Limitless Arrogant Sovereign



Because this place was already extremely safe, Ye Xiu left after telling everyone.    


As for the other villagers, they were naturally familiarizing themselves with their new home.    


And when Ye Xiu returned back to the Peach Blossom Valley, he saw that many of the villagers had already fallen asleep.    


There was no helping it, after two days of travelling, many people were physically and mentally exhausted. Even young people would not be able to stand it, let alone children and old people.    


With people in the wilderness, even if Ye Xiu was there, they wouldn't be able to relax so easily.    


As long as a person was even the tiniest bit vigilant, they would definitely not be able to rest well.    


"Benefactor, you've returned."    


When Nokif, who was originally resting, saw Ye Xiu return, he rubbed his eyes and stood up.    


"Father of Wasi, you should also rest up. I have already prepared the wood for the construction of the house, and after you all have rested, you can build your own home." Ye Xiu suggested.    




Regarding Ye Xiu's suggestion, Nokif nodded his head to express his understanding, and following that, he stretched for a bit before continuing to rest.    


When Ye Xiu saw that the villagers were resting peacefully, he naturally found a place to meditate and rest.    


The entire night passed in silence.    


Because everyone was very tired, and because this place gave people a comfortable feeling, everyone slept very soundly that night.    


When the sun rose on the second day, everyone comfortably opened their eyes.    


When all the men woke up, Ye Xiu gathered them all together.    


I brought this wood here from the outside, so you guys can freely use this wood to build your own homes. As for where you want to build your houses, that will depend on your personal preferences. Ye Xiu chuckled.    


"Thank you, benefactor!"    


When Nokif and the rest saw that Ye Xiu had brought them so much wood, they all became excited.    


As for the tools to cut down the wood, every villager had them with them. After all, these tools were good weapons even if they met Magical Beast.    


"Vajra, gather all the children from the village. When your parents built the house, Big Brother started teaching you how to become stronger."    


When all the children woke up from their dreams, Ye Xiu called Novas over.    


With Novas's help, the twenty to thirty children quickly hit each other.    


The younger ones were only four or five years old, while the older ones were fifteen or sixteen years old.    


No matter how big they were, they could already be considered adults. Therefore, they were currently building houses with the adults.    


"Vas, go call the others as well." Ye Xiu looked around, then pointed at those youths who were around seventeen or eighteen years old.    


"Got it, big brother!"    


Novas replied, then jogged and called the few youths that Ye Xiu was pointing at over.    


"Benefactor, can we also become stronger?"    


When a youth who looked to be even older than Ye Xiu walked in front of Ye Xiu, he asked with a face full of curiosity.    


"Of course it's okay, as long as you all are willing to work hard and study, then you all can be sure to become stronger, but you guys are a bit older, so your future achievements might be a little lower than Novas and the rest, but even so, dealing with high level Magical Beast and such should not be a problem." Ye Xiu replied.    


"What, a high level Magical Beast!"    


Hearing Ye Xiu's words, the few youths all revealed excited expressions.    


It had to be known that with their current strength, if they worked together, it would be difficult to deal with a low level Magical Beast. However, Ye Xiu said that as long as they studied well, they would be able to kill high level Magical Beast by themselves in the future.    


In any case, to the few people currently present, the strength that Ye Xiu mentioned was a realm that was difficult for them to imagine.    


"Novas, from you onwards, the other children will line up one by one. I will first check your bodies to see if you can become stronger, but if your bodies do not allow you to, then there is nothing I can do about it." Ye Xiu said.    


After Ye Xiu said this, many people who were excited revealed a look of worry, because they were worried that their bodies could not become stronger.    


If that was the case, then he wouldn't be able to protect his home and his parents from being bullied.    


Ever since they knew about Ye Xiu's power, they all wanted to become as strong as him, so strong that they could easily kill middle stage Magical Beast.    


"Big Brother, I can definitely become stronger."    


When Novas walked in front of Ye Xiu, he answered with a serious expression.    


"Really? Come, give your hand to big brother. Let big brother check it for you." Ye Xiu said with a smile.    


Having self-confidence was a good thing. As long as he wasn't overconfident, then he would definitely be able to succeed.    


As a result, seeing Novas's confident look, Ye Xiu smiled and began to inspect his body.    




Following Ye Xiu's inspection, his eyes revealed a look of surprise.    


