Limitless Arrogant Sovereign



"How is this possible?"    


After the competition lasted for more than ten minutes, the man fighting against Yan Xiang finally realized one fact: that he had been suppressed and beaten.    


No matter how much he fought, he was suppressed in the end. There were even a few times when he wanted to go all out, but he realized that he did not have the time to prepare, because Yan Xiang's sword was already flying towards him.    


He even had the illusion that he was still fighting against an opponent, because the two of them fought in the same way.    


However, the domineering aura of the previous person had suppressed him, preventing him from using his full strength.    


But no matter if it was the sword or the blade, Yan Xiang's suppression was the same as the previous person's. This was the thing that surprised him the most.    


Because in the previous round of the competition, he had been suppressed time and time again, and he had lost miserably. Could it be that this time, it would be the same as before?    


As he thought this, this man started to get anxious. The more anxious he became, the more chaotic his sword techniques became.    


"Looks like it's my guess."    


When Ye Xiu who was below the stage saw Yan Xiang's opponent's sword technique start to mess up, he muttered to himself.    


Actually, this man's weakness was not obvious, but if he really was aiming for that weakness, then with Yan Xiang's strength, he was still a little lacking.    


Unless the two of them were of equal strength, then they could use their weakness to end the battle quickly. But this was clearly not suitable for Yan Xiang.    


Therefore, Ye Xiu took another path and asked him to imitate the blade wielding man's fighting style. Only by doing this would he be able to cause his opponent to be confused.    


As long as his mind was in chaos, Yan Xiang would have a way to win.    


As for how he would win, it would depend on how well Yan Xiang knew his own sword techniques.    


Therefore, even Ye Xiu was not completely optimistic about Yan Xiang's match. Victory or defeat, all depended on his own comprehension.    


But now, it seemed that all of this was within Ye Xiu's expectations, but even so, it was still unknown who would be the final victor.    


"Ding ding ding!"    


The sounds of metal clashing continued to ring out on the stage, but at this time, everyone below the stage was wondering why it would take so much effort for a peak Profound Infant Stage expert to fight a peak Profound Infant Stage expert.    


The spectators below the stage could not see through the true meaning behind Yan Xiang's sword technique, so they were naturally confused about the battle.    


However, those who saw it immediately understood that it wasn't that man who went easy, but that he was suppressed to the point that he couldn't use his full strength to attack.    


This was like having a body full of strength, while others just had to test your mental strength, making it so that you were a hero without a weapon.    


Therefore, this competition that seemed to hold the upper hand was now extremely dramatic. Some people even thought that Yan Xiang would definitely lose at the beginning, but now, their determination was no longer as strong.    


"I didn't expect him to be so powerful!"    


When Chen Lan looked at the Yan Xiang who was slowly gaining the upper hand on the stage, her eyes were filled with shock.    


Of course, it was not only Chen Lan, almost everyone was shocked by Yan Xiang's fighting strength. This was way too powerful.    


Actually, power was something to be reckoned with, if the people fighting Yan Xiang only had Great Perfection of Profound Infant Stage or perfect mastery, then the shock they gave others would be much lower.    


But now, the person who was fighting with Yan Xiang possessed a cultivation at the peak of the Profound Infant Stage. Even if the other party had lost a competition before, it was still a battle against people of the same level.    


But now, such a person was being suppressed by someone with a low Rank Two, which undoubtedly showed just how strong Yan Xiang was.    


Of course, with the reactions of the people below the stage, Yan Xiang was naturally not in the mood to watch. He knew his limits, and so when he was in battle, he naturally put all his heart into battle, not daring to be the least bit distracted.    


Yan Xiang had received great guidance from Ye Xiu, if he still lost the competition like this, then the person he would let down the most would be Ye Xiu.    


Thus, in order to not let himself let down the others, he did his best, using everything he had learned in one go.    




When Yan Xiang was waving the Profound Artifact Sword in his hands with all his might, his opponent found it harder and harder to resist, because the sword technique was so strange that he had never seen it before in his life.    


Facing this kind of unknown sword technique, one would have a sense of panic. Moreover, this person was already in a state of confusion. If this happened, then the situation would become even more chaotic.    


"Looks like the competition is about to end!"    


Xu An, who was standing at the side of the stage, watched the competition progress, and sighed in his heart. Regarding the result, it was obviously within his expectations.    


However, the cultivation of a Great Perfection of Profound Infant Stage being able to beat a powerhouse at the peak of the Profound Infant Stage helpless, was still the first time he had seen this.    


"I admit defeat!"    


Just as Xu An was prepared to stop the winner of the round, a voice came out.    


