Limitless Arrogant Sovereign



"Ye Xiu, I never expected you to be so lucky, many people must have entered and exited the hall, but no one has been able to find this treasure." Leng Yue looked at the slightly old Brocade Box in Ye Xiu's hands, and her eyes filled with shock.    


The reason was none other than the fact that Leng Yue had come to this hall before, but she had left after searching everywhere. She had never thought that there would actually be treasures hidden under these floor tiles.    


"It's just luck!"    


Regarding Leng Yue's words, Ye Xiu chuckled and then fixed his gaze onto the old Brocade Box in his hands.    


An old Brocade Box could only mean one thing, and that was that the Brocade Box had existed for a very long time.    


This was because a Brocade Box like this would definitely experience a long, long time before it was wasted.    


"Elder Ye, open it and see what treasure it is." Yan Xiang said with a nervous face.    




Actually, even if Yan Xiang hadn't said it, he still wanted to open the Brocade Box. After all, he also wanted to know what was inside the Brocade Box.    


Other than that, this Brocade Box was rather special. Ye Long's perception was actually unable to detect what was inside the Brocade Box.    


"This is ?"    


But when Ye Xiu opened the Brocade Box, a key that was glowing with a gold light appeared in their eyes.    


A key. Although it was a key that shone with golden light, regardless of how powerful the key was, it should not be a treasure.    


However, since it was a key, it could certainly open something. However, at that moment, no one knew what it was.    


"Master, this key is placed under the floor tile in the middle of the hall. It seems like it should be able to open some powerful object." Ye Long analyzed.    


Regarding Ye Long's analysis, Ye Xiu did not have any other thoughts, because until now, no one knew the actual use of this key, so all guesses were just guesses.    


"I'll keep this key first. If I can unlock any treasure trove or treasure trove, then I'll have a share of the treasure." Ye Xiu said.    


While he was speaking, Ye Xiu kept the Golden Key, and just to be safe, he did not store it in his own Profound Void Ring, but inside the Nine Profound Exquisite Pagoda.    


Although Profound Void Ring were rare treasures, because it had a lot of space inside, they were not as powerful as Nine Profound Exquisite Pagoda. Therefore, putting things inside the tower was naturally the safest.    


"Ye Xiu, wait a minute, since there is something under this floor tile, then is it possible that there is something under the other floor tiles as well?"    


Just as Ye Xiu was about to leave after putting away the golden key, he couldn't help but start guessing as he looked at the tiles all over the hall.    


Although this possibility was not high, how could he know without looking around?    


"I don't think so!"    


After listening to Leng Yue's guesses, Ye Xiu hesitated for a moment before answering.    


Ye Xiu did not give a definite answer, because he had never come to this place before and had not searched under every tile either. So if he gave an accurate answer, what would the others think?    


Yan Xiang and Xu Zifeng were not related, because they were on the same side, but Wu Fang and Chen Lan were not, so Ye Xiu would naturally not tell them directly that there was nothing else in the hall.    


Furthermore, Ye Xiu did not intentionally walk to the center of the hall, if that was the case, then the key that he found just now was a result of a lucky coincidence.    


Since there was something underneath the floor tile, as long as someone stepped on the floor tile and was able to tell whether the floor tile was solid or hollow, anyone would be able to find it.    


"Elder Ye, I think Miss Leng Yue is right. What if there is something underneath the floor tile? If we leave now, it is very likely that someone else will find out." Yan Xiang replied.    


"Alright, since you think that it is possible, we will look around. Although this hall is not small, if the six of us were to act separately, we should be able to find all the floor tiles very quickly." Ye Xiu agreed.    


Although Ye Xiu had already confirmed that the other floor tiles were solid and did not show any signs of treasure, since someone had already mentioned it, then if he did not look around, who could be sure that there were no more treasures in the hall.    


And just like that, with Ye Xiu's agreement, the six of them started to move separately.    


As for Ye Xiu, even if he knew that there was nothing underneath the floor tiles, he was still seriously stepping on every tile in his area.    


In less than 10 minutes, under the cooperation of the six people, all of the floor tiles in the great hall were stepped on. However, the result was obvious.    


"Let's go somewhere else!" Ye Xiu said.    


With that, Ye Xiu took the lead and left the great hall, while the others followed closely after.    


If they did not find anything in the Main Palace, then Ye Xiu would definitely do as he said and let Leng Yue bring them to places they had never been to before.    


But now, although many people had been to this hall, Ye Xiu and the rest found a key.    


