Limitless Arrogant Sovereign



Of course, even if Liao Feng was in quite a few states of mind, at the very least, nothing bad had happened to him, and he was only rather frightened.    


"Liao Feng, are you alright?"    


Ye Xiu asked as he looked at the dumbstruck Liao Feng.    


"I... Am I still alive? "    


The originally dazed look in Liao Feng's eyes returned to normal, and he asked Ye Xiu with a frightened expression.    


Even though it was only one night, it was the most unforgettable night in Liao Feng's history, and also the night that he suffered the most.    


"You're still alive! You're still alive!" Looking at the terrified Liao Feng, Ye Xiu knew that he must have been scared witless last night.    


"Tell me, what happened last night?" Ye Xiu looked at Liao Feng and asked.    


Although Ye Xiu had roughly guessed what was going on, he still wanted to personally hear from the person involved how the night at Demon Abyss looked like.    


"Ah, so many Monster, so many Monster want to kill me, so many!"    


Hearing Ye Xiu's question, the originally calm and healthy Liao Feng suddenly screamed, and then his entire person seemed to have gone mad as he ran and shouted. His appearance was extremely strange.    


"Ye Xiu, he..."    


Ouyang Qianxue looked at Liao Feng who looked like he had gone mad, and her eyes revealed a look of astonishment.    


Liao Feng's cultivation had reached the Early Period of Profound Void Stage, such a strong being actually stayed inside the Demon Abyss for an entire night and went crazy, this was something Ouyang Qianxue could not imagine.    


What exactly was there at night in the Demon Abyss that would cause a powerhouse in the Early Period of Profound Void Stage to go crazy?    


Regarding this point, Ye Xiu also wanted to know, but from the words of the other party just now, the number of Monster that could be used to deduce the situation should have exceeded the range that Liao Feng could bear in his heart.    


Of course, from Liao Feng's experiments, Ye Xiu could also conclude that even if he was hiding within the Profound Array, the Monster would still be able to sense him and would continuously enter the Profound Array to kill uninvited guests.    


In this way, Ye Xiu believed that as long as he used Secret Profound Bead s, sleeping within the Demon Abyss should not be a problem.    


"Sister Xue, let's continue forward."    


After thinking for a moment, Ye Xiu did not think too much about it. Instead, he said a few words to Ouyang Qianxue and started walking forward with a large bag of Profound Stone.    


Just like this, when he met a new path, Ye Xiu would set up a Profound Array, and when time slowly passed, the number of Profound Stone in Ye Xiu's bag was also constantly decreasing.    


"Ye Xiu, it's about time, we should go back." Ouyang Qianxue replied.    


Although there were still more than two hours left before nightfall, their current location was a lot further away than before, so they had to count the time they had left.    




Ye Xiu nodded slightly, and then walked out of the Demon Abyss along with Ouyang Qianxue.    


"Ye Xiu, what are you doing?"    


However, the moment Ye Xiu walked out of Mo Yuan, he once again filled the bag in his hands with Profound Stone s, and at the same time, held the Killing Demon Seven Stars Knife in his hands.    


Of course, other than the Killing Demon Seven Stars Knife, Ye Xiu had another profound artifact in his hand. However, Ouyang Qianxue did not recognize it, so he automatically neglected it.    


"Sister Xue, I want to stay in the Demon Abyss for the night, so you can go back first." Ye Xiu said.    




Hearing Ye Xiu's words, Ouyang Qianxue was shocked.    


had just gone mad, how could this Ye Xiu have the guts to sleep inside the Demon Abyss for the night?    


"Ye Xiu, do you want to die? Liao Feng is already crazy, do you also want to be like him? " Ouyang Qianxue asked.    


"Don't worry Sister Xue, I'm not Liao Feng. Besides, I set up the Profound Array myself, so compared to Liao Feng, I'll be safer." Ye Xiu replied.    


"How about this, I'll go with you. One more person means one more person's strength." Ouyang Qianxue said.    


While speaking, Ouyang Qianxue took out his own long whip profound weapon.    


"Sister Xue, don't go in. If you go in, both of us will probably die." Seeing that Ouyang Qianxue wanted to enter, Ye Xiu hurriedly stopped him.    


The Secret Profound Bead could only hide one person's presence, so if Ouyang Qianxue went in, he would definitely be chased by the Monster, and at that time, the situation would become chaotic.    


"But ?"    


After hearing Ye Xiu's words, Ouyang Qianxue originally wanted to say something.    


But at this time, Ye Xiu interrupted him: "Sister Xue, I have yet to live enough, so naturally I won't do anything recklessly, as for why I have the confidence, I can't tell you why. The seventh day of the month is almost over, if you don't hurry up, I'm afraid you'll have to wait for a month, I'm telling you the truth, I don't have time to waste it here, I still have other things to do."    


"Ye Xiu!"    


Hearing Ye Xiu's words, Ouyang Qianxue muttered.    


Of course, since Ye Xiu had already decided, then Ouyang Qianxue would not say anymore. She could only express her gratitude towards the opponent through her eyes.    


Because, if the matter with Demon Abyss was not resolved, then once the Monster within the Demon Abyss make a further improvement, if they were no longer afraid of the sunlight or if the sunlight did not appear for a longer time, then the entire continent would be in danger.    


