Limitless Arrogant Sovereign



"Isn't this the bag I gave to Ye Xiu? Why are we here? "    


When Ouyang Qianxue picked up a big bag from the ground, she frowned.    


Although the bag was not important, when Ye Xiu casually threw it here, he felt a slight stabbing pain in his heart.    


"This is ?"    


But when Ouyang Qianxue was feeling sad, suddenly she discovered that there were a few Profound Stone in the bag.    


If it was an ordinary Profound Stone, Ye Xiu might not have wanted them, but these were not ordinary Profound Stone.    


"Top Quality Profound Stone!"    


When Ouyang Qianxue found out that there were more than ten Top Quality Profound Stone s in the bag, she was shocked.    


Top Quality Profound Stone s, this was an existence that was rarely seen even in the continent, so the moment she saw these ten or so Top Quality Profound Stone, her first reaction was one of shock.    


Second reaction, Ouyang Qianxue believed that Ye Xiu would not abandon so many precious Top Quality Profound Stone s.    


"Could it be that Ye Xiu hasn't left the Demon Abyss yet?" Ouyang Qianxue muttered.    


Thinking about that, Ouyang Qianxue started to look around, but not just Ye Xiu, even Monster would not be able to find a single one.    


If he did not find the bag, Ouyang Qianxue would have thought that Ye Xiu had secretly left after killing the Monster.    


But it was different now, it was impossible for Ye Xiu to not even want a dozen Top Quality Profound Stone s, so there must be a reason behind this.    


Just like that, in order to find Ye Xiu, Ouyang Qianxue turned his entire Demon Abyss upside down, but no matter if it was the Monster or Ye Xiu, they had all disappeared.    


He hadn't even seen a single Monster. This point was something that even if Ouyang Qianxue searched through several times, he would still not dare to believe, because the number of Monster back then was simply too shocking.    


But now, they had actually been annihilated by Ye Xiu in the span of half a month.    


"Ye Xiu, where exactly are you?" Ouyang Qianxue stood there in a daze.    


Because he had already searched through the Demon Abyss and was unable to find Ye Xiu on both sides, Ouyang Qianxue naturally did not continue to search for him. Instead, he quickly left the Demon Abyss.    


Maybe Ye Xiu had already come out from the Demon Abyss long ago, it was just the time difference between the two of them. After all, the Demon Abyss was very big, it was normal for the two of them to not have met.    


Thinking of this, Ouyang Qianxue naturally returned to the city as fast as he could, and immediately went to the restaurant.    


But when Ouyang Qianxue did not see her, she was stunned, could it be that she was mistaken, Ye Xiu had left without a word, and all her previous guesses were fake?    


"Ye Xiu, are you really leaving without saying goodbye? I'm so detestable to you that you don't even want to say goodbye? " Ouyang Qianxue's face was filled with despair.    


But Ouyang Qianxue never would have thought that at this time, not only did Ye Xiu leave the Demon Abyss, even the Profound Sky Continent had already left as well.    


And just when Ouyang Qianxue accepted the fact that Ye Xiu left without a word, the unconscious Ye Xiu who did not know for a few days finally realized.    


"Master, wake up!"    


As Ye Xiu's senses recovered, he heard Ye Long's urgent shout in his mind.    


"Ye Long, what's wrong?"    


Hearing the cry, Ye Xiu instinctively asked, and only then did he think of something, and he fiercely opened his eyes.    


"Master, this doesn't seem to be the Demon Abyss anymore. However, the demonic energy around us is still very dense." Ye Long's voice sounded.    


"It's not Demon Abyss anymore?"    


Ye Xiu was startled, he then looked around, and sure enough, the place was no longer similar to Demon Abyss.    


"Ye Long, you should still remember what happened. That demon spirit's body exploded, and then I was attracted by a powerful force. What exactly happened here?" Ye Xiu asked.    


"Master, I have a bad guess, but I don't know if it is accurate." Ye Long replied.    


"What guess?"    


With regards to Ye Long's words, Ye Xiu was naturally extremely curious, hence he hurriedly asked.    


"Master, I'm thinking that you haven't reached the Demon Domain yet, right?" Ye Long guessed.    


"Demon Domain!"    


Hearing these two words, Ye Xiu's pupils constricted, because if he combined that current situation with what happened before, then there really was such a possibility.    


He had been asking Demon Spirit about the location of the Demon Domain's entrance, but in the next second, the opponent had exploded. Immediately afterwards, he felt a strong force acting on his body.    


Ye Xiu did not know what happened after, because the power was too strong, and caused Ye Xiu to lose consciousness in an instant.    


"Ye Long, it shouldn't be possible." Ye Xiu replied.    


Although the surrounding Demonic Qi was very dense, to the point that it surpassed the Demon Abyss, Ye Xiu still could not believe that he had arrived at the Demon Domain.    


The Demon Domain was a place where demon dwellers lived. If he came to this damned place, even with the protection of the Killing Demon Seven Stars Knife, he wouldn't be able to live for long.    


