Limitless Arrogant Sovereign



"No need, I used the Profound Stone s to set up the array, the consumption to my body is very little, I have to set it up!" Ye Xiu refused.    


Xu Zifeng did not know the truth of the situation, so he was sure that he was only setting up the Hidden Profound Array, but Ye Xiu was not just setting it up.    


And just like that, after Ye Xiu finished speaking, he took out a few Profound Stone and started arranging them.    


Not long later, Ye Xiu and the other three disappeared from the spot, and if they did not approach, no one would realize that there was someone beside the hill.    


"Elder Ye, you ?"    


When Ye Xiu successfully set up the Profound Array, Xu Zifeng saw that the other party had actually started to use his own Profound Power to inscribe the Profound Array.    


"Soundproof Profound Array!"    


When Xu Zifeng clearly saw the Profound Array that Ye Xiu had drawn, his eyes immediately revealed a look of puzzlement.    


Why did he set up two Profound Array s?    


"Soundproof Profound Array?"    


Ling Zhen and Long Yazi saw that Ye Xiu was actually arranging a sound-insulating Profound Array, and adding the Profound Array that the Profound Stone had prepared, this was practically double the Profound Array.    


Previously, when everyone was resting, they only set up a first stage Profound Array, but why did they set up two stages of Profound Array now?    


However, Ye Xiu was currently in the array, so no one dared to disturb him. However, all four of them were looking at Ye Xiu with curious expressions.    


After a few minutes had passed, the soundproof Profound Array was successfully completed under Ye Xiu's drawing.    


Because the two Profound Array s were arranged in different ways, there was no disturbance between the two, and instead, the two Profound Array s complemented each other.    


"Ye Xiu, what are you doing? Why did you set up a soundproof Profound Array?" When Ye Xiu finished his second Profound Array, he could not help but ask.    


"Sect Master, there's something wrong, so I have to inscribe this Profound Array, so that the wall won't have ears." Ye Xiu explained.    


"The wall has ears?"    


Hearing Ye Xiu's words, the four people present revealed doubtful expressions. Could it be that there was a sixth person among them?    


However, whether it was Ling Zhen or Long Yazi, neither of them realized that there was someone else's aura around them.    


Not to mention them, even Ye Long did not sense the sixth person's aura, but from what Ye Xiu had seen, there was indeed someone secretly monitoring them.    


It was precisely because of this that Ye Xiu had to carve a sound-insulating Profound Array, otherwise, he would not dare to tell the truth to Ling Zhen and the others.    


"Ye Xiu, what exactly did you discover? Why are you so mysterious?" Ling Zhen asked again.    


Ye Xiu's manner made people a little afraid, because his actions were way too strange.    


"Grand master, we've been followed. Right now, there's someone secretly observing us, but we can't detect his existence." Ye Xiu replied.    


Now that they were surrounded by soundproof Profound Array, Ye Xiu was not afraid that their conversation would be heard by others.    


Furthermore, right now, Ye Long was carefully observing it. If anyone approached their Profound Array and wanted to eavesdrop, it would naturally notify them immediately.    


"Being followed?"    


Regarding Ye Xiu's words, the four people at the scene were even more confused. There was clearly no one around, how could there be someone following them?    


Furthermore, even if someone was following him, how would Ye Xiu know? After all, his cultivation was the lowest among them.    


Of course, since Ye Xiu dared to say such a thing, there must be a basis for it, so all four of them looked at Ye Xiu with serious expressions.    


"Ye Xiu, how did you know we were being followed?" Ling Zhen asked.    


It had to be known that Ye Xiu had said it himself, the person following them would not be able to discover it, and since no one could, how did Ye Xiu discover it?    


Of course, Ling Zhen was not questioning because he suspected Ye Xiu, but he wanted to confirm. After all, this was not child's play, if he was careless, something big might happen.    


"Sect Master, someone has snuck near my Profound Array, the Profound Stone I set up has that person's remnant aura." Ye Xiu replied.    


Although that person's aura was concealed by a profound artifact, he never would have thought that the Profound Stone would quietly absorb that person's aura.    


Of course, this ability was not strong, but even if it was just a trace of Qi, Ye Xiu could still feel it.    


Of course, the first one to discover it was Ye Long, and according to Ye Long's reminder, Ye Xiu deliberately felt the retracted Profound Stone. Sure enough, there was a piece of Profound Stone that contained a trace of a strange aura.    


Relying on this trace of unfamiliar aura, Ye Xiu was able to conclude that someone had approached the Profound Array while they were cultivating for the night.    


With regards to the Profound Array that he had set up, Ye Xiu still had some confidence in it. Unless it was a very strong Ranker, it would be very difficult to discover it.    


