Limitless Arrogant Sovereign



"Senior brother, have you forgotten the other teachings of our ancestor?"    


When Ling Zhen said that he would allow Ye Xiu to go out, Xie Shan's expression became ugly.    


"Another teachings?"    


Hearing Xie Shan say that, Ling Zhen immediately let go of the work he was doing, and in the next second his body froze. Obviously he remembered something.    


That's right, the ancestors of Five Elements Sect had passed down a total of two teachings, but the second teachings had to be established on the first teachings, so after a long time, the second teachings would easily be forgotten.    


Ling Zhen just forgot. If it wasn't for Xie Shan's reminder, he definitely wouldn't have thought of this Ancestral Tribute.    


"Noble master is in danger! Our sect is in danger!"    


Ling Zhen said these six words with a solemn expression.    


If one were to say that Ling Zhen didn't really believe in the teachings of the ancestors before, then everything would be the same as what the ancestors had said after the Five Elements Sect was smoothly proclaimed.    


Thus, now that he thought about the other six words of the Ancestral Cult, Ling Zhen's complexion naturally did not look much better.    


Although it was just a six word Ancestral Training, the content was extremely clear. The word noble was risky, and that should be referring to Ye Xiu. After all, Ye Xiu was the person noble, and it was precisely because of him that his Five Elements Sect was so smooth.    


Although the reason why Five Elements Sect could be named this quickly was entirely because of Long Yazi's existence, if not for Ye Xiu, how could the other party be willing to join their Five Elements Sect.    


Of course, at the very beginning, Long Yazi had also requested to join the Five Elements Sect, but at that time, he had not approved it, because his cultivation was simply too high.    


"Senior Brother, quickly go and stop Ye Xiu from going out to train. I'm afraid that the teachings of the Six Character Elder will come true." Xie Shan advised with a serious face.    


The Five Elements' Sect had only just been established, if it was so, then all the hard work done before would probably be for naught. It might even be inferior to the strength of the Five Elements Sect.    


Therefore, if their ancestor could not teach him the truth, the only way was to not let Ye Xiu leave the Five Elements' Sect.    


"Junior Sister, if the teachings of our ancestor really come true, then even if we leave Ye Xiu at the Five Elements' Sect, something bad will still happen. Ling Zhen said.    


As he spoke till here, Ling Zhen's eyes slowly dimmed. It was with great difficulty that he finally realized his dream of becoming a titled sect, but now, he was going to suffer hardships again.    


Of course, if a sect wanted to become strong, then it would definitely not be smooth sailing, so even if their ancestors still lectured them, if they still survived, the development of their Five Elements' Sect would only get better and better.    


And if they could not survive through it, then there would probably be no such sect as Five Elements' Sect anymore in this world.    


"Senior brother, at least we can delay the time a bit longer. We've only just started, and we're not strong enough. If we really meet with danger, I'm afraid we won't be able to survive." Xie Shan was worried.    


"This ?"    


Xie Shan's words were reasonable, but he had already promised Ye Xiu. If he were to speak now, how would Ye Xiu look at him?    


But if he did not say it, if Ye Xiu really caused trouble when he left this time, not only would he encounter danger, his Five Elements' Sect would also suffer.    


"Senior Brother, for the sake of the Five Elements' Sect's future, you should talk about it, and tell Ye Xiu not to go out and train. If he doesn't agree, then you should talk about the teachings of the ancestor. I think he will understand." Xie Shan suggested.    




Hearing Xie Shan's words, Ling Zhen nodded his head lightly, then put down the work in his hands and left.    


"Senior Brother, wait for me for a moment, I'm going too."    


Seeing Ling Zhen leave, Xie Shan hesitated for a moment, after that she called out and also moved to follow him.    


"Master, Ling Zhen and Xie Shan are here."    


When Ye Xiu returned to his own room, prepared to take a good rest so that he could go out and train in high spirits the next day, Ye Long's voice sounded once again.    


Hearing this, Ye Xiu who was initially lying on the bed with his eyes closed opened them once again.    


Because he had just come from Ling Zhen's place, and now, not only was it Ling Zhen who was walking towards him, even Xie Shan had followed along.    


There was definitely a reason behind the Vice Sect Leader coming over, so Ye Xiu was naturally mentally prepared for it.    


"Ye Xiu, are you there?"    


Not long after, Ye Xiu's door was knocked, and Ling Zhen's voice sounded out.    


"Grand master, I'm here."    


Ye Xiu replied before quickly walking to the door and opening it.    


"Is something the matter, my two grand masters?"    


When he opened the door, he saw that both Ling Zhen and Xie Shan were looking at him with grave and serious expressions. Ye Xiu guessed that there was something important.    


However, Ye Xiu was unsure of what exactly it was, and he was curious as to why he did not say anything when he went to find Ling Zhen.    


"Ye Xiu, can we talk inside?" Ling Zhen asked.    


"Of course you can. Two sect masters, please come in!" Ye Xiu hurriedly nodded.    


With that, Ye Xiu brought Ling Zhen and Xie Shan into the room, and the three of them sat down at the small round table.    


"Two sect masters, from the looks of it, you two seem to have something important to tell me, don't you?" Ye Xiu could not help but ask.    


