Limitless Arrogant Sovereign



The extreme north of Demon Domain ?    


Even though their Demon Domain was not big, it wasn't considered small. Ye Xiu brought Tu Xiong and the other two people to walk for a long while, and in between, they met a few Magical Beast s whose strength exceeded that of high level Magical Beast.    


That Magical Beast was too powerful, if Ye Xiu did not take it out in time, the three of them would have been killed.    


Of course, with the appearance of the Killing Demon Seven Stars Knife, Tu Xiong and Tu Lie became even more respectful towards Ye Xiu, because they could very clearly feel that the blade could easily exterminate the two of them.    


Although they didn't know what kind of blade it was, but no matter what kind of blade it was, it could be a fatal threat to them, and that was enough.    


"I didn't expect that this place, which is located to the extreme north of the Demon Domain, would still be somewhat cold."    


As the temperature continuously plummeted, even Ye Xiu could feel a hint of coldness constantly invading his body.    


Of course, this trace of coldness could be removed by channeling the Profound Power, but Ye Xiu didn't do that, because once the Profound Power was activated, the concealment effect of the Absolute Shadow Profound Pearl would become worse.    


If there was an expert in the vicinity at this time, they would have immediately sensed the Profound Power's fluctuations.    


After all, the Devil Lord was searching for Ye Xiu in all of their Demon Domain, so they were not afraid of ten thousand of them.    


Therefore, if he could endure it, then he would try his best not to use the Profound Power.    


However, Ye Xiu didn't. Tu Xiong and Tu Lie couldn't help but use the magic in their bodies to warm up their bodies.    


"What is it? Have the two of you never been here? " Ye Xiu asked softly when he saw that Tu Xiong and Tu Lie were not used to the cold air.    


"Master, Demon Dwellers rarely come to this place. Because this place has a Ice Demon, they don't want any other clansmen to set foot in their territory." Tu Xiong replied.    


"Ice Demon?"    


Ye Xiu muttered to himself, which meant that they had already reached the territory of the Ice Demon.    


"Ye Long, watch your surroundings. If there are any movements, inform me immediately." Ye Xiu ordered in his mind.    


"Master, there aren't any Ice Demon around us right now." Ye Long replied.    


Because Ye Long said that there was no one around, Ye Xiu's heart naturally became less vigilant.    


Although Ye Xiu did not know what Ice Demon were, listening to Tu Xiong's analysis, it was clear that they were also a tough nut to crack.    


"Let's go, we should try our best not to provoke Ice Demon." Ye Xiu reminded.    


"Master, we've already reached their territory, so it would probably be very difficult to not provoke them." Tu Xiong said.    


It was true that the possibility of them coming to the other party's territory and not meeting them was not high, but they did not come here to do anything to the Ice Demon, so if there were no conflicts, then it would naturally not happen.    


This place was their territory, so if they were to fight here, it would be extremely disadvantageous for Ye Xiu and the other two.    


"Master, there's movement!"    


A few minutes later, Ye Long's warning rang.    


"Be careful, they're coming!"    


Hearing Ye Long's words, Ye Xiu immediately gave the order to Tu Xiong and the others.    


When the two of them heard Ye Xiu's order, they naturally immediately went on guard and prepared to fight.    


Ice Demon were not friendly to other races, so the moment they were discovered, they would immediately attack and kill them.    


"Master, ten meters behind you."    


Not long after, Ye Long's voice came out again.    


"You really want to sneak attack us!"    


Hearing that, Ye Xiu smiled, and then with a grab of his right hand, the Killing Demon Seven Stars Knife appeared in his hand.    


After Tu Xiong and Tu Lie felt the aura of the Killing Demon Seven Stars Knife, they naturally were so scared that they hurriedly retreated to the side.    




When Tu Xiong and Tu Lie had retreated, the Profound Power in Ye Xiu's body went berserk, then, with the Killing Demon Seven Stars Knife in his hand, he slashed at the slightly protruding snow covered ground.    




The strong saber Qi turned into a huge shadow of a blade and then fiercely split the snow into two.    


"Shoo! Shoo! Shoo!"    


As the road ahead was cut off, the figures that were originally hiding in the snow began to appear one by one.    


As soon as these figures saw the two halves of the snow, their expressions all became extremely grim.    


If this blade were to land on their bodies, the consequences could be imagined.    


At the time of the Profound Sky Continent, Killing Demon Seven Stars Knife did not have any killing power towards those who were not Monster, but it was different now.    


Because of the moqi in the air, that blade attack had left a deep scar on the snow.    


From the Killing Demon Seven Stars Knife's point of view, this area of snow also contained demonic energy, so the might of the blade was naturally displayed.    


"You must be friends with Ice Demon!"    


Looking at the cautious faces of the crowd, Ye Xiu asked.    


"Pei, who is friends with you? Scram! You are not welcome here!" The leader spat angrily.    


