Limitless Arrogant Sovereign



"Drip, drip!"    


When Ye Xiu and Qin Rouer were walking while thinking, the sound of the water droplets around them were still there, and the more they walked, the more concentrated the sounds became.    




At that moment, the sound of another poisonous substance was heard.    


Hearing this voice, both Ye Xiu and the others' expressions changed.    


Especially since the Profound Power that was used up in Ye Xiu's body had not recovered yet, if there was another large amount of poisonous substance inside, the two of them would probably not have much luck.    


"Ye Xiu, quickly look over there."    


While the two of them were being vigilant of their surroundings, Qin Rouer's voice suddenly came out.    


"Hey, why isn't that poison coming over?" Following the direction that Qin Rouer pointed, Ye Xiu discovered a multicolored poisonous object.    


However, this poisonous substance didn't approach them. Instead, it jumped around in the distance.    


This scene was truly abnormal, causing Ye Xiu to frown slightly.    




However, a few seconds later, another shout came from the other side to Ye Xiu's ears.    


This time, when Ye Xiu turned back, the poisonous substance was pouncing towards him and Qin Rouer.    




Because there was only one poisonous object, Ye Xiu very easily split it in half.    


"Ye Xiu, that poison still hasn't arrived."    


When Ye Xiu killed the poisonous object that was pouncing towards the two of them, Qin Rouer realized that the poisonous object that appeared first was still not approaching them.    


"Could it be ?"    


Ye Xiu looked at the poison that he had split in half, and then looked at the poison that was wandering around him, and suddenly his attention landed on the poison.    


Although the colors of the poisonous creatures were very eye-catching, the ones that he killed were even brighter. On the other hand, the ones that were lingering in the distance were slightly darker.    






Just as Ye Xiu was thinking about this, the sound of dripping water once again reached his ears.    


Hearing the voice, Ye Xiu's ears twitched, and he started to observe his surroundings carefully.    


If one did not look carefully, one would not know. However, upon closer inspection, they discovered that there were several small puddles of water near him and Qin Rouer, and that there were droplets of water dripping from each of these puddles.    


"Could it be water?"    


Ye Xiu was shocked, because this water was also extremely toxic, to the point that it could be neutralized by the poison.    


The reason why Lin Tian and Chen Aoxuan were able to survive was because their poison had been neutralized after the two of them had been poisoned.    


Therefore, if Ye Xiu was not mistaken, the reason why the poison object that was lingering in the distance did not dare to come over was because it was afraid of the water in the pool.    


From the faint color of its body, one could tell that its poison had been neutralized. If it continued to neutralize the poison, then the poison would definitely die from the poison in the water.    


"Let's give it a try!"    


As he thought about it, Ye Xiu mumbled to himself, since that poisonous object did not leave, why not try and see if his guess was right or not.    


If it was correct, he just needed to collect the surrounding water. Then, the water would be a sharp weapon in dealing with the poisonous creatures.    


While speaking, Ye Xiu immediately took out his Profound Treasure Bag s and took out a small bottle.    


This was a pill bottle. Originally, it was used to store pills, but now, Ye Xiu took out the pills from inside.    


"Ye Xiu, what are you doing?"    


Seeing Ye Xiu holding onto a small Jade Bottle and walking towards a small pond, Qin Rouer hurriedly asked.    


No matter what, Chen Aoxuan got poisoned after drinking the water from such a puddle. Furthermore, there were so many poisonous substances at this place, so as long as it was water from this underground cave, it should be highly toxic.    


Therefore, Ye Xiu took the Jade Bottle and filled it with water. This confused Qin Rouer, what if the water was poisoned as soon as he touched it?    




When Ye Xiu brought the Jade Bottle to the edge of a small boulder, he swung his sword down with his right hand.    


The power of the sword was perfectly controlled by Ye Xiu, so a sword mark appeared on the rock, and the sword mark was connected to the water hole in the rock, so in the next second, water was flowing along the sword mark.    


Seeing that, Ye Xiu carefully used the Jade Bottle's side to catch the water left behind by the sword marks.    


Because he was being extremely careful, Ye Xiu's hand did not touch the water, not even the bottle.    


As the Jade Bottle was not big, it did not take long for the bottle to be filled with water.    


"Ye Xiu, why are you collecting this poisonous water? What if you get poisoned just by touching the water?" Qin Rouer asked again when she saw Ye Xiu collect all the Jade Bottle.    




But Ye Xiu did not reply him. Instead, he forcefully threw the Jade Bottle in his hand towards the poisonous substance that was lingering nearby.    




When the venomous creature saw that something was flying towards it, it did not dodge but chose to jump up and use its own body to ram it.    


Although these poisonous creatures did not have much intelligence, they knew that as long as they used their body to touch it, they would be able to defeat the enemy. Thus, when they felt something approaching them, their first reaction was not to dodge, but to fight it with their body.    


