Limitless Arrogant Sovereign



"Speak, who are you and why are you blocking the Profound Sky Sect's sect gate? What is your goal?"    


When Ye Xiu saw that the drunk man still looked drunk, he asked softly.    


Although Ye Xiu's tone was extremely calm, the three women who stood beside Ye Xiu all understood that the calmer they were, the more terrifying it would be.    


The drunk man who was tied up wasn't clear, so he naturally ignored Ye Xiu.    


"I'll ask you again. If you don't want to suffer, then answer my question honestly. Otherwise, I will make you regret coming to this world." Ye Xiu asked again.    


However, the drunkard still did not make a sound, his eyes still closed and his face full of drunkenness.    


"Very well, I've always only given you one chance, but I've already given you two, so don't blame me for being impolite." Ye Xiu said.    


But, even if Ye Xiu said that, the drunk man still didn't care.    


"Leng Yue, all of you go out first. The next scene might not be what you want to see." Ye Xiu said.    




Since Ye Xiu had said it like that, then the three girls naturally would not insist anymore and directly left the room happily.    


"Set up the formation!"    


After Leng Yue and the other two left, Ye Xiu threw out a few Profound Stone s, and then set up a simple sound isolating array in the room.    


"What are you doing?"    


When the drunkard saw Ye Xiu throw a few Profound Stone s around the room, he could not help but ask out of curiosity.    


"You'll know in a moment. I'm afraid of scaring people." Ye Xiu said softly.    


With that said, Ye Xiu gently grabbed with his right hand, and a set of silver needles appeared in his hand.    


When the drunk man saw this set of silver needles, his eyes narrowed, and a look of disdain appeared on his face.    


If he was going to use these silver needles to force himself to speak, then he was underestimating him.    


And the disdain in the drunk man's eyes was completely exposed in Ye Xiu's eyes. Regarding this, he naturally did not care about it.    


Just like this, without even a hint of warning, Ye Xiu quickly pierced several silver needles onto the drunk man's body.    


It didn't matter if he didn't pierce it, but after a few needles were inserted, the originally lazy drunkard's face instantly changed.    




Following an extremely miserable voice, the drunk man shouted with all his might, his face flushing red.    


If it wasn't for the fact that his body was tied up, he would probably be rolling on the ground.    


"You ? What did you do to me, what did you do to me! " The drunk man screamed out loud.    


"Don't you have a face full of indifference? "What's more, I've already warned you a few times, but you didn't get a chance to cherish it, so you can't blame me for it." Ye Xiu said indifferently.    


"Stop, hurry and stop!"    


When the drunkard saw Ye Xiu holding a few silver needles in his hand again, he was completely shocked this time.    


The drunkard couldn't understand why a few mere silver needles could cause so much pain in his body.    


However, the truth was like this. A few simple silver needles actually possessed such terrifying power. This was a result that the drunkard had never expected.    


If you ask me to stop, I'll stop. I gave you a chance before. You didn't cherish it, so enjoy it. Ye Xiu said.    


With that said, Ye Xiu once again pierced the needle in his hand into the drunk man's body.    


Ah ah ah ah!    


The drunkard immediately screamed out in pain.    


"It's too noisy, let's go out for a while." Ye Xiu said.    


"Don't go, don't go!"    


Seeing that Ye Xiu was about to leave, the drunk man immediately shouted.    


Because once Ye Xiu really left, who knows how long he would have to endure the pain.    


Therefore, in order to lessen his pain, he naturally hoped that Ye Xiu wouldn't leave. If even his pain could be alleviated, that would naturally be for the best.    


"Don't leave if you're telling me to. I've already given you a chance before, so take it first. This is something you should take." Ye Xiu said.    


With that, Ye Xiu turned and left.    


The moment the door closed, despair appeared in the drunkard's eyes because he didn't know how long he would have to endure the pain this way.    


"Right, I don't feel anything when I faint. Right, pass out!" The drunk man screamed in his heart.    


However, Ye Xiu had already thought of this point, so even if the drunkard wanted to faint on purpose, he had no other choice.    


The drunkard didn't notice this at first, but after a while, he realized that he couldn't fall unconscious. Even if he did, he would wake up in the next second.    


One day later ?    


Ah ah ah ah!    


When Ye Xiu opened the door, he could hear one hoarse voice after another entering his ears.    


Due to their hoarseness, some of the voices could not be heard.    


"How is it? How are you enjoying the rest of the day? Do you want me to add some more pain?" Ye Xiu said softly as he looked at the weakened drunk man.    


