Limitless Arrogant Sovereign



Because of the Killing Demon Seven Stars Knife, Qin Tianxu who could originally feel the faint Demon Qi, discovered that the originally annoying aura had disappeared.    


Of course, even if it disappeared, Qin Tianxu did not really believe that the demonic qi was truly gone, but it was only because of the blade in Ye Xiu's hand that the repulsive Demonic Qi was unable to approach him.    


"Ye Xiu, the blade in your hand is so powerful! It can actually repel all the devil aura!" Qin Tianxu exclaimed as he looked at the blade in Ye Xiu's hand.    


"Senior Qin, this is a Killing Demon Seven Stars Knife, a profound artifact specially used to exterminate demons. As a result, it did not repel the surrounding devil energy, but rather eliminated it." Ye Xiu explained.    




Hearing that word, the shock in Qin Tianxu's eyes became even stronger, with just the force of the blade, he was able to kill off all the Demonic Qi, how powerful was this blade?    


However, Ye Xiu had also explained that this was a mystical weapon that specialized in exterminating devils, so naturally, it had its own ways to deal with devilish qi.    


"Senior Qin, don't be too surprised, this blade is only effective against Monster. Against normal humans, it won't even be able to harm their skin." Ye Xiu said.    


While speaking, Ye Xiu waved the Killing Demon Seven Stars Knife in his hand, and the blade instantly slashed across Qin Tianxu's arm.    


However, the blade looked extremely sharp, and Qin Tianxu could feel its coldness, but there was not even a single cut on his arm.    


It was just like a knife without an edge. It did not have the power to kill.    


"What a miraculous blade!"    


Looking at his arm that was unharmed, Qin Tianxu smiled and nodded.    


Although Qin Tianxu was not injured, the Killing Demon Seven Stars Knife was sharp, which meant that Ye Xiu was right, this Killing Demon Seven Stars Knife could only harm demons.    


Qin Tianxu was not a devil and he did not have any devil aura on him, so naturally the Killing Demon Seven Stars Knife would not pose any threat to him.    


"Senior Qin, we are entering the room."    


A distance of twenty to thirty meters was not that far for Ye Xiu and the other two, so it did not take them long to arrive outside the house.    




Just as Ye Xiu finished speaking, he suddenly looked at the door and frowned, because the door was actually locked.    


"Ye Xiu, there's a Profound Array seal on the lock. If you want to break it, there might be some movement." After Qin Tianxu inspected the large lock on the door, his face darkened as he replied.    


It was already late into the night, and the surroundings had become very quiet. If they were to make any noise at this time, it was very likely they would alarm the others.    


If anyone were to alarm the disciples of the Nine Profound Sect, or perhaps, Xu An himself, then Ye Xiu and the rest could forget about entering the house.    


Even if the lock was broken, it would only cause the matter to become bigger.    


Although it was confirmed that there was demonic energy inside the house, but it couldn't appear out of thin air. There must be a carrier emitting demonic energy inside the house.    


Before confirming the location of the host body, the origin of the devil aura was a mystery, so naturally, it was best not to alarm anyone at Nine Profound Sect at this time.    


"Senior Qin, let me try." Ye Xiu said.    


"Ye Xiu, the seal on this Profound Array is very strong. Based on my senses, it should at least be a level six Profound Array that forms the seal. Even if you are a Profound Array Master, your cultivation is too low." Qin Tianxu reminded.    


Let alone Ye Xiu, even a Profound Array Master of the same level as him, wouldn't necessarily be able to undo the seal formed by a level six Profound Array.    


"Senior Qin, I'll try, if it really doesn't work, I won't force it, at that time you can just destroy it, even if Sect Master Xu is alarmed, the existence of demon qi is a fact, at that time we will see how he can explain it." Ye Xiu said.    


Of course, if he really alarmed Xu An, then Ye Xiu would naturally let Qin Tianxu stir up a commotion as much as possible, and it would be best if he could alarm the other sect masters and disciples at the same time.    


If too many sects were alarmed, then the Nine Profound Sect would not dare to act rashly. After all, even if the Nine Profound Sect was not weak, they would still not dare to become enemies with so many sects.    


Of course, alarming the other person was still a good idea, Ye Xiu still wanted to give it a try right now.    


Although Qin Tianxu said that it was a level six Profound Array seal, but judging from Ye Xiu's understanding of the world's Profound Array, all of the world's Profound Array were formed from many array marks.    


The more complex the marks were, the more powerful the Profound Array would be.    


However, there was one fatal weakness in all of this, and there were quite a few loopholes within the complex array marks. The Profound Array Master of this world, however, did not know what to think, because as long as the Profound Array succeeded, it meant that it was a success. They did not consider that they should continue perfecting the Profound Array so that it would not have any loopholes to break through.    


It was because of this reason that Ye Xiu wanted him to give it a try, because even if he did not have enough strength, the moment he found the loophole in the Profound Array's seal, he would be able to easily break it with Qin Tianxu's help.    


