Limitless Arrogant Sovereign



"Ye Xiu, you stop right there!"    


Just as Ye Xiu was about to exit the city gate, a scream came from behind him.    


Hearing the scream, Ye Xiu stopped in his tracks, and at the same time, he stopped in his tracks.    


"Luo Cha, if you dare kill Ye Xiu, I won't live alone, but if you let Ye Xiu go, I'm willing to stay with you, and I'll do whatever you want me to do. I'll do whatever you want me to do, okay?" Ouyang Qianxue looked at Ye Xiu, and then begged him.    


In Ouyang Qianxue's eyes, the moment Ye Xiu left the city, he would probably be killed off by Luo Cha's Soul Slayer within seconds.    


Therefore, before the tragedy happened, Ouyang Qianxue knew that he had to stop it.    


"No problem, as long as you belong to me, I can spare his life." Luo Cha nodded at Ouyang Qianxue.    


The reason why Luo Cha wanted to kill Ye Xiu was because of him, and now that he was willing to be with him, Luo Cha was naturally willing to let go of his life.    


"Sister Xue, you don't have to beg her for my sake, who lives and dies is still uncertain. Sister Xue, you should know my character. I, Ye Xiu, do not put him in my eyes. " Ye Xiu said fiercely.    




Just as he said that, a majestic aura exploded out from Ye Xiu's body.    


At that moment, Ye Xiu opened the door from the inside of his body, and when it did, Ye Xiu's majestic Profound Power immediately started to surge.    


Furthermore, Ye Xiu's imposing manner already exceeded his own cultivation level, so when he opened the door, an aura not one bit inferior to that of the Profound Palace Realm appeared.    




Sensing that an aura no weaker than his was being emitted from the body of a brat with only Peak Profound Sea Stage, Luo Cha's eyes revealed a look of shock.    


"Luo Cha, if you don't kill me today, I will definitely take your life in the future. So, if I were you, I will make my move today, so that I won't regret being killed in the future." Ye Xiu said fiercely.    


"Ye Xiu, since you want to court death so much, I'll grant you that wish." Luo Cha was completely enraged by Ye Xiu's words.    


Since Ye Xiu had already said so, then if Luo Cha was still unmoved, then where was her dignity as an expert?    


"Yaoji, you saw it, I originally wanted to let him live because of you, but now, it seems that he doesn't want to accept your kindness, so don't blame me, he asked for it." Luo Cha said to Ouyang Qianxue, and immediately followed up with a flash of his body and rushed towards Ye Xiu.    


"Come at me!"    


Seeing that, Ye Xiu's figure flashed, and he used a strange footwork to quickly rush out of the city.    




When Luo Cha saw that Ye Xiu's movement skill was extremely special, her eyes revealed a sense of curiosity, because she had never seen such a strange profound skill.    


But so what if it was like that? Forget about Peak Profound Sea Stage Rankers, even if it was the Peak Profound Void Stage Expert s, they had all died miserably under her soul blade.    


Therefore, even if Ye Xiu appeared to be extremely arrogant, Luo Cha did not think too much about it.    


"Ye Xiu!"    


When Ouyang Qianxue saw Luo Cha and Luo Cha leaving the city, she shouted once again and immediately followed suit.    


"Eight Sword Technique!"    


Just as Ouyang Qianxue ran out of the city, the current Ye Xiu was already holding onto his Heaven Sword and fighting with it.    


Of course, the Profound Power in Ye Xiu's body was even more berserk, causing Ouyang Qianxue to be greatly shocked.    


That's right, the moment Ye Xiu rushed out of the city, he immediately opened the Gate of Healing and Gate of Life within his body.    


Facing an expert of the Middle Period of Profound Mansion Stage, Ye Xiu had to go all out, otherwise, he could lose his life at any moment.    


And not only had he opened three gates, Ye Xiu had immediately unleashed his strongest sword technique.    


Using the Eight Sword Technique when there are three gates to open, it would definitely be able to unleash the full might of the Eight Sword Technique.    


"Leaping Style!"    


"Resting Light Style!"    


"Life Illusion Technique!"    


As Ye Xiu continued to display his exquisite sword techniques, Luo Cha was caught unprepared.    


After opening the three gates, Ye Xiu's strength and speed had greatly increased. In addition to the exquisite Eight Sword Technique, for a moment, Luo Cha didn't have the power to resist at all.    


Even if it was just defense, it was enough to make Luo Cha doubt his life.    


"How is this possible?"    


While continuously using the Luohun Blade to block, Luo Cha's face was already extremely ugly to behold.    


Ye Xiu's attacks were simply too powerful, and her opponent's sword techniques were too abnormal, she did not even know how to defend against each and every one of them.    


"Ye Xiu!"    


When Ye Xiu was like a crazy person desperately fighting with his life on the line, at this moment, two figures who were standing at the city gate and watching one retreating and one advancing, were already frozen in place.    


Obviously, even Ouyang Qianxue did not expect that Ye Xiu, whose cultivation was the same as his, would be so powerful, to the point that even Luo Cha was unable to withstand the attack.    