As people of the Exorcism Clan, exorcism was their mission, their unavoidable mission. Even if it meant sacrificing themselves, they would not refuse it.    


"Alright, since it's not dark yet, I have to go deeper. So I won't say much. I'll be going in first." Ye Xiu said.    


After saying this, Ye Xiu no longer hesitated. Carrying the bag containing the Profound Stone, he brought the Killing Demon Seven Stars Knife and returned to the Demon Abyss.    


"Yaoji, what are you standing here for?"    


However, not long after Ye Xiu entered the Demon Abyss and turned into the small path, a beautiful woman walked out from within.    


"Luo Cha, did you get anything today?"    


Ouyang Qianxue asked softly when she saw Luo Cha appearing in front of her.    


"Sigh, this Demon Abyss is truly strange. The paths in here have actually all changed, so wanting to find a treasure is truly too difficult." Luo Cha said helplessly.    


If she did not suspect that she had seen a treasure, Luo Cha would not want to enter this place, because every time he entered, the road was different, it was too tormenting.    


"That's right, this is the characteristic of Demon Abyss, and this is also the reason. I have been here for a long time, but was unable to penetrate deep into the Demon Abyss even once." Ouyang Qianxue replied.    


"Oh right, Yaoji, where is your friend? Didn't you all enter the Demon Abyss together? " When Luo Cha saw that Ouyang Qianxue was standing alone at the Demon Abyss entrance, she softly asked.    


"Ye Xiu is still in Demon Abyss, he even plans to spend the night there." Ouyang Qianxue replied.    


"Overnight?" With his level of cultivation, do you think he would want to spend the night in Demon Abyss? " Luo Cha was extremely surprised with Ye Xiu's actions.    


"Yaoji, did you not stop him? Is there any difference between that and suicide? " Luo Cha couldn't help but ask.    


"I tried, but I couldn't stop it." Ouyang Qianxue said somewhat helplessly.    


Of course Ouyang Qianxue did, even though Liao Feng was the first one to survive after spending the night in Demon Abyss, he was insane.    


Therefore, for Ye Xiu to spend the night in the Demon Abyss, it was obvious that the odds were against him.    


Even with the Profound Array, Ye Xiu could guarantee his life, but what if he became as crazy as Liao Feng?    


"Yaoji, we haven't seen each other in a long time, how about we go back and have a drink?" Luo Cha looked at Ouyang Qianxue, who had not paid attention to her, and asked.    


"Luo Cha, I..."    


Faced with Luo Cha's invitation, Ouyang Qianxue did not want to agree.    


"Yaoji, could it be that you're not even giving me that much face?" Seeing Ouyang Qianxue's hesitant look, the expression in Luo Cha's eyes changed.    


Seeing that Luo Cha looked like he was about to get angry, in order to not cause trouble for himself, he could only nod his head and agree.    


Seeing that Ouyang Qianxue had agreed, her face revealed a smile, and then she immediately pulled Ouyang Qianxue and left the Demon Abyss.    


When Luo Cha brought Ouyang Qianxue and left, the current Ye Xiu was once again entering the deeper parts of the Demon Abyss.    


But before he could return to the deepest part of the past, the last ray of sunlight disappeared from the Demon Abyss.    


"Roar! Roar!"    


Without sunlight, in the next second, the howls of Monster sounded out one after another, and following that, demonic phantoms kept on appearing in front of Ye Xiu.    


"Quite fast."    


Ye Xiu saw that quite a few Monster had crawled out from the surrounding walls and even from underground so he threw them out without hesitation.    


At the same time, Ye Xiu took out thirty-three Top Grade Profound Stone s and started to arrange them on the spot.    


As time passed, two minutes later, a North Nether Yin Wind Array made from Top Grade Profound Stone was formed.    


In the next second, Ye Xiu brought along the Profound Stone and entered the Profound Array.    


But in less than two seconds, his figure appeared once again within the Demon Abyss. Immediately after, he summoned the Killing Demon Seven Stars Knife back.    


The sword in Ye Xiu's hand was a Killing Demon Seven Stars Knife, so even if Ye Xiu did not use up too much of it, just the blade's characteristics alone would be enough to quickly kill it.    


And it was also because of this that when Ye Xiu's body continuously shuttled back and forth the Monster s, they turned into black qi and disappeared one after another.    


However, the more Monster died, the reappearing Monster quickly replaced them. It gave people the feeling that they couldn't kill them quickly enough.    


"Killing Demon Seven Stars Knife, today I will let you kill me to your heart's content." Ye Xiu continuously slashed with the Killing Demon Seven Stars Knife.    


"Buzz buzz!"    


Maybe because the Killing Demon Seven Stars Knife understood Ye Xiu's words, it trembled slightly, as if it was showing its excitement.    


Just like this, time ticked by second by second, a figure continuously shuttled back and forth between the Monster, although there were many nearby Monster that made people afraid, Ye Xiu was able to travel back and forth between the Monster with the help of his Eight Trigrams Shadowless Step.    


In fact, there was no passage within the Monster that he could pass through. Then, he would use the Killing Demon Seven Stars Knife in his hands to carve out a passage.    


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