The drunk man already didn't have much strength left. If he continued to increase the pain, then his life would end here.    


An expert of the Late Period of Profound Earth Stage dying from the pain was probably the most aggrieved way of dying in the entire Profound Sky Continent.    


"Don't... Goodbye, I will tell you everything you want to know! " The drunkard immediately started begging for mercy.    


Before, he had looked lazy and drunk, but now, he was in a weak and bitter state. The two states looked the same, but in reality, they were vastly different.    


"Tell me everything I want to know. As long as you satisfy me, I will let you go." Ye Xiu replied.    


Ye Xiu did not take the initiative to ask them questions, because if they were to do so, some of the questions would be avoided.    


Therefore, Ye Xiu did not ask, but wanted the other party to take the initiative to say what he wanted, so that way the other party would be able to say as much as possible, because he did not know what to say that would satisfy others.    


"I... My name is Situ Lie, I was ordered to come here to cause trouble, and I come from the interior. " The drunk man, or Situ Lie, replied.    


"Under orders? Under whose orders? " Ye Xiu frowned slightly.    


"I don't know!" Situ Lie shook his head.    


"You don't know?"    


But towards Situ Lie's answer, Ye Xiu was obviously unsatisfied, and since he accepted the order, no one would know, so this was not justified.    


"I really don't know, I just accepted the mission on the nameless list, as long as there are Profound Stone, then anyone can leave a mission here. As long as the mission is completed, then the Profound Stone can be obtained from the nameless list, so I don't need to know the situation of my employer." Situ Lie hurriedly explained.    


Ye Xiu had never been to the mainland before, so he definitely did not know about the nameless list, so he had to explain himself, if not he would think that Yue Yang was lying.    


"Nameless leaderboard?"    


Ye Xiu muttered. From the looks of it, he did not seem to be lying.    


"Ye Long, do you know of the nameless list?" Ye Xiu asked in his mind.    


If anyone had been to the mainland, it would undoubtedly be Ye Long, but he was a Profound Beast, so he might not know about human affairs.    


"I've heard of this before, but I've never seen it!" Ye Long replied.    


Of course, if one had heard of it, it proved its existence, which meant that Situ Lie was not lying.    


"Since you don't know who set up this mission, then it means that you don't know what his goal in dealing with Profound Sky Sect is?" Ye Xiu asked.    


"I don't know!"    


Situ Lie shook his head to express his agreement.    


This was because he really did not want to endure any more pain. Although he would be immune to some pain that he had to endure for a long period of time, it was clear that he would not be immune to any more pain.    


Situ Lie could even guess that if he could continue to endure the pain for a few days, it would be even more painful than killing him.    


"Alright, let's talk about other things!" Ye Xiu said.    


"Ah, other things!"    


Situ Lie screamed with his hoarse voice.    


Because he didn't know what else he had to say, his mind was blank.    


Situ Lie could sneakily come out of the landlocked country, so he knew that he was the most suitable candidate for this mission.    


Furthermore, because it was a mission given by the Outer Land, it would be extremely difficult to complete it from the interior. As a result, the rewards given to the Profound Stone would also be rather generous.    


And it was exactly like this, the moment Situ Lie saw this mission, he accepted it without hesitation. To him, it was practically giving him a Profound Stone, it was too easy.    


However, if he knew that there was still such an abnormal existence in Outer Land, then no matter how many Profound Stone he was given, he probably wouldn't accept this mission.    


"If you don't say it, you can continue to bear with it here. After all, I have a lot of time, so I'm not afraid to waste it on you." Ye Xiu said.    


With that said, Ye Xiu took out a few silver needles and waved it in front of Situ Lie.    


Looking at the few silver needles, Situ Lie's pale white face twitched. He really could not endure any more terrifying pain.    


However, he had nothing else to say because he only knew the mission and nothing else.    


"Since you don't know, then don't blame me. You should think about it carefully here. Maybe the pain will make you more clear-headed." Ye Xiu said.    


After saying that, Ye Xiu intended to add a few needles onto Situ Lie's body.    


"Wait a minute!"    


But just as the silver needle in Ye Xiu's hand was about to land on Situ Lie's body, the latter suddenly screamed.    


As for his hoarse voice, it actually seemed to recover a bit from that roar.    


Of course, it was only this one sentence, and the next moment, he could no longer say anything.    


"I'll give you one more chance. I'm still very merciful. If it was someone else, would you still be able to live?" Ye Xiu said with a light smile.    


But facing Ye Xiu's words, Situ Lie was instantly speechless, because in his eyes, if he was being merciful, then there wouldn't be any bad people in the world.    


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