Limitless Arrogant Sovereign



"Right, right. I was just joking. You must not take it seriously." At this time, Chen Aoxuan also saw that Ye Xiu was truly angry, so he hurriedly explained.    


"Chen Aoxuan, this kind of joke isn't funny at all. Don't joke with me again in the future." Ye Xiu said with a serious expression.    


"I know, I know!"    


Chen Aoxuan nodded his head.    


From the time he had met Ye Xiu till now, it could be said to be the first time he had seen him angry.    


It was precisely because of this that Chen Aoxuan understood in his heart that the Eight Sword Technique had an extraordinary significance to Ye Xiu. Otherwise, he would have been infuriated to this extent just by changing his name.    


"Alright, I have already seen the demonstration of the sword technique, as for how much you understand, it will depend on your own luck. Next, I will teach you the Eight Sword Technique's chant, and from now on, what level of sword technique you will learn will depend on your individual abilities." Ye Xiu took a deep breath.    


No matter what, they were all friends. Since Chen Aoxuan knew he was wrong, he naturally wouldn't be angry anymore.    


And just like that, after Ye Xiu finished speaking, he told the three about the Eight Sword Technique's chants.    


"Ye Xiu? It's gone? "    


But when Ye Xiu was no longer speaking, Lin Tian asked.    


"Gone? The Eight Sword Technique only has these eight chants. " Ye Xiu replied.    




Hearing that, Lin Tian and the other two once again shouted out, the profound sword techniques actually only had eight chants.    


"Ye Xiu, the sword technique you demonstrated to us earlier, it could not have been comprehended based on these eight incantations, right?" Lin Tian took a deep breath.    


If that was really the case, then Ye Xiu's talent was far more heaven defying than they had imagined, because after hearing these eight chants, Lin Tian's mind did not have any thoughts at all.    


To transform it into a sword technique with just a few words was too difficult.    


Of course, because of the difficulty, the power would be extraordinary once learned.    


"Big Brother Lin Tian, it was just my demonstration just now, and I didn't want you all to remember the steps of the technique. Of course, you all probably did not remember, I was only letting you all see the basics of the Eight Sword Technique. Ye Xiu explained.    


Regarding the reaction of Lin Tian and the other two, Ye Xiu naturally understood them very well, because back then, when he was learning the Eight Sword Technique, he too had a stupefied expression, and simply did not know how to learn or comprehend it.    


But as time passed, Ye Xiu discovered that the Eight Sword Technique was much more powerful than he had imagined. Furthermore, although everyone had eight types of Eight Sword Technique, and their names were also the same, the trajectory of their sword art was completely different.    


Because the framework of the Eight Sword Technique was huge, and everyone had their own thoughts, the sword techniques that everyone comprehended were also different.    


And it was also because of this that this sword technique's power was boundless, because only he himself knew what the next sword strike was, and how to change it. Even if others had seen him use it, the trajectory of the next sword move might not be the same.    


"As you wish?"    


After listening to Ye Xiu's explanation and analysis, Lin Tian and the others became curious about the two words that Ye Xiu had mentioned.    


This was because to them, the sword techniques they learned had a fixed framework, and they could just learn Xuan Skills by swinging the sword according to the fixed trajectory of the sword technique.    


But the Eight Sword Technique had no fixed sword trajectory, everything came out according to his will, as if it was natural.    


Alright, that's all I can teach you. As for the specifics, whether you can learn this sword technique or not, they are all things that I can't help you with. Everything will depend on your own comprehension of the sword technique. Ye Xiu continued.    


When Ye Xiu explained bit by bit, Lin Tian, Chen Aoxuan and Qin Rouer's expression became stunned, and then the three of them closed their eyes at the same time.    


Seeing that the three of them had their eyes closed and were comprehending their sword intent, Ye Xiu did not say another word.    


"When the three of them are awake, I will not allow any Profound Beast or human to disturb them." Ye Xiu ordered the two Sirius Dog softly.    


"Woof woof!"    


Hearing this order, the two Sirius Dog responded softly, then the two of them ran in two different directions for a bit, after which the strong evil qi in their bodies exploded.    


"Understand it well. The first step is the most important step. It is directly related to what kind of sword intent you can comprehend." When the two Sirius Dog were on guard, Ye Xiu muttered to himself as he looked at the three figures.    




In the next second, Ye Xiu threw out several Low Grade Profound Stone s, after which each of them was protected by a simple array.    


Because it was a simple formation, it only required a few Profound Stone.    


Just like that, after the array was set up, Ye Xiu randomly picked a place to hold the Middle Grade Profound Stone and started to recover.    


Because he did not know when the danger would come next, Ye Xiu was unable to recover in peace. He could only rely on absorbing the Profound Power s in the Middle Grade Profound Stone s to quickly recover.    


