Limitless Arrogant Sovereign



Since Ye Xiu had already said so, then naturally no one dared to have any more objections, so after he finished asking this question, the entire Training Field was in complete silence.    


Of course, the Training Field was silent, but at this time, the Profound Pill Realm disciples who were spectating from the surroundings couldn't help but become excited.    


Because according to what they had said before, if they had relied on their own strength, even if they had handed in the thousand Contribution Point, they would not have been able to get a placing in the end.    


And it was only because of this, that although Five Elements Trial Field existed, to disciples who did not have many Contribution Point s and who also felt sorry for their own Contribution Point, it was the same as not having one at all.    


Of course, the trading of slots for the trial made many disciples who did not have the opportunity to enter the Five Elements Trial Field extremely furious. However, when they realized that even the elders had turned a blind eye to it, they immediately became bored of it.    


But it was different now, Ye Xiu had actually dealt with this matter directly, he wouldn't be able to buy or sell any more slots for the trial from now on.    


Although there had to be a limit to the number of slots due to the Five Elements Trial Field, if they could not purchase and sell the slots, then the experts of the Perfection of Profound Qi Stage Realm would naturally have a chance of obtaining the slots as well.    


And if one was lucky, even if one only had Great Profound Core Stage, there was still a great possibility of obtaining a trial entry.    


Just like this, because of Ye Xiu's gathering of people to announce this, this piece of news was spread around the Inside The Five Elements Stadium before long.    


Although there were quite a few experts at the peak of the Profound Pill Realm, there were even more whose cultivations were not as strong as those at the peak of the Profound Pill Realm.    


"Xiang Ding, how are your injuries recovering?"    


When the matters of the Five Elements Trial Field were basically dealt with, and new rules were even set, Ye Xiu went over to Xiang Ding's room.    


Although Xiang Ding was injured, his last strike was blocked by Ye Xiu, so his injuries were not serious, and after using the medicine, he did not have any major injuries.    


"Elder Ye!"    


When Xiang Ding who was resting in his room heard Ye Xiu's voice, he immediately got off the bed and opened his own door.    


"Thank you for your relationship with Elder Ye, my injuries are fine now, and also thank you Elder Ye, you have already established a new rule for entering Five Elements Trial Field, and I have already heard all of these, thank you, with these rules, I will have a chance to enter Five Elements Trial Field to cultivate." Xiang Ding said with a smile.    


Although the Contribution Point s that he had painstakingly accumulated previously were gone, these were not problems at all. As long as he could solve the critical problem, he would no longer need to be afraid of anything.    


Furthermore, the chances of him entering the Five Elements Trial Field were higher, so the incentive to earn Contribution Point s was naturally increased by a few points.    


"Xiang Ding, I still have to thank you for this. If not for you, I wouldn't have known that such a thing would happen in Five Elements' Sect. Luckily I found it in time, otherwise, when the disciples started complaining again, it would be too late." Ye Xiu said.    


The Five Elements' Sect was something that Ye Xiu had single-handedly set up, and coupled with the fact that he had been inside the sect for quite some time already, he naturally did not wish to see him fall back down.    


"This ?"    


When Xiang Ding heard that Ye Xiu actually wanted to thank him, he momentarily didn't know how to reply, so he could only stand there in a daze.    


"What? Aren't you going to invite me in?" Looking at the dumbstruck Xiang Ding, Ye Xiu asked with a light smile.    




Hearing Ye Xiu's words, the originally dazed Xiang Ding immediately turned around and invited him back.    


As to who Ye Xiu was, for him to be able to come to Xiang Ding's room and sit down, that would naturally be too late.    


Under Xiang Ding's passionate invitation, Ye Xiu naturally entered his room.    




When Ye Xiu entered the room, he automatically closed the door.    


Seeing Ye Xiu's action, Xiang Ding's eyes revealed a look of doubt.    


Of course, he wasn't some kind of girl, so she naturally wouldn't think that Ye Xiu wanted to do anything to him.    


"Sit down!"    


Looking at the dazed Xiang Ding once again, Ye Xiu smiled lightly and indicated to her.    


"Oh, oh!"    


Xiang Ding repeatedly said "oh" before quickly sitting down.    


Although Xiang Ding didn't know why Ye Xiu had taken the initiative to look for him, he was no longer the Ye Xiu who stole his Swamp Alligator's tail, so he was naturally a little nervous at the moment.    


"What is it? The two of us are friends, right? Why are you so nervous when you see me? " Looking at the nervous Xiang Ding, Ye Xiu said with a light smile.    


"Elder Ye, today is not the same. You were not an elder then, so it is naturally fine for me to be your brother, but now it is different. You are an elder, our positions are different, so ?" Xiang Ding explained.    


"That's enough, that's enough. Our friends will be in front, and I will become an elder. So, there is no need for you to be nervous. I am not some sort of evil person, so I will not do anything to you." Ye Xiu said again.    


Hearing Ye Xiu repeatedly telling him not to be nervous, Xiang Ding indeed relaxed a lot, but the two of them had different statuses and so it was necessary to be respectful. Otherwise, if someone saw it, they would provoke trouble again.    


