Limitless Arrogant Sovereign



Naturally, Ye Yuantian had also heard of the matter of people who cultivated together, so he was also worried about Ye Xiu's future.    


However, the current Ye Xiu performed exceptionally well in terms of both the Profound Power and the Profound Array, so Ye Yuantian believed that he would most likely be a successful dual cultivator.    


It has to be said that although it is difficult for a cultivator to become strong, once he succeeds he would be much stronger than a single cultivator.    


It was also because of this that Ye Yuantian was looking forward to this day, and if that day really came, he could also brag to others that this Zhi Zun belonged to the Ye Family.    


Just like this, seeing Ye Xiu continue to move forward, the three of them naturally did not hesitate to chase after him.    


Of course, previously meeting so many Bloddy Bat, the few of them were still cautious, afraid that a large group of Bloddy Bat would appear before the next second.    


If that was really the case, then they could only escape once more, or have Ye Xiu set up the same Sky Fire Array.    


However, although the Heaven Fire Formation was powerful, it still required a shocking amount of Low Grade Profound Stone. If not for the fact that he robbed Luo Family and the other five, Ye Xiu would probably not have any Profound Stone left to use.    


Because Ye Zhantian knew how important Profound Stone were to Ye Xiu, before he set off, he gave Ye Xiu three hundred Low Grade Profound Stone s in his own name.    


Three hundred Profound Stone s, even to Ye Zhantian, this was a lot. However, in order to ensure Ye Xiu's safety, he still took it out.    


This was because Profound Stone s could be earned, but geniuses were hard to come by. If something happened to Ye Xiu, he would definitely cry to death.    


With great care, the four once again arrived at the place they were standing before. However, this time, there was no longer any Bloddy Bat hanging from the top of the cliff.    


Of course, even if this place lost all the Bloddy Bat, the four of them still did not let down their guard. After all, the number of Bloddy Bat before this was simply too shocking.    


"Ye Xiu, quickly look over there."    


When the four carefully walked into the lair, suddenly, a surprised voice came out of Ye Yuantian's mouth.    


At first, this place was completely silent, with only the breathing of the four of them, so when Ye Yuantian cried out in alarm, the other three were immediately startled.    


It was precisely because of Ye Yunhao's loud shout that they nearly had an accident.    


"Brother Yuan Tian, don't shout. What if there are other Bloddy Bat here?" Ye Xiu reminded with a slight frown.    


Even if they were not in the surrounding area, they could not be careless. After all, if there were other Bloddy Bat in the surroundings, then they would be in danger.    


"Sorry, I was too excited too. Look over there." Ye Yuantian took a deep breath and pointed to his right.    


Hearing that, Ye Xiu and the other two naturally looked in the direction Ye Yuantian was pointing, following that, sparkling and translucent blood-red fruits appeared in front of everyone's eyes.    


"These are the Bloody Fruit?"    


Looking at the dense cluster of blood-red fruits, Ye Xiu was also shocked. He never expected that there would be so many Bloody Fruit here.    


"We've struck it rich, now we've struck it rich, with so many Bloody Fruit, even if we can't find other treasures, we'll have made it big already." Ye Yuantian said excitedly.    


Although Ye Yuantian deliberately suppressed his voice, he was still too agitated, so his voice was still not soft.    


But even so, there were no more Bloddy Bat around him, obviously all of them had been killed.    


"Brother Yuan Tian, then what are you waiting for? Hurry up and pick them. Otherwise, if someone comes over later, we'll be in trouble again." Ye Xiu reminded.    


Since there were no Bloddy Bat interfering with him and no one else was around, he had to hurry and pick them, because only by picking his own Profound Treasure Bag would they be considered his own.    


"Oh, oh!"    


Hearing that, Ye Yuantian was startled, then he nodded his head and replied.    


In the next second, Ye Yuantian and the other two quickly ran over, but after running a few steps, they stopped.    


"What's wrong?"    


When he saw the three of them stop in their tracks, Ye Xiu couldn't help but ask. When he was fighting shoulder to shoulder with Ye Yuantian and the other two, at this time, he was also shocked by the numerous little nests in front of him.    


There was a lump of black meatballs in each of these little nests, and these meatballs should be the young of Bloddy Bat.    


"Brother Yuan Tian, the Bloody Fruit you're talking about should all be food that the Bloddy Bat feed their young, right?" Ye Xiu asked.    


"Yes, the rumors were true, but very few Bloody Fruit could be picked, so I am not too sure about the specifics, but from the looks of it, it seems to be true." Ye Yuantian replied.    


"Then are we still picking?" Ye Shang could not help but to ask.    


"Why aren't you picking them? They have nothing to do with us. Plus, it's already very merciful if we don't kill them, so there's no need to be too courteous towards them. After all, their elders almost killed us." Ye Xiu said indifferently.    


While speaking, Ye Xiu's right hand was wrapped around hers, and following that, several crystal clear Bloody Fruit appeared in his hand.    


