Limitless Arrogant Sovereign



"I know, I'll think about it!" Xu Zifeng replied.    


As for Yan Xiang's words, he was not a Profound Array Master, so from the bottom of his heart, he had never wanted to set up the array.    


While Ye Xiu and the rest were chatting, Ling Zhen started to look at a map in the distance.    


Since he did not know the extent of the Land Without Silence, he could only choose another suitable path.    


It was just that, the Land Without Silence had not been displayed on the map, so Ling Zhen did not dare guarantee if there would be any problems with the other path he had chosen.    


"Sovereign, how is your observation?"    


After Ye Xiu and Xu Zifeng finished their conversation, he saw Ling Zhen, who was frowning, and asked in a soft voice.    


"Sigh, although I've chosen two other routes, no matter which path it is, it's still a third more than the previous one, and I met with Land Without Silence before, so I'm not sure if there's anything unusual about the next two routes either." Ling Zhen sighed lightly.    


Because the map in his hands was not very detailed and had been around for quite some time, was the safety of the signs on the map safe enough?    


If there were no problems with this map, the five of them wouldn't have encountered Land Without Silence before.    


"Sect Master, I have two maps here, but I can't guarantee that Nine Profound Sect is included in the map." Ye Xiu said.    


Before, when he was training, Ye Xiu spent a large amount of money to buy two maps, but the scope of these two maps was different.    


Because the area was wide, Ye Xiu had not completely seen them before. Therefore, he was not clear about the specific ranges of the two types of maps he had bought, nor was he aware of whether or not they included the location of Nine Profound Sect and Five Elements' Sect.    




After hearing what Ye Xiu said, Ling Zhen's eyes lit up. Although Ye Xiu was not too sure, with one more map, he would have one more choice.    


While Ye Xiu was speaking, he had already taken out his two maps.    


"On this one."    


When Ling Zhen looked at the two maps, he saw the location of the Nine Profound Sect on the larger one.    


However, even if there was a Nine Profound Sect's location, there was no Five Elements' Sect's location. So, they had to confirm their location again and again.    


"Weird, why isn't there any symbol of Land Without Silence on this map either?" After Ling Zhen observed the situation for a while, his eyes revealed a look of doubt.    


"This map should be new. Unless the Land Without Silence is outside the range of this map, there must be a marking." Ye Xiu replied.    


He didn't buy this map for too long. According to the seller, this map should have been drawn out recently and it shouldn't take more than a year.    


It would not even take a year, but Land Without Silence had existed for a long time, so there should be some, since these two maps were relatively detailed.    


"Ye Xiu, we should be at the same place now. Look, there's one on your map, but if you compare it to the other two, the Land Without Silence is definitely related to your map, but there are no markings on your map either." Ling Zhen said.    


Hearing Ling Zhen's words, Ye Xiu started to observe, and the situation was exactly as Ling Zhen said. His map did not reveal the dangerous place called Land Without Silence either.    


No matter if it was the ancient map or the new map, neither of them had managed to identify the dangerous place called Land Without Silence. Why was this so?    


"Sect Master, since we don't know the extent of the Land Without Silence, let's go around it all. Although this map of mine is not as detailed as that map, but compared to yours, it should still be quite clear. You should use this map of mine to plan our next route." Ye Xiu said.    


The other, more detailed card was too small in scope, it did not even include Nine Profound Sect, let alone Land Without Silence.    




Ling Zhen nodded his head lightly. To be safe, he and the rest wouldn't enter the area of Land Without Silence, so they could only choose a different route.    


Just like that, through the discussions of the few people present, along with the symbol on the map, Ling Zhen finally laid out a path.    


This path could be considered as avoiding all kinds of dangerous areas. Of course, this did not include avoiding Profound Beast s.    


After all, they were in the wilderness, and as long as they were in the wilderness, it would be impossible for them to not encounter Profound Beast.    


Regarding this point, Ye Xiu and the others naturally did not have any objections, and if there were any Profound Beast s on the way, then they could use their muscles and bones to prepare for the competition.    


The next participants of the Heavenly Sect Competition were all the outstanding disciples of the various sects, so if Ye Xiu and the other two wanted to obtain the qualifications to enter Sky Sect Site, it would definitely be a tough battle.    


After determining a route, the group began to rest.    


The night passed in silence ?    


When the sun rose on the second day, the five of them opened their eyes from their cultivation.    


"Wait a moment, get out!"    


But just as Long Yazi and the other three were about to leave the Profound Array that Ye Xiu had set up, Ye Xiu gave them a warning.    


"What is it? Is there any danger? " Xu Zifeng asked curiously.    


