Limitless Arrogant Sovereign



"Ye Xiu, do you know who the poisoner was?"    


When Ye Xiu came out from the Profound Array and appeared in front of everyone again, Song Zehong hurriedly asked.    


Although he had his doubts about Ye Xiu's method before, but no matter what, the current Song Zehong would rather believe it than not.    


And it was also because of this that he was the first to impatiently ask Ye Xiu after he came out of the Profound Array.    


"Patriarch Song, I, Ye Xiu, will keep my word. I already know who poisoned him, but if I were to say it out loud, the person who poisoned him will definitely not admit it. So, I have to make him admit it in front of everyone." Ye Xiu said.    


"Admit it?"    


Hearing Ye Xiu's words, everyone present revealed a curious look. How could the person who poisoned them admit it himself?    


"How can I admit that I poisoned him?" Song Hua secretly sneered in his heart.    


No matter what tricks Ye Xiu was scheming, he would never admit that he was the one who poisoned them, because he knew very well what would happen if he admitted to it, so he would absolutely not admit it.    


"Ye Xiu, although I do not know how you will use it, but as long as you help Song Family find the person who poisoned them, you are still a great benefactor of Song Family. After all, if someone like that hides in the Song Family, it would be hard for us to eat and sleep." Song Zehong replied.    


"That's right, we must find the poisoner. If we find him, we must beat him to death."    


When Song Zehong's voice fell, a furious voice sounded out from within the crowd.    


Poison was such a despicable method. If this person was not found, who would dare to eat or drink in the following days?    


After all, if it was poisoned, wouldn't it die if it was eaten?    


"Patriarch Song, everyone, don't be so anxious. I'll ask you guys one by one now. I believe that after I'm done, you all will naturally know who the real poisoner is." Ye Xiu said softly to the furious voices that sounded out one after another.    


Following Ye Xiu's words, the noisy surroundings immediately quietened down, and pairs of eyes stared straight at Ye Xiu, waiting for the appearance of the person who poisoned them.    


"Alright, I will ask the next questions one by one. Those who are questioned by me don't have to be nervous, they can just answer my questions truthfully." Ye Xiu said.    


"Got it, hurry up and ask."    


When Ye Xiu finished speaking, there was someone who couldn't wait to urge him.    




Ye Xiu nodded, and his gaze started to scan the crowd.    


"Let's start with you!"    


When Ye Xiu's gaze swept across the crowd, his gaze finally stopped at a young man.    




The man who was pointed at by Ye Xiu was slightly stunned. He never thought that he would actually be the first one.    


"What is it? Are you nervous? "    


Ye Xiu asked softly when he saw the somewhat surprised look on the young man's face.    


"Who ?" "Who's nervous? Come, what questions do you want to ask me? I'll definitely tell you in full detail." The young man, who was also Song Hua, let out a light breath.    


Song Hua originally thought that he wouldn't be the first, but he never thought that he would actually be the first.    


After all, he was the real poisoner, so he was really worried that his answer would leak out.    


This Song Hua did not think that it was such an easy thing to lock onto the culprit just because of a simple question.    


Therefore, after he adjusted his state of mind, Song Hua's gaze directly landed on Ye Xiu. He wanted to see what tricks the other party would play.    


My question is very simple. May I ask, what did you see in the second Profound Array? Looking at Song Hua, Ye Xiu asked with a gentle smile.    


Because of Ye Xiu's smile, the entire atmosphere was not nervous at all.    


But when the others heard Ye Xiu actually ask such a simple question, they all inwardly heaved a sigh of relief, because the only person they saw in the second Profound Array was Ye Xiu.    


"In the second Profound Array!"    


But when the others had relaxed expressions, Song Hua frowned slightly, because he did not expect Ye Xiu to immediately ask what was inside the second Profound Array.    


Song Hua did not enter the second Profound Array, so how would he know what was inside?    


However, when he looked back at the relaxed expressions of the people around him, he muttered in his heart, and then said: "There's nothing. I didn't see anything within the second Profound Array."    


"Nothing? "Are you sure?"    


Following Song Hua's reply, Ye Xiu continued to ask with a gentle smile.    


Because Ye Xiu's attitude was very good, Song Hua did not have any doubts towards his answer, and thus, he confirmed his answer once again.    


As for the others, Song Hua's answer didn't raise any doubt either. After all, everyone who entered would see something different.    


"Very good."    


Seeing Song Hua confirm his answer, Ye Xiu smiled and nodded.    


Song Hua saw Ye Xiu nod, he was once again certain that he was right, so at this moment, he clearly felt a sense of relief.    


