Limitless Arrogant Sovereign



"It's just demonic energy entering your body. You haven't been demonized yet, so there's no need to risk your life." After Ye Xiu checked the exorcist's condition, he said indifferently.    


While talking, Ye Xiu placed the Killing Demon Seven Stars Knife in front of the Exorcist.    


"Buzz buzz!"    


Following the sound of a Light Buzz, the Killing Demon Seven Stars Knife released a wave of blade qi which instantly invaded the body of the exorcist in front of him.    




Feeling the tyrannical blade energy flowing through his body, the Exorcist King revealed a puzzled look, because he didn't receive any damage from this blade energy.    


Logically speaking, if such a powerful saber energy were to flow through his body, the damage it dealt to his body would also be extremely great.    


However, the blade in front of him did not harm him. This was completely out of his expectations.    


"Strange, why does this blade seem somewhat familiar?" The Exorcist looked at the blade in front of him and muttered to himself.    


Of course, it was just a sense of familiarity. He didn't know where this familiarity came from.    


By the time a minute and a half had passed, only about a minute had passed. The Exorcist immediately discovered that the demonic energy that had invaded his body had been completely dispelled by the saber energy.    


After successfully dispelling the demonic energy, the blade energy naturally left the body of the exorcist through its original route.    


"Thank you for saving my life!"    


When the Exorcist took a deep breath, he thanked Ye Xiu.    


He knew very well that if it wasn't for the other party saving him, he would have committed suicide by now.    


"There's no need to be polite with me. We're all of the same side. It's normal to save someone in danger. How is it? How do you feel?" Ye Xiu asked softly.    


The claw marks on my chest are a bit scary, but it's only a superficial wound. The opponent is a Demonified, so after I get hit, my wound will have demon qi remaining. If the demon qi invaded my body, then the problem would be much more serious. The exorcist explained.    


"It's good that you're fine!"    


Seeing that there was nothing wrong with the Exorcist, Ye Xiu looked in Ye Tian Xie's direction.    


Ye Tian had the strength of Profound Earth Stage, so even if it was a demonized human, they would still not be his match.    


However, the defense of the Demonified Human body far exceeded that of a normal human. So even if Ye Tian continued to attack, he still wouldn't be able to kill him.    


"Ye Tian, lure him to my side." Ye Xiu ordered.    


"Understood, Master!"    


Hearing Ye Xiu's words, Ye Tian responded, then he once again viciously swung his tail at the Demonified's body.    


With this sweep, the demon was immediately sent flying, and just happened to be in Ye Xiu's direction.    




With a light shout, the Profound Power in Ye Xiu's body exploded, and after stepping on the Eight Trigrams Shadowless Step, combined with the meteor boots, his speed increased to a new high.    


"Slaughter of The Seven Stars!"    


Ye Xiu held the Killing Demon Seven Stars Knife in his hand, and then chopped at the Demonified Man ruthlessly with his blade.    


As the Demonified Man was still in mid air, when Ye Xiu's attacks flew towards him, he had no way to dodge them.    




When the sound of a violent collision rang out, in the next second, this demonized person instantly turned into nothingness.    


Not only the Profound Beast, even if a human was demonized and turned into a demon, they would still be turned into nothingness by the Killing Demon Seven Stars Knife's attacks.    


"So powerful!"    


Seeing this, the Exorcist of Early Period of Profound Mansion Stage revealed a look of shock.    


Although the opponent had only killed the Demonified human with the cooperation of two people, the fact that Ye Xiu could completely exterminate a normal Demonified human with a single slash was not something an ordinary Exorcism Xuan Artifact could do.    


"Slaughter of The Seven Stars?"    


The Exorcist muttered, because this name also made him feel a sense of familiarity.    


"Could it be ?"    


When the Exorcist recalled this, its eyes were immediately filled with shock.    


"The clan guarding treasure of the Exorcism Clan, the Killing Demon Seven Stars Knife!" The exorcist from Early Period of Profound Mansion Stage took a deep breath, revealing an expression of disbelief.    


The Killing Demon Seven Stars Knife had disappeared from the Profound Sky Continent the last time they came here, but they had never expected to appear in such a place.    


Of course, with the age of this Early Period of Profound Mansion Stage man, he had never really seen a Killing Demon Seven Stars Knife before, he had only seen a picture of a Killing Demon Seven Stars Knife.    


It was precisely because of this that he would feel a sense of familiarity when the other party first saw the Killing Demon Seven Stars Knife in Ye Xiu's hands.    


Because no matter how real it was, there was still some difference between it and a real physical object. At the very least, it was a visual difference.    


Furthermore, the Killing Demon Seven Stars Knife had long since disappeared from his Profound Sky Continent, so even if he felt a sense of familiarity, he didn't think in that direction.    


If not for Ye Xiu's loud shout, even if he wanted to break his brain, he might not be able to imagine that the blade that appeared in front of him today was the clan guarding treasure of the Exorcist King.    


