Limitless Arrogant Sovereign



Since Xu An personally invited him, and added with the fact that Ye Xiu also wanted to see the girl that he had saved from the devil, he naturally nodded his head in agreement.    


"Master, the demon qi has disappeared completely."    


When Ye Xiu followed Xu An, Ye Long's voice sounded out in his mind.    


"That's for sure. Killing Demon Seven Stars Knife is not someone to be trifled with. No demon that is targeted by it will survive." Ye Xiu replied.    


"Master, aside from this Sect Master Xu's invitation, you should also be here to confirm if the demonic energy in that woman's body has truly been purged clean." Ye Long asked.    


"That's right, I'm not afraid of ten thousand, but what if the demon from the Magic Apparatus is still parasitizing in that woman's body? So since we're going to make our move, we naturally have to eliminate the root of the problem." Ye Xiu nodded as he replied.    


This was not a place where the devils should come to, because this was not a Demon Domain. If they lived in this world that did not belong to them, then they would naturally receive a heavy blow.    


Because the reason why these devils came to this world was not pure, Ye Xiu was not courteous at all when facing these devils.    


Although within the Demon Domain, Ye Xiu believed that there were definitely good demons as well, for example, that there were bad people in this world.    


Demons and humans were only different races. They cultivated different powers, and in the end, they were all living beings.    


If this Demon did not have any evil intentions, then it would be impossible for him to appear in this world. Therefore, from Ye Xiu's point of view, all the demons that appeared in their world all had thoughts about their world, and were invaders.    


To deal with the invaders, they would naturally have to use the weapons in their hands to kill them. Otherwise, once they established their foothold in this world, the situation would become dire.    


"Master, aside from what you said, I'm afraid you have another goal. After all, that woman is possessed by a demon. Perhaps that demon still has some memories in her body." Ye Long continued.    


"Ye Long, I realized that you're getting smarter and smarter lately. It seems that you learned quite a few things from following me." Ye Xiu gently smiled.    


"Master, I noticed that your skin is getting thicker and thicker. When I first met you, you seemed pretty average. Now, you're getting more and more shameless." Ye Long joked.    




Hearing Ye Long's words, Ye Xiu laughed in his mind. Of course, Xu An was in front of him, so he could not laugh out loud.    


Just like that, while talking and laughing with Ye Long, Ye Xiu followed Xu An to this forbidden grounds.    


The reason why this place was previously set up as a forbidden ground was because Xu An didn't want the Nine Profound Sect disciples to know that there were devils within the sect.    


And today, Xu An still placed his junior sister here, completely because she did not want to be disturbed. After all, in the eyes of all Nine Profound Sect, this place was a forbidden area that could not be entered, and to be nurtured in this place, it was naturally the most suitable.    


"Sect Master Xu, don't you plan to change him to another place to recuperate?" Ye Xiu asked softly.    


Although no one would disturb this place, this room was extremely dilapidated, and obviously wasn't suitable for living here.    


"I'll stay here for now. After all, Junior Martial Sister's condition isn't stable yet. If I move her around, I'm afraid something might happen. When she gets better, I'll naturally move her somewhere else to recuperate." Xu An explained.    




Hearing Xu An's words, Ye Xiu gave a light grunt, and without further ado, the two of them entered the house.    


Because this place was a forbidden ground, there was no one else in the house. There was only Junior Sister Xu An on a simple little bed.    


"Junior Sister, the Exorcist who saved you is here."    


The woman who was initially lying on the bed had her eyes closed, but when Xu An's voice came out, her tightly shut eyes slowly opened.    


Naturally, the woman had seen Ye Xiu before, because Ye Xiu had regained his rationality when he was trying to exterminate the devils.    


"Benefactor, you're here!"    


Seeing Ye Xiu, Junior Sister Xu An's slightly pale face revealed a smile.    


Although his body's weakness made him feel very uncomfortable, it was still many times better than before.    


Originally, she thought that she was definitely going to die, but she never thought that there would be a day where she would see the light of day again, so she thanked Ye Xiu from the bottom of her heart for giving her her her second life.    


"Senior, I cannot afford the word 'benefactor'. I am only doing my duty." Ye Xiu said.    


As an Exorcist, he naturally had to take the task of exterminating demons as his own. Therefore, in Ye Xiu's opinion, there was no such thing as a benefactor or not, saving others was just secondary.    


Although Junior Sister Xu An's cultivation was currently still not stable, no matter how unstable she was, her cultivation would not drop past the realm of Profound Sea Stage. Therefore, Ye Xiu calling her Senior was not too excessive.    


"Benefactor, please don't call me senior, it really is a shame. How about this, I'm Wang Yan, you can call me by my name." Junior Sister Xu An introduced herself.    


"This ?"    


If he called him by his name, then in Ye Xiu's opinion, he was not really involved, so towards Wang Yan's request, he was naturally unable to accept.    