However, this person had indeed discovered it, but he did not expose it. One could imagine his motive for doing so.    


"So that's how it is!"    


Hearing Ye Xiu's explanation, Ling Zhen nodded his head in understanding. No wonder Ye Xiu's expression changed so much after taking back the Profound Stone.    


"Who is this person? Why is he following us? It is obvious that he was prepared for us to not discover him." Ling Zhen guessed.    


If this person was following them secretly, then his goal must be impure. Since the other party didn't dare to show their face, then it meant that they weren't very strong.    


But who exactly was this person, what was his goal following Ling Zhen and the rest?    


"Sect Master, I think it might have something to do with Land Without Silence, or rather, there are no Land Without Silence in this world, and all of this was deliberately arranged by someone." Ye Xiu guessed boldly.    




Hearing Ye Xiu's words, the four of them revealed looks of shock.    


"Elder Ye, could it be that you want to say ?" Long Yazi took a deep breath and said.    


But before Long Yazi could finish speaking, Ye Xiu had already nodded his head in tacit agreement.    


Even if Long Yazi did not say anything, whether it was Ling Zhen, Yan Xiang or even Xu Zifeng, they had already guessed it.    


"It's too scary, if that guy is the one following us, then it's too scary, he actually dares to take the risk, if by any chance we don't save him, he really will be eaten by the Profound Beast." Yan Xiang took a deep breath.    


If a man dares risk his life, what can he not do?    


But, this person didn't know anyone, why would he do that? Also, what was the reason behind the fact that he was secretly tracking him right now?    


Because, even if they could not take one path, there were still many other paths for them to choose. So, even if they wanted to ambush, how could they be sure of which path Ye Xiu and the others would take next?    


"What is the purpose of this person creating a Land Without Silence?" Xu Zifeng said in a heavy voice.    


Making the Land Without Silence was basically just to make sure that they did not walk on this path. But their true purpose?    


"Wait a minute!"    


After Xu Zifeng finished speaking, Ye Xiu suddenly thought of something, and thus, he took out his map once again.    


"Master, please take out the map. I want to confirm something." Ye Xiu said.    


After hearing this, Ling Zhen naturally quickly took out his map.    


"Sure enough!"    


When Ye Xiu carefully compared the two paths that they had chosen, he discovered that one of them was actually a junction. In other words, no matter which path they took, they would have to pass through this crossing point.    


"Could this place be ambushed?" Ye Xiu frowned.    


In order to confirm whether this was the only path that he had to take, Ye Xiu once again searched for a path on the map.    


However, he soon discovered that this intersection was actually a canyon. The other four sides were filled with endless mountains and there was no other way to pass through.    


If one did not go through this canyon, then it would be impossible to reach the Nine Profound Sect on time by changing the route.    


In other words, this canyon was the only path that he had to cross.    


However, if he didn't take these two paths and still persevered on the previous path, then he wouldn't need to pass through this gorge.    


It was also because of this reason that Ling Zhen could only formulate a path before this, because not only did the other paths waste a lot of time, they were also much more dangerous.    


For example, in this canyon, if Ye Xiu was a bad person, then lying in ambush here would definitely hold the geographical advantage.    


"Sect Master, you did not need to pass through this canyon to reach the Nine Profound Sect first, but you must pass through these two canyons." Sect Master, you did not need to pass through this canyon to reach the Nine Profound Sect first, but you must pass through these canyons. Ye Xiu pointed to the location on the map and explained.    


After hearing Ye Xiu's explanation, the faces of Ling Zhen and Long Yazi became gloomy, because if all of this was true, then it meant that they had been targeted by an unfamiliar force.    


However, why was it that these powers had their eyes on them? Was it because of enmity, or was it simply because they wanted to rob something?    


Of course, whether it was the former or the latter, Ling Zhen's group of five could not tolerate it.    


If they had not discovered this beforehand and continued forward, then once they reached this canyon and were suddenly attacked, they would definitely not be able to react in time.    


"Ye Xiu, are you sure what you said is true? If it's true, we can avoid this valley as long as we don't have to fear the Land Without Silence. " Ling Zhen said.    


Of course, if Ye Xiu's guess was wrong and the Land Without Silence was a real existence, then those five people's lives would definitely be in danger if they were to accidentally barge in.    


Therefore, it was a difficult question as to how he was going to proceed, because if he chose the wrong path, then he would have to pay the price of his life.    


With regards to Ling Zhen's inquiry, even Ye Xiu himself was not sure, since it was no small matter, if he made a mistake, it would affect the lives of the five of them.    


"Master, since you don't dare to take everyone's life as a risk, why not change your mind and find the tail that was secretly following you. As long as you catch him, all the problems will be solved." While everyone was frowning and thinking, Ye Long suggested.    


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