Limitless Arrogant Sovereign



Since he had decided on the cultivation direction, then Ye Xiu would turn and leave after speaking with Ling Zhen for a while.    


Because Lin Tian, Chen Aoxuan and the others were not in the Five Elements' Sect, there was no need for Ye Xiu to go and reminisce about the past.    


Of course, Ye Xiu still had a disciple in the Five Elements' Sect, but regarding this disciple, Ye Xiu did not care too much.    


Since he had enough time and he had already been away for a few days, as the Master, he naturally had the responsibility to return to the sect and see how his disciple was doing.    


"Strange, why isn't he in his room? Where did he go?"    


But when Ye Xiu reached outside of Fang Xuan's room, he realized that the other person was not in his room.    


Of course, as a sect elder, there were definitely a lot of things that needed to be taken care of, so it was normal not to be in a room.    


"Come here for a moment!"    


Just as Ye Xiu was about to leave, a disciple suddenly walked over.    


With regards to this disciple, Ye Xiu did not recognize him. After all, his Five Elements' Sect had increased and many of them were newly recruited, so even if they were all new disciples, not every disciple would be able to recognize them.    


Although Ye Xiu did not recognize this disciple, he knew Ye Xiu quite well.    


"Elder Ye, why are you looking for me?"    


When this disciple was called out by Ye Xiu, he immediately felt overwhelmed.    


Ye Xiu was not surprised that this disciple knew him, after all, he was an elder of the Five Elements' Sect. Perhaps, to prevent a misunderstanding, Ling Zhen had specially ordered someone to give his portrait to every disciple who had joined the Five Elements' Sect to recognize him.    


"May I ask where the Second Elder went?" Ye Xiu casually asked.    


Originally, Ye Xiu did not want to ask, but since someone had walked over, there was no harm in asking.    


Second Elder? Oh, the Second Elder is at the Training Field area, and there's a trial competition today, so he went to Training Field to be the judge! " The disciple replied.    


"Trial competition?"    


Hearing this, Ye Xiu's face revealed a look of curiosity, it was obvious that he had never heard of any competition in Five Elements' Sect before.    


However, since the Second Elder was there and Ye Xiu was curious as to when Five Elements' Sect held the trial competition, there was no harm in going over to take a look.    


"Thank you!"    


Just like that, Ye Xiu thanked the disciple and directly walked towards the Training Field.    


"Leaves..." Elder Ye actually said thank you to me, and he actually said thank you to me. "    


After hearing Ye Xiu's thanks, this disciple couldn't recover his senses for a long time. It was obvious that he was shocked by Ye Xiu's thanks.    


After all, Ye Xiu was a Five Elements Sect Elder and he was just a normal disciple.    


It was only natural and right for an elder to ask a disciple a few questions, and under normal circumstances, the elder would not say thank you to the disciple.    


But Ye Xiu did not care about his status and directly thanked him with courtesy. In the eyes of the disciple, this was truly a bit shocking.    


naturally did not care about the disciple's shock, and when he quickly walked towards the Training Field, the Training Field was currently undergoing an intense competition.    


"Xiang Ding, it's impossible for you to win against me, just give up obediently. The right to enter the Five Elements Trial Field is mine this time."    


On the Training Field, a young man who held the upper hand said to a young man who had a serious expression on his face.    


And after hearing this, the expression of the originally serious young man became even gloomier.    


"Zuo Teng, you have already won the placing of Five Elements Trial Field several times, so I will definitely not let this place fall into your hands this time." Xiang Ding said fiercely.    


Although he was in a disadvantageous position now, Xiang Ding did not show any signs of failure, so at the moment, he would naturally not obediently admit defeat.    


After all, in order to enter the Five Elements Trial Field this time, he had worked hard for a very long time before finally being able to gather enough Contribution Point.    


If it was in the past, then they could enter the Five Elements Trial Field to cultivate as long as they had enough Contribution Point. However, ever since their Five Elements Sect had been upgraded to Five Elements' Sect, the rules had also changed a bit.    


Perhaps it was due to them encouraging the disciples to cultivate properly, but it was now much more difficult to enter the Five Elements Trial Field than before.    


Right now, not just anyone who wanted to enter the Five Elements Trial Field, they could only enter at will. The Five Elements Trial Field would only open once every month, and this time, whoever entered the training grounds last month would come out, and the disciples who obtained the qualifications to enter the training grounds would come out once every month.    


In order to ensure that the Five Elements Trial Field could continue to exist, there was a limit to the number of people who could train in the training grounds.    


That was because there was an additional rule, so the thousand Contribution Point could only qualify to register for Five Elements Trial Field. As for whether or not they could actually enter, that would depend on their own strength.    


Of course, with this competition, the motivation for cultivation would be even greater.    


