Limitless Arrogant Sovereign



"Your body will suddenly become heavy?"    


After hearing Leng Yue's explanation, the four of them immediately furrowed their brows.    


If his body was really heavy, then his speed would definitely be limited. In that case, he would definitely not be able to dodge the attacks of the red lights.    


This red light was extremely dangerous. If he really was hit by it, his injuries would definitely be serious.    


"What should we do?"    


Ye Xiu's face darkened as he started to mutter.    


Even Leng Yue found it difficult to rush over, let alone the four of them, especially Ye Xiu. As for his cultivation, it was only at the perfection-stage of the Profound Pill Realm.    


And if they walked on the stone bridge at this speed, would they be able to smoothly pass through?    


The answer definitely couldn't be given, so at this moment, everyone was stumped by this question.    


"Ye Long, is there really no way to go there?" Ye Xiu asked in his mind.    


"Master, there must be a way, or else how did the three disciples of Nine Profound Sect get there?" Ye Long replied.    


Hearing that, Ye Xiu's eyes became serious, the cultivation levels of the three Nine Profound Sect disciples were the same as Leng Yue's, the peak of the Profound Infant Stage.    


To put it bluntly, those three disciples' true strength could not compare to Leng Yue's.    


Therefore, since they were able to safely pass through, Leng Yue was naturally able to too.    


"Could it be that this stone bridge has techniques as well?" Ye Xiu muttered.    


Since walking on the stone bridge would cause their bodies to become heavy and their speed to slow, then this situation would definitely be the same for the three disciples with Nine Profound Sect.    


And since the three of them were able to walk through such a vile situation, there must be a reason behind it.    


"Ye Xiu, I'll try again. Previously, I was too careless, which was why I wasted a bit of time and failed, and this time, I know that my body will turn heavy, maybe I can rush over in time." Leng Yue suggested again.    




Ye Xiu nodded his head once again, because other than this method, there were no other good methods that he could try for the time being.    




After Ye Xiu agreed, she once again erupted the Profound Power in her body, but this time her face was filled with seriousness.    


"Ta, ta!"    


When Leng Yue finally landed on the ground, she rushed to the top of the stone bridge in the next second.    


"Shoo! Shoo! Shoo!"    


Just like last time, when Leng Yue's feet landed on the stone bridge, the red light under the stone bridge immediately shot out, its speed was extremely fast.    


However, when Leng Yue, who was originally extremely fast, stood on the stone bridge, her speed was obviously much slower, as though she had suddenly braked.    


"Shoo! Shoo! Shoo!"    


Seeing the red light shooting towards him from both sides of the stone bridge, Leng Yue immediately swayed his body and started to dodge.    


But perhaps because of his heavy body, Leng Yue's dodging speed wasn't fast either.    


"Leng Yue, come back quickly."    


When Ye Xiu saw the streaks of red light continuously scald holes in Leng Yue's clothes, he immediately cried out.    


However, Leng Yue did not care about Ye Xiu's shout, and continued to work hard to advance forward.    


"Shoo! Shoo! Shoo!"    


However, just as Leng Yue was holding on to the stone bridge, another red light shot out from beneath the stone bridge. This time, the distance between the red light was extremely small, and it was impossible to dodge by swaying his body.    


"Leng Yue!"    


When Ye Xiu saw that Leng Yue was unable to dodge, his heart tightened. After that, all three doors in his body opened at the same time, and after channeling the Eight Gates of Limitless with all his might, he used all of his Profound Power s on his feet.    


In an instant, Ye Xiu stepped on the Eight Trigrams Shadowless Step and rushed onto the stone bridge, and then pulled Leng Yue down from the stone bridge.    


Because Ye Xiu had consecutively opened three doors, his speed was naturally extremely fast. Thus, in the moment of life and death, he successfully pulled Leng Yue back.    


"Bang, bang, bang!"    


Just as Leng Yue was pulled down, the red light on both sides collided with each other heavily, creating a small explosion.    


However, even if it was just a small explosion, the two people who had already jumped off the bridge could feel the shockwave produced by the explosion.    


"Leng Yue, are you injured?"    


Ye Xiu, whose profound energy was overflowing, hurriedly asked when he saw that Leng Yue's face was a little ugly.    


Because the situation was too urgent, Ye Xiu was only concerned with saving others. He did not even bother to see if the red light had injured Leng Yue or not.    


"Ye Xiu, I'm fine. How are you? At the same time Leng Yue shook her head, she was also examining her.    


Obviously, Leng Yue had never thought that Ye Xiu would actually disregard his own life and rush forward to save him.    


And what Leng Yue did not expect was that Ye Xiu actually succeeded in saving him from the stone bridge.    


It had to be known that the situation on the stone bridge was something that even himself could not predict, but in the end, he was saved by Ye Xiu, who was only at the peak of the Profound Pill Realm.    


