Limitless Arrogant Sovereign



"It's nothing, I just used too much force!"    


In the face of Ling Zhen's inquiry, Ye Xiu casually said those words.    


Regarding him saving a person last night, and killing a demon, Ye Xiu would definitely not tell him about this.    


Furthermore, the demons had been exterminated and they had been saved, so no one from the Nine Profound Sect knew about this matter, so even if Ye Xiu said it out loud, it would be impossible to find out.    


Therefore, Ye Xiu would naturally not reveal the secret of Nine Profound Sect, because not only would it be impossible to prove it, but the moment Xu An found out about it, he would not hold any gratitude in his heart.    


Xu An had previously said that if he succeeded in saving his junior sister, then he owed her a huge favor.    


Towards this favor, Ye Xiu naturally cherished it. After all, he still had the Nine Profound Exquisite Pagoda on him.    


If this favor could be exchanged for his life, then what Ye Xiu did last night would be extremely meaningful.    


And it was just like that, Ye Xiu naturally did not dare to easily give up on this favor, as for whether or not Xu An would keep his promise, that was not something to worry about, after all, both Qin Tianxu and Leng Yue were able to testify for him.    


The two of them were members of the Profound Sky Sect, so Xu An naturally did not dare to offend this sect.    


Therefore, with Qin Tianxu and Leng Yue here, Xu An would definitely fulfill his promise and help him out in the end.    


"Too much force?"    


In regards to Ye Xiu's reply, the four people present were slightly stunned. However, after they carefully thought back to it, their expressions were all quite strange.    


"Alright, the competition arena is about to begin. Let's hurry over."    


Ye Xiu saw the strange expressions on the four's faces, he knew that his reason would cause others to indulge in their imagination, but there was nothing he could do, after all, he hadn't returned last night, he definitely had to find a reason.    


Now, Ye Xiu had already given him a reason. As for what others would think, that was not something he could control.    


Moreover, the four of them knew about his relationship with Leng Yue, so even if they were to think randomly, there was nothing important to do.    


"Oh, oh!"    


Just like that, because of Ye Xiu's words, the four of them nodded their heads, then the five of them walked towards the stage.    


After more than an hour of recovery, Ye Xiu was naturally still full of energy, without any signs of weakness.    


Towards such a powerful recovery ability like Ye Xiu's, both Xu Zifeng and Yan Xiang were extremely shocked. After all, they had personally seen what the Ye Xiu from an hour ago looked like, and in that short half an hour, their entire person had undergone a tremendous change. If they had not seen it with their own eyes, who would believe that there was someone who could recover so shockingly in this world?    


Of course, Xu Zifeng's mysteriousness and power was something that both Xu Zifeng and Yan Xiang knew. Even if he was slightly shocked in his heart, his reaction was only for an instant.    


"Ye Xiu, you recovered?"    


Just as the five of them arrived at the edge of the arena and found their seats, a voice rang out.    


Originally, when Ye Xiu and the rest were walking towards the stage, Leng Yue had already noticed them. Then, she quickly walked towards Ye Xiu.    


After all, they had guessed that Ye Xiu's situation might not be too good, since the demon was definitely stronger than they had imagined, and if Ye Xiu removed the demon, then he would be completely fine.    


"What is it? Do I look like I'm in trouble? " Seeing Leng Yue's worried expression, Ye Xiu reached out and lightly pinched the other party's small face.    


"Ye Xiu!"    


When Leng Yue saw that Ye Xiu was actually pinching his own face in front of everyone, Leng Yue immediately frowned.    


To Leng Yue, this action of Ye Xiu's was definitely considered intimate, and if this kind of action was done in a room with no outsiders, then Leng Yue naturally wouldn't have any objections.    




When Ye Xiu saw that Leng Yue seemed to be displeased with his previous actions, he hurriedly retracted his hand and revealed a foolish smile.    


When the originally angry Leng Yue saw Ye Xiu like this, the bit of anger he had accumulated disappeared in an instant.    


No matter how angry he was, he would never be able to show off when someone he liked foolishly smiled at him. In fact, it would disappear in a very short period of time.    


"Ye Xiu, are you really alright?" Leng Yue asked again.    


Leng Yue still believed in his intuition, when Ye Xiu wanted to leave in a hurry, he knew that his body was sick. Otherwise, why would he leave?    


"It's really nothing. If you don't believe me, then how about I go up to the arena and have a spar with someone?" Ye Xiu pointed to the stage.    


"There's no need for that. Besides, you've already finished competing. Even if you enter the arena, no one will be willing to fight you." Leng Yue said with a light smile.    


Ye Xiu's strength was obvious to all, although no one saw his true strength, there was definitely a reason why he could force two Peak Profound Infant Stage Expert s to admit defeat one after the other.    