"How did you get a Killing Demon Seven Stars Knife?" The exorcist couldn't help but ask.    


Killing Demon Seven Stars Knife was no ordinary Exorcism Xuan Artifact, so as an exorcist, he naturally had the qualifications to ask Ye Xiu this question.    


"I obtained this Killing Demon Seven Stars Knife from seven other clans. Each clan protected a portion of the Killing Demon Seven Stars Knife, and after combining forces, the sword will recognize me as its master." Ye Xiu replied.    


"The Killing Demon Seven Stars Knife are actually divided into seven parts, and are guarded by seven families?" The Exorcist was shocked.    


Even Ouyang Qianxue, who was standing at the side, was shocked by this answer.    


Ouyang Qianxue naturally knew about Killing Demon Seven Stars Knife s, but she did not know the origin of this blade.    


"No, no, this Killing Demon Seven Stars Knife is the treasure of my Exorcism Clan, not just anyone can make it recognize me as its master." The Early Period of Profound Mansion Stage exorcist frowned slightly.    


Although he had never really seen the Killing Demon Seven Stars Knife before, he knew some things about it.    


After all, the blade had been missing for a long time, so besides the exorcist's mission, the exorcist also had another mission, and that was to find the whereabouts of the Killing Demon Seven Stars Knife, in case they needed it.    


That was why he was familiar with some of the Killing Demon Seven Stars Knife s, including some of the blade's characteristics.    


Of course, the Killing Demon Seven Stars Knife could be split into seven, this was something the exorcist did not know.    


Seeing that the Exorcist seemed to have some understanding of Killing Demon Seven Stars Knife, Ye Xiu smiled and pointed to a cross pendant on the sword hilt of the Killing Demon Seven Stars Knife.    


Ye Xiu was very clear that it was because of this pendant that Sha Ya had given him that he had allowed the Killing Demon Seven Stars Knife to recognize him as its master.    


In fact, the Killing Demon Seven Stars Knife did not recognize Ye Xiu, but this pendant. Whoever owned this pendant and restored the Killing Demon Seven Stars Knife would be its master.    


Hence, from this, it could be inferred that Sha Ya should also be one of the Exorcist.    


It was just that after so long, Ye Xiu did not know where Sha Ya was. If he knew, he would definitely have to go look for him.    


"It's this pendant that was given to me by a little sister named Sha Ya. The reason the Killing Demon Seven Stars Knife acknowledged me as their master is because this pendant has successfully reassembled the seven parts of the Killing Demon Seven Stars Knife." Ye Xiu explained.    


No matter if it was the man in front of them, or Ouyang Qianxue, the two of them were all clansmen of the Exorcism Clan, and Killing Demon Seven Stars Knife was a treasure of the Exorcism Clan.    


This is just like when an item that originally belonged to someone else fell into your hands. At this moment, you naturally have to explain yourself clearly in order to avoid any misunderstandings or conflicts.    


"This pendant?"    


When the man and Ouyang Qianxue looked at the pendant that was already embedded in the blade hilt, their eyes revealed doubt.    


The two of them knowing the Killing Demon Seven Stars Knife were both on the map, and there was no way to see the position of the hilt, so they naturally wouldn't recognize the cross pendant.    


But since Ye Xiu said that this cross pendant was an important component of the Killing Demon Seven Stars Knife, then it was obvious that this Sha Ya something was related to Exorcism Clan.    


"Ye Xiu, where is that little sister Sha Ya?" Ouyang Qianxue could not help but ask.    


"I don't know!"    


Towards this inquiry, Ye Xiu helplessly shook his head, and then he told her about Sha Ya's situation.    


Of course, Ye Xiu had also heard of Sha Ya's situation, so he could not really guarantee whether the information was true or not.    


However, Ye Xiu believed that everything he knew was true.    


"Little Sister Sha Ya should have been taken away by someone, and I don't know what exactly happened. Even until today, I have no news of her." Ye Xiu said with a helpless expression.    


Ye Xiu naturally had very good impressions of Sha Ya, so if there was news of the other party, he would definitely go all out to save him.    


"Alright, let's not talk about this for now. The demonic energy here is very dense, I have to continue looking around to see if there are any other Demonized People or Demonized Profound Beast around." Ye Xiu said.    


had to investigate this point carefully, if not, with so much demonic energy gathering in his Chiyan Mountain, it would not take long for his Chiyan Mountain to become the real Demon Mountain.    


Just like that, after he finished speaking, Ye Xiu continued moving forward, and when the man from Early Period of Profound Mansion Stage saw the three of them continue walking forward, he hesitated for a moment before following behind.    


If it was said that the man before was disdainful to move with Ye Xiu and the other two, then now, he was eager to act together.    


Even if the man didn't believe in Ye Xiu's strength, he definitely believed in the Killing Demon Seven Stars Knife's strength. After all, that was the Exorcism Xuan Artifact with the strongest Exorcism Clan, there wasn't a single one that didn't exist.    


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