Limitless Arrogant Sovereign



There weren't many profound skills that used footwork as a movement technique, and ordinary footwork simply wasn't fast enough. Therefore, wanting to pass through this stone bridge, was definitely not an ordinary footwork technique.    


The Seven Stars Steps of the Nine Profound Sect is a profound skill that has reached the Superior Grade Intermediate Rank, and from the level of this profound skill, one can see that the prowess of this footwork is not weak.    


And it was also because of this that, in order to let each of his disciples work hard to learn the Seven Stars Steps, he specially created this barrier to test his footwork when building this Nine Profound Trial Tower.    


Therefore, now that there were five people who had smoothly passed through the second floor and came to the third floor, it was obvious that it was extremely surprising to Zhang Hua.    


"After the competition is over, I want to get to know the disciples that have broken into the third floor." Zhang Hua muttered.    


Because, even if it was the first time that a disciple of his or her own Nine Profound Sect entered the third floor of the Nine Profound Trial Tower, they would basically all be trapped in the first floor's maze.    


However, now that they had successfully entered the third floor, not only did they successfully pass the maze's test, they also passed the bridge's test in a short period of time. This was not something that an ordinary disciple could do.    


If there were one or two, then it might just be a coincidence. The movement techniques the two of them had learned were mainly one-step techniques, which was why they were able to smoothly pass the stone bridge test.    


But if the five of them were to come at the same time, then this was definitely not a coincidence because the five of them couldn't possibly be from the same sect.    


Although there were only forty people left in the third round, not a single sect had five disciples left.    


The only sect that had not been eliminated from the first round to the third round was only this kind of Five Elements' Sect.    


In other words, these five people were at least disciples of two sects, and the disciples of two sects coincidentally practiced movement techniques that mainly focused on footwork?    


When Zhang Hua curiously looked at the eight red lights on the third level of the Intuition Map, Ye Xiu and the others were currently sizing up everything in front of them.    


If the first level was a maze, then the second level would make people feel that it was very hot. Then the third level would make people feel that it was very bright.    


"Ye Xiu, are we sure we're still in the tower?"    


When Leng Yue looked at the lush green trees around her, she was immediately struck dumb.    


Not only her, but even the other three people were stunned by this scene. This was a completely different world from before.    


"I think we should still be in the tower, and we should have reached the third floor." Ye Xiu replied.    


When Ye Xiu replied to the four of them, he also inquired in his mind about the whereabouts of the three disciples from the Nine Profound Sect.    


"Master, they are trying to break through, but they seem to be trapped." Ye Long replied.    




Ye Xiu was startled at first, but after that he continued to ask: "Ye Long, what trapped the three of them?"    


"Master, what else could there be in this place? It's the trees, of course. They're trying to think of a way to break out of this encirclement." Ye Long replied.    




Hearing Ye Long's words, Ye Xiu gave a light "oh".    


"Ye Long, are there layers of traps in this forest? Can you discover them?" Ye Xiu asked.    


If even the three disciples of Nine Profound Sect were trapped and had no way of escaping, then that clearly meant that the difficulty of this level was even greater than the previous two.    


"Master, the mechanism here is not real, so I have no way of discovering its location." Ye Long replied.    


"Not solid?"    


In response to Ye Long's question, Ye Xiu's eyes revealed a sense of curiosity. A mechanical trap was not an actual thing, what could it be?    


"Ye Long, even if it's the Profound Array, you should still be able to discover it. Ye Xiu asked in confusion.    


"Master, I'm not sure about that. Forget about those hidden traps, even if it's those three Nine Profound Sect disciples, I still don't know why they're trapped right now. It's because to me, they're not trapped at all." Ye Long said.    




Ye Long's words piqued Ye Xiu's curiosity. If he wasn't trapped, then why did he say he was?    


"Ye Long, where are the three disciples from Nine Profound Sect?" Ye Xiu could not help but ask.    


Ye Long's words garnered great interest from him, so he wanted to personally experience it.    


"Master, the three of them are right in front of you. However, the three of them are not trapped in the same place, but separately trapped." Ye Long replied.    




Hearing Ye Long's words, Ye Xiu lightly nodded his head, and then, he walked towards the front left side of the group.    


"Ye Xiu, the vegetation here is so lush, I feel that there must be a trap inside, we better be careful." Leng Yue reminded.    


It hadn't been easy for him to reach the third floor. If he were to quietly wait at the same place at this moment, then the quota for Sky Sect Site s were definitely set in stone.    


Therefore, the more time passed, the more careful he had to be. Otherwise, he might not be able to get anything out of it.    


