Limitless Arrogant Sovereign



"Ye Xiu's cultivation and strength are different from that of ordinary people. Even though his cultivation is only at the peak of the Profound Pill Realm, his strength is definitely way stronger than that of a normal person at the peak of the Profound Pill Realm." Leng Yue explained.    


"What's the use of being much stronger than someone at the peak of the Profound Pill Realm? Even if he's even stronger, he can't be compared to us at the peak of the Profound Infant Stage. Otherwise, he would be too heaven defying." Another Profound Sky Sect disciple answered.    


Obviously, even if Leng Yue explained, other than Zuo Lixiong, the other three disciples did not believe that Ye Xiu could defeat an expert at the peak of the Profound Infant Stage.    


If he could defeat such an expert, didn't that mean that they could be defeated by the brat who was at the peak of the Profound Pill Realm?    


Of course, even if no one believed his words, Leng Yue was too lazy to explain himself, the competition was about to begin, after the results were out, everything would be clear.    


And from Ye Xiu's performance last night, it should not be a difficult task to win this round.    


Furthermore, Leng Yue knew that Ye Xiu had a secret technique that could increase his own strength.    


"Little brother, first of all, thank you for exchanging numbers with us. However, this competition is very important to me, so I won't show mercy. Please forgive me."    


When Ye Xiu and the other man at the peak of the Profound Infant Stage stood face to face, the latter thanked him.    


Of course, while thanking him, the man also stated his purpose, so letting him go was unrealistic.    


"There's no need to be lenient, there's no need." Ye Xiu replied.    


Hearing that, the man in front of Ye Xiu nodded his head, because in his eyes, it was unnecessary, even if he showed mercy, Ye Xiu would not necessarily be able to beat him.    


Furthermore, even if he deliberately lost the match while giving up the water, with his cultivation at the peak of the Profound Pill Realm, he would definitely lose the next battle.    


If that were the case, he might as well lose now. He would lose sooner or later anyway.    


If he lost now, it would be because the other party had helped him, so he would definitely make his move. However, if he fought with the others in the next match, he might not be able to gain anything.    


"You two, are you ready?"    


When Xu An saw that the two of them were not talking, he asked softly.    


"I'm ready!"    


Ye Xiu and the one standing in front of him answered in unison.    


"Alright, let the competition begin!"    


After hearing that the two of them were ready, Xu An announced.    




As Xu An's voice fell, a strong wave of Profound Power's aura exploded forth from Cai Qing's body.    


Even if Ye Xiu's cultivation was only at the peak of the Profound Pill Realm, after experiencing Yan Xiang's incident, Cai Qing still did not dare to let his guard down.    


Furthermore, Cai Qing had previously said that he would not go easy on them, so now that he was going all out, it did not mean that he was returning the favor.    


"Bring it on!"    


Feeling the strong undulations from the other party's body, Ye Xiu bellowed, and immediately, his aura soared as well.    


He had no choice but to fight with a strong practitioner at the peak of the Profound Infant Stage. The current Ye Xiu could only prove his victory by opening all three gates in his body, if not he would not even be able to withstand a single strike from his opponent.    


Although Ye Xiu had previously dodged a few of Leng Yue's punches in order to prove his strength, those punches had only occurred while the two were still.    


Moving and staying still were two entirely different situations. Adding to the fact that this was a competition, it would be too late for Ye Xiu to regret if he lost.    


So, since it had started, he had to go all out and absolutely not let his guard down.    


"Let's fight!"    


After Ye Xiu opened all three doors, he bellowed out loud, then started running up the stage with his Eight Trigrams Shadowless Step.    


As he walked, Ye Xiu was also placing Profound Stone s on the stage.    


"What is he doing?"    


When Cai Qing saw Ye Xiu running about on the stage with his strange movement technique, his eyes revealed a look of doubt, because not only was his posture strange, he was even placing Profound Stone s on the stage.    


As to why Ye Xiu placed the Profound Stone, only a few people present knew. Therefore, at this time, Cai Qing naturally felt that it was strange.    


Because Ye Xiu's actions were too strange, Cai Qing was naturally more vigilant. He had to first see what the other party was up to, before taking action.    


However, Cai Qing never expected that, even though he thought it was not too late to make a move, in reality, it was too late.    


"Set up the formation!"    


When Ye Xiu successfully finished arranging the last piece of Profound Stone, in the next second, he clasped his hands together, and following after, rays of light shot out from the pieces of Profound Stone.    


As the light of the Profound Stone became more and more dazzling, Ye Xiu and Cai Qing disappeared from the stage.    


Of course, they had not truly disappeared, but the two of them had been covered up by the Profound Array.    


From the very beginning, Ye Xiu had never planned to let anyone know about his strength, so he had come up with this plan from the very beginning.    


As for the reason why he opened three gates, one was to be safe, and if he were to come and use the Eight Trigrams Shadowless Step after opening three, his speed would naturally be much faster.    