Attacking a loophole in the Profound Array would not cause much damage, so as long as one was careful, it would not alert anyone else.    


And just like that, after speaking to Qin Tianxu, Ye Xiu began to inspect the Profound Array seal.    


Indeed, the seal of the Profound Array was very strong, especially against a person with Ye Xiu's cultivation, it could be said to be extremely strong.    


With Ye Xiu's cultivation, if he were to forcibly break the seal, he would definitely die from the backlash from the Profound Array Seal.    


Thus, Ye Xiu was naturally especially cautious at the moment. After all, if he was careless, he might be able to trigger the Profound Array seal, and at that time, his little life would be over.    


However, since Ye Xiu dared to continue the examination, he definitely had a guarantee, otherwise why would he dare take such a risk?    


As time passed, both Qin Tianxu and Leng Yue didn't dare to make a sound, afraid that they would accidentally disturb Ye Xiu.    




When a soft voice came out, Ye Xiu's face revealed a relaxed expression.    


Previously, he was extremely nervous, but after successfully finding the loophole, he quickly escaped from the Profound Array's seal.    


A level six Profound Array could not be set up by Ye Xiu. Of course, this had nothing to do with one's attainments in the Profound Array. The reason why Ye Xiu was unable to set up a level six Profound Array was entirely because of the lack of Profound Power in his body.    


If Ye Xiu's cultivation were to rise, he would definitely be able to set up a level six Profound Array, or even a level six composite Profound Array.    


Actually for Ye Xiu, when he learnt the Third Level and Profound Array from the first level Profound Array, he had already found a pattern.    


It was also because of this rule that he successfully found the loophole in the sixth level of Profound Array.    


"Senior Qin, attack this place, condense the Profound Power in your body into a dot, and then attack with all your might." Ye Xiu reminded as he pointed to the lock in front of him.    




Regarding Ye Xiu's words, Qin Tianxu did not doubt them at all, because the other party was a special person, thus, even if his cultivation was insufficient, he should be able to see through him.    




Following a light shout, Qin Tianxu stretched out his right index finger, and then, gathered the Profound Power within his body into the tip of his finger to strike the big lock with all his might.    




When the sound of a light explosion rang out, the Profound Array Seal which was locked on the big lock disappeared in the next second.    


Moreover, although there was an explosion, it was not loud. He estimated that he could hear nothing more than a few dozen meters away.    


It had to be known that this house was an extremely remote existence within the Nine Profound Sect. It was around a hundred meters away from the nearest house, so a sound of this kind of explosion wouldn't alarm anyone at all.    


Without the seal of the Profound Array, a normal lock simply could not stop Qin Tianxu, who had a high level of Profound Mansion Stage.    


They just saw Qin Tianxu condensing a Profound Power with one hand and then, the lock was directly broken by him.    


Seeing such a large lock being broken so easily by Qin Tianxu, Ye Xiu couldn't help but sigh in amazement at the strength of the Profound Mansion Stage Expert.    


At the same time, Ye Xiu became even more anxious to increase his cultivation, because only if his cultivation was high, then his strength would be high.    


Otherwise, no matter how strong they were, they would be restricted by their cultivation.    


Just like Ye Xiu's current situation, his strength was no weaker than his Perfection of Profound Infant Stage or even the peak level. But just because of his cultivation, his strength would only be able to reach such a level.    


If Ye Xiu's cultivation could reach Profound Infant Stage, then Profound Sea Stage Expert would also have the power to fight. At that time, anyone below the Profound Sea Stage would be invincible.    


"Senior Qin, Leng Yue, I'll walk in front. You two follow me closely, don't go too far." When Ye Xiu slowly pushed open the door, he warned the two people beside him.    


As the door was pushed open, Ye Xiu could clearly feel the Killing Demon Seven Stars Knife in his hand trembling intensely.    


The stronger the Killing Demon Seven Stars Knife's vibrations, the higher the density of the demonic energy, and the stronger its might.    


"Got it!"    


Hearing Ye Xiu's words, Qin Tianxu and Leng Yue nodded together, and then the three of them slowly walked into the house.    


As it was already late at night and there was not a single trace of light in the room, even if the three of them had the ability to see in the dark, the visibility was not high.    


Of course, due to the cultivation level of this [Dark Vision], Qin Tianxu's visibility was the highest and Ye Xiu's was the lowest.    


However, with Ye Long's help, with Ye Long's perception, even he would not be able to compare to her.    


"Master, this room is not very big. The demonic energy should be coming from the room in front of you. Please be careful." Ye Long reminded.    


Even if Ye Xiu had Killing Demon Seven Stars Knife s to protect him, because of his own cultivation, Ye Long would naturally be worried.    


After all, the devilish aura was not an ordinary thing. If the emotions of one were affected by the invasion, then it was extremely likely that one would lose control and go berserk, just like the Zhen Hao from before.    


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