Limitless Arrogant Sovereign



"Master, go inside the Nine Profound Exquisite Pagoda first, someone is coming!"    


Just as Ye Xiu killed another high ranking Magical Beast, Ye Long's voice sounded out in his mind.    




Hearing Ye Long's words, Ye Xiu disappeared without a second word.    


The next second after Ye Xiu disappeared, a figure quickly arrived nearby, and when he saw a high level Magical Beast that had been killed, he immediately ran over.    


"Profound Power undulations!"    


The figure inspected the Magical Beast's decapitated head, and when he sensed the remnant aura at the wound, he immediately became vigilant.    


"The Profound Power in this wound is very strong. It seems like that person should be near here." The man looked around with a frown.    


But, no matter how much the man searched, there was not a single trace of Profound Power's Qi leaking out from his surroundings.    


"Come out, hurry up and come out. I can already feel your aura. Hurry up and come out!" The man shouted to the surroundings.    


"Ye Long, how strong is this man?"    


Hiding within the Nine Profound Exquisite Pagoda, Ye Xiu saw the man that was shouting outside through the Nine Profound Exquisite Pagoda.    


This man also had a pair of horns on his forehead. It was obvious that he was a Horned Devil, so the current Ye Xiu naturally did not dare to act rashly.    


"Master, this person is very strong. He isn't much weaker than me at my peak." Ye Long replied.    


Because this person was extremely strong, Ye Long did not dare to use his senses to probe, because if he was discovered by the other party, Ye Xiu would be in danger.    


"What, is this person much stronger than the Profound Mansion Stage Expert?" Ye Xiu was shocked.    


Ye Long's peak strength had already reached the Profound King Realm, and this realm was several levels stronger than the Profound Mansion Stage Expert s.    


With Ye Xiu's current cultivation, he would not be able to contend against even the Profound Mansion Stage Expert, even if he had to open four gates.    


However, the demon dweller's strength was much stronger than the Profound Mansion Stage Expert. If the other party found out about this, Ye Xiu would definitely die.    


Just like this, as he was afraid of being discovered by such a strong enemy, Ye Xiu stopped observing the situation outside and started meditating inside the Nine Profound Exquisite Pagoda.    


As time passed, Ye Xiu slowly opened his eyes from meditating.    


"It's already been a few hours. That guy should have left by now, right?" Ye Xiu muttered.    


After he finished speaking, Ye Xiu started to observe outside the Nine Profound Exquisite Pagoda, and sure enough, there were no longer any people around the tower.    


"Master, for the sake of safety, I suggest that you stay here for a few more days." Ye Long suggested.    




Hearing that, Ye Xiu's eyes revealed suspicion, he could no longer see any traces of humans, why wait for a few more days?    


However, this was still a Demon Domain after all. Furthermore, the strength of the expert from before was indeed excessively strong, so Ye Xiu did not dare to be careless.    


"Is it really not here?"    


After an entire day had passed, the man who had been hiding in the distance suddenly appeared. He frowned slightly.    


No matter what, he found out yesterday that the Magical Beast that was killed had just died not long ago. At that time, he didn't sense anyone leaving, so he believed that person was hiding nearby.    


But after waiting for more than a day, there was no one around, and not even one Magical Beast appeared.    


"Looks like I can only go to other places to take a look."    


Since he had been waiting for a whole day and still hadn't seen anyone, the demon dweller didn't wait any longer and directly left this place.    


Not long after this person left, he was stopped by two men and a woman.    


"Saga, have you found the person from Profound Sky Continent?" Middle-aged Young Men who was rushing over asked excitedly.    


"If we can find him, then I won't be here. Instead, I should go and report to the Devil Lord." Saga replied.    


"Do you have any leads on him?" The Magic Eye asked again.    


"It's nothing, it's just that yesterday, I found a high level Magical Beast that was just killed, and the corpse was still emitting a dense amount of Profound Power's energy, so I determined that the person was in the vicinity. I've been hiding here for over a day, but I didn't discover anything." Saga replied.    


Hearing Saga's words, the Magic Eye shook its head helplessly: "It's such a pity, I really want to see what the legendary Profound Sky Continent people look like. I really want to see exactly how terrifying their strength is to be able to actually injure the Devil Lord, and even kill the previous's three elites."    


Ao Li and Ya Bo stood to the side, but at this time, they did not make a sound.    


Originally, the two of them had planned to join up with the Magic Eye to suppress Saga, but they had never thought that the Magic Eye would be so curious about the person from Profound Sky Continent, so it was obviously inconvenient for them to say anything more at this time.    


"Find, you have to find him properly. I'll send the order back right now, we have to find the person with Profound Sky Continent no matter what." The Magic Eye said sternly.    


With that said, the Magic Eye took out a communication tool and began to issue orders.    


