenever you're going to invite me, it depends on when Ling Zhen sets the date to become the next head of state.    


"Lin Tian, what's wrong?"    


When Chen Aoxuan lazily opened the door to his room, he saw Lin Tian standing in front of his own room.    


"Chen Aoxuan, are you cultivating or sleeping?" Looking at the lazy face of Chen Aoxuan, Lin Tian said with a bit of surprise.    


"Lin Tian, training is about the combination of effort and effort. If you work too hard, it's not good at all if you work too hard." Chen Aoxuan stretched.    


"Lin Tian, are you looking for me to see if I'm cultivating?" When Chen Aoxuan saw that Lin Tian did not speak, he asked again.    


After Chen Aoxuan finished his sentence, Lin Tian sighed: "It's not a good thing for us to keep on training like this, even I can vaguely feel that my cultivation is stagnant, this is not a good omen."    


"Lin Tian, do you feel the same way? I felt that I could no longer cultivate two days ago, as if I had encountered a bottleneck. You said that we had suddenly risen from Great Perfection of Profound Qi Stage to Peak Profound Qi Stage, and now that we are continuing to cultivate in silence, without much activity at all, this is not a good sign. " Chen Aoxuan muttered.    


Hearing that Chen Aoxuan had the same thoughts as him, Lin Tian did not hesitate any longer and went straight to the point: "Chen Aoxuan, I want to go out and train for a bit. Only when I start training will our cultivation continue to increase, after all the following steps are to condense Profound Pill, and it will not be easy to cross this step."    


"Going out to gain experience? Just the two of us? " Chen Aoxuan asked.    


"The two of us together with our respective Profound Monkey s is enough." Lin Tian thought for a while and said.    


"Lin Tian, why don't we bring Song Qianqian along? After all, her Ground Fissure Profound Bear has already reached the level of Sixth Level Profound Beast, with her there, wouldn't we be safer?" Chen Aoxuan said.    


If not for the relationship with Qin Rouer, the situation would not have been good. After all, even if a Profound Void Stage Ranker came out, it would be difficult to take care of that tree.    


"That's fine, Song Qianqian's cultivation is lower than ours, it's fine to train together." Lin Tian thought for a while and said.    


"Lin Tian, we have all left. What about Qin Rouer, did you leave her alone?" Chen Aoxuan continued to ask.    


"Qin Rouer..."    


Lin Tian thought about it. Honestly speaking, even if Qin Rouer followed them, he would not fight alongside them.    


"Forget about her, because even if she went with us, she would only be watching from the side. Furthermore, with her situation, even if she went to train, she won't be able to gain anything, with a light touch, the enemy or the Profound Beast will be dead." Lin Tian thought for a while and said.    


"That's right, it would be a waste of time if she went, and furthermore, we have all left, and only Ye Xiu is left, let her stay behind to accompany Ye Xiu." Chen Aoxuan nodded in agreement.    


Just like that, after the two of them had agreed upon something, the two of them knocked on Song Qianqian's door.    


"Ah, going out to gain experience, is it near here?" Song Qianqian asked.    


It would be great if she was near here. After all, she still had her sect's mission to complete. Last time, she went in the wrong direction and met with some problems, so she was delayed.    


Furthermore, something had happened previously, so even though the Ground Fissure Profound Bear had broken through, Song Qianqian still had not left the sect grounds.    


"It might be further away, because Chen Aoxuan and I have encountered some bottlenecks, if we continue to train in the sect, the effect wouldn't be too great." Lin Tian said.    


"But, doesn't Five Elements Sect have to be called a sect? It's not appropriate for us to leave now!" Song Qianqian asked.    


Right, Five Elements Sect is going to be called sect, it should be around here, it seems like it's not really appropriate for us to leave now, being called sect is not a small matter, if we succeed, then we will all be sect disciples in the future, and this level will suddenly increase by a lot. Chen Aoxuan said.    


Although he was not sure whether or not this time round, Chen Aoxuan was still somewhat looking forward to it. After all, becoming a disciple of a sect was something he did not dare to believe before, but now, it was right before his eyes.    


Of course, even with his current cultivation, Chen Aoxuan could not believe it. He could not believe that he could actually bring his cultivation to such a level in such a short period of time.    


If he had returned to the Bluestone Town now, his Chen Family would definitely be in great shock. After all, from the time they had left the Bluestone Town till now, it had only been a little more than a year.    


For cultivators, a year's time was not long. After all, as their cultivation increased, their lifespan would also increase. So, for those who had lived for several hundred or even over a thousand years, a year's time was truly very short.    


But in just such a short span of one year, Chen Aoxuan and Lin Tian's cultivation had actually crossed a whole level. If not for personally experiencing it, who would have thought that their cultivation would have progressed so quickly?    


"Then let's wait until after the sect is declared to be established before leaving. Leaving at this moment is indeed a bit unreasonable." Lin Tian thought for a while and said.    


No matter what, it had already been decided. As for when they would leave, that depended on when it was over.    


Just like that, after they finished talking, Lin Tian and Chen Aoxuan returned to their own rooms.    


Of course, Lin Tian was still working hard on his cultivation, but Chen Aoxuan was lying lazily on the bed. Since the effect of the training was not great, why should he continue to train hard? It would be better to take advantage of this time to have a good rest, because once he leaves the Five Elements Sect, he would definitely have a hard time.    


When Lin Tian and the other two had already decided to go out to train, Ye Xiu had already started to take the second step.    


There was no helping it, the blood channels in a person's body were very long, and Long Yazi's body had a lot of blood clots inside, so wanting to release all the blood clots in his body was a huge task.    


Of course, compared to Ye Xiu, the person who was more exhausted and suffering was none other than Long Yazi. However, no matter how hard it was, Long Yazi's heart was scorching hot.    


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