Moreover, if anyone entered the training grounds more than once a year, they would receive a gift from the Profound Pill at the end of the year.    


And it was because there was this extra Profound Pill that some disciples who had ideas on giving it to Yun Che took the opportunity to give it to him.    


For example, this Zuo Teng who was battling with Xiang Ding. Almost every month, he would participate in the trial, but every time after he obtained the qualifications, he would give it to someone else.    


Of course, Zuo Teng, who had put in a lot of effort, had also obtained some benefits. The price of a trial ground's qualifications was not any less than the registration for the trial ground.    


Within the sect, any trade would require Contribution Point s, so here, Contribution Point were money, and were even more useful than Profound Stone s.    


In the sect, Contribution Point could be exchanged for Profound Stone, but Profound Stone could not.    


Furthermore, other than Zuo Teng who did not enter the training grounds to cultivate, the number of times he received his qualifications could be accumulated. This way, the year-end rewards for the Profound Pill would naturally belong to him.    


Regarding this, the other disciples who sent out Contribution Point s to let him participate in the competition also had helpless looks on their faces, because the competition system had changed. If they wanted to rely on themselves to obtain the qualifications to enter the training grounds, then the chances of success in obtaining the qualifications were extremely slim.    


As a result, to ordinary disciples, the cost of entering the training grounds to cultivate had doubled. But to disciples who had strength, they had many ways to earn Contribution Point s, and there were even ways to earn Contribution Point s as prizes at the end of the year. How could they miss out on such a good opportunity of earning both Contribution Point s.    


Not to mention that actual combat could also be considered a form of cultivation, and if he were to calculate this, it would be the best thing that could happen without any delay.    


Even Fang Xuan, who was the referee, understood one thing clearly in his heart. Zuo Teng who was on the stage was not fighting for him.    


However, these things were all done by disciples with great strength. If they were to stop it, the consequences might not be good.    


The most important power of a sect came from its disciples, especially its powerful disciples. So, as long as there was no trouble, they could just turn a blind eye to it and let it be.    


Just like that, the competition in Training Field became more and more intense, and Xiang Ding's situation also started to worsen bit by bit.    


When he began to show his failures, his injuries also increased.    


"Xiang Ding, the competition has to end here, so you can admit defeat, the victory is mine." Zuo Teng said fiercely.    


Seeing Xiang Ding constantly getting injured at his own hands, Zuo Teng was also a little nervous in his heart. After all, he was a disciple of the same sect.    


"Hmph, don't even think about it, this is a Contribution Point that I worked so hard to gather, I definitely won't allow it to get away with it." Xiang Ding said angrily.    


Even though his injuries were getting worse, Xiang Ding still did not plan to give up.    


"Second Elder, it's already like this. If we continue, I can't guarantee that I won't be too harsh on you." As Zuo Teng defended against Xiang Ding's counterattack, he reminded Fang Xuan who was standing outside of the arena at the same time.    


But towards these disciples, Fang Xuan had already opened and closed his eyes, so he really couldn't directly announce that Xiang Ding had lost the competition.    


Of course, the current situation was extremely dangerous for Xiang Ding.    


And it was just like that, Fang Xuan was in a difficult position.    


"Second Elder, since you do not plan to allow the competition to end, then I will personally allow the competition to end." Zuo Teng shouted loudly, and the Profound Power began to surge out of his body.    


"Mysterious Sky Breaking Palm!"    


Zuo Teng shouted loudly once again, and then he extended his palm out, fiercely smashing it towards Xiang Ding.    


Xiang Ding's cultivation was lower than Zuo Teng's by an entire Rank Two, so when facing this full force palm, he instantly had no way of resisting.    


In fact, because the opponent's speed was too fast, Xiang Ding was stunned as he watched the palm strike aimed for his chest.    


If this palm strike landed, Xiang Ding's life would definitely be in danger.    




A deafening collision sound rang out, and then a figure was sent flying backwards.    




When this figure was sent flying, he immediately spat out a mouthful of blood in midair.    


"How is this possible?"    


Zuo Teng looked in disbelief at the young man who suddenly appeared in front of Xiang Ding.    




Another voice rang out, and the flying Zuo Teng fell heavily onto the ground.    




Because the fall was heavy, Zuo Teng spat out another mouthful of blood, and then the surging Qi quickly became weaker.    




When Fang Xuan saw the man that quickly appeared on the Training Field, he was slightly stunned.    


Of course, Fang Xuan was also clear about the news of Ye Xiu's return. It was just that at that time, Ye Xiu had locked himself in his room and did not want to see anyone.    


And it was also because of this that Fang Xuan's eyes naturally filled with pleasant surprise when he saw Ye Xiu walking out of his own room.    


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