Limitless Arrogant Sovereign



After bidding farewell to Fang Yu and his group of four, Ye Xiu left the marshland and continued to advance in the direction of the Dark Ghost Forest.    


As for Leng Yue, she was naturally holding this exquisite profound artifact with her left hand. If her right hand was in danger, she would naturally have to use her Profound Artifact Sword.    


Of course, it was fortunate that this Xuan Artifact was not very large. Otherwise, it would have been extremely difficult to keep in hand.    


"Ye Xiu, what exactly is this profound artifact? Why can't it be placed inside the Profound Treasure Bag?" Leng Yue curiously asked as they walked.    


Because this profound artifact was too small, one wouldn't be able to see any fancy appearances from its appearance.    


However, other people could keep this profound artifact, but only Leng Yue could.    


As for the specific reason, no one knew. Perhaps it was only because it wasn't the right time yet.    




Just as they were heading in the direction of the Dark Ghost Forest, Leng Yue was suddenly stunned, and then she involuntarily walked towards another direction.    


"Leng Yue, where are you going?"    


Ye Xiu saw Leng Yue suddenly walking in another direction, and his speed was not slow either, he immediately shouted out.    


"Ye Xiu, I don't know either. Leng Yue shouted at Ye Xiu as he walked.    


"Follow quickly!"    


Ye Xiu said to the other two girls, and then the three of them quickly chased after Leng Yue.    


Leng Yue's speed was not very fast, so with their full power chasing after him, Ye Xiu and the other two naturally caught up.    


"Ye Xiu, I can't stop!"    


When Ye Xiu and the other two caught up to Leng Yue, the latter wanted to cry but had no tears to shed.    


"We can't stop!"    


Hearing these words, Ye Xiu frowned, because they didn't know where this profound artifact was bringing him to.    


If it was a dangerous place, then it would be troublesome.    


Therefore, at this time, Ye Xiu was frowning. He wanted Leng Yue to throw away this profound artifact and fight first to see where this profound artifact was taking Leng Yue to.    


"Leng Yue, if it's a dangerous place, let go of it immediately. We would rather not take this Xuan Artifact, we cannot take too much risk." Ye Xiu said.    


For example, going to the Dark Ghost Forest meant that Ye Xiu had found out about a huge problem in advance, and was mentally prepared for it.    


However, if it was an unknown place, it would be easy for him to do bad things if he rushed in carelessly like this.    


Therefore, if he had to go to an unknown and dangerous place, Ye Xiu would rather not have this piece of [Profound Artifact].    


As the saying goes, good, have the money, understand the loss will cherish everything you have now.    




After hearing Ye Xiu's words, Leng Yue naturally did not think too much and nodded. However, she did not feel any danger right now, so she did not directly let go.    


"Master, something seems to be happening ahead!"    


Just as Ye Xiu and the other two ran for more than ten kilometers, Ye Long suddenly remembered something.    


"A crime?"    


Ye Xiu's eyes revealed a look of doubt, it was obvious that he did not understand the meaning behind Ye Long's words.    


"Master, this is what humans do." Ye Long continued to remind Ye Xiu who did not know the truth.    


With a clear hint, Ye Xiu naturally understood. It was just that why the profound artifact wanted to bring Leng Yue here.    


"Does this Xuan Artifact want Leng Yue to save them?" Ye Xiu muttered.    


While Ye Xiu was muttering, the four of them could already see with their naked eyes that there was a man and a woman in disheveled clothing.    


The woman continued to struggle, but because she wasn't strong enough, no matter how she struggled, it was useless.    


"Profound Spirit Stage!"    


When Ye Xiu saw that the man who was bullying the woman had Profound Spirit Stage, his eyes focused slightly.    


It would be unrealistic if Leng Yue came here alone with this cultivation level, because even if it was Ye Xiu, he would need to use all his strength to defeat it.    


"Profound Turtle Beast of The Divine, take action in secret. Help Leng Yue." Ye Xiu said in his mind.    




The Profound Turtle Beast of The Divine that had been secretly following him all this while responded, followed by a strong hostility that enveloped the man and the woman.    


No matter if it was a man or a woman, both of their eyes revealed a terrified expression as they were enveloped by this evil aura.    


Even the man who was preparing to do something lost his motivation to do it.    


"Leng Yue, do as it says!" Ye Xiu reminded.    




With Ye Xiu's words, Leng Yue stopped struggling, and allowed the profound artifact in his hand to pull him in front of the man.    


Because the man was already controlled by the Profound Turtle Beast of The Divine, even if Leng Yue appeared in front of him, he wouldn't be able to move.    




However, when the profound artifact in Leng Yue's hand came into contact with the man, the man disappeared in the next second.    


"Where is he?"    


Seeing that, Leng Yue's eyes revealed his shock.    


Not only Leng Yue, even the three of them and the bullied woman were shocked by the scene in front of them.    


"Where did this person go?" Ye Xiu looked around curiously.    


"Master, if my guess is correct, that person should have been kept by the profound artifact in Leng Yue's hand." Ye Long replied.    


"What? He was taken away by the Xuan Artifact?" Ye Xiu was slightly shocked in his heart.    


"It should be!" Ye Long replied.    


"Leng Yue, stop looking for him. That man was kept away by the profound artifact in your hands just now." Ye Xiu replied.    




Hearing this, Leng Yue and the other two girls were also shocked.    


Because they didn't even know what the profound artifact in Leng Yue's hands was, that man from just now was taken away by his profound artifact.    


No one knew the reason why the profound artifacts were kept, so everyone was a little afraid when they looked at the profound artifacts in Leng Yue's hands.    


If a single one of them were to accidentally be kept by this Xuan Artifact, then there would be a great deal of trouble.    


"Ye Xiu, it moved again!"    


Just then, Leng Yue let out another loud shout, and then, the profound artifact in her hand changed its direction and continued moving forward.    


"Follow me!"    


Seeing that, Ye Xiu immediately followed in his footsteps.    


It was only until Ye Xiu and the other three left that the woman who was bullied managed to react. Unfortunately, after she tidied her clothes and stood up, she was the only one left.    


Perhaps it was because she was almost bullied, but at this moment, she felt fear in her surroundings and hurriedly left this place.    


At the same time, Leng Yue was led forward by a profound artifact.    


However, before he had walked far, Ye Xiu recognized where this profound artifact was bringing them to.    


"Isn't this the city we just met? Why did the Profound Artifact bring Leng Yue to the city? " Ouyang Qianxue asked curiously.    


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