As for the reason, many people wanted to know, but they didn't want to know.    


Because once he knew, it meant that his opponent was Ye Xiu, and that he had lost the competition.    


They had come to this place for the Sky Sect Site, so if they lost the competition, they would lose the qualifications to enter the Sky Sect Site.    


There was a period of time before Sky Sect Site was activated, and once an expert whose cultivation had reached the peak of Perfection of Profound Infant Stage missed this chance, unless their cultivation did not increase in the future, or was even forcefully suppressed, they would never have the opportunity to reach Sky Sect Site in their entire lives.    


Leng Yue and Zuo Lixiong had suppressed their cultivation, because they had confidence in their own cultivation, confident that even if their Sky Sect Site was useless, they could quickly catch up after unsealing their own cultivation.    


However, the majority of experts did not dare to do so. After all, forcefully sealing one's own cultivation was extremely risky. If they were not careful, they might really waste this period of golden training time.    


One did not have much time in their lifetime to train in gold. If they were to miss it, then no amount of regret would be enough to make up for it.    


Just like this, Ye Xiu and Leng Yue chatted for a while before Xu An's figure appeared on the stage.    


Of course, because his junior sister's matter had been successfully resolved, Xu An's face was now full of smiles.    


Especially when Xu An's gaze landed on Ye Xiu, who was seated below the stage, the smile on his face became even wider.    


Naturally, Ye Xiu politely responded to Xu An's smile.    


"Alright, let the competition continue." Alright, let the competition continue. Xu An retracted his gaze and said softly.    


Just as he finished speaking, two figures walked out from beneath the stage, and with Xu An's order, the two of them released their Qi at the same time.    


The cultivation of the two people in this competition were both at the peak of the Profound Infant Stage, so in terms of cultivation, none of them could win.    


However, even if their cultivation was the same, the difference in their strength would be like heaven and earth.    


Of course, unless the difference between the two was enormous, otherwise, a battle between two experts of the same level wouldn't be so great as to determine victory or defeat in the first place.    


Yan Xiang looked at the two people battling on the stage, and watched the competition with a serious face.    


However, Yan Xiang's perception was limited, he was naturally unable to discern anything from the battle between the two.    


"Thousand Shadow Hands!"    


As the match slowly entered its climax, the two people on the stage naturally began to reveal their unique skills.    


Of course, because no one used Xuan Artifacts, the two were still engaged in close combat.    


"Mysterious Heart Shattering Palm!"    


When one of them used a profound skill, the other person did not want to be outdone and also condensed his Profound Power into his palm. Immediately after, the two of them once again fiercely clashed.    


A dense cluster of hands appeared behind the Thousand Shadow Hands disciple, as if there really were a thousand hands behind him.    


However, how could a person appear with a thousand hands all of a sudden? So, every disciple present clearly knew that most of the Profound Skills were a type of camouflage technique.    


Actually, within these thousand hands, there were only two that were real. The rest were all fake.    


Of course, because there were too many hands, if one didn't know where the real one was, it would be very easy to be attacked.    


On the other hand, the other person's palm strike carried traces of ear-piercing wind. It made one feel as if their eardrums were being shattered. If one were to hear this sound from up close, then it would definitely have an impact.    


As a result, when the two figures collided, the spectators below the stage all wanted to know who held the upper hand in this battle.    


"Ta, ta, ta!"    


After the collision, the two figures seemed to retreat at almost the same time. Judging from their appearances, neither of them had gained the upper hand in their previous exchange.    


"Who won!?"    


When the two of them were ten meters apart from each other, the whispers from below the stage started once again.    


While everyone was whispering to each other, the two people on the stage didn't move at all.    


With regards to this point, many people revealed doubtful expressions. It must be known that the competition was not yet over, so why were they not moving?    




However, just as everyone was puzzled, two sounds of blood being spat out suddenly rang out at almost the same time.    




Seeing the two of them spitting out blood at the same time, many of the disciples present revealed looks of surprise. This was a result that they had never expected.    


"Elder Ye, who lost this battle?" Yan Xiang looked at the two people who were vomiting blood at the same time, and couldn't help but ask Ye Xiu who was beside him.    


"A draw!"    


Faced with Yan Xiang's question, Ye Xiu helplessly shook his head and replied.    


"A draw!"    


Hearing this result, Yan Xiang and the others also revealed a look of regret.    


According to the Sky Sect's rules, once a draw occurred, it wasn't that both of them would be promoted, but both of them would be eliminated.    


Although this rule made people feel that it was cold-blooded, reality was cruel. If they could advance in a draw, what would happen if the two of them knew each other?    


This was also the reason why Ye Xiu would voluntarily admit defeat if he met Leng Yue, and not discuss how it would end the match with a draw with him.    


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