"Magic Eye, thank you for your cooperation. Since you are so interested in this Profound Sky Continent person, you can play around with him once we catch him." Saga said with a smile.    


Saga never thought that the Magic Eye would actually pay so much attention to people with Profound Sky Continent. Originally, he was still a little worried, but looking at the other party's current state, it could be said that the weight in his heart had completely dropped.    


If Saga was not afraid of Ao Li and Ya Bo, then he was still a bit afraid of the Magic Eye.    


And when Ao Li and Ya Bo saw that the Magic Eye had dispatched their manpower just like that, the two of them looked at each other gloomily, then naturally took out their communication tools and issued orders to their subordinates.    


Following the orders from the three parties, a large number of demon dwellers arrived at Saga's territory. Then, they began to search through the grounds.    


Since the Magical Beast was still killed in Saga's jurisdiction, this meant that the person from Profound Sky Continent was still in that place. Furthermore, as long as they carried out a floor search, they would definitely not be able to escape death.    


Although they didn't know how strong this person from the Profound Sky Continent was, as long as there were casualties among the demon dwellers from any region, it would mean that he was in that area.    


"What's going on? Why do I feel an ominous premonition?"    


When the four groups gathered in one place to start their search, Ye Xiu who was still inside the Nine Profound Exquisite Pagoda felt a bad premonition.    


Ye Xiu still believed in his own feelings, and since he had that kind of feeling, it meant that something bad was about to happen.    


Ye Xiu was not clear about the specifics, but it was definitely not a good thing.    


Just like that, after staying in the Nine Profound Exquisite Pagoda for another two days, Ye Xiu left the tower.    


Following that, Ye Xiu began to carefully move out.    


"What's going on, why is the Magical Beast gone?"    


However, even after Ye Xiu searched through the wilderness for a long time, he still could not find any traces of Magical Beast.    


"Master, there are Demon Dwellers at the front and back of your left side. They shouldn't be looking for you, right?" Ye Long reminded.    




Ye Xiu muttered, but since there were people in both directions, he naturally changed his direction and continued to move forward.    


But after a while, Ye Xiu once again heard Ye Long's warning, and this time, it was from every direction.    


Seeing that there were Demon Dwellers in all directions, Ye Xiu didn't know where to go now.    


In order to prevent himself from being discovered, Ye Xiu had no choice but to find a concealed place and hide inside the Nine Profound Exquisite Pagoda.    


However, dodging it was obviously not a solution, because Ye Xiu still had to leave the Demon Domain. After all, he did not belong here.    


As for whether or not he could leave, Ye Xiu was not worried. Since there were demon dwellers in the Profound Sky Continent, it meant that there was a path from the Demon Domain to the Profound Sky Continent.    


"Master, it seems like your influence is too great. There are demon dwellers searching from all directions, so I guess you can only hide in the Nine Profound Exquisite Pagoda." Ye Long reminded.    


"Fortunately, there's a Nine Profound Exquisite Pagoda, and this Nine Profound Exquisite Pagoda is even a top grade profound artifact, otherwise, it would definitely be discovered by others." Ye Xiu said with a face full of rejoice.    


Of course, dodging wasn't the solution to the underlying problem, it was just to temporarily prevent danger from arriving.    


But if the demon dweller was very stubborn, he would send people to search everywhere before finding Ye Xiu, and if that were to happen, wouldn't Ye Xiu be trapped here for the rest of his life?    


This was not the result that Ye Xiu wanted to see, so he had to think of a way.    


"Ye Long, tell me, if I absorb the Magic Core's magic, what would happen to me?" As he was thinking, Ye Xiu suddenly took out a high level Magical Beast and muttered.    


"Master, the magic power inside the Magic Core is in conflict with the Profound Power. If you absorb the magic power, the two powers in your body will clash with each other. If it's serious, it might endanger your life. Ye Long reminded.    


Ye Xiu's idea was just too terrifying, to the point that if he wasn't careful, he might fall into Qi deviation, and his body would be smashed into smithereens.    


As for whether or not Ye Xiu would become bewitched after absorbing the magic power, Ye Long had never thought of that, but since the other party had the Killing Demon Seven Stars Knife on them, would it cause their master to become bewitched?    


"Ye Long, if there really is no other way, I can only try. If I can release the demon Qi of the demon dwellers, I can sneak into the demon dwellers, and that way I can even find out where the passageway to the Profound Sky Continent is." Ye Xiu said.    


If this thought of his succeeded, then it would mean that Ye Xiu had a better chance of leaving the Demon Domain, it was just that the probability of this happening wasn't high.    


Of course, if not, then that would be the best result. But if reality did not allow it, then Ye Xiu could only take the risk.    


As for the Killing Demon Seven Stars Knife s, it was easy to solve, as long as he could remove his ownership, or discuss it with the Knife-amaryllis in advance.    


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