Looking at the blood red fruit in his hand, Ye Xiu's mouth raised slightly, and continued to pick it.    


When Ye Yuantian and the other two saw Ye Xiu starting to harvest as much as he wanted, they naturally did not hesitate to do so as well.    


Because the fruits were not big, even if the quantity was astonishing, within an hour, Ye Xiu and the rest finished harvesting them.    


"Let's go and see how effective this fruit is." After harvesting all the Bloody Fruit, Ye Xiu said in satisfaction.    


As for the larvae of these Bloddy Bat, whether they lived or died had nothing to do with him. If they were lucky, they might still be able to grow up.    


Just like that, after Ye Xiu finished speaking, the group of four quickly left the place, and not long after, they rushed over to Ye Yunhao's side.    


After removing the maze, Ye Yunhao was still lying unconscious on the ground. At the same time, the densely packed needles on his body were still as eye piercing as before.    


Because Ye Yunhao's body was full of needles, the three of them did not dare to approach him, afraid that they would accidentally injure him.    


As for Ye Xiu's words, he took out a Bloody Fruit from the Profound Treasure Bag and rudely shoved it into Ye Yunhao's mouth.    


"Get in!"    


After throwing the Bloody Fruit into Ye Yunhao's mouth, Ye Xiu used his hand to point at its neck, and then when Ye Yunhao's throat moved, the Bloody Fruit in his mouth was immediately swallowed.    




Only a few minutes later, Ye Xiu raised his eyebrows slightly because he felt a force spreading inside Ye Yunhao's body.    


Following the spread of this energy, a faint red light shone out from Ye Yunhao's body.    


Of course, this red light was very faint, and wasn't very obvious. But because Ye Xiu had carefully observed Ye Yunhao's situation, he was able to see this red light.    


"Amazing, the things on this continent are too amazing, I have truly gained knowledge." Ye Xiu could feel the energy in Ye Yunhao's body constantly expanding, and his eyes revealed a look of amazement.    


If this Bloody Fruit was even placed in the Jianghu, then it would definitely be considered a miraculous medicine, after all, it had only been a few minutes, and Ye Yunhao's injuries had already started to heal.    


"Brother Yuan Tian, looks like this Bloody Fruit really lives up to its magical name. It seems like there's a reason for it to be a good treasure." Ye Xiu said with a smile.    


Fortunately, they had been walking like this the entire time, and did not run into any danger and retreat. Otherwise, they would have missed out on these Bloody Fruit.    


As for whether other people would have the chance to pluck it, Ye Xiu was not too sure.    


Although the Bloddy Bat from before was too shocking, Ye Xiu did not dare guarantee that he was the only one here who could subdue the Bloddy Bat.    


After all, the powerful Profound Array could also have the effect of killing the enemy, so Ye Xiu would naturally not be arrogant, or even be arrogant.    


Humans could not be arrogant under any circumstances, because beyond the mountains, there were people stronger than them. Who could guarantee that there would not be other geniuses existing in this world?    




When half an hour had passed, the originally unconscious Ye Yunhao had regained consciousness, and his tightly shut eyes slowly opened.    


"He woke up!"    


asked with a chuckle as he looked down at Ye Yunhao as he opened his eyes.    


"Ye Xiu, if you kill me, I beg you to kill me." When Ye Yunhao saw Ye Xiu's smiling face, he immediately shouted loudly.    


Because in Ye Yunhao's eyes, Ye Xiu's smile was like the smile of a demon, causing him to give off an indescribable sense of fear.    


"Ye Yunhao, are you sure you want me to kill you?"    


Hearing Ye Yunhao's words, Ye Xiu frowned slightly, and without hesitation, he pulled out the Xuanyu Needle s on the other party's body one by one.    


Ah ah ah ah!    


Ye Xiu's methods were crude, so the current Ye Yunhao felt pain once again.    


Although the pain was not as painful as before, Ye Yunhao was already afraid of Ye Xiu, so the screams this time were most likely from the bottom of his heart.    


"Ye Xiu, you bastard, you are too inhumane." Feeling the pain from his entire body once again, Ye Yunhao started to curse loudly.    


"Bastard? "Inhumane?"    


After he pulled the last Xuanyu Needle out of Ye Yunhao's body, Ye Xiu frowned suddenly, and then he raised his hand and pierced the needle again.    


Of course, this time Ye Xiu did not leave the needle on Ye Yunhao, but after the needle was pulled out, Ye Yunhao's entire body immediately started rolling on the ground.    


"This is ?"    


Seeing how Ye Yunhao was in so much pain, the three of them were at a loss of what to do, because she was just fine a moment ago, why did she become like this all of a sudden?    


However, the three of them did not realise that Ye Yunhao, who was in extreme pain, was rolling on the ground. If his meridians were severely damaged, how could he do this?    


Of course, the three of them did not realize it at first, but when Ye Yunhao suddenly jumped up from the ground and was about to rush at Ye Xiu, the three of them revealed expressions of shock.    


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