It was impossible for Ye Xiu to stay in the Five Elements' Sect, so once the other party encountered any mishap after leaving the Five Elements' Sect, even if the other party returned, they would still be unable to save him.    


"Elder Ye, is something the matter?" Xiang Ding asked softly.    


As the saying goes, one wouldn't visit the Three Treasures Palace for no reason. It was obviously impossible for Ye Xiu to only come to find him to be concerned about his injuries.    


After all, Ye Xiu had helped him block a palm strike, so even if he was injured, it was only a superficial wound from before.    


"Can't I come and see you if I'm fine?" In response to Xiang Ding's inquiry, Ye Xiu's brows lightly rose in reply.    




Facing such a question, Xiang Ding was naturally at a loss for words, because he did not know how to answer.    


"Whatever, I won't tease you anymore. You're right, I do have something to talk to you about." Seeing Xiang Ding, who was at a loss as to what to do, Ye Xiu softly chuckled.    


Hearing that Ye Xiu really had something to talk to him about, Xiang Ding's face became serious.    


Since it was something Elder Ye had personally instructed him to do, he would naturally have to accomplish it seriously.    


"Don't be so serious, what I'm going to give you won't be difficult." Seeing Xiang Ding's serious expression, Ye Xiu waved his hand and said.    


Following that, Ye Xiu revealed his purpose for coming to find Xiang Ding.    


"Elder Ye, you asked me to be a law enforcement disciple, this ? I simply do not have the ability to do so. "    


When Xiang Ding found out that Ye Xiu wanted him to become a law enforcement disciple, his mouth opened wide.    


As the name implied, law enforcement disciples were disciples that were used to punish disciples that violated the rules of the Sect Rule.    


In the current Five Elements' Sect, law enforcement disciples did not exist, and it was only because of this that the previous scene would occur.    


Law enforcement disciples had to punish disciples who violated the rules of Sect Rule, and this mission was usually handed over to disciples with high cultivation.    


After all, disciples with high cultivation were strong, so it was easier to execute them.    


For example, if a Profound Infant Stage disciple violated the Sect Rule, with Xiang Ding's insignificant Great Profound Core Stage, how could she do anything to him?    


And it was also because of this, that when Xiang Ding actually asked him to do this, his first reaction was naturally to refuse, because he was simply not qualified to do this job.    


"Xiang Ding, I can come find you, that means I believe that you can shine with passion at this position, because you have a righteous heart that can resist unfair things, this is not something that anyone can do." Ye Xiu said.    


As a law enforcement disciple, he had to be unafraid of offending others and bring injustice to bear upon himself.    


Xiang Ding agreed to this characteristic, because Zuo Teng's cultivation was higher than his, but he was not afraid that would retort that it was unfair, and that would require a lot of courage.    


"Elder Ye, you are overestimating me, even if I am not afraid of offending people, my cultivation is still injured, after all, I have already offended Zuo Teng, if you let me offend others, then I will not be able to continue staying in the sect." Xiang Ding said helplessly.    


If they offended someone, they would only need to be on guard. However, if they offended too many people, the entire sect wouldn't be able to continue to stay in that place.    


With regards to Five Elements' Sect, Xiang Ding still didn't want to leave. After all, the prospects of this sect was very good.    


"Don't worry about this, as long as you agree, I'll explain the situation to the sect master, and I'll even give you some Profound Array protection, so no one will dare to be presumptuous towards you." Ye Xiu replied.    


"This ?"    


Hearing that Ye Xiu would give him some Profound Array to protect him, Xiang Ding was a little tempted. As long as he could guarantee that he wouldn't die, he could naturally consider about this position.    


No matter what, the first time he entered the Five Elements Trial Field was because of Ye Xiu. Now that he finally had the chance to repay his debt, he naturally did not want to refuse.    


Of course, if it was within his capabilities, he could help. If it exceeded his tolerance level, then Xiang Ding being hesitant was within reason.    


Therefore, even though Xiang Ding was hesitating, he did not reveal an angry expression. After all, this was not an easy job.    


And if a person who was afraid of offending others and had nothing to do was to become a law enforcement disciple, then there was no difference between having this position and not having this one.    


"Xiang Ding, the Profound Array I gave you is a Fifth Level Profound Array, it has a strong killing power. Forget about Profound Infant Stage Expert, even if one's Profound Sea Stage Expert is trapped by this Profound Array, it would not be much. I can guarantee that no one would dare to harm you." Ye Xiu continued.    


"What? Fifth Level Profound Array, Elder Ye, could it be that you are already a Fifth Level Profound Array Master?" Xiang Ding was shocked by the Fifth Level Profound Array that Ye Xiu had mentioned.    


Because he had grown up to the point where Xiang Ding had never even seen Third Level Profound Array, let alone a fourth level Profound Array or even a Fifth Level Profound Array.    


"Xiang Ding, when the time comes, I will give you the Fifth Level Profound Array in front of everyone in the sect and announce that you have the authority to act first. As long as the situation allows it, the Fifth Level Profound Array will be used by you and under these conditions, who do you think would dare to offend you?" Ye Xiu continued.    


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