Limitless Arrogant Sovereign



Of course, the competition had already ended, and his own sect master did not raise any objections, which obviously meant that Xu An's judgement would not be a problem.    


Therefore, even if the man was unwilling, he had to accept this result. No one would want to miss out on Sky Sect Site, but his name was limited, so someone would definitely miss out on that.    


"Alright, let's continue with the competition. The next round will be held by the two disciples." When the two men walked down the stage, Xu An continued to announce.    


"It's my turn!"    


After Xu An finished speaking, the lady on the seat mumbled to herself, and then she slowly walked towards the stage.    


"Elder Ye, it's her!"    


When Yan Xiang saw the lady on stage, he was shocked.    


"What, you haven't even gotten together with her and you're already worried about her?" Seeing Yan Xiang's reaction, Ye Xiu asked indifferently.    


"Elder Ye, I'm not worried about her, I'm just ?" Yan Xiang wanted to explain something, but he realized that he did not know how to explain it.    


"Don't explain yourself. Of course, you like her, so you're worried that she's normal. However, there will be losses in the competition, so you need to be mentally prepared." Ye Xiu reminded.    


Just as Ye Xiu finished speaking, in front of him, a woman who had cultivated to the peak level of the Profound Infant Stage also walked up the stage.    


Although they were both women, that did not mean that women would be weak.    


No matter what, Chen Lan's cultivation was one stage lower than her opponent's, so unless her strength reached the peak of the Profound Infant Stage and her opponent was only at the peak of the Profound Infant Stage, the outcome of this battle would be obvious.    


"Let the duel begin!"    


Xu An looked at the two women beside him and announced.    




Just as Xu An finished speaking, the beautiful figure on the stage transformed into a shadow and flew towards another person.    


Although things had happened so fast, since he was standing in the ring, he had to keep an eye on his opponent.    


As a result, when his opponent rushed towards him, Chen Lan reacted immediately.    


Chen Lan unhesitatingly revealed his own Profound Artifact Sword, then he slashed his sword towards the beautiful figure that was pouncing towards him.    


Although the lady had taken the initiative, Chen Lan's reaction was timely, and even used his Profound Artifact Sword to meet the attack, so the beautiful figure that was originally pouncing towards her naturally had no choice but to give up.    


Once he gave up, he immediately lost the initiative, and took this opportunity to quickly retreat, maintaining a certain distance between them.    


The competition had returned to its original point.    


Although Chen Lan's cultivation was slightly lower than his opponent's, based on her reaction speed, she should not be weak.    


"Elder Ye, what do you think of her chances of winning?" Yan Xiang looked at the two figures in front of him on the stage and couldn't help but ask Ye Xiu for guidance.    


"If your Senior Sister Chen loses, then what will happen to you if you draw her? Would you fight her, or voluntarily give up?" Looking at Yan Xiang, Ye Xiu asked back.    


"This ?"    


Hearing this question, Yan Xiang immediately sank into deep thought.    


If the two had already established a relationship, then Yan Xiang would naturally choose to give up without hesitation. After all, the other party's cultivation was above his, so if she were to enter the Sky Sect Site, he might be able to find some opportunities.    


But now, the two of them were only at the initial stage, they didn't even have a concrete understanding of each other.    


Therefore, if Yan Xiang was allowed to make a choice now, it would undoubtedly be difficult because if the relationship was not established, then perhaps his good intentions would be disregarded by others.    


Seeing that Yan Xiang didn't know what to do, Ye Xiu smiled lightly: "Alright, I won't make things difficult for you anymore. Of course, if you wish for her to win, I think we can help you a little."    


"It's true!"    


Hearing that Ye Xiu could help him a little, Yan Xiang's face revealed a joyous expression.    


And from Yan Xiang's expression of joy, it could be seen that he truly liked this Chen Lan.    


Seeing Yan Xiang's happy expression, Ye Xiu had a bad feeling about it, because Chen Lan's sudden approach must have a goal in his mind.    


After all, when they had taken the initiative to approach him, he hadn't really wanted to be friends with a stranger.    


But not long later, this Chen Lan took the initiative to visit him and request to be his friend.    


Even if Chen Lan gave a reason that he thought through, but to Ye Xiu, this reason was still too far-fetched.    


Therefore, if Chen Lan truly had another goal in getting close to them, then it would definitely be a heavy blow to Yan Xiang.    


However, all of these were Ye Xiu's guesses, so before he had any evidence, he would naturally not tell Yan Xiang about this.    


That was why even if Ye Xiu doubted Chen Lan's intentions, if Yan Xiang wanted him to help, he naturally wouldn't mind helping him.    


