Limitless Arrogant Sovereign



"What happened to him?"    


Ye Xiu saw Xu Zifeng rush out as if he was flying, as if he had something urgent to do, his eyes revealed a look of curiosity, because looking at Xu Zifeng, he seemed to be extremely anxious.    


"I'm not sure, but maybe it has something to do with Chen Aoxuan. Otherwise, why would he rush out the moment he heard Chen Aoxuan's name?" Lin Tian thought for a while and said.    


"Chen Aoxuan, what can happen to the two of them?" Ye Xiu was a little confused.    


"Maybe it has something to do with Song Qianqian."    


When Ye Xiu had finished speaking, Lin Tian who was deep in thought suddenly thought of the previous scene, he saw Song Qianqian suddenly leaving, and then Xu Zifeng and Chen Aoxuan left almost at the same time.    


"Song Qianqian?"    


Ye Xiu muttered to himself, and then silently nodded his head, as if he had already guessed something.    


"Ye Xiu!"    


Just at this moment, someone called out Ye Xiu's name. This voice was very special, so even if Ye Xiu and Leng Yue heard this name, they would still know who it was.    


"What's wrong? Is there anything else? " he asked softly as he saw the beautiful figure walking towards him.    


Towards this woman, Ye Xiu did not have a good impression, but neither did he have a bad impression of her.    


"I don't dare to accept your advice, but now that our Five Elements Sect has become our Five Elements' Sect, there will definitely be more chances for us to meet again in the future. I hope that the next time we meet, we can fight in an honorable battle." Luo Liuer said indifferently.    


While Luo Liuer was speaking, her gaze would occasionally land on Leng Yue, and she really did not know how to face this girl.    


No matter if it was appearance or cultivation, Luo Liuer was no match for him. The only one who could compete was probably his age.    


However, to strong warriors, a difference of a few years was nothing. Otherwise, Leng Yue would not accept Ye Xiu, who was younger than her.    


"Isn't the next time we meet a year later? How can we do it honorably then? Could it be that this time's competition is not fair, and I am a cultivator too, so it is not fair for me to use the Profound Array to fight? " Ye Xiu raised his eyebrows slightly.    


"There's no need for a year. Before our agreement arrives, we will meet again. When that time comes, I hope that you will come." Luo Liuer said indifferently.    




Hearing this, Ye Xiu's eyes revealed curiosity, it was obvious that he was not clear what Luo Liuer was saying.    


"Ye Xiu, if my guess is right, she should be talking about the Sky Sect competition, if it is any sect, then they can participate, and the sect which the victorious disciple is from will have the right to be first in the competition." Leng Yue explained.    


"A competition between the Sky Sect? What is this? Can it be that the victorious disciples can change their sect?" Ye Xiu could not help but ask.    


Disciples could change their sect, but only the disciples who won the competition had the right to change their sect. He had never even heard of this before.    


Even if a sect could be changed, it was still a taboo. Normally, when a disciple joined a sect, unless it was absolutely necessary, they would not change their sect so recklessly.    


Because as a disciple of a sect, the most important thing was loyalty. If a disciple didn't have loyalty, then he wouldn't do anything in this sect, because no one would give an important matter to a disciple who could betray at any time.    


The Sky Sect is a sect, but it has been desolate a long time ago. You must know that when the Sky Sect was in its glory, it was ranked number one in the sect, and its strength even reached the level of a super sect. Leng Yue explained.    




Hearing Leng Yue's words, the curiosity in Ye Xiu's eyes became even more intense. Since it was such a powerful sect, then why was it so lonely?    


Leng Yue could see the curiosity in Ye Xiu's eyes, so she continued to explain: "Actually, I'm not too sure about how the Heaven Sect was left, and I'm not even sure about the possibility of the sect master of Profound Sky Sect. It's like it's just a sudden night and the Heaven Sect has turned into ruins."    


"Since the Sky Sect is already desolate, then why is there still a Sky Sect competition? What kind of battle could allow one to enter the Sky Sect? Could it be that there is a treasure inside?" Ye Xiu asked curiously.    


Since this was a super powerful sect, then even if they became desolate and turned into ruins, they would still be able to find quite a few treasures inside.    


It was a pity that so many people had gone in to search, so even if there was a treasure inside, it should be more or less gone by now.    


Therefore, Ye Xiu was really not interested in what treasures or inheritances the Sky Sect had.    


"Ye Xiu, there are a lot of treasures in the Heaven Sect. Although some have been found, there are still a lot of treasures inside, but they have been hidden very deeply, and some might even be found by chance. So up until now, the disciples of the various sects all yearned to go in and take a look." Leng Yue explained.    


