Limitless Arrogant Sovereign



"They are all ruthless people indeed. Because they did not prepare any blood beforehand, they actually treat those disciples whose cultivation have not reached the Profound Spirit Stage as their food!" Ye Xiu muttered.    


All of the disciples who had reached Profound Spirit Stage unhesitatingly sucked in the disciples who did not cultivate the Evil Skill. From this, it could be seen that if a person who had cultivated the Evil Skill lost control of themselves, they would not be able to recognize anyone.    


As for why Evil Skill cultivators did not kill each other, then perhaps the blood in the bodies of Evil Skill cultivators would not be able to dispel the problem.    


"Little Brother Ye Xiu, this Wind And Thunder Mansion is indeed extremely terrifying. If you didn't discover it earlier, then once you anger them, the consequences would be unimaginable." Hua Haifeng said with lingering fear.    


Fortunately, they had discovered it in advance, so they decided to make the first move. But if they did not, if the conflict between Huayang Mansion and itself continued to deepen, then when the time came and the two prefectures started fighting, the Wind And Thunder Mansion used to cultivate the Evil Skill would be absolutely formidable.    


"Mansion Master Hua, you can rest at ease now. Now that the aftereffects have been activated, even if they are able to use their blood to suppress it in time, it will cause them to be weakened for the next few days." Ye Xiu said.    


Regarding this point, Ye Xiu had already verified it on Jiang Li, so he would definitely not be wrong.    


Now that the plan had succeeded, he would wait for the Wind And Thunder Mansion to be destroyed.    


Of course, the people from the Wind And Thunder Mansion also knew that the situation wasn't good, so they would also do something to protect themselves.    


"Mansion Master Hua, let's return to the Huayang Mansion now and attack it tomorrow morning!" Ye Xiu replied.    


"Tomorrow morning?"    


Hearing this, Hua Haifeng's eyes revealed suspicion, he obviously didn't understand why Ye Xiu wanted him to attack in the morning.    


Logically speaking, Wind And Thunder Mansion had already fallen into his trap, wouldn't it be the best time to take advantage of the situation and chase after him?    


Waiting for the morning of the second day, that would completely give Wind And Thunder Mansion a chance to prepare.    


Of course, there was definitely a reason why Ye Xiu made such arrangements.    


The reason was very simple too. Although the berserk Profound Power would stabilize itself after drinking the fresh blood, it was still extremely strong at this time.    


Only when the symptoms of weakness completely appeared would their fighting strength be at its weakest.    


Ye Xiu calculated the time, and since the time was just right at dawn, it would be the best time to clean up the mess early in the morning.    


Just like this, after hearing what Ye Xiu had said, Hua Haifeng told the others about this matter after returning to his Huayang Mansion.    


Cultivating Evil Skill was not something that could be forgiven, so Hua Haifeng's order to all Huayang Mansion disciples was naturally to kill without discussion.    


Regarding this point, Ye Xiu did not say much, because once one cultivates the Evil Skill, there is no turning back.    


Unless one's cultivation level was crippled, the Evil Skill could not be changed.    


And in the interior, even if one's cultivation base was only Profound Earth Stage, it would still be a dead end, not to mention that their entire cultivation had been crippled.    


Therefore, if they were to cripple their cultivation, then these people might as well give them a quick death. Otherwise, they would not be able to survive in the mainland without cultivation.    


When everything around Huayang Mansion was prepared, and the sun was about to rise on a new day, the Wind And Thunder Mansion had already turned into a mess.    


Although they knew that escaping from the Wind And Thunder Mansion at this time was probably the best outcome.    


But for Evil Skill cultivators, they would need to drink human blood every year, and no matter where they were, that was hard to hide.    


Especially when the Profound Power s in his body went berserk, if he didn't absorb the fresh blood as soon as possible, that person would become crazy.    


As a result, under the protection of no power, it was extremely difficult for a single person to survive in the wild, especially if there were people with Evil Skill s in their bodies.    


Thus, even if they could leave now, none of them would be willing to leave. If they stayed, they might even be able to survive.    


If he were to leave now, even if he could survive, it would not be long before his life would be in danger.    


"Everyone listen carefully, go into closed door cultivation as soon as possible so that your body can recover quickly. Our great sect protecting array can't be undone even if Profound Monarch Stage Expert were to personally come here for a short period of time, so we have enough time to recover." Feng Zhendong reminded him.    


Hearing this, all the disciples that had cultivated the Evil Skill quickly displayed their own rooms, and as for those disciples that did not cultivate the Evil Skill, they were all sucked into the other disciples until they were on their last breaths.    


"Forget it, forget it!"    


Feng Zhendong slightly frowned as he faced these disciples. He then casually waved his hand and all of them died.    


It had to be known that these disciples were all future disciples of Wind And Thunder Mansion. If it wasn't for a reason, Feng Zhendong would not have mercilessly killed these disciples.    


"No matter who you are, it is absolutely impossible for you to destroy my Wind And Thunder Mansion." Feng Zhendong frowned and said coldly.    


Being able to use the night of the full moon to trigger the side effects within their body, causing them to become weak, this move was indeed very brilliant.    


However, Feng Zhendong was not an ordinary person either. He had long expected such a day to come, so he specially ordered people to set up a very powerful Profound Array.    


For the sake of the Profound Array, Feng Zhendong had to pay a heavy price. He had even been the opponent's little brother for a year, and only after being ordered around could he finally obtain such a Profound Array for the Wind And Thunder Mansion.    


And now, such a thing had happened. It could definitely be said to be a precaution against a rainy day.    


Just like this, when all the disciples had entered their own rooms to recover, Feng Zhendong was naturally not idle, but as long as the few of them who were strong allowed their own bodies to recover, then the danger to their Wind And Thunder Mansion would also be resolved.    


Time flew. Soon, a new morning arrived.    


Following the arrival of early morning, all of the disciples whose Huayang Mansion cultivation had reached that level gathered together.    


Although the disciples of the Wind And Thunder Mansion had probably entered a weakened state due to the relationship with the Evil Skill, in order to be safe, the Huayang Mansion had also been fully unleashed.    


Under Hua Haifeng's personal lead, the imposing group of over two hundred people headed toward the Wind And Thunder Mansion.    


Not long after, the Wind And Thunder Mansion appeared in front of Hua Haifeng and the rest.    


However, the current Wind And Thunder Mansion was slightly different from usual. A huge barrier had appeared around the Wind And Thunder Mansion.    


The entire barrier protected the Wind And Thunder Mansion well.    


"Defensive Profound Array?"    


Seeing this Profound Array, Ye Xiu's eyes slightly narrowed.    


However, for a Palace Chief, having such a sect protecting array was not surprising. Ye Xiu even believed that there was a sect protecting array in the Huayang Mansion, but it was possible that its power would not be as strong as the one in front of him right now.    


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