Limitless Arrogant Sovereign



As the sound of his voice faded, everyone in the great hall turned their gazes towards Ye Xiu.    


"Sect Master Luo, Clan Leader Lin, my apologies for the two great guests. I, Ye, do not welcome you with respect, I apologize for my rudeness!"    


Just then, Ye Zhantian ran into the hall in a hurry.    


Originally, Ye Zhantian wanted to come in first, but he was stopped by Ye Xiu. After all, the real purpose of the Luo and Lin Families was him, so he had to show his face first.    


As for Ye Zhantian's words, as the Patriarch, he naturally had to appear to be more busy, so even if Luo and Lin Family had waited for a long time, they would not be able to be angry, and did not greet him in advance.    


Sure enough, seeing Ye Zhantian rushing over, no matter if it was the Luo Family Clan Chief or the Lin Family Clan Chief Lin Kui, they did not say much.    


"I wonder why you two leaders suddenly came to my family?" Ye Zhantian sat in the first seat of the great hall, then asked with a puzzled expression.    


"Clan Leader Ye, stop pretending. Or is it that Stinky Kid did not tell you about what happened in the cave?" Seeing Ye Zhantian's clueless face, she could not help but say it straightforwardly.    


"How dare you!"    


When Ye Xiu, who was standing beside Ye Zhantian, heard Luo Yu's outspoken curses at him, he immediately let out a stern shout.    


"Yu'er, don't be rude!"    


No matter what, Ye Zhantian was the Ye Family Patriarch, and right now, he was even in the Ye Family household, so even he himself did not dare to scold Luo Yu in such a straightforward manner.    


"Father, we came here today to collect our debt. Stinky Kid, if you know what's good for you, hand over the things you stole from us, or else I won't let you get away with it." Luo Yu pointed at Ye Xiu and shouted angrily.    


"Is that what you're talking about?"    


Ye Xiu patted the Profound Treasure Bag on his waist, and then a few pieces of girls' clothes appeared in his hands.    


"Father, do you see? He even dared to rob me of my clothes. How is this any different from molesting me?" Luo Yu scolded Ye Xiu when she saw her own clothes in her hands.    


After all, Luo Yu was his son's fiancee. But now, the other party's clothes were held in the hands of another man, this...    


"Who wants your tattered clothes, I'll return them to you!"    


Looking at the furious Luo Yu, Ye Xiu snickered. Then he waved his right hand, and threw a few sets of clothes at the center of the hall. Puchi!    


"Swoosh swoosh swoosh!"    


However, just as Luo Yu was prepared to go and pick up his clothes, suddenly countless wind sounds came out, and in the next second sword images appeared, and then his clothes were ripped into pieces.    




When Luo Yu saw her favorite clothes being destroyed, she was so angry that her whole body started to tremble.    


If she hadn't personally witnessed Ye Xiu heavily injuring Luo Li, at this moment, she would have definitely charged forward without hesitation.    


While Luo Yu was shouting, everyone on scene, including Ye Zhantian, were all shocked by his profound sword technique.    


"What a powerful sword art!"    


The youth standing beside Lin Kui looked at Ye Xiu, his eyes revealing a strong desire to do battle.    


had only listened to Ye Xiu's battle record before; no matter how detailed his description was, before he saw it with his own eyes, Lin Tian's impression of him wasn't that impressive.    


But now it was different, Ye Xiu's earlier attack had shocked him, he thought that his sword arts had reached a superb state, but now compared to Ye Xiu, it was still a bit of a joke.    


Of course, even if Ye Xiu's sword techniques were profound, but he only had Seventh Layer of Profound Vein Stage, so Lin Tian did not believe that he was still not his opponent's opponent.    


Because in the entire Bluestone Town, he was the only one who possessed Twelveth Layer of Profound Vein Stage at the age of nineteen.    


Of course, because Lin Tian's birthday was going to come sooner rather than later, his wish to reach Small Perfection of Profound Qi Stage before the age of twenty would probably come to naught.    


But even if one reached the Small Perfection of Profound Qi Stage at the age of twenty, it was still a rare existence in the Bluestone Town.    


"Stinky Kid, you actually dared to cut my clothes in front of everyone, you are humiliating me. Brother Lin Tian, why don't you beat him up into a meat patty?" Luo Yu said angrily.    


"So what if I humiliate you? "Not only will I humiliate you like this, I will also ?" Ye Xiu had not finished speaking when he swayed from left to right a few times before arriving in front of Luo Yu.    


Because Luo Yu wanted to take his clothes, he stood in the middle of the hall.    


The entire Main Hall was not very large, so Ye Xiu and Luo Yu was not too far away from each other. In practically the blink of an eye, he arrived in front of the other party.    




Suddenly, a resounding slap sounded out in the hall, and Luo Yu who was being slapped, was unable to react for a moment because it was too sudden.    


But in the next second, Luo Yu felt the burning pain on her face, and she immediately went crazy.    


In front of everyone, Luo Yu was slapped on the face by Ye Xiu without any warning. Such a humiliating method was even more infuriating than tearing apart her clothes.    




Without any hesitation, Luo Yu immediately unleashed his own Profound Power, and then, he unhesitatingly punched towards Ye Xiu.    