"Yan Xiang, wait until I see through her weakness, you can't help but remind her. Of course, you can't tell her personally, or else you'll be in violation of the rules of the competition, so whether or not she can understand your warning will depend on her own ability." Ye Xiu said.    


Of course, Yan Xiang was clear of Ye Xiu's warning. When he was on the stage previously, Ye Xiu had also reminded him, but that was only one action.    


Just like this, time ticked by, and the two beautiful figures continued to fight on the stage. All sorts of Xuan Skills were used, and their goal was to take down this competition.    


However, everyone was thinking this way. Everyone wanted to win the match, so the match naturally became more exciting.    


However, Chen Lan's cultivation was after all, one level lower, so whether it was Profound Power or something else, they were all slightly lower.    


In a short period of time, he would still be able to contend against it. However, if time passed, he would naturally be defeated.    


Once they revealed their defeat, if they did not have a backup plan, then they would not be far from defeat.    


"Elder Ye, she can't hold on much longer, do you have any way to help her?" Yan Xiang looked at the defeated Chen Lan on the stage and couldn't help but to ask him again.    


"Yan Xiang, go to a conspicuous place and do this action with your hands in front of your chest. It's that simple?" Ye Xiu replied.    




Hearing this, Yan Xiang couldn't help but let out a loud shout. Both of his hands were protecting his chest and he was even using his own hands to protect it.    


"If you don't want Senior Sister Chen to lose, then go and do it. Of course, even if you did, she might not be able to understand." Ye Xiu reminded.    


Indeed, in order to not let others find out who cheated, even if Yan Xiang did so, it was one thing if Chen Lan could not see through it, but even if he did, it was another matter whether he could understand it or not.    


Therefore, if Chen Lan didn't see or understand, then Yan Xiang had wasted his efforts.    


Of course, whether or not he would do it was Yan Xiang's problem.    


And when Yan Xiang took a deep breath, he nodded at Ye Xiu and followed closely behind.    


Although running further away from the arena was still far from it, looking out from the arena, it was obvious and eye-catching.    


Especially since Chen Lan had already revealed his defeat, she basically did not have the time to look elsewhere.    


"It's the most beautiful thing to understand!"    


When Yan Xiang recalled where he was the most eye-catching part of the stage, he ran towards that direction.    


But even if Yan Xiang arrived at this place, when he raised his head to look at the stage, the person facing him was actually not Chen Lan.    


"Turn around!"    


Looking at Chen Lan who was constantly in danger, Yan Xiang prayed in his heart.    


It was unknown if it was due to Yan Xiang's prayer or not, but after a minute had passed, when his back was originally facing Chen Lan and was hastily dodging the opponent's attack, he suddenly turned around and appeared behind his opponent.    


With this quick rotation, the Yan Xiang who was originally facing away from him became the one facing him.    




Seeing Chen Lan facing him, Yan Xiang was elated, but immediately followed Ye Xiu's instructions and did the same action as how he used his hands to protect his chest.    


"What is he doing?"    


Yan Xiang suddenly made a strange movement, this scene naturally caused the disciples beside him to feel extremely puzzled.    


As for the other people who gave him strange looks, Yan Xiang did not pay any attention to them. Of course, in order to not arouse suspicion, he did not look at the stage either.    


When time slowly passed, Yan Xiang was unable to move at all. Furthermore, this movement was extremely unrefined, so it naturally attracted even more attention.    


When Yan Xiang saw that he had attracted more and more attention, but Chen Lan did not seem to notice anything, he started to worry in his heart.    


If she managed to attract everyone's attention, even if Chen Lan found out, her opponent would definitely think of something.    


And at that time, if her opponent brought up that Chen Lan had cheated, then all her hard work would have been in vain.    


In fact, if Yan Xiang offered to cheat, his qualifications would be revoked.    


Therefore, at this time, Yan Xiang was thinking about one thing, and that was whether or not he should continue to persevere.    


"Nobody move!"    


Just as Yan Xiang was considering whether he should persevere on, a voice suddenly came out.    


Following the voice, the disciples who were approaching Yan Xiang suddenly stopped in their tracks.    


"Everyone, don't move. If something happens to him, you're the only ones who can ask." Ye Xiu walked over at this time, and then pointed at those disciples who wanted to get close to Yan Xiang to take a closer look, and warned them.    


Regarding Ye Xiu's warning, all the disciples present were naturally puzzled. However, since they had been warned, then, naturally, no one dared to continue approaching.    


However, because of Ye Xiu's loud shout, the three people on stage were alarmed.    


Regardless of whether it was Xu An or the other two contestants, both of them simultaneously looked towards the direction of the voice.    


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