Limitless Arrogant Sovereign



"Husband, I'm not going home. I want to go to Devil Ghost Abyss with you!" Louya said.    


"Louya, I'm sorry, but I can't promise you this time. Because Devil Ghost Abyss are filled with danger, I can't be this selfish and let you follow me. You have your own life." Ye Xiu said.    




Louya looked at Ye Xiu and couldn't help but request.    


But this time, it was ineffective, or perhaps it was due to his identity being exposed. At this moment, Ye Xiu's heart was also filled with hatred.    


clearly knew that Louya must have understood his intentions. It was entirely for the other party's sake that he did not allow the other party to follow him.    


Just like this, after making their decision, the four of them left the cave and sent Louya back.    


Very quickly, night fell. Just as Ye Xiu and the other three were walking in the desolate wilderness, Devil Lord, who was still waiting for them at Xianmo Valley, could not help but become agitated.    


The sky was already dark, how could the Profound Sky Continent man not have appeared?    


"That's not right, it's impossible for the Prophet to lie to me. That Profound Sky Continent guy definitely came over, could it be that one of the four people I met before came from the Profound Sky Continent?" Devil Lord recalled.    


Although he did not recognize it at the time, but when he thought back to it now, the Devil Lord had a sort of conclusion.    


One must know that this Xianmo Valley could also be considered a very remote place, and under normal circumstances, no demons would come here.    


It just so happened that four demon dwellers came on the tenth day. Although these four demon dwellers all had Horned Devil s, if one were to calculate it this way, there were definitely some among them that weren't real demon dwellers.    


But if that was the case, then it would be troublesome later on. At that time, Devil Lord did not care about it, so he did not even remember the appearances of the four of them. All he knew was that they were a combination of three men and one woman.    


However, it would be like looking for a needle in a haystack if he wanted to find the four of them.    


"Men, continue to wait here. If no one comes tomorrow morning, find me a group of three men and one woman. I don't care what tricks you use, find them for me." The Devil Lord ordered.    


With that, Devil Lord turned and left, and upon hearing the order, everyone had a bitter face.    


This was clearly a thankless task. This Demon Domain was neither big nor small, it was easier said than done to find a combination of three men and one woman.    


Plus, if one of them was missing, then how could they find the right target while continuing to search for three men and one woman?    


But since the Devil Lord had given the orders, then no matter how hard it was to accomplish this, they would still obey. It was just that if they really couldn't find it by then, then maybe they would be blamed.    


"Dammit, it would have been great if I had paid attention to their appearances back then. Where can I look for them now?" A demon dweller said with some regret.    


However, there was no medicine for regret in this world, so no matter how regretful he was, it was too late. If he couldn't remember his appearance, then no matter how hard he tried, he wouldn't remember his appearance.    


Just like that, they waited until the next morning, when no one came over. Then, they all began to move out separately.    


Even if they knew that there was no hope of finding it, if they did not even search for it, then there was no way to explain it to the Devil Lord.    


In the blink of an eye, another ten days passed.    


On their way over, because Ye Xiu wanted to teach the three how to fight in actual combat, he had traveled a bit longer, but this time, the journey back was even longer.    


It was not that Ye Xiu did not want to walk fast, but rather, Louya deliberately did not want to walk fast.    


Because she knew that the moment she walked quickly, she and Ye Xiu would be separated even faster. In her heart, she did not want to be separated, so she naturally kept on stalling for time.    


However, no matter how long they put off this, what was to come would eventually come.    




When Ye Xiu safely returned Louya to her house, his eyes were filled with reluctance.    


"If I can come back to Demon Domain again in the future, I'll come find you at the first moment." Ye Xiu said.    


"It's true!"    


After hearing what Ye Xiu said, Louya's eyes revealed a hint of anticipation.    


Since Ye Xiu could say this, then naturally, Louya was very happy.    


"Of course it's real. If I were to come back to the Demon Domain again, if I didn't look for you, what would I eat and where would I live?" Ye Xiu said with a smile.    




Hearing Ye Xiu's words, Louya couldn't help but burst out laughing.    


"That's right, you are the most beautiful when you laugh." Ye Xiu gently smiled.    


"Really? Then do you like me who is smiling?" Louya asked.    


"This ?"    


In response to Louya's inquiry, Ye Xiu hesitated for a moment, then nodded: "I like it when you're smiling."    


"Husband, can you give me a good hug? Because this may be the last time. " Louya looked at Ye Xiu as he raised a request of his own.    


With regards to the request, Ye Xiu naturally would not reject it. He extended his arm and hugged towards Louya.    


When Louya felt her embrace him, her eyes started to tear up. She thought that she had found a very good place to belong, but she had never thought that this place would actually not belong to Demon Domain.    