Even if she herself had entered it two or three times, she would still enter it again if given the chance.    


In fact, because he had entered before, if he entered this time, he would have a greater chance of obtaining treasures. After all, he could avoid the places he went before and save a lot of time in the search for treasures.    


"Leng Yue, will your Profound Sky Sect also be participating at that time?" Ye Xiu asked.    


With Leng Yue's cultivation, even if it was Ye Xiu, he did not have the confidence to win, even if he used all his strength, he would not be able to defeat him, because the difference in cultivation was just too great.    


Therefore, since Profound Sky Sect had sent such a disciple, then naturally, they could obtain a spot to enter.    


In other words, sects that didn't have the strength would never get the right to enter, let alone those sects that didn't have the strength to enter.    


Therefore, although it seemed like any sect could participate in the Heaven Sect competition, in reality, it was the time for powerful sects like Profound Sky Sect to perform. The other sects could only watch from the sidelines, and could only watch from the sidelines.    


"Mm. All sects are allowed to participate, but the number of participants is limited. Each sect has at most five spots, and so on and so forth." Leng Yue explained.    


"Ah, there are only five spots. Isn't that too little?" Ye Xiu could not help but shout out.    


There were many sects, but certainly not many. Therefore, if each sect had five people, the total number of people wouldn't be that high.    


Since they were all searching for treasures, why would they need to restrict the number of people? Could it be that they were afraid of losing too many people, causing all the treasures in the Sky Sect to be found out?    


"Ye Xiu, this is something you don't know, although we don't know the reason, but if there were more people entering the Heaven Sect, forget about the treasures, even if they couldn't be found, there would still be more deaths, so the decision to control the number of people was a last resort. When I heard about the matter of the Heaven Sect, the sect master told me about it, the first time we discovered the Sky Sect Site, as the news spread, a large number of people rushed in, and the result is not even a tenth of it, because at that time, many sects became lonely and became ordinary sects. Leng Yue explained.    


"Such a thing actually happened? Then why did you still dare to enter?" Ye Xiu asked again.    


Since so many people had died, then logically speaking, no one should have dared to enter. Why was there a competition between the Sky Sect and the Sky Sect, and why was there a rule that only the disciples could participate?    


Who made this rule? Didn't those sects and schools agree with this rule?    


"After this happened, there was indeed a period of time when no one dared to step foot into the Sky Sect Site, but I don't know when someone found a treasure inside, and coincidentally even accepted the inheritance, and then this person relied on this treasure and inheritance to quickly grow, and even established a sect. And from that moment on, another person took the risk to enter the Sky Sect Site, and as time passed, the number of people who entered had the Sky Sect Site with the lowest risk of being calculated, and in the end became the present Sky Sect competition." Leng Yue said.    


Of course, at Leng Yue's age, she had heard of all of these. Furthermore, she had already entered the Sky Sect Site twice already, but unfortunately, every time she returned empty-handed, as if the treasures and legacies in the Sky Sect Site were not related to her.    


"Someone built a sect based on treasures and legacies found in the Sky Sect. Does this sect still exist?" Ye Xiu asked curiously.    


After all, establishing a sect was not child's play, and this could be seen from how the Five Elements Sect s were called sects. Before one did not have enough strength, calling a sect was completely impossible.    


Therefore, it was not easy to establish a sect, and perhaps it was because of this that this person's success once again caused many people to madly enter into the Sky Sect Site.    


"I don't know if you've heard, but this sect is the current Nine Profound Sect. Especially since the strength of the current Nine Profound Sect is not inferior to the Profound Sky Sect, you can tell how powerful the inheritance and treasures in the Heaven Sect are from just this." Leng Yue said.    


"Nine Profound Sect!"    


Hearing this name, Ye Xiu was slightly shocked. Could it be that the treasure that the sect master, who established Nine Profound Sect, obtained from the Heaven Sect was a Nine Profound Exquisite Pagoda?    


It had to be known that the Nine Profound Exquisite Pagoda had already accepted Ye Xiu as its master, but right now, Ye Xiu only knew that it was a spatial treasure that allowed living people to freely enter and leave its territory.    


It's just that Profound Treasure Bag can't contain living things, and this Nine Profound Exquisite Pagoda can put people inside.    


But after hearing Leng Yue's introduction, Ye Xiu felt that this Nine Profound Exquisite Pagoda definitely still had a might that he did not know about. Or rather, it could be said that it was due to his cultivation that the strength of the Nine Profound Exquisite Pagoda had not been developed yet.    


"If this Nine Profound Exquisite Pagoda really came from the Heaven Sect, then with it, would I be able to find other treasures or inheritances after entering the Heaven Sect?" Ye Xiu muttered in his heart.    


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