After all, this was a Demon Domain, and Ye Xiu was alone. Moreover, there was the existence of the Devil Lord s within the Demon Domain, so even if Ye Xiu had opened four gates and new Killing Demon Seven Stars Knife s, he would still not be a match for the Devil Lord s.    


Of course, what happened just now was too sudden, so Ye Xiu had to figure out where he was right now. If it really was Demon Domain, then he had to think of a way to go back quickly, otherwise, everything would end in death.    


"Master, I have an ominous premonition that my guess is correct." Ye Long replied.    


Hearing this, Ye Xiu's expression became even more solemn, he was most afraid that he was truly in Demon Domain, if that was really the case, then the consequences would be severe.    


"Master, you should use the Secret Profound Bead to hide your presence first, this way the demon dwellers won't know your identity for a while." Ye Long reminded.    


Although he did not know if this place was Demon Domain at the moment, for safety's sake, Ye Xiu had obediently activated the Secret Profound Bead.    


"Buzz buzz!"    


Right at this time, Ye Xiu tried to let himself enter the Nine Profound Exquisite Pagoda, but in the next second he could really enter the tower.    


One had to know that it was impossible for one to enter the tower from within the Demon Abyss, and even the things inside could not be brought out.    


But now that Ye Xiu could enter the tower, that proved that Ye Xiu was no longer in the Demon Abyss anymore.    


If it wasn't within the Demon Abyss, then this place was surrounded by such a dense devil aura. It was obvious what kind of existence this place was.    


"No way!"    


Ye Xiu muttered, and then his figure appeared outside the door once again.    


The dense Demonic Qi made Ye Xiu feel uncomfortable, but he had the protection of the Killing Demon Seven Stars Knife, so the Demonic Qi would naturally not corrode his body, and even more so would not let the Demonic Qi enter his body.    


"Ye Long, is there any restriction on your perception?" Ye Xiu looked around and asked.    


"Master, it's much better than when I was inside the Demon Abyss, but it's still been restricted by quite a few restrictions." Ye Long said.    


Even if he was not completely certain of their current location, Ye Long was basically certain that they were not within the Profound Sky Continent. This was because the devilish energy in the surrounding air and his own perception was sufficient to prove this point.    


"Master, if you want to know more clearly, there's a chance right now. Behind you, there are two people coming this way. Of course, they are different from normal humans. Both of them have a pair of horns on their head." Ye Long replied.    


In fact, the real demon dwellers and normal humans had similar appearances, but the biggest difference was that the two of them had a pair of sharp horns on their forehead, which normal humans didn't have.    


"Alright, I'll go and ask!" Ye Xiu nodded slightly.    


Although there were many indications that Ye Long's guess was not wrong, Ye Xiu hoped from the bottom of his heart that it was fake, because if he really got the Demon Domain, then it would be a mystery whether he could really go back or not.    


Without thinking too much, Ye Xiu quickly rushed over according to the direction that Ye Long was pointing in.    




When Ye Xiu appeared in front of the two demon dwellers, they were truly shocked by his appearance.    


Because Ye Xiu had used the Secret Profound Bead to conceal his own presence, and if this was the case, as long as one did not see the person, or did not cause any commotion, then no one would know of his existence.    


Therefore, when Ye Xiu suddenly appeared, it would naturally shock everyone.    


"Don't worry, I just want to ask you guys a question. I'm lost, where is this place?" Ye Xiu asked.    


"This is the Demonic Valley." A demon dweller answered.    


"How come there's no horn on his head when he's gone?"    


But just when one of the demon dwellers finished answering, the other demon dweller beside him realized that something was wrong with Ye Xiu.    


"Horned Demon Race, you are from the Horned Demon Race." The Demonic Qi Cultivator that was called Ming Li realized that Ye Xiu did not have a rival in terms of forehead like them, and immediately cried out in alarm.    


In the next second, the demon dweller grabbed with his right hand, and a fork appeared in his hand.    


"Demon Sky Valley? Horned Demon Race? "    


As Ye Xiu listened to these two sentences, and looked at the two opposing angles on their foreheads, he understood everything.    


Although he did not want to accept this fact, the facts were already in front of Ye Xiu. He had indeed arrived at the Demon Domain.    


But from the way these two demon dwellers addressed him, he could tell that their appearance was similar to the Hornless Demon Race here.    


"It seems that I need to find a way to get this Horned Demon Race before I find a way to leave this place." Ye Xiu muttered.    


From these two horned demons' point of view, these hornless and hornless demons should be of two kinds, and among them, there should be a lot of contradictions.    


When Ye Xiu saw that the two s had taken out their own weapons against each other, Ye Xiu didn't hesitate at all to reveal his own Killing Demon Seven Stars Knife.    


"Buzz buzz!"    


However, the moment the Killing Demon Seven Stars Knife appeared, it's powerful aura immediately swept out.    




In the next second, the two s were immediately shaken to death by the aura released by the Killing Demon Seven Stars Knife.    


"Master, this Killing Demon Seven Stars Knife is not suited to appear in the Demon Domain, otherwise the commotion it causes would be too big, quickly put it away." When he noticed that there was something abnormal with the Killing Demon Seven Stars Knife, Ye Long hurriedly reminded.    


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