Ye Xiu could see this from the moment he killed them, because as he slashed with his sword, he realised that not a single poisonous object was able to dodge, and they all rushed towards the Profound Artifact Sword in his hands.    


"Sizzle sizzle!"    


When the poisonous substance crushed the not very strong Jade Bottle, the Toxic Water inside immediately sprinkled onto its body.    


As soon as it fell, sizzling sounds immediately sounded out.    


"So it's like that."    


When Ye Xiu saw that the poisonous substance had started to fester after its skin was drenched by the Toxic Water, he was overjoyed.    


At this time, Ye Xiu even knew why there were still poisonous creatures that would attack them at this place previously. There were also some that did not dare to approach him.    


Ye Xiu guessed, although these poisons themselves were poisonous, they were also unable to control the poison in their own bodies.    


In other words, once the poison in their bodies reached a certain level, they had to drink Toxic Water s to achieve the effect of using poison to fight against poison. This way, the poison in their bodies would naturally become weaker.    


Furthermore, the bright colored one was obviously here to drink, so it was naturally not afraid of these Toxic Water.    


However, the dark colored poison, the poison in its body had almost been neutralized, so the Toxic Water that was originally useful to it had also become something it dreaded.    


This was because if he continued to encounter these Toxic Water, the poison in his body would not be as powerful as the Toxic Water's poison.    


"Leaves..." Ye Xiu, what's wrong with that fellow, it ? How could it be like this! " When Qin Rouer saw the originally multicolored poisonous substance being corroded by the Toxic Water to such an extent, her eyes were immediately filled with shock.    


It had to be known that Qin Rouer had seen this thing drink these Toxic Water, didn't they say that the Toxic Water were harmless to these poisonous creatures?    


But now, the Toxic Water actually poisoned this poisonous substance, which Qin Rouer could not figure out.    


"The reason it doesn't dare to come close is because it fears these Toxic Water, because the poison in its body is no longer enough to fight against these Toxic Water, so it is the same as us. Now that I've used these Toxic Water s to pour poison on its body, it will definitely not be able to withstand the poison and die." Ye Xiu explained.    


"Ah, there's actually such a thing? Even poisons are afraid of poison?" Qin Rouer was shocked.    


Ye Xiu's explanation had really refreshed her understanding of these poisonous substances. It turned out that poisonous substances that were extremely toxic were actually afraid of poisons.    


That was why poisonous substances were rarely seen in damp pools or puddles. Even if one were to see them, these poisonous substances had already reached the limit of poison in their bodies. As a result, they could not afford to pay attention to themselves.    


"Miss Qin, do you have anything on you that can hold these Toxic Water? Let's prepare some for self-defense. " Ye Xiu said.    


Although these Toxic Water were very dangerous, if they were used carefully, these Toxic Water might be able to save their lives.    


For example, if someone was not worried about the poison, then the Toxic Water would have a life-saving effect. Although there would still be residual poison in their body, at least they wouldn't die immediately.    


As long as the poison was properly dealt with, it would automatically be expelled from the body along with the person's metabolism. Therefore, as long as there was enough time, it would naturally be safe and sound.    


"Let me see!"    


As Qin Rouer spoke, he began to rummage through his Profound Treasure Bag.    


"Ye Xiu, is that okay?"    


After rummaging for a while, Qin Rouer took out a wooden basin that was the size of a washbasin.    


"This is ?"    


When Ye Xiu saw the set of equipment, a strange expression appeared in his eyes.    


And when Qin Rouer saw Ye Xiu's appearance, her small face flushed slightly.    


"Miss Qin, I'll borrow your things first. I'll change a new set for you another day." Ye Xiu laughed awkwardly.    


If Ye Xiu guessed correctly, this should be used by Qin Rouer when he was washing his face in the wild, especially this wooden basin. It could fetch water from the river to wash one's face.    


As for this ladle, it was naturally related to washing up. As for the specific uses, Ye Xiu did not speculate too much on it.    


"It's fine. If we need it now, you can use it." Qin Rouer said with a slightly red face.    


After Qin Rouer finished speaking, she directly gave the wooden basin and spoon to Ye Xiu, and then pretended to look around to be on guard.    


In order to avoid awkwardness, Ye Xiu naturally began to use this ladle to collect Toxic Water s from the wooden basin.    


Just like this, in a short period of time, there were a lot of Toxic Water in the wooden basin, and Ye Xiu had basically collected all of the Toxic Water in the nearby puddles.    


"Let's go, let's test the strength of these Toxic Water." Ye Xiu muttered.    


While speaking, Ye Xiu brought the Toxic Water directly back along the road she came from, and upon seeing it, she naturally went after it without saying a word.    




When Ye Xiu could not hear the sound of water dripping from all directions, the familiar voice shouted once again.    


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