"Tell me what you saw in the second Profound Array."    


After he finished speaking with Song Hua, Ye Xiu turned around and pointed at the other person standing beside him.    


"You ? I saw you in the second Profound Array." The man Ye Xiu was pointing at replied.    




When the man revealed his answer, Song Hua was completely stunned.    


He never thought that someone would see Ye Xiu within the second Profound Array.    


"How could that be? Didn't he say that no one in the Profound Array can see him?" Song Hua muttered in his heart.    


Of course, even if someone had a different answer than him, he would probably think of it like that, thus Song Hua was still very calm at the moment.    


"Very good!"    


After Ye Xiu heard this answer, the reaction he gave the man was the same as Song Hua's.    


It was also because of this reason that Song Hua was even more certain that his guess was right.    


"Miss Song, what did you see in the second Profound Array?"    


When Ye Xiu's gaze landed on Song Qianqian, he continued to ask with a gentle smile.    


"Ye Xiu, I saw you too." Song Qianqian replied.    




When Song Hua, who was initially secretly relieved heard that Song Qianqian had also seen Ye Xiu, his heart once again became fiercely shocked.    


It was normal for only one person to see Ye Xiu, but if there were two or more people who saw Ye Xiu, then the situation would definitely be bad for Song Hua.    


Of course, even if he found out that something was wrong, the current Song Hua didn't show any abnormalities.    


Because this was only the beginning, he still held onto a glimmer of hope.    


However, this glimmer of hope did not last for long. When the third and fourth person said that they had seen Ye Xiu within the second Profound Array,'s forehead started to be drenched in sweat.    


After Ye Xiu asked the fifth person, Song Hua's forehead was covered in perspiration, and his face was slightly pale white.    


When Ye Xiu saw this scene, he did not continue asking others because Song Hua's reaction was already completely unnecessary.    


Regarding whether or not Song Hua would do something, Ye Xiu was not worried at all. After all, in this place, there was the powerful Song Zehong present.    




Without waiting for Ye Xiu to continue asking, Song Hua was already kneeling in front of him.    


Because from the other people's replies, Song Zehong had also locked his gaze onto Song Hua's body.    


Being locked down by an expert of the Profound Infant Stage, Song Hua naturally felt the pressure increase several fold, and so he very consciously knelt on the ground.    


", I, Song Zehong, have treated you well, you actually dare to do such an outrageous thing. Speak, why did you poison him?!" Song Zehong said angrily to the pale Song Hua who was kneeling on the ground.    


"Patriarch, I ?" I was wronged, I was killed, all of this was Wu Qingfeng's fault for making me do it, it was all his fault. " Looking at Song Zehong, Song Hua hurriedly tried to defend himself.    


"Wu Qingfeng?"    


Hearing this name, Song Zehong's brows knitted even more tightly. He did not expect that the poison incident would actually involve a second family clan.    


"Song Hua, you are a disciple of my Song Family, how could this Wu Qingfeng possibly thank you? Also, even if he does, why didn't you tell me directly and instead accept his threats to poison?" Song Zehong said angrily.    


If not for Qin Rouer being discovered in time, Song Zehong and the rest would definitely have been poisoned, and if this poison was very powerful, then even Song Zehong would not be able to escape death.    


Therefore, even if Song Hua were to say that he was killed, it would definitely not be forgiven.    


"Song Hua, even if your reason is true, poisoning is extremely vile, so I cannot forgive you." Song Zehong said with a gloomy face.    


As they spoke, Song Zehong slowly raised his hand.    


"Clan head, Clan head, just watch as I die and treat me like a piece of sh * t. Don't worry, I won't do it again, I swear." Seeing Song Zehong raise his hand little by little, Song Hua immediately kowtowed and begged for mercy.    


He didn't want anyone to die, so Song Hua naturally wanted to live a good life as well.    


"You still have the face to mention your mother? Your mother's face has been completely thrown away by you. How could she have such an outrageous son like you?" Song Zehong said with a face full of anger.    


Song Hua was Song Qianqian's cousin, so Song Hua's mother was also his biological sister.    


The reason why Song Hua had been able to live a comfortable life in the Song Family all these years was purely because Song Zehong was his own sister's son.    


Similarly, because of this identity, Song Zehong would want to kill him right away. If it was anyone else, he would definitely be tortured to death before death.    


After all, the matter of poisoning was extremely vile. If they didn't punish them with extreme punishment to set an example, the same thing would happen again in the future when they reached Song Family.    


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