Using the fastest way to set up the formation so that it wouldn't get interrupted, or else if the opponent saw that something was amiss and acted to stop it, then the Profound Array wouldn't be set up successfully.    


"This is ?" Profound Array? "    


When the two figures disappeared from sight, everyone around the arena was shocked.    


"This fellow at the peak of the Profound Pill Realm is actually a cultivator that cultivates both at the same time. No wonder he had the guts to participate in the Heavenly Sect's competition."    


"Even if it's a cultivator, his method of setting up the array is very strange. It seems like he used Profound Stone s to set up the array, so logically speaking, shouldn't Profound Array Master s use Profound Power s to draw the array marks? Why would this person use Profound Stone s to set up a formation? "    


"The Profound Stone s are setting up the formation. Their speed is undoubtedly much faster than the Profound Power's drawing speed. It's just that I'm very curious, how did he actually use the Profound Stone to set up the formation?" A thin middle-aged man had curiosity in his eyes.    


This middle-aged man looked weak, but the young men around him didn't have the slightest bit of disrespect for him.    


"Sect Master, did that person really use a Profound Stone to set up the formation?" While the middle-aged man was curious, a young man beside him couldn't help but ask.    


"It should be, because I didn't see him use a Profound Power to inscribe the Profound Array, and it was indeed the light emitted by the Profound Stone just now. Following that, a Profound Array appeared, but this Profound Array is slightly different from the one that was drawn with the Profound Power." the middle-aged man asked.    


"Sect Leader, even you are unable to tell?"    


When the young man saw the puzzled expression of the Sect Leader, his eyes emitted a sense of surprise.    


It had to be known that his sect master was a level six Profound Array Master, and for Profound Array Master to be able to become a sect master, it could be imagined how terrifying his attainments in the Profound Array were.    


But even so, this sect master had no way of seeing through the Profound Array that Ye Xiu had set up.    


"This child comes from the Five Elements' Sect. After he finishes the competition, I would like to get to know him." The middle-aged man muttered.    


As a level six Profound Array Master, he naturally wanted to get to know a talent that could set up such a Profound Array.    


Although it would take less time to set up a few lower leveled Profound Array after one's Profound Array Master s reached a higher level, there was nothing faster than Ye Xiu in setting it up, no matter how low it was.    


Therefore, the speed at which Ye Xiu used his Profound Stone to arrange the formation shocked all the Profound Array Master present, especially his method of setting up the formation, which shocked everyone present even more.    


Just as the sects around the stage were in shock with Ye Xiu's formation setting up technique, Cai Qing who was already surrounded by the Profound Array looked at Ye Xiu who was standing in front of them with a serious expression.    


Although Cai Qing did not know what had happened, he could feel that the current him seemed to be in a dangerous place.    


"Come, let me be convinced of my defeat." Cai Qing bellowed, following that, the Profound Power began to surge out from his body.    


"Are you sure you want to fight me? Aren't you afraid that your injuries will relapse? " Just as Cai Qing was about to fight, Ye Xiu's voice came out.    


Actually, even though Ye Xiu had set up the Profound Array, he did not plan to use it against Cai Qing.    


Although this Profound Array was a Killing Array, its power was absolutely not enough to defeat a Peak Profound Infant Stage Expert.    


Moreover, this Profound Array's real intention was to prevent others from knowing everything. After all, there were some things that were inconvenient to let too many people know.    




Just as Cai Qing was about to attack Ye Xiu, the latter's words made him startled.    


"What did you say?"    


Cai Qing found it hard to believe and he asked again.    


"What is it? Could it be that I made a mistake? You're not injured? " Ye Xiu asked again with a light raise of his brows.    


"How did you know I was hurt?" Cai Qing frowned.    


Cai Qing did indeed have some injuries, but they were more or less healed, so there shouldn't be any major problems at this time.    


Since he was fine, how did Ye Xiu find out that he was injured?    


"How should I know if it's not important? The important thing is that your injury seems to have recovered, but it's actually just an illusion. How is it? Right now, does your right shoulder feel a little pain from swelling? Although it's nothing to you, you still feel a little pain, right?" Ye Xiu continued.    


"You ?"    


After Ye Xiu accurately pointed out the location of his injuries, the surprise on Cai Qing's face became even more intense, because the location of his injuries was indeed on his shoulder.    


"Why do you think I have to fight you? It's because it's easier for you to fight. It can even be said that you don't need to use the power of the dust to make you give up on the competition, and naturally, I cannot miss a good thing like this. " Ye Xiu gently smiled.    


"Are you that sure?"    


Cai Qing naturally did not agree with what Ye Xiu had said, because he felt that his shoulders had already healed to the point where they were almost healed.    


"What is it? If you were to fight with me, then your right shoulder will definitely be crippled, and when the time comes, even with the support of the Profound Power, your right hand will still be soft, and will no longer have the power to kill. " Ye Xiu reminded.    


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