Limitless Arrogant Sovereign



"A draw!"    


Xu An looked at the two disciples who had lost their fighting capabilities, and helplessly announced his result.    


Although the rules of getting both contestants out of the competition didn't seem to be too strict, it was to prevent disciples from conspiring to enter the next round together.    


If that was the case, then no matter how many rounds were held, it would be impossible to determine who would be the final 20.    


Just like this, after Xu An announced the results, two disciples who had already lost their fighting strength were carried off the stage by the other disciples from their respective sects.    


If anyone was able to move, they would be the victor. However, regardless of who it was, although they wanted to work hard, their internal injuries were too severe and they had no way of fighting.    


"Let the next match begin!"    


After the two disciples were lifted off the stage, the next two disciples went up on stage and the next battle continued.    


Of course, because the two of them had not advanced in the last round, the two disciples were very cautious.    


No one dared to act rashly, so naturally, the duration of the competition would be much longer.    


However, there was no fixed time for the competition to be completed. Therefore, the two of them killing time again and again didn't violate the rules of the competition.    


Of course, as the judge of the competition, he had the duty to remind the disciples that he was here to waste their time.    


After all, after this round of competition ended, there would still be the next round. If it was delayed too long, then even if Sky Sect Site was used, the top twenty had yet to be determined.    


And it was also because of this that when ten minutes had passed and the two disciples were still testing each other, Xu An was naturally unable to hold back and spoke out.    


"Two disciples, if you two are negative in your competition, then I have the authority to disqualify you from the competition. Therefore, if you two are to continue like this, then there is no need for you two to compete." Xu An reminded.    


This was clearly a waste of time, and facing a disciple like him, there was naturally no need to be overly courteous.    


"Yes sir!"    


After the two of them heard what Xu An had said, they revealed grave expressions. It seemed that in order to not get eliminated, they could only fight with all their might.    


However, if they still ended up with a draw, then all their efforts would have been in vain.    


But if they did not work hard, then their Heavenly Sect competition would be over.    


In any case, there were still quite a few people remaining. Even if they were missing two people, the third round of the competition would still be carried out.    


For others, losing a competitor would undoubtedly be a good thing for them as they would be able to enter the top 20.    




The two of them looked at each other, and in the next second, two loud shouts sounded out, followed by two powerful Profound Power undulations, the two people on the stage finally started to get serious.    


If he became serious, then the competition would naturally be more exciting. However, their cultivation levels were the same as in the previous round. Moreover, during the previous round of sparring, the two of them also discovered that their strength should not be too far off from each other.    


If this happened, then a mistake might result in a draw again.    


Once they had a draw, both of them would be eliminated. However, since they were participating in the Heavenly Sect competition, everyone wanted to seize this opportunity. Therefore, it was impossible to give the other party a chance to level up.    


"Elder Ye, this match seems to be another draw." Yan Xiang said as he looked at the two people battling on the stage.    


In Yan Xiang's opinion, the two's strength were about the same. Even if they did not compete passively, their strength was still about the same.    


"That may not be true. None of them have yet used a Xuan Artifact, so whether or not it's a draw is unknown." Ye Xiu replied.    


Previously, when the two of them had fought without using Xuan Artifacts, both of them had suffered heavy injuries. This was clearly a pity.    


It was because if one used a Xuan Artifact, then perhaps there might not be a draw. After all, rules were dead, and people were alive. If one used the rules rationally, then there would not be a draw.    


For example, during Luo Liuer's previous match, if Xu An did not stop him midway, the result would be Luo Liuer being heavily injured and Zhen Hao losing his life.    


With Xu An watching from the side, he would only be able to win if he went all out, regardless of the consequences.    


Of course, that was what Ye Xiu said, but if the two people on the stage did not think of that, and continued to fight with their fists, then the second round would come to a close.    


"Bang, bang, bang!"    


Just like this, time passed bit by bit as the sound of the two fighting in the arena continuously rang out.    


Although their fight was much more exciting than before, to the two of them, this was a scene that neither of them wanted to see.    


No one was willing to take a step back, no one was willing to give it their all. However, if this continued, then the only way out would be a draw.    


"Damn it, I don't want the match to end in a draw."    


Because the more he thought about it, the more furious he became, and the more depressed he became, one of the disciples on the stage immediately shouted out, and then with his right hand, a silver white Profound Artifact Sword appeared in his hand.    


Although this Profound Artifact Sword was not of high rank and was only in the middle rank, when the sword was in his hand, his aura immediately became sharp and fierce.    