"There isn't any danger." Ye Xiu shook his head.    


With that, Ye Xiu waved his right hand, and the Profound Stone returned back to his hand.    


Following the retraction of the Profound Stone, the original Profound Array naturally disappeared as well.    


"Ye Long, looks like you're right."    


When Ye Xiu looked at the Profound Stone in his hand, he answered in his mind.    


"Master, don't you plan to tell Ling Zhen and the others?" Ye Long asked.    


Because looking at Ye Xiu's appearance, he did not plan to tell this matter to Long Yazi, Ling Zhen and the others.    


"Let's take a look at the situation first. Since that guy is able to evade the perception of the three of you, then he must have made some preparations. So, let's wait and see." Ye Xiu said.    


"Master, I have a guess, I don't know if I should say it." Ye Long said.    


"Speak!" Ye Xiu said softly.    


"Master, before this, I was still wondering if the Land Without Silence really existed, since there are no markings on the map. If this place has existed for more than a hundred years, then the map would not have any markings on it, especially since this place is extremely dangerous, and no one can walk out alive. Now that I have seen someone secretly tracking me, I started to doubt the authenticity of the Land Without Silence." Ye Long guessed.    




Hearing Ye Long's analysis, Ye Xiu frowned slightly.    


Before, he did not think of this level, but after hearing Ye Long's reminder, he started to doubt the Land Without Silence in his heart.    


If all of this was fake, and the reason behind it was that the Land Without Silence was fake, and even the man that Long Yazi saved was deliberately attacked by the Profound Beast, then what was the purpose of all this?    


In fact, when Ling Zhen found out that the map he bought did not have any marked Land Without Silence, he had already made a guess in his heart. But, they had indeed experienced it before, and there was even a witness, so their suspicions were naturally reduced by quite a bit.    


"Ye Long, do you mean to say that someone intentionally asked us to change our direction, that someone wanted to harm us?" Ye Xiu guessed.    


If that was really the case, then Ye Xiu could not hide this matter. After all, if there was a sneak attack on them later, they would definitely be caught unprepared.    


But why? Who wanted to deal with them? This made Ye Xiu unable to understand.    


"Ye Long, do you think I should tell Sect Master and the others or wait and see." Ye Xiu said.    


It was normal to say that there were benefits to saying something, but there were disadvantages as well. This way, no one would be able to see through it. However, this way, the risk was not small.    


"Ye Xiu, what are you staring at? Are you still not leaving?"    


Just as Ye Xiu was considering whether or not he should speak of the problem that he had discovered, Ling Zhen couldn't help but ask the stunned Ye Xiu.    


Being asked like this by Ling Zhen, Ye Xiu woke up from his daze.    


"Ye Xiu, is something the matter? It seems like you don't feel right. Did something go wrong? " The leader asked with concern.    


Although there was still some time until the competition, if anything strange were to happen to Ye Xiu's body, then it would definitely affect the competition later on.    


Regarding Ye Xiu's strength that was similar to cultivators, Ling Zhen was hoping that he would obtain the qualifications to enter the Heaven Sect. And once he entered the Heaven Sect, with the protection of the disciples with Profound Sky Sect, the safety would naturally be guaranteed.    


That was why, if there was a problem with Ye Xiu's body right now, it would be very difficult for him to obtain the qualifications to enter the Heaven Sect.    


"Master, I suddenly feel that there is something wrong with my body. Can we rest here for a day?" Ye Xiu said.    


Because he was still hesitating about whether or not he should tell them what he had discovered. Furthermore, Ye Xiu did not know what dangers awaited them on the other road, so the best way to do it now was to wait in place.    


"Is there something wrong with your body?"    


Hearing Ye Xiu's words, Ling Zhen's face congealed. He had been worried about Ye Xiu's body, but he never thought that that worry would come true.    


"Elder Ye, how about I show it to you?" Long Yazi said.    


Although Ye Xiu's medical skills were high, but the doctors did not know enough, which was why Long Yazi took the initiative to request for Ye Xiu to see.    


"Elder Long, I just need to rest for a bit and I should be fine. It should be because when I stopped cultivating, I was too anxious, so the blood in my body became unstable." Ye Xiu said.    


Long Yazi's cultivation was right there, so if he were to inspect, he would be able to tell that Ye Xiu was lying with a glance, so in order to prevent this from happening, he would naturally not give Long Yazi the chance to tell.    


"Do you want to walk around or rest at the same place? If so, how about I set up another Profound Array?" Ye Xiu asked.    


"Elder Ye, is your body alright now? Why don't I do it myself? I know how to use the normal Hidden Profound Array. " Xu Zifeng requested.    


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