However, it was a good thing that there were two Sirius Dog present. As a result, in the next few hours, they were safe and sound, and neither the Profound Beast nor the humans dared to approach them.    


Just like this, after a few hours had passed, the sky gradually brightened as a new day arrived.    


"It's been several hours. Looks like all three of them are quite talented. They are good seedlings."    


When Ye Xiu slowly stood up, he first looked at the newly born sun, then looked at the three arrays with a satisfied look.    


Now that Ye Xiu had passed down the profound arts of Eight Ji Sect to the three of them, it was clear that he had already made these three people his Eight Ji Sect's first batch of disciples.    


It was just that Ye Xiu's current strength was still shallow, so he was not planning to reveal it, and when he had the ability to establish Eight Ji Sect one day, he believed that Lin Tian and the other two would be his trusted assistants in building Eight Ji Sect.    


"Buzz buzz!"    


Another hour passed. Suddenly, a formation began to ripple, followed by the figure of a person walking out of it.    


The array Ye Xiu set up was very simple, so people could easily walk out from it.    


"Brother Lin Tian, how do you feel?"    


Seeing the first figure that came out, Ye Xiu asked softly.    


Of course, the fact that Lin Tian was the first to come out was within Ye Xiu's expectations. After all, his talent was the lowest among the three of them.    


Although the talent of these three people were not weak, since there were three of them, then there would naturally be differences of ranking between them. Lin Tian's talent among them was the lowest.    


As for which one's aptitude was higher between Chen Aoxuan and the other, this Ye Xiu was also a little unsure. If Qin Rouer did not awaken Heaven Disaster Venomous Body, then it was undoubtedly Chen Aoxuan's aptitude that was higher.    


But now, she had to ask Qin Rouer, who had the Heaven Disaster Venomous Body, whether her talent had changed as a result. Even Ye Xiu himself did not know.    


But in the end, who had the greater talent? The results would be revealed in a moment.    


"Ye Xiu, this Eight Sword Technique is too profound. It seems that it will take a long time before I completely comprehend it." Looking at Ye Xiu, Lin Tian instantly cried out in alarm.    


Of course, what surprised Lin Tian the most was such an unfathomable profound skill. How did Ye Xiu learn it?    


In regards to this question, Lin Tian really wanted to ask, but when he thought about how Ye Xiu had been angered by the change of name in the Eight Sword Technique, he decided to put that thought aside.    


Who cares how Ye Xiu obtained this mystical sword technique, since he was willing to teach them such a powerful mystical sword technique, it was their fortune, and was also their good fortune. Thus, they had to cherish this hard-earned opportunity.    


"Big brother Lin Tian, that is certain, because even I am not able to fully comprehend this sword technique." Ye Xiu said with a smile.    


"What?! Even you haven't fully comprehended it?!" Hearing Ye Xiu's words, Lin Tian was once again shocked in his heart.    


If even Ye Xiu had not fully comprehended the profound skill and sword technique, then the road they would have to walk would be even longer, and they might not even have to wait until the day they fully comprehended it in their entire lives.    


However, as long as he continued to comprehend, Lin Tian believed that his strength would continue to grow, and perhaps one day he would rely on this sword technique to become the peerless expert in his dreams.    


"What about Chen Aoxuan, he hasn't finished comprehending it?" After taking a deep breath, Lin Tian couldn't help but ask.    


Not only did Chen Aoxuan not see it, even Qin Rouer seemed to have disappeared.    


"Brother Lin Tian, don't be angry even if I say it, Chen Aoxuan and Qin Rouer's talent is above yours, so their comprehension will be longer than yours." Ye Xiu looked at Lin Tian as he explained.    


"Hehe, it's not like you don't want to be angry, because that's the truth." Lin Tian gently smiled.    


An Inherent skill was something that was destined to happen, so even if Lin Tian was angry, it would not change this fact.    


"Buzz buzz!"    


Just as Lin Tian finished speaking, another Light Buzz sounded out, following that, a beautiful figure walked out from the array.    


That's right, the second person to come out was Qin Rouer, and her appearance also meant that Chen Aoxuan had the highest talent out of the three of them. At least, among their comprehension of the Eight Sword Technique, his comprehension was the deepest.    


"Qin Rouer, how do you feel?"    


Seeing Qin Rouer coming out of the formation, Ye Xiu asked again.    


"Ye Xiu, this is definitely the most powerful sword technique I have ever seen, it is just too powerful." Hearing Ye Xiu's words, Qin Rouer took a deep breath and exclaimed.    


Qin Rouer felt that she was extremely tiny within her comprehension, like a grain of sand floating in the wind, unable to stop herself. Only when the wind stopped, did she finally feel that she had slowly landed on the ground.    


And it was also at this time that Qin Rouer woke up from her comprehension. However, as to exactly what she had comprehended, she was not clear as of now.    


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