Limitless Arrogant Sovereign



Because the Ground Fissure Profound Bear was about to have a breakthrough, Song Qianqian had to give up on the idea of going out to complete the quest.    


Of course, this was only temporary. Once the Ground Fissure Profound Bear successfully breaks through to the Sixth Level Profound Beast, she will set off again to complete the mission.    


This was because, first, he could train himself after completing the mission, and secondly, he could even train in Five Elements Trial Field, killing two birds with one stone.    


And now, Song Qianqian would naturally return to her own room to cultivate. After all, she had just started cultivating her Golden Flame Mantra, so the task in the future would be very heavy.    


"Qin Rouer, this is the Profound Pill I found for you. It is a level 6 Profound Pill, named the Soul Breaking Pill of Seven Steps, it is a type of extremely toxic pill, within seven steps of being dead."    


When Song Qianqian also began to cultivate in his own room, Ye Xiu called Qin Rouer to his room, and then, in front of the other party, he took out the poison pill.    


Of course, what Ye Xiu took out was only a Jade Bottle, he did not open this Jade Bottle.    


After all, this was a poison pill, what if one were to be poisoned just by smelling it?    


Therefore, for the sake of safety, Ye Xiu did not plan to open the Jade Bottle himself.    


However, even if it was Qin Rouer, he was still very worried. After all, this was a Level 6 Poison Pill.    


"Soul Breaking Pill of Seven Steps!"    


After hearing Ye Xiu's words, Qin Rouer's gaze focused entirely on the Jade Bottle in his opponent's hands.    


Previously, Qin Rouer had already consumed quite a number of poisonous Profound Pill, but the truth was that these poisons did not pose any threat to her at all. Not only was there no danger to her life, her stagnant cultivation had instead risen slightly.    


After discovering this, Qin Rouer especially wished to have a high level poison pill. This was because only a high level poison pill could cause her cultivation to improve.    


As for whether or not he would die from the poison, this Qin Rouer did not have any concerns at all. If a Level 6 Poison Pill's poison could really kill him, then the Heaven Disaster Venomous Body's physique would simply be too unworthy.    


"Ye Xiu, give it to me!"    


As Qin Rouer spoke, he extended both of her hands at the same time.    


Because of his personal relationship, Qin Rouer knew that she had to maintain a certain distance from Ye Xiu. Even though her hands were already wrapped in a thick layer of cloth, she was not afraid of anything, so she did not take the Jade Bottle from Ye Xiu's hands.    


"Qin Rouer, the power of a Level 6 Profound Pill is not something you can handle, so I hope you don't swallow the Level 6 Profound Pill directly and consume it separately. It's the same as before." Ye Xiu reminded.    


As he spoke, Ye Xiu placed the Jade Bottle in his hand onto the palm of Qin Rouer's hand.    


"Don't worry Ye Xiu, I haven't lived enough, so I naturally wouldn't do anything stupid." Qin Rouer smiled and nodded.    


Of course, upon receiving the Jade Bottle, Qin Rouer's hands slightly trembled, because whether or not she could continue to improve her cultivation would all depend on this Seventh Stage Soul Breaking Pill.    


If even this kind of Profound Pill could not help her cultivation to continue to rise, then Qin Rouer would give up, and after that she could only rely on herself to slowly raise her cultivation.    


"Ye Xiu, I will be going back to my room to cultivate."    


Holding the Jade Bottle in his hand, Qin Rouer said while letting out a light sigh.    


"Go ahead, I will set up a Barrier outside your room to prevent the poison from being emitted by you during your cultivation and harming others." Ye Xiu reminded.    




Qin Rouer nodded slightly, then took the Jade Bottle and quickly returned to her room.    


"Set up the formation!"    


Before Qin Rouer could even start cultivating, Ye Xiu had already set up a Barrier around her room that cut off everything. Only by doing this could he ensure that the poison gas would be tightly locked in the room and would not leak out.    




After doing all of this, Ye Xiu let out a light breath, and headed in the direction of the Profound Crystal Sacred Grounds.    


Ye Xiu guessed that the reason the Ground Fissure Profound Bear made a sudden breakthrough was because it had absorbed a lot of life force.    


Regarding life force, Ye Xiu had absorbed a lot, so he was really looking forward to the life force inside his body changing as he trained.    


Although Ye Xiu's cultivation had only broken through to the Minor Profound Core Stage not too long ago, if he relied on his life force to break through yet again, he believed that his foundation would not be affected in the slightest.    


Therefore, as long as it did not affect his foundation, Ye Xiu naturally hoped that the higher the cultivation, the better. Because, as long as the cultivation level was higher, he could do what he wanted.    


Just like this, when Ye Xiu arrived at the Profound Crystal Holy Land, he walked in without hesitation.    


There were still other disciples in the Profound Crystal Holy Land who were cultivating, but the training was done on their own, so there was no effect on each other at all.    


When Ye Xiu found an empty corner and sat down cross-legged, he let out a light breath and slowly closed his eyes.    