At this time, Luo Yu had long been driven mad by every single one of Ye Xiu's actions, so at this time, she did not care that she was not Ye Xiu's opponent.    


However, in the face of Luo Yu's crazy attack, Ye Xiu easily dodged it by stepping on his Eight Trigrams Shadowless Step.    




Lin Tian looked at Ye Xiu, who was in the middle of the hall dodging Luo Yu's attack with ease. At this moment, he had a serious look in his eyes.    


If the sword technique alone was not enough to make Lin Tian take it seriously, then Ye Xiu's extremely profound footwork made him have no choice but to take it seriously.    


After all, Ye Xiu's cultivation was one stage lower than Luo Yu's, but the other party was able to easily dodge a punch and a kick from him, which was sufficient to prove that the other party was very strong.    




After Ye Xiu dodged a dozen or so times, he slightly raised his right leg, and following that, Luo Yu's abdomen took the initiative to meet with his leg which was sent flying.    




Seeing her daughter like this, Luo Qiang couldn't help but stand up and berate her.    


"Ye Xiu!"    


When he heard Luo Qiang, Ye Zhantian naturally called out to him as well. When the latter heard him, he immediately went back behind him.    


"Clan leader Ye, congratulations, congratulations! I never thought that the Ye family would really produce a genius, but even so, isn't that genius too excessive? You actually humiliated my daughter time and time again. Luo Qiang looked at Ye Zhantian and asked.    


"Sect Master Luo, if you are here to bully people, then your Luo Family is the first one to bully people. If you are here to visit the Ye Family, then we will naturally treat you with respect, but it is very obvious that you are not here to visit us. This can be seen from how your daughter slapped my Ye Family's guards."    


"Since you guys are here to provoke me, then everything that I have just done is not excessive at all. If you go overboard, then it will be that your Luo Family has gone too far."    


Originally, the thing that happened in the cave was that your Luo Family was the one at fault. You guys first injured my Ye Family members, and I was only fighting back with a tooth for a tooth, what's wrong with that, do you guys want me to just stand at the side and watch your Luo Family kill my Ye Family disciples? Don't forget, I, Ye Xiu am surnamed Ye! "    


When he said the last word, Ye Xiu was completely confident, and furthermore, he had already stood up straight with the word of reasoning. Unless Luo Family and the Lin Family were combined, and didn't care about face, Ye Xiu would definitely not continue to clamor.    


Sure enough, after hearing Ye Xiu's words, Luo Qiang's expression slightly changed. Seeing the other party's change in expression, Ye Xiu already understood what was going on.    


"It seems that someone is not speaking the truth. In order to give himself face, he even duped his own people. Do you think we should beat him up?" Ye Xiu laughed coldly.    


"You ?"    


Ye Xiu's words made Luo Yu's face turn purple, but just when she was about to reprimand him, Lin Tian stood out.    


"Brother Lin Tian, quickly teach this brat who doesn't know his limits a lesson, and let him know who exactly are the strongest in the younger generation." Luo Yu said repeatedly.    


However, Lin Tian did not care about Luo Yu. He walked to the front of the hall, pointed at Ye Xiu with one finger and said softly: "There's no need to say anything, let's fight. I'm looking forward to fighting with you."    


"On what basis should I fight with you? Furthermore, you have the cultivation of Twelveth Layer of Profound Vein Stage and I only have Seventh Layer of Profound Vein Stage. Wouldn't it be too much of a loss if I fought with you?" Ye Xiu shook his head.    


If Lin Tian wanted to fight, would Ye Xiu have to fight alongside him? He was not someone who could be manipulated by others.    


"Speak, what conditions do you have? As long as you fight with me, I will agree to any conditions you have. I only want you to fight with me." Lin Tian patted the Profound Treasure Bag on his waist, and then a Profound Artifact Sword that was emitting an astonishing Sword Qi appeared in his hands.    


Sensing the Sword Qi, Ye Xiu understood that the sword in his opponent's hand should be a middle grade Profound Artifact.    


"This Lin Family has really put in a lot of effort to nurture a genius." Ye Xiu muttered.    


Although Ye Xiu did not know how precious middle tier profound artifacts were, the fact that it was not found within the Ye Family proved its value.    


"Lin Tian, swords have no eyes, even if you really want to exchange pointers with Ye Xiu, there is no need to use profound artifacts, right?" Seeing that Lin Tian had revealed a middle ranked Profound Artifact Sword, Ye Zhantian could not sit still.    


Although he was confident in Ye Xiu's strength, but the difference in cultivation level between the two of them was too great, he was not afraid of ten thousand, just in case.    


If something were to happen to Ye Xiu, then it would be useless for Ye Zhantian to kill him, because in his heart, Ye Xiu's value was higher than his life.    


"Clan Leader Ye, if we can't get the Xuan Artifact through sparring, then it would be a waste to fight. Since we're going to fight, then we should naturally go all out. Only by doing so will we respect the performance of our opponents." Lin Tian glanced at Ye Zhantian, and then shifted his focus once again to Ye Xiu.    


That's right, he was waiting for Ye Xiu's reply!    


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