Even if they had made it here, if the others hadn't been eliminated, they could catch up to them at any time.    


Once he was eliminated, there was nothing left to fight for. At that time, all he could do was watch his spot slip away from his hands.    


If that was the case, it would be such a pity.    


"Leng Yue, since this is a trial ground for trial-takers, then there must be traps. If there aren't any traps, then what is the use of this tower?" Ye Xiu replied.    


Moreover, not just anyone could easily reach the third floor. Ye Xiu believed that if they were to be eliminated now, the top twenty places should not be a problem.    


No matter what, these three Nine Profound Sect disciples could only make it to the third floor, so this floor was basically the limit of their level.    


As a result, even if Ye Xiu managed to continue on, he would not continue onwards. This was because the further he went, the more attention he would attract.    


Before one was truly powerful, it was not a good thing to be noticed too much.    


Therefore, if he could not be high-profile when he was low-key, then it would be best to be low-key because there would be times when he could be high-profile.    


"You guys follow me closely, don't get separated." Ye Xiu said.    


As they spoke, Ye Xiu began to walk around in the forest, step by step.    




After Ye Xiu walked for a few minutes, Ye Long's voice came out.    


At this time, Ye Long's voice suddenly came out, and it was hurried, but it was not a good omen.    


"Ye Long, what happened?" Ye Xiu asked with furrowed brows.    


"Master, the trees around you can move." Ye Long hurriedly reminded.    




Hearing this, Ye Xiu's face was filled with suspicion. The tree could move, how was that possible?    


The roots of a tree are stuck in the soil, so even if something else could move, the tree wouldn't move.    


Therefore, when Ye Xiu said that the tree could move, his first reaction was naturally one of disbelief.    


"Master, the others have disappeared!"    


But right at this moment, Ye Long's voice sounded out again, and after hearing those words, Ye Xiu hurriedly turned his head to look, and sure enough, the four people who were following behind him earlier had disappeared, the only thing he could see were trees.    


"Ye Long, where did they go?"    


When he really couldn't see Leng Yue and the other three, Ye Long hurriedly asked.    


"Master, Leng Yue is right behind you, right behind you, right behind you. Yan Xiang is left behind you, and Chen Lan is right behind you." Ye Long replied after sensing it for a while.    




Regarding Ye Long's words, Ye Xiu's first reaction was that he could not understand, because when he looked around, there was no one else, so why was he right behind him?    


"Master, these trees can really move, it was precisely because these trees moved that Leng Yue, who was originally following behind you, disappeared." Ye Long replied.    


When Ye Long was talking to Ye Xiu, Leng Yue and the other three were looking at the trees vigilantly.    


To them, they were clearly together. How could they not be around in the blink of an eye?    


"Ye Xiu!"    


When Leng Yue revealed his vigilance, she couldn't help but let out a loud shout.    


"Leng Yue, I'm here!"    


Because the distance was not too far, Ye Xiu was naturally able to hear Leng Yue's shouts.    


Similarly, Leng Yue could hear Ye Xiu's answer, but he could not see the person.    


"Ye Xiu, where are you? Why can't I see you?" Leng Yue asked.    


"Leng Yue, all of you stand still. The trees around us are strange, please do not move, or else we will only get further and further away." Ye Xiu reminded.    


After hearing this, Leng Yue, who had originally planned to look for Ye Xiu, immediately stopped in his tracks. At the same time, the other three also stopped in their tracks.    


"Elder Ye, where are you? Why can't I see you?" Yan Xiang's voice sounded at this moment.    


However, compared to Leng Yue, Yan Xiang was clearly a distance away from him.    


With regards to this point, Ye Xiu was extremely surprised, because the distance between him and Yan Xiang was not that far, how could it be possible for the distance between the two of them to be opened up all of a sudden?    


"Yan Xiang, I am actually right in front of you, but because of the trees around you, you can't see me, but now that you can hear my voice, it means that we are nearby, and at this time, remember not to wander around, I will come look for you." Ye Xiu said.    


In response to Ye Xiu's words, the four of them naturally expressed their understanding one after another.    


When they had encountered the maze, they were also the four people that Ye Xiu had gone to search for. Therefore, if they were to encounter danger again, it was naturally for the experienced Ye Xiu to look for them.    


Otherwise, as Ye Xiu had said, he would walk further and further away. At that time, he might not even be able to shout and contact the others.    


After pacifying the four of them, Ye Xiu's gaze landed on a tree beside him, and his eyes revealed curiosity.    


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