"Ye Long, carefully observe the condition of my body." After Ye Xiu said this to Ye Long, he concentrated on circulating the Eight Gates of Limitless.    


When Ye Xiu had already started cultivating, Qin Rouer, who was in his own room, looked at the pill that was giving off a green aura and a struggling expression appeared on his face.    


Qin Rouer was very clear that it was already difficult for Ye Xiu to get her this Profound Pill, so she had to cherish it well and not waste it.    


However, if this poison pill was the same as the previous Profound Pill, only one third of the Profound Pill had an effect, and the other two-thirds had no effect, then it would be a huge loss.    


Even if Ye Xiu reminded him, the current Qin Rouer did not divide the Profound Pill into three or four parts.    


"Heaven Disaster Venomous Body, are you really an existence that is immune to poisons? No matter what kind of poison it is, can you stand above it?" Qin Rouer muttered as he looked at the Seven Deadly Soul Pill in front of him.    


As she spoke, the struggle in Qin Rouer's eyes became even stronger, and at the same time, he could see from her eyes that she was thinking about a problem, a problem that she could not be certain of.    


But as time passed, Qin Rouer's hesitant eyes suddenly became determined.    


According to the change in his eyes, Qin Rouer was already prepared.    


"Ye Xiu, you said before that as long as my cultivation level reaches Peak Profound Qi Stage, or even higher, you would make me follow you. You would not leave me behind." Qin Rouer suddenly said to the Profound Pill.    


After she finished speaking, Qin Rouer's chest had evidently undulated up and down. She had obviously taken a deep breath at this time.    


After taking in a deep breath, Qin Rouer's expression became even more determined, and without hesitation, she picked up the Profound Pill in front of her and threw it into her mouth.    


That's right, Qin Rouer did not divide the sixth level Profound Pill into three or four parts, but directly swallowed the entire sixth level Profound Pill whole.    


Qin Rouer didn't want to waste any more Profound Pill, so she didn't consume the Profound Pill separately.    




As the Profound Pill in his mouth turned into medicinal water that flowed down his throat and into his body, within a few seconds, an extremely terrifying medicinal energy exploded out from his body.    


Although the Soul Breaker of the Seventh Step was a poison, just taking the Profound Pill as an example, it was a sixth level Profound Pill.    


A level six Profound Pill being eaten by a person with such a insignificant Perfection of Profound Qi Stage, wasn't this equivalent to courting death?    


Following the continuous support of the medicinal power radiating from his body, Qin Rouer felt an unprecedented pain. This pain was definitely not an extreme one for a human.    


However, Qin Rouer was very clear, as long as she could survive, her cultivation would increase, and she would be able to meet Ye Xiu's requirements. That way, even if Ye Xiu left in a few days, she would be able to follow him, and would not be left behind in the Five Elements Sect.    


Even though her body felt like it was about to explode, Qin Rouer still clenched her teeth and endured. At the same time, she channeled her Sky Poison Profound Scripture with all her might.    


Sky Poison Profound Scripture s were definitely a high level cultivation technique, and high level cultivation techniques circulated extremely quickly, refining was also extremely fast.    


Therefore, whether Qin Rouer could keep his life depended on whether the bodies of the Sky Poison Profound Scripture were fake or not.    


If it was fake, then Qin Rouer would have died. And regarding this result, with her current situation, it would be a good conclusion.    


After all, no one could get close to a perfectly fine person who had suddenly turned into a highly toxic person, not even to the point of eating a dish.    


Forget about Qin Rouer, who might not even be able to handle this kind of thing.    


The reason why Qin Rouer was still alive and well in this world could be considered to be because he had played a crucial role. If not for his guidance in the past, the former would have broken off long ago and would no longer be able to endure the intense torture brought to her by her body.    


And it was only because of this that Qin Rouer was using his own life as the wager, betting that he would be able to bear level 6 Profound Pill, betting that his Heaven Disaster Venomous Body was as terrifying and powerful as the one in the legends.    


With the bet won, Qin Rouer had reached his goal. In his heart, he did not have much regrets, but if he lost, then Qin Rouer would no longer exist.    


Just like that, following the release of the level six Profound Pill, Qin Rouer's face became sinister. At the same time, all of the skin on his body opened up, and fresh blood unceasingly seeped out from these opened skin.    


"Sizzle sizzle!"    


As soon as a drop of blood fell onto the floor of the room, a sizzling sound could be heard.    


Because Qin Rouer's blood was poisonous, when the poison blood fell onto the ground, the tiles on the ground were also corroded by the poison.    


If something like this could be corroded, then it was obvious what kind of situation it would be when flesh and blood touched the blood. It was simply unimaginable.    


Of course, Qin Rouer took the chance to feel her body being stretched open in intense pain, so she did not realise that her blood was continuously eroding the ground.    


And because there was a limit to how much pain everyone could endure, once that limit was exceeded, no one would be able to hold on, Qin Rouer was no exception.    


As a result, after persisting for a while, because he could not endure the pain brought to his body, Qin Rouer directly fell into a coma.    


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