"You admit defeat?"    


When Yan Xiang who was completely immersed in battle heard his opponent's words, he was stunned and did not react at all.    


Because he did not react, Yan Xiang still struck out with his sword.    




One side had already admitted defeat, while the other side still hadn't reacted. This caused the other side to give up resisting, while the other side was still battling.    


Therefore, when Yan Xiang discovered that his sword was slashing straight towards his opponent's chest, he immediately wanted to retract his attack. However, because of the distance between them, he found that it was too late to retract his sword.    


But just as the sword in Yan Xiang's hand was about to pierce into his opponent's chest, a hand suddenly appeared and grabbed onto the sword.    


With the appearance of this hand, Yan Xiang discovered that his sword seemed to have been inserted into steel, and was simply unable to advance even a single inch.    


"Sect Master Xu, thank you!"    


When Yan Xiang saw the owner of the hand clearly, he immediately expressed his thanks.    


"It's fine, this is my duty. As long as you are fine, it's fine." Xu An replied.    


Yan Xiang was actually able to defeat another expert at the peak of the Profound Infant Stage, which made Xu An look at him in a different light. And following his victory, the three people who only had Five Elements' Sect actually passed through two rounds.    


Among the people who had won, there were only three disciples with Nine Profound Sect and all three of their cultivations were at the peak of the Profound Infant Stage.    


Nine Profound Sect had sent out a total of five Peak Profound Infant Stage Expert s, and two of them had lost in the second round.    


However, rules were rules. Since it was a draw, it meant that no one had won.    


Just like that, because his opponent had admitted defeat, Yan Xiang had unquestionably obtained victory in this competition, and smoothly advanced to the third round.    


Everyone, now that the second round of the competition has ended, there are some who are happy, there are others who are sad, there is nothing that can be done, after all, this is a competition, victory or defeat is unavoidable, and after that, we will rest for another two days, at that time, all of the people who have obtained victory in the second round will gather at this place. Xu An announced.    


After Xu An finished this sentence, many sects left, and not long after, there were even more sects that left the Nine Profound Sect.    


Since no one from the sect had advanced to the third round of the competition, then what was the point in staying in Nine Profound Sect?    


And it was precisely because of this, that on this night, only a dozen or so sects remained in the Nine Profound Sect. Compared to the initial sect, those sects were already more than half gone.    


Due to the massive departure of the sect, the previously crowded rooms were now empty.    


With this, Ye Xiu and the other four would naturally be able to stay in their own rooms.    


Furthermore, because Ye Xiu and the other two had all been promoted to the third round, and with Ye Xiu's special help, not only did the five of them get a room, it was even a room of the highest quality. There were even various fruits in the room, and this was a treatment that was completely impossible to enjoy in the previous room.    


"Elder Ye, thank you. If not for your help, I would never have advanced to the third round."    


In a larger room, Ye Xiu and the other three were seated around a round table, eating fruits while chatting.    


This room belonged to Ye Xiu, and it was the largest room among the five of them.    


Actually, Ye Xiu was not too particular about the place they were staying, so when he saw the large room arranged for him, his first reaction was to refuse.    


However, when Ye Xiu indicated that he wanted to exchange rooms with Ling Zhen, the other two naturally refused.    


First, previously, Ling Zhen and Long Yazi were in the same room, but now, there was only one for each of them.    


Secondly, any rooms would not hurt Ling Zhen and the others, so they would naturally not take a fancy to it.    


Third, this large room was specially prepared for Ye Xiu by the Nine Profound Sect. If they agreed to exchange places with Ye Xiu, then what if Xu An was unhappy?    


And it was like that. They would live in the room that Xu An arranged for them. After the Sky Sect Site was over, they would leave.    


"Yan Xiang, we are from the same sect, if I don't help you win, then who else can I help, so there's no need to say anymore words of thanks, as long as you don't lose what I taught you, learn to use it and become stronger, then you can be considered to be truly worthy of me." Ye Xiu said with a light smile.    


As they spoke, Ye Xiu ate the fruits in big mouthfuls, and to be honest, the fruits provided by the Nine Profound Sect were not bad, there were a few fruits that he had not eaten before in the Five Elements' Sect.    


Obviously, the price of this kind of fruit was not something that Five Elements' Sect could afford, or perhaps it was more accurate to say that it was impossible to find such a fruit with the strength of the Five Elements' Sect.    


"Bang bang!"    


As the five of them were talking, someone suddenly knocked on the door.    


"Who is it?"    


Hearing the knock on the door, Ye Xiu, as the room's master, naturally asked.    


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