"Ye Xiu, since my junior has already said so, just agree to her request. Indeed, you have saved her life, if you continue to call her senior, how can she bear it?" Xu An replied.    


What was senior? As a senior, how could he need this junior to save his life, so since Ye Xiu had saved his life, she naturally could not act as if he was a senior.    




Since Xu An had already said it, then Ye Xiu could only nod his head and agree.    


"Wang... Wang Yan, do you know why you have called me here? " Ye Xiu asked softly.    


"Benefactor, I asked my senior to call you over. Mainly, I want to thank you. After all, if it wasn't for you, I would not have been able to escape this calamity." Wang Yan replied.    


"Wang Yan, since I called you by your name, then don't call me your benefactor, the word is weird to me, you can just call me Ye Xiu like how the Sect Master Xu does." Ye Xiu replied.    




Regarding Ye Xiu's words, Wang Yan also nodded his head in agreement.    


"By the way, is there something wrong with you? "If you do, let me check to see if there is any Demon Qi left in your body." Ye Xiu reminded.    


If there were still remnants of the demon qi, then even if the real demon qi were to be removed, Wang Yan would definitely be possessed by the demon qi again.    


Before, her body had already been possessed by the devil, and her body had also been demonized. So, if she were to become a demon again, she would definitely be completely possessed and would be unable to extricate herself.    


Therefore, Ye Xiu was still very concerned about this point. After all, if Wang Yan were to be bewitched again, a small part of him might be destroyed by it.    


If this result was caused by Ye Xiu's carelessness, then he would naturally owe it to himself.    


"I don't feel comfortable. I feel uncomfortable all over, as if this body isn't mine." Wang Yan replied.    


Of course, it was normal for his entire body to feel uncomfortable, since Wang Yan had already lost his physical body for a period of time, and now that he had regained control of it all of a sudden, he needed time to get familiar with it.    


However, since Wang Yan had said so, then regardless of whether it was a problem or not, Ye Xiu had to check it out for her.    


"Killing Demon Seven Stars Knife!"    


Without any hesitation, Ye Xiu lightly clenched his right hand, and the Killing Demon Seven Stars Knife that was stored in his body appeared in his hand.    


If one wanted to know if Wang Yan still had any demonic energy on him, then it would be clear if they used Killing Demon Seven Stars Knife s to check.    


If there was demon qi, even if it was just a trace of it, the Killing Demon Seven Stars Knife would definitely feel it.    


"Wang Yan, I will allow the Killing Demon Seven Stars Knife's blade energy to flow through your body once. You must not move recklessly, and don't be nervous, the Killing Demon Seven Stars Knife does not harm ordinary people, it only fights against devils." Ye Xiu reminded.    




Hearing Ye Xiu's words, Wang Yan nodded her head to show that she understood, after that she slowly closed her eyes and relaxed.    


Seeing that Wang Yan was ready, Ye Xiu naturally ordered the Killing Demon Seven Stars Knife to start inspecting him.    


Ye Xiu was the master of the Killing Demon Seven Stars Knife, and he had even brought the other party to continuously exterminate the devils, so the Killing Demon Seven Stars Knife had a lot of trust in its master.    


As a result, under Ye Xiu's command, the Killing Demon Seven Stars Knife immediately released a burst of blade energy, and then, this wave of blade energy entered Wang Yan's body under Ye Xiu's control.    


If a foreign object entered one's body, one would definitely feel uncomfortable, even if the foreign object was not harmful.    


However, in order to be completely safe, Wang Yan naturally had to endure this discomfort.    


As time passed, Ye Xiu controlled the blade qi to circulate around Wang Yan's body.    


No matter what, Wang Yan's body had already been demonized, so it was possible that there would be remnants of demonic energy anywhere.    




After half an hour, Ye Xiu dissipated the sword aura from the Killing Demon Seven Stars Knife in the air, and then, he gently heaved a sigh of relief.    


According to the inspection, Wang Yan's body was fine, and he had recovered pretty well. At the very least, there were no longer any traces of demonic energy left in his body.    


Regarding this point, Ye Xiu could understand too. After all, the devil did not truly reside in Wang Yan's body, but inside the Magic Apparatus.    


Currently, the Magic Apparatus had already been completely destroyed by Ye Xiu using the Killing Demon Seven Stars Knife, so the devil definitely could not leave anything in Wang Yan's body.    


"Wang Yan, your body is fine, but if you want to recover to a normal state, then you will need time to do it bit by bit. This cannot be rushed, or else your body will not be able to take it." Ye Xiu reminded.    


It had already been checked once more, and since there was no Demonic Qi in his body, then the worry in Ye Xiu's heart could be considered to have been eliminated.    


"Wang Yan, can I ask you a question? That demon has occupied your body for quite some time, so I want to know if it left any information in your mind, whether or not it had memories that did not belong to you. " Ye Xiu asked.    


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