Limitless Arrogant Sovereign



"I'm fine!"    


Ye Xiu responded simply, and then he lowered his head to look at Ouyang Qianxue, who was in his embrace.    


Although in the instant of the explosion, Ye Xiu ran towards Ouyang Qianxue, the power of the explosion was still faster than him, so Ouyang Qianxue was knocked out by the powerful explosion.    


Of course, it was also thanks to Ye Xiu's timely protection. Ouyang Qianxue did not sustain any other injuries, and had only fainted from the strong force.    


There was no choice, the explosion was too sudden, so sudden that Ouyang Qianxue did not even have time to react before he was knocked out.    


Just like that, after confirming briefly that Ouyang Qianxue did not have any other injuries, Ye Xiu directly picked her up.    


In the next second, Ye Xiu quickly rushed out of the Demon Abyss. As for extermination, Ye Xiu did not have the time to bother about it.    


If the other party had not maliciously approached him and wanted to do something bad, the Fifth Level Profound Array would not have exploded, so if the other party had been killed by the explosion, he deserved it, and if the explosion had caused him serious injuries, then it all depended on his own luck whether he lived or died.    


If he was knocked out and woke up in time, then perhaps the other party would still be able to drag his heavily injured body out of the Demon Abyss. Otherwise, at night, not to mention getting severely injured, even if he wasn't injured, he might not be able to survive past the second day or come out of the Demon Abyss alive.    


Just like this, Ye Xiu quickly left the Demon Abyss while carrying Ouyang Qianxue. When he walked out of the Demon Abyss, there was currently no one outside.    


It was very obvious that after noon, all the experts outside the Demon Abyss had entered.    


Since no one was around, Ye Xiu did not hesitate. After he placed the Killing Demon Seven Stars Knife and the Three Profound Sky Beads into his body, in the next second, the Profound Power in his body exploded forth. Holding onto Ouyang Qianxue, he rushed towards the city at the fastest speed possible.    


"Ye Xiu, why are you back? Didn't you enter the Demon Abyss and spend the night inside? " When Ye Xiu carried Ouyang Qianxue back to the restaurant, he bumped into Lin Tian and Chen Aoxuan who were about to go out.    


"Yi, isn't this Yaoji? What happened to her? Ye Xiu, you can't possibly have... " Chen Aoxuan made a gesture of asking to be beaten up.    


"Chen Aoxuan, take back what you just said before I go crazy. Alright, I won't talk to you guys anymore, I'll go and settle her down first." Ye Xiu said.    


After saying that, Ye Xiu quickly went upstairs with Ouyang Qianxue in his arms.    


In this restaurant, Yaoji also had a room, and he should not have left it.    


Therefore, Ye Xiu quickly settled Ouyang Qianxue down.    


"Ye Xiu, what's going on?"    


When Ye Xiu came out of Ouyang Qianxue's room, he could not help but ask.    


Because both Ye Xiu and Ouyang Qianxue had a bit of dust on their bodies, and they looked to be in a rather sorry state.    


Whether it was Lin Tian or Chen Aoxuan, both of them knew very well that if they wanted to make him miserable, they would need at least a cultivation at the Profound Palace Realm.    


After all, Ye Xiu possessed the ability to challenge opponents beyond his cultivation level, so with his cultivation in Peak Profound Sea Stage, according to his previous calculations, even the Peak Profound Void Stage would not be able to do anything to him.    


However, didn't the two of them go to the Demon Abyss? Could it be that they were fighting with the Profound Mansion Stage experts inside there?    


"Lin Tian, Chen Aoxuan, did that Huitian come to find you? Is he still here?" Ye Xiu asked softly.    


Since Lin Tian and Chen Aoxuan knew that he had gone to the Demon Abyss and was even planning to spend the night there, it clearly meant that Huitian had come here and met up with the two of them.    


"No, he left after telling us about you." Lin Tian replied.    




Ye Xiu said softly, then turned to leave.    


"Ye Xiu, where are you going now? Look at your pathetic face, you should go take a bath and change clothes." Chen Aoxuan reminded them.    


"No need, I have something important to do. Oh right, don't go in your Demon Abyss for the next few days, there's too many people inside, and the risk of entering is too high." Ye Xiu reminded her before he left.    


Although there were Profound Pill s in the Demon Abyss, there were more that had reached the level of Profound Infant Stage. Adding the fact that Demon Abyss was already extremely dangerous, and now that they had to guard against sneak attacks from humans, the current Demon Abyss was not suitable for Lin Tian and Chen Aoxuan to enter.    


Even if they were looking for Demon Abyss Fruit, there was no need for them to do it now.    


Of course, there were a lot of people entering this time, so perhaps the Demon Abyss Fruit had already been found by someone else.    


If that really was the case, then Lin Tian and Yue Yang could only helplessly give up the mission and accept the punishment.    