When the other person saw that his opponent was using a Xuan Artifact sword, he naturally wouldn't be outdone. His right hand made a grasping motion, and a long sword appeared in his hand.    


When the man holding the long-hilted saber also held the saber's hilt with his left hand, a domineering blade force formed.    


"It's time for the show."    


When Ye Xiu saw the two of them using their profound artifacts, he silently nodded.    


Once the Xuan Artifact appeared, the chances of it being a draw were slim. Unless the two were of equal strength and the final outcome of the battle was death, it would still be a draw.    


If one of them was not fatally injured, then Xu An would definitely judge him to be the victor.    


"Ding ding ding!"    


Just like that, the two figures continued to fiercely battle with each other as the ear-piercing sounds of metal clashing rang out.    


When the Profound Artifact Sword and the long blade clashed, sparks flew everywhere.    


If it wasn't the morning but the evening, then when the night sky was combined with the dusky sky, this kind of scene would definitely be very beautiful.    


"Yan Xiang, look carefully at that man with the long blade. Watch his movements carefully." When the competition continued, Ye Xiu warned Yan Xiang, who was carefully observing the competition.    


"Elder Ye, do you mean that this blade-wielding man will lose?" Yan Xiang asked.    


"No, looking at the current situation, he has a higher chance of winning than the man with the sword. This is because the long-hilted broadsword's attack power is a bit stronger. If the man with the sword is unable to rationally use his sword, then he will lose without a doubt."    


Before Ye Xiu could reply, Xu Zifeng began to analyze the situation.    


"That's right, Xu Zifeng's analysis is not bad, when this competition was held from their respective profound artifacts, the original draw was already broken." Ye Xiu answered at this time.    


"Elder Ye, then why did you make me pay attention to this knife-wielding man? After all, the one you said had lost big was another." Yan Xiang was puzzled.    


No matter what, only the loser would be able to become Yan Xiang's opponent, so shouldn't they see who would win?    


"Yan Xiang, if I'm not wrong, Elder Ye's meaning is for you to pay attention to how the blade-wielding man won this competition." Xu Zifeng guessed.    


"Hur hur, that's what I meant."    


Hearing Xu Zifeng's words, Ye Xiu smiled and nodded in agreement.    


"Oh, oh!"    


After Yan Xiang heard Ye Xiu agree with his words, he repeated "oh" twice, and his gaze all fell on the man with the long blade.    


However, when he saw the man using his blade to hack at his opponent, the doubt in Yan Xiang's eyes appeared.    


This was because Yan Xiang's profound artifact was not a blade, but was a Profound Artifact Sword, just like his other opponent.    


Therefore, because the profound artifacts were different, even if Yan Xiang understood the man's method of attack, he would still not be able to imitate his attack with a sword.    


Ye Xiu looked at Yan Xiang who was revealing a doubtful expression, and gently smiled as he reminded: "The Eight Sword Technique's attack is also stronger than the previous sword, although you have not completely comprehended it yet, but with the Eight Sword Technique's attack combined with the sword technique's foundation, the attack will become stronger and stronger."    


"It's true!"    


With Ye Xiu's reminder, Yan Xiang's eyes lit up slightly, because he understood Ye Xiu's reminder.    


"This kid is worth teaching!"    


Ye Xiu saw that Yan Xiang's eyes were shining, and he knew that the other party had understood the meaning of his words.    


Of course, Ye Xiu did not say it out loud, because everyone's Eight Sword Technique and sword technique foundation were different.    


It was to let oneself comprehend, because only what he comprehended, was truly his own, truly suitable for himself.    


Just like that, under Yan Xiang's careful observation, the situation on the stage started to change slowly. The man using the long blade became more and more fierce, and the man who was forced to defend became more and more sullen.    


The form had changed, thus the outcome of the battle was clear to see, and when the sword wielding man could not resist and wanted to counterattack, he was stopped by Xu An.    


When Xu An appeared, it meant that there was a victor, and if he did not take action, there would be someone that would be severely injured, or even killed.    


"The winner of this match is..."    


Xu An walked in front of the two disciples who had nervous expressions, and after he finished speaking, he raised the other hand of the man with the long blade in his hand.    


When the long-handled broadsword man saw his own hand being lifted, his initial nervousness immediately turned into excitement.    


Previously, he thought that if he couldn't defeat his opponent, the match would end in a draw. However, he didn't expect that under his full strength, he would still obtain victory in this match. It wasn't easy.    


While the long-handled broadsword man was excited, his opponent had a face full of disappointment. He had already tried his best to fight, but he still lost.    


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