"I'm fine!"    


Faced with Leng Yue's question, Ye Xiu shook his head lightly and answered.    


"Master, did you not find any problems? You were actually able to save Leng Yue from the stone bridge unscathed, that is truly unimaginable. " Ye Long's voice sounded at this moment.    


In fact, even it did not expect Ye Xiu to save them all of a sudden, and he really did save them.    


"Yeah, I actually really saved Leng Yue." Ye Xiu had only just reacted at this time.    


Even if Ye Xiu had opened three gates, his speed would at most reach the level of late stage Profound Infant Stage or even the peak of profound strength.    


But an attack that even Leng Yue couldn't escape from, he could actually save her.    


Ye Xiu also felt that the body that Leng Yue was talking about was heavy, but it seemed that his speed did not slow down at all.    


"Ye Long, did my speed slow down just now?" Ye Xiu asked Ye Long for confirmation.    


Because it all happened so fast, Ye Xiu did not think too much about it. At that time, all he thought about was how to save the person, and in the next second, the person was saved by him.    


"Master, this doesn't seem to be happening." Ye Long replied.    


In truth, Ye Long was not sure either, but since Ye Xiu was able to save the person, that meant that he did not slow down, otherwise, how could he make it in time to save the person?    


"Leng Yue, don't say anything for now. I'm going to go and verify something. You guys watch from the side." Ye Xiu said.    


Ye Long said that his speed had not decreased, which meant that if he maintained his previous speed, he could reach the other side before the attacks arrive.    


Thinking about it here, Ye Xiu naturally wanted to give it a try. If he could really rush over safely, then he would know where the crux of the problem was.    


"Ye Xiu, you aren't thinking of going to the stone bridge alone, are you?" Leng Yue asked.    


Even if Ye Xiu had unexpectedly saved her, that did not mean that he would definitely be able to reach the other side safely.    


If something happened, the remaining four would not be able to save him.    


"Leng Yue, trust me!"    


Looking at Leng Yue, Ye Xiu said in all seriousness.    


Seeing Ye Xiu's serious expression, Leng Yue didn't know what to say.    




Seeing Leng Yue not saying anything further, Ye Xiu gave a stern shout, and then fully activated the Eight Gates of Limitless, using it to its limits.    




When Ye Xiu's figure appeared on the stone bridge, the red light that he expected to see shot up once again. However, before the red light could attack, Ye Xiu had already smoothly rushed to the other side without slowing down at all.    


"How is this possible?"    


When Leng Yue saw that Ye Xiu was actually not slowing down even when he was on the stone bridge, her eyes revealed a look of astonishment.    


Because Leng Yue had personally felt the power that was acting on her body, and it was definitely not fake, so with this power, it was impossible for her speed to not decrease.    


Once he slowed down, there would be no way for him to escape to the other side before the attack came.    




When another sound of wind breaking rang out, Ye Xiu once again returned to the front of Leng Yue and the other three from the other side.    


It could be said that, to Leng Yue, this stone bridge was a chasm that he had no way to cross, and to Ye Xiu, it was a small matter as if it was a piece of cake.    


However, if it was at the initial speed, then Leng Yue would have thought that she was faster than Ye Xiu. If it wasn't for her slowing down when she was walking on the stone bridge, there wouldn't be a problem at all.    


"Ye Xiu, how exactly did you manage to not slow down on the stone bridge? Leng Yue asked.    


"Leng Yue, I felt that power, but it seems that it did not affect me, which is why my speed did not decrease." Ye Xiu replied.    


"Ye Xiu, why is that?" Xu Zifeng asked from the side.    


Leng Yue was held back by this power, but Ye Xiu was not. Could it be that there was some sort of difference between the two of them?    


As long as he could find the difference and see if he had it on himself, if he had the same thing as Ye Xiu, then he should be able to smoothly walk over.    


"I'm not sure about that right now, but there must be something different between Leng Yue and I, or there wouldn't be a reason, could it be that the heavy power is completely ignored by me?" Ye Xiu said.    


With regards to the answer, Ye Xiu naturally did not agree. Furthermore, the three disciples of Nine Profound Sect had passed without a hitch, so there must be some trick to it.    


Just like this, in order to find the difference between Ye Xiu and himself, the few of them started to seriously think about it.    


Of course, while Ye Xiu and the others were deep in their thoughts, Ye Long was also deep in his thoughts.    


As long as they could think of this question and follow the orders of the others, everyone could cross the stone bridge.    


But as time passed, no one thought of the difference, because whether it was Ye Xiu or Leng Yue, there was nothing special about them.    


"Ye Xiu, what movement skill did you use when crossing the bridge?" Just as everyone was thinking, Leng Yue suddenly thought of something, and then, he immediately asked Ye Xiu.    


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