From the looks of Ling Zhen and Xie Shan, not only did Ye Xiu guess that there was something important, there were even some serious, and not even some bad ones.    


"Ye Xiu, can you go out to gain more experience later? You can wait until after the competition by the Sky Sect." Ling Zhen advised.    




Hearing that, Ye Xiu frowned, hadn't Ling Zhen just promised that he could go out and train? Why did he come over so late to postpone his excursion out here?    


"Master, did something happen? If something really happens, I can consider staying in the sect and not going out." Ye Xiu asked.    


As a member of the Five Elements' Sect, and especially an existence at the level of an elder, Ye Xiu was naturally willing to share in the sect's affairs.    


"This ?"    


Hearing Ye Xiu say that he could stay, Ling Zhen and Xie Shan looked at each other, then the latter nodded to Ling Zhen.    


"Ye Xiu, actually, there is one thing that even I have forgotten. If not for Junior Sister's reminder, I would have forgotten about such an important matter." Ling Zhen said.    


"Important things?" The doubt in Ye Xiu's eyes grew even stronger.    


"Ye Xiu, this matter is related to you, so we will not hide it from you anymore. As for ancestor, I think you are more familiar with him than you are, and he had left a total of two teachings for you back then. Ling Zhen explained.    


"What about the second one?" What does it have to do with me? " Ye Xiu guessed.    


Although Ling Zhen did not say much, but looking at the expression on the other party's face, Ye Xiu could roughly guess what happened.    


Of course, the specifics would still need to be said by Ling Zhen and the others. Otherwise, no matter how smart Ye Xiu was, he would not be able to guess it.    


"Ye Xiu, the second precept left behind by our ancestors is a six word chant. Ling Zhen said truthfully.    


"Noble risks? Suffering? "    


Hearing these six words, Ye Xiu's eyes were filled with suspicion, could it be that the noble one of the six words of truth was referring to him, and the words of sect, was referring to his current Five Elements' Sect?    


"Sect Master, you mean to say that if Five Elements' Sect succeeds, it will be me who loses?" Ye Xiu asked.    


This meant that Ye Xiu was in danger, and then, his Five Elements' Sect had suffered. It could even be said that Ye Xiu was in trouble, and his accident had affected Five Elements' Sect.    


"Could it be that Nine Profound Exquisite Pagoda exposed themselves beforehand, and then their Nine Profound Sect went to cause trouble for Five Elements' Sect?" Ye Xiu frowned slightly.    


In Ye Xiu's opinion, only this matter would implicate someone of the Five Elements' Sect. He really couldn't think of any other matter that would implicate someone of the sect.    


Of course, the matter regarding the Nine Profound Exquisite Pagoda had not been exposed yet, so Ye Xiu would naturally not tell the truth about this matter.    


"Master, are you sure that this prediction will come true when I go out to train?" Ye Xiu asked.    


"This ?"    


Regarding Ye Xiu's question, neither Ling Zhen nor Xie Shan was able to answer it, because they did not know when the six words of truth would come true.    


Perhaps it was this time, or perhaps it was a long time later.    


However, the prophecy had involved the sect, so it must be after the Five Elements Sect was named, so from now on, nothing could be dropped.    


"Ye Xiu, we were thinking this, the Five Elements' Sect has just been established, if we were to suffer a blow, we might not be able to withstand it, and might not even be able to match up to our previous strength, so we want you to buy some time for us, so when the time comes, even if we encounter danger, it will not be a great loss." Xie Shan explained.    


Ye Xiu was naturally clear about Xie Shan's worries. After all, Five Elements Sect was not an easy task, and if one were to suffer a great tribulation right now, it would most likely lead to the destruction of the sect.    


"Sovereign, I understand all of this, but if this prophecy really does happen, then even if I were to wait in the sect, disaster will still befall." Ye Xiu said.    


Hearing this, both Ling Zhen and Ling Zhen fell silent. Indeed, even if Ye Xiu did not leave the sect now, the proverb was clear: "fortune is not a disaster, but a disaster cannot be avoided."    


"Clan Master, regardless of whether or not I caused this disaster, as long as I am a disciple of Five Elements' Sect, I will definitely not sit by and do nothing. You can rest assured on this point, in addition, I have helped the senior of Profound Sky Sect first, so if there is anything wrong with Five Elements' Sect, I will ask for his help." Ye Xiu continued.    


He could indeed stay in the Five Elements' Sect, but if this did not prevent disaster from happening, then what was the use in staying.    


If he left, Ye Xiu might be able to take away this disaster.    


"Ye Xiu, with these words of yours, my heart is at ease. How about this, if you want to train, then go ahead. I, Ling Zhen, am not someone who is afraid of things." Ling Zhen thought about it and replied harshly.    


Ye Xiu had already given a lot of help to the Five Elements' Sect, if this time he was restricted from travelling because he was afraid of something happening to the Five Elements' Sect, Ling Zhen would feel that he would repay the kindness with hatred.    


Therefore, since no one knew when disaster would befall, then why would they restrict Ye Xiu's movements right now?    


"Clan Master, thank you for your trust in me. Don't worry, if anyone dares to harm my Five Elements' Sect, I, Ye Xiu, will definitely make them repay me a hundred times over." Ye Xiu answered seriously.    


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