Of course, because the power behind that slash of Ye Xiu's just now was too strong, these people would naturally not dare to rashly make a move right now.    


They were well aware that if that slash had landed right where they were, they would all have died.    


Therefore, even if Ye Xiu did not say it, they knew that he had shown mercy.    


And because of this, the person who shouted only wanted to drive Ye Xiu and the other two away, he did not immediately attack without saying a word.    


"Since we have come to this place, we will naturally not leave so easily. Of course, we are not here for you, we are only here for Devil Ghost Abyss. Ye Xiu said in a friendly manner.    


"We don't have a friend like you, hurry up and f * ck off. Also, this Devil Ghost Abyss is a forbidden area for my Ice Demon, how can you just enter it like that?" Another person from the Ice Demon said in a stern voice.    




After Ye Xiu heard these words, his brows tightly knitted together because he did not expect that the Devil Ghost Abyss he was about to go to was actually a forbidden area that restricted Ice Demon.    


If they were just passing by the territory of the Ice Demon, then there was still room for discussion. But now that Ye Xiu wanted to enter someone else's forbidden grounds, this matter was not looking good.    


Of course, things had already reached this point, and Ye Xiu had to go in, even if the clan members of Ice Demon stopped him, he would not let this matter rest.    


Because once he left, Ye Xiu could only live a secret life in the Demon Domain, and he might even be discovered by the Devil Lord if he was careless.    


Once he was discovered, even the people around him would suffer.    


After all, Ye Xiu was someone that the Devil Lord was looking for, and they were helping Ye Xiu hide it.    


To go against the Devil Lord was simply courting death.    


Therefore, since he had decided to leave, there was no turning back. If he did not harm others when the time came, Ye Xiu's heart would not be at ease.    


"Devil Ghost Abyss is a forbidden ground for your Ice Demon?" Ye Xiu frowned.    


"That's right, so you better not dream of entering our forbidden area, and scram back to where you came from. This is not the place where you should be visiting Horned Devil." Another person said in a stern voice.    


"I'm sorry, I don't have a Horned Devil, I'm from the Profound Sky Continent." Ye Xiu took the initiative to reveal his identity.    


This was because Ye Xiu could tell that this Ice Demon man seemed to have a very prejudiced opinion of the Horned Devil, and if that was the case, he would naturally reveal his identity and remove his disguise.    


As for Ye Xiu, who had lost his disguise, other than not leaking his Qi, he looked completely different from a demon dweller. At the very least, he had a pair of horns on his head that had disappeared.    


"Profound Sky Continent person?"    


But, even if Ye Xiu revealed his identity, it was clear that no one from the Ice Demon Clan knew about the Profound Sky Continent.    


"You don't have any aura on you, so it's obvious that you're from the Unbreathing Clan. You have never even heard of any Profound Sky Continent people." An Ice Demon who was standing at the very front replied.    


"Impossible, he can't be from the Imass Clan. The Imass Clan doesn't allow cultivators to train in it, but the power of his blade strike was extremely powerful, so how could he be from the Imass Clan?" Another Ice Demon shouted.    


Even if the clansmen of the Ice Demon had always been living in this place, there must have been other Ice Demon Dwellers who had gone out to seek information.    


"I am indeed not a member of the Immovable Clan, and I don't even belong to the Demon Domain. I come from the Profound Sky Continent, and this time, I want to enter the Devil Ghost Abyss in order to return to my own world. Ye Xiu said.    


Even if the ice demon dwellers were not friendly, at the moment, Ye Xiu had not truly gotten into a fight with them, so if he could speak properly then naturally he would speak properly.    


If he couldn't speak properly, then it wouldn't be too late for him to make a move.    


Although Ye Xiu didn't think that he would be able to defeat Ice Demon the strongest, with the power of the Killing Demon Seven Stars Knife coupled with the fact that he had a few other treasures, if he got pissed off by the Killing Demon Seven Stars Knife, his Ice Demon would definitely suffer heavy losses.    


Therefore, Ye Xiu was not afraid of Ice Demon at all.    


"I'll say it again, not just anyone can enter Devil Ghost Abyss. It is a forbidden area for our Ice Demon, and not everyone is qualified to enter it, so it's best for you to quickly scram." Another Ice Demon said harshly.    


"Scram!" "Get lost!"    




When a voice was heard, the other Ice Demon Dwellers immediately began to chase them away.    


And seeing that every one of them did not know what was good for them, Ye Xiu's brows tightly knitted together. He only wanted to return to the Profound Sky Continent, and did not have any intentions towards them.    


Of course, that was what Ye Xiu thought, but that did not mean that the Ice Demon was the same. In their opinion, Ye Xiu, an outsider, had no good intentions in wanting to enter the Devil Ghost Abyss, as for what Profound Sky Continent it was, they had never heard of it before, so who would believe that?    


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