Of course, even if Louya did not receive Ye Xiu, her big brother's injuries had only improved with his appearance. If not for Ye Xiu's help, she might have lost her own big brother.    


Therefore, Louya did not regret knowing Ye Xiu, and she was even glad that she knew him.    


Just like this, Ye Xiu and Louya embraced each other for a good few minutes before Louya reluctantly left the other party's embrace.    


But when Ye Xiu took a step back, Louya immediately rushed forward, and his four lips lightly touched.    


Seeing that, Ye Xiu instinctively wanted to take a step back, but at this time, Louya held onto Ye Xiu's head with both of his hands.    


Seeing Louya like that, Ye Xiu stood his ground without moving, and allowed the other party to take his left and right side.    


After another minute, Louya rushed into the manor in a flash. The moment she turned around, Ye Xiu could clearly see a ray of tears rolling down the other party's face.    


"Let's go!"    


Seeing that Louya had safely entered, Ye Xiu did not stay long at the entrance of the Palace. After saying a few words to Tu Xiong and Tu Lie, the three of them immediately turned around and left.    


Without any hesitation, Ye Xiu and the other two immediately left the city and headed towards the Devil Ghost Abyss the prophet mentioned.    


This Devil Ghost Abyss was located in the extreme north of the Demon Domain, so as long as one continued to walk towards the north, one would naturally be able to reach the extreme north.    


As for the specific location of the Devil Ghost Abyss, the Prophet didn't say much, but as long as there was a general location, Ye Xiu was not afraid of him being unable to find it.    


Along the way, other than rushing, Ye Xiu was also naturally training Tu Xiong and Tu Lie.    


"The two of you, remember this. If I leave the Demon Domain, I hope that you can protect Louya in secret. You must definitely let her suffer any harm. Ye Xiu said.    


"Master, because of your help, I can feel that my strength has increased several times compared to before. Even if my cultivation hasn't increased, the increase in strength is still the same, so I definitely won't let you down. If anyone dares to bully our mistress, we brothers will definitely not let him go." Tu Xiong said fiercely.    


Although it was a little depressing to become a slave, if he could learn so many skills that he had never experienced before, then Tu Xiong would still be willing to be a slave for a few more years.    


Tu Xiong even thought that with his current strength, he would basically not have any opponents at the same level of strength as him. If he were to spar with someone at the same level, he would be able to completely defeat his opponent within a few rounds, or even be able to defeat him easily.    


The reason was simple, Ye Xiu had taken out all of the extra steps when Tu Xiong and Yue Yang were fighting, the only things left were the fatal moves.    


Either he didn't make a move, but his first move was a killing move.    


When Ye Xiu and the other two headed towards the far north, the people under Devil Lord started to search for a combination of three men and one woman. If they found three men and one woman, they would grab them and torture them.    


At first, the crowd did not know what had happened, but as groups of three men and one woman were captured one after another, everyone could deduce what had happened.    


It was just like that, not long after, the trio of three men and one woman could no longer be found. After all, who would rush to provoke the Devil Lord?    


"How is it? It's been a few days, have you found anything?"    


In the main hall of the Demon Palace, Devil Lord looked at the people who stood there with their heads lowered, not saying a word and asked.    


"Devil Lord, we did not discover anything. Before, we captured a lot of people, three men and one woman, but after careful interrogation, we ruled out the possibility of people with Profound Sky Continent amongst them." One of them said.    


"Keep searching for it!"    


When Devil Lord heard that he did not find the Profound Sky Continent he wanted, his mood naturally wasn't very good.    


Because after thinking about it for the past few days, he was certain that he had indeed missed the opportunity to seize the Profound Sky Continent people.    


If the Prophet was still alive, he would definitely ask the other party why he did not mention the details.    


If the Prophet had informed the Devil Lord in advance that the person with Profound Sky Continent would disguise himself as the one with the Demon Domain, the Devil Lord believed that he would definitely not let those four people leave so easily.    


Of course, it was too late to regret. He could no longer find her.    


However, Devil Lord was not worried, because right now, this place was the Demon Domain, and if this person from the Profound Sky Continent came to the Demon Domain, it would not be so easy to return to the Profound Sky Continent.    


"I believe that you will appear on your own accord, because you do not belong to the Demon Domain." The Devil Lord said indifferently.    


Although he still could not catch them, and did not even know where they had disappeared to, Devil Lord was not in a hurry, because he had set up many people at the two entrances to the Profound Sky Continent.    


Besides, so what if they found the entrance? Without proper preparation, they would have a high chance of dying if they barged in.    


"It looks like I won't be able to wait long before I can once again fight against Profound Sky Continent. At that time, all of my Profound Sky Continent will be mine." Devil Lord muttered in his heart.    


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