"Don't worry, we've already heard about what happened within the Demon Abyss. I never thought that even precious treasures would actually appear within, it's truly too surprising." Lin Tian sighed.    


If his cultivation had reached the Profound Infant Stage, then maybe he would come and join in the fun, but his cultivation was only at the Profound Pill Realm, so he naturally would not go.    


If he entered with that cultivation, not to mention being unable to get the treasure, even if he did get it, it was likely he wouldn't have a life to get it.    


Just like that, after reminding Lin Tian and his sister, Ye Xiu quickly left the tavern and headed towards Huitian's yard.    


Regarding Huitian's courtyard, even though Ye Xiu had only gone there once, he could still roughly guess where it was located, so he directly went over at this time.    


Although Ye Xiu did not care about the place being destroyed, but no matter what, the other party was Huitian's little brother, so Ye Xiu knew that it was necessary for him to tell the other party about it.    


Otherwise, Huitian would definitely vent his anger on him, and what happened now was completely self-inflicted. Ye Xiu believed that even as the other party's big brother, Huitian would not make himself his enemy.    


"Is big brother Huitian there?"    


After Ye Xiu searched for a while, he finally found the courtyard Huitian was in, and immediately shouted out.    




Just as Ye Xiu's voice transmitted into the courtyard, a voice came out from inside.    


"Big Brother Huitian, I'm Ye Xiu. I'm the one who was with Yaoji in the morning." Ye Xiu introduced himself.    


"Ye Xiu, weren't you in the Demon Abyss? Why would he appear here? Where's Yaoji? Why didn't she come? " When he heard that it was Ye Xiu who had accompanied Yaoji into the Demon Abyss, Huitian's figure immediately walked out from the side courtyard.    


Big brother Huitian, the reason why I came to find you was because I have something to tell you. Of course, originally, I did not need to tell you about this matter, for god's sake, it is well-deserved for some people to die, but in the end, I still want to tell you. Ye Xiu said.    


"What did you say? Did something happen to Yaoji?" When Huitian heard Ye Xiu's words, his first reaction was that something had happened to Yaoji.    


"No, Yaoji is fine, she's just unconscious, nothing serious. She should be able to wake up after a while of rest." Ye Xiu replied.    


"What, Yaoji fainted? How did she faint? Did you encounter any danger in the Demon Abyss?" Huitian asked repeatedly.    


From Huitian's appearance, it could be seen that he was very concerned about Yaoji, if not for Ye Xiu stopping him, he would have already rushed to the restaurant.    


"Big Brother Huitian, please listen to me first. I'm not looking for you because of Yaoji, but because of your little brother's destruction of the land." Ye Xiu said.    


"Extinguish the land? What happened to him? "    


Hearing Ye Xiu's words, Huitian revealed a look of hesitation, because this little brother of his was not even able to deal with him, so what could happen to him?    


"He was heavily injured within the Demon Abyss. As for whether his life is in danger, that's not certain." Ye Xiu replied.    


"What, heavily injured, in the Demon Abyss?" Huitian was shocked.    


Even if Huitian disliked her little brother, the two of them were siblings no matter what, so when he heard that they were in danger, how could the brother not be concerned with him?    


"Big brother Huitian, don't be anxious, I have something to tell you, your brother's injuries were caused by him interfering with my formation, and in the end, the explosion of the Profound Array caused it. I came over to tell you this, it was all for your sake, if not I would not have cared about his life." Ye Xiu said.    


If Ye Xiu did not say it, then there was a high chance that he would die within the Demon Abyss, and if he died there, then Huitian would not be able to do anything to Ye Xiu.    


"Ye Xiu... Aren't you afraid that I would avenge my brother? " Huitian said indifferently.    


His own little brother had been injured and had been thrown into the Demon Abyss. That could potentially cause danger at any time.    


So much so that when Ye Xiu came to notify him, he would most likely vent his anger on him if he really died.    


"Big Brother Huitian, if you are looking for me to take revenge because of your little brother, then I have misjudged you. Of course, I dare to tell you that I have a bit of confidence, so it would be best for you to think about it clearly." Ye Xiu said.    


After Ye Xiu finished this sentence, he turned around and left, leaving Huitian standing there in a daze.    


When Ye Xiu was about 10 metres away, Huitian regained his senses, and in the next second, he was flying out of the city.    


Although there was still some time until nightfall, the road within the Demon Abyss was not easy, so it would be difficult to find the place where he had been injured just by himself, relying on Huitian.    


As for letting Ye Xiu lead the way, Huitian did not plan to do so. After all, the other party had said that it was because his little brother interfered with their formation that caused the Profound Array to explode.    


If that was the case, then even if the land of destruction was blasted to death, it would be asking for it. One could not blame others for that.    


Just like this, Huitian rushed to the Demon Abyss with the fastest speed possible, and then, without hesitation, he rushed in.    


When Huitian began to search for the whereabouts of his brother with all his might, he returned back to the restaurant and then comfortably took a bath in his room.    


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