If even such an expert was unable to suppress Ye Xiu, then it was obvious what kind of situation Ouyang Qianxue, who was at the same level as him, was in.    


If he were to exchange blows with him, he would probably be killed in an instant by the opponent.    


Not only Ouyang Qianxue, the other experts near the city gate were also shocked by the battle.    


"Who is that man from the Peak Profound Sea Stage? He actually relied on his own strength to fight against the Middle Period of Profound Mansion Stage and gain the upper hand. This is simply too unbelievable."    


"Oh my god, this is the first time I've seen someone challenge someone to such a level. Is he even human?"    




As the battles continued, the number of spectators grew larger and larger. After all, even though Peak Profound Sea Stage battled against Middle Period of Profound Mansion Stage experts, they still held the upper hand. If this wasn't witnessed personally, who would actually believe that this was true?    


"Master, even if you have the upper hand now, it will still be difficult for you to kill him."    


When Ye Xiu was using his full strength in the battle of Eight Sword Technique, Ye Long's voice sounded.    


Of course, Ye Long could not understand the Eight Sword Technique that Ye Xiu was using, but it was not weak either, so it still had eyes.    


If Ye Xiu was able to kill people, then Luo Cha would have died a long time ago. Although Ye Xiu had the upper hand now, his advantage did not increase.    


Therefore, the current deadlock was definitely not's match. After all, his Profound Power reserves were limited, and adding that the weight of having all three gates open would become greater and greater, once a period of time passed, the situation would change.    


At that time, Ye Xiu would have no other choice but to hide inside the Nine Profound Exquisite Pagoda.    


However, if Ye Xiu was unable to defeat Luo Cha, then Ouyang Qianxue would definitely be in trouble.    


Therefore, since the fight had started and Ye Xiu had appeared, he had to eliminate him no matter what. This was not only to ensure that there would be no more troubles in the future, it was also for Ouyang Qianxue to consider.    


"There's nothing we can do. In this situation, we can only try and see if the Gate of Pain can be opened." Ye Xiu said.    


The Gate of Pain was the fourth of the eight doors. This door was different from the previous three doors. It was not easy to open it.    


In his previous life, Ye Xiu had opened five doors, so he had naturally opened these before, so he naturally knew how to open these doors was the easiest.    


Just like this, Ye Xiu calculated in his mind as he controlled a portion of Profound Power s in his body to attack the Gate of Pain.    


Because at this moment, Ye Xiu was doing two things at once, the advantage he originally had was slowly disappearing.    


When Luo Cha saw that Ye Xiu's attacks were no longer ferocious, her face revealed a trace of ruthlessness, because she knew that if this continued, her opponent would definitely be drained of all his strength.    


After all, Ye Xiu's cultivation was only at the Peak Profound Sea Stage, and the reason why he was able to fight to a standstill with her, must be because he used some kind of secret technique.    


This method of forcefully raising one's strength was very taxing on one's body, so it was definitely impossible to use for a long period of time.    


"Master, your situation isn't right, hurry up and use either the Three Profound Sky Beads or your life is in danger." Seeing that Ye Xiu's previous advantage was no longer, and had instead begun to passively defend, Ye Long became worried.    


However, Ye Xiu did not care about Ye Long's warning, he continued to use the Eight Sword Technique, but its power was no longer as strong as before.    


"Stop, stop!"    


When Ouyang Qianxue saw Ye Xiu taking the upper hand and going from passive defense, she immediately shouted loudly.    


But, the current Luo Cha was already frightened by the strength of Ye Xiu, so even if Ouyang Qianxue begged him, the person in front of him could not continue to live, or else he would become a threat in the future.    


And just like that, Luo Cha's attacks became more and more intense, while hers were more intense. Ye Xiu's situation was not looking optimistic.    


"Master, what exactly are you doing? If you don't use your treasure to counterattack, then you'll be in danger." Ye Long urged.    


"Now is the time!"    


But just as Ye Long finished speaking, Ye Xiu's eyes focused, and then he deliberately revealed a flaw in front of Luo Cha.    


Of course, Ye Xiu intentionally revealed a flaw, but the Heaven Sword in his hand pushed the other party's Luo Soul Saber away.    


Thus, when Luo Cha saw Ye Xiu's entire chest exposed in front of her, she made a palm with her left hand and ruthlessly smashed at it.    




Because Ye Xiu had intentionally exposed his chest to Luo Cha, when the other party had sent a palm strike at him, it was naturally a complete hit.    




Being struck by a Middle Period of Profound Mansion Stage expert's palm, the resulting force was naturally no small matter. Ye Xiu's entire person was directly sent flying, and he was even forced to violently vomit blood as he flew backwards.    


"Ye Xiu!"    


When Ouyang Qianxue saw that Ye Xiu was sent flying by her palm, she immediately shouted out, and then flew back at Ye Xiu with all her might.    


Seeing Ouyang Qianxue pouncing towards Ye Xiu, Luo Cha's eyes turned serious, and in the next moment, she took the opportunity and chased after Ye Xiu with the blade in her right hand.    


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