Even if he didn't know the use of this key, he did discover it, so his previous plan must have changed.    


After all, there were places that he didn't need to go to.    


"Ye Xiu, if I remember correctly, this way should lead to the back of the mountain, where the disciples of the Heaven Sect live." When Ye Xiu was walking forward, Leng Yue's voice sounded out.    


"The place where the disciples of the Sky Sect live? Have you ever been there? " Ye Xiu asked.    


"Yes, I have. Furthermore, every room there has a Profound Array Barrier. It was precisely on this that I wasted a lot of time. That's why I didn't gain anything last time." Leng Yue said.    


"Leng Yue, then do you know how many people who came in the last time obtained treasures?" Ye Xiu could not help but ask curiously.    


"I don't think so!" Leng Yue thought back to it for a while, then helplessly shook his head.    


"Not a single person?"    


With regards to Leng Yue's reply, Ye Xiu's eyes revealed a look of doubt. Even if there weren't many people who came in, it wasn't like there wasn't a single person who hadn't found any treasures.    


Of course, there was another possibility. That was that the person who obtained the treasure would not reveal it to anyone. After all, this treasure was an extremely important treasure.    


However, the Profound Sky Sect was not a normal sect. Even if someone really did obtain the treasure and did not reveal it, the following days would definitely also be exposed.    


Since the Profound Sky Sect had not received any information regarding this matter, then there was only one possibility: no one had truly obtained any treasures in that battle.    


"Ye Long, do you think that there is a problem? Not a single person has obtained any treasures, could it be that there are only a few left here? " Ye Xiu asked in his mind.    


"Master, it shouldn't be possible. The Sky Sect is the number one sect in the world after all, so there must be a lot of treasures in there. Of course, it is also possible that these treasures are all in some other place, and this place is too secretive, so no one has been able to find it yet. Ye Long replied.    


"That's a possibility!"    


Ye Xiu acknowledged Ye Long's answer, how could the Sky Sect only have a little treasure?    


"Ye Long, the key that we just found shouldn't be the key to the treasury right?" Ye Xiu guessed.    


"Master, it shouldn't be. If it's the key to the treasure vault, then why is it hiding under the floor tiles?" Ye Long asked.    


"This ?"    


In the face of Ye Long's rhetorical question, Ye Xiu was speechless, because he simply did not know how to refute those words.    


Indeed, if it really was the key to the treasury, how could it be placed in such a conspicuous place?    


What kind of place was the great hall? That was a place where everyone could enter and exit. And if such a precious item was placed in a place where anyone could enter and exit, wouldn't there be no money left in this place?    


But if this key wasn't used to open the treasury, then what was it used for?    


"Leng Yue, since you have gone to that place, then let's not go anymore. You should bring us to a place that you did not have the time to go to before." Ye Xiu said.    


"A place I've never been before!" Leng Yue muttered.    


As they spoke, Leng Yue slowly raised his head. If it was said that he had never been there before, then it would naturally be one of the three buildings on the peak.    


Last time, Leng Yue had been delayed below for a long time, so naturally, he did not have the chance to go to the few buildings at the top.    


"Ye Xiu, I have never gone to the top before, how about we just go up first and look down later?" Leng Yue suggested.    


They had come in once, so Leng Yue's suggestion naturally could not be wrong. And if this was the first time, then it was obvious that they would want to find him bit by bit, but if that was the case, then there wouldn't be time at the very top.    


"Alright, let's look from top to bottom." Ye Xiu agreed.    


Just like that, after Ye Xiu finished speaking, the group of six directly climbed up the mountain. But not long after, a long staircase suddenly appeared in front of them.    


The staircase was very long, and there were at least several hundred steps to it.    




Just as the group of people looked up, a miserable shriek suddenly rang out as a person fell down from the first step of the stairs.    


Seeing the falling figure, Ye Xiu and the other six recognized it with a glance, because this person was wearing Nine Profound Sect's attire. It was obvious that he was a Nine Profound Sect disciple without a doubt.    


"What's going on?"    


When the disciple from the Nine Profound Sect had a swollen face and tumbled down beside their feet, the expressions of everyone present grew heavy.    


It was merely a step, how could he make a Peak Profound Infant Stage Expert into such a miserable state?    


"Senior brother, what's going on?" Why did you become like this? Could it be that there is a trap on this step? " Xu Zifeng asked.    




But just as Xu Zifeng finished speaking, the Nine Profound Sect disciple spat out a mouthful of blood.    


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