"Master, what's wrong with you? Is something wrong with this child?" When Ye Long saw that Ye Xiu's reaction was strange, it immediately asked.    


However, Ye Xiu did not reply him. Instead, he began to inspect the body for Novas once again.    


"Big brother, can't I become stronger?"    


Because Ye Xiu's expression was a little complicated, the originally confident Novas now began to feel guilty.    


If he was found out that he couldn't become stronger, then he would definitely die from grief.    


"Strange, this is really strange!"    


Just as Novas was worrying about himself, Ye Xiu suddenly laughed.    


"Big Brother, what are you laughing about!"    


When Novas saw that Ye Xiu was actually laughing, he asked in confusion.    


"Qi, I didn't expect you to be someone even more powerful than big brother. Even big brother didn't expect there to be someone like you in this world, this is simply a miracle." Ye Xiu exclaimed.    


"Big brother, do you mean that I can become as powerful as big brother?" Novas asked excitedly.    


Since Ye Xiu was smiling, this meant that it was definitely a good thing. Therefore, the originally sad Novas became excited once again.    


"Vas, as long as you study well, you will become much more powerful than big brother in the future." Ye Xiu said with a smile.    


Saying that, Ye Xiu was suddenly stunned.    


No matter what, he had previously heard news that the Devil Lord had ordered their annihilation because he had a premonition that the Imp race would become the new Devil Lord.    


Originally, Ye Xiu thought that this Devil Lord was worthy of him. After all, before he came, the power of the Imass Clan was like an ant to him.    


However, when Ye Xiu found out about Novas's situation, he realized that he was wrong. The person who could threaten the Devil Lord was not him, but most likely Novas.    


"Ah, he's even stronger than big brother."    


After hearing Ye Xiu's evaluation of him, Novas was in a state of disbelief.    


"Master, is there any basis for your analysis?" Ye Long didn't quite believe Ye Xiu's words.    


Ye Xiu's strength was definitely one of the best amongst his peers, so how was it possible for Ye Xiu to actually say that Novas was stronger than him?    


"Of course there's a basis, but as to why I said Novas like that, even you don't know." Ye Xiu said.    


The reason why Ye Xiu did not explain the situation to Ye Long was because even if he did, Ye Long would definitely not understand Novas's situation.    


Because Ye Xiu had examined his body, and all eight of them were actually loose.    


In other words, if Novas were to cultivate the Eight Gates of Limitless, with his current condition, opening eight doors would be an easy task.    


As long as his strength had reached a certain level, he would be able to easily open up a path and become even more powerful.    


"Vas, you go over to the side first. I'll check with the others."    


Suppressing the excitement in his heart, Ye Xiu started to check on the other children.    


However, Ye Xiu was a little disappointed. After one by one, other than Novas, the rest of the children only had eight gates in their bodies, some of them even closed, which meant that there was no way to open the eight gates in this situation.    


Even if he was only cultivating Eight Gates of Limitless, it would be useless.    


"It seems like Novas is indeed a rare existence in this situation, I was overthinking things." When all the children checked the corner, Ye Xiu sighed.    


At first, Ye Xiu thought that this was probably the situation with the Jing Clan, but after checking again and again, he realized that Novas's situation was indeed an exception, and a very rare one at that.    


An existence of this sort would naturally cultivate in the Eight Gates of Limitless. Furthermore, if this kind of person were to cultivate in the Eight Gates of Limitless, it would be far easier than Ye Xiu could imagine.    


In his previous life, Ye Xiu could be considered a genius, and there were eight of them, if not he would not have opened the doors to them at such a young age.    


But even so, Ye Xiu was definitely not able to compare to Novas's situation.    


"Alright, I've checked your bodies. Except for the gas, all of you can learn what I've prepared for you." Ye Xiu said.    


"Big Brother, I ?"    


When Novas, who was originally standing at the side heard that he had been excluded, he could not help but ask.    


"Vas, don't be in such a hurry. I'll teach them first, then we'll talk about your matters." Ye Xiu said.    


After saying that to Novas, Ye Xiu began to give gestures to the twenty to thirty children.    


As for Novas's words, because Ye Xiu did not teach him, he could only walk towards his parents, crying and crying.    


"Vas, what's wrong with you?" When Nokif saw Novas crying as he walked towards him, he quickly asked.    


"Dad, big brother taught the other kids how to become stronger. Even if he didn't teach me, I'm not allowed to learn." Novas said while crying.    


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