Limitless Arrogant Sovereign



After Chen Lan, it was finally Leng Yue's turn. However, her luck was not bad as she met an opponent with Perfection of Profound Infant Stage.    


If she did not suppress Leng Yue's cultivation, she would definitely be using Profound Sea Stage Expert now. Therefore, with her strength, it would be easy for her to win.    


And after Leng Yue, there were a few other matches. When the victor of the last match was decided, there was still a bit of time until nightfall.    


"Next, please draw the lot for number 47 and then decide on the final spot to enter the third round." Xu An announced.    


Hearing that, Yan Xiang who was ranked 47, immediately walked up the stage, and upon seeing him go up, the gazes of the 40 or so people who lost the competition immediately landed on him.    


These more than forty losers included the disciples that were eliminated at the same time because of the draw, so naturally there were over forty-six people that admitted defeat.    


"Please, draw your opponent!"    


When Yan Xiang stood on stage, he signalled to the box in front of him.    




Regarding Xu An's request, Yan Xiang naturally did not hesitate to nod his head, and immediately after, he extended his hand and placed his number plate into the box.    


Seeing Yan Xiang's hand reaching in, everyone who lost instantly became spirited, because if anyone got selected, they would naturally be the lucky one.    


There was nothing that could be done about it, Yan Xiang's cultivation was only at the Great Perfection of Profound Infant Stage, even if he had successfully challenged him once to a higher level, in the eyes of the crowd, that was the result of the opponent's carelessness.    


It was because of this that everyone present wished that they would be selected, because only then would they have a greater chance of entering the Sky Sect Site.    


But, facing all the faces that were filled with anticipation, Yan Xiang was not in a hurry, his hand continuously stirred the boxes, but he did not reach out.    


Looking at the unhurried Yan Xiang, the disciples who were waiting one by one were naturally very anxious, but they couldn't say anything. After all, there was no set time for the drawing of lots.    


In the blink of an eye, a minute or two had passed, and at this time, even Xu An, who was standing at the side, could not hold it in any longer. After all, picking a number for one or two minutes was considered too long.    


"I'm sorry, but time is limited. If you don't hurry up and fight, then it won't be good if there's any effect on the competition when it gets dark." Xu An reminded.    


"Oh, oh!"    


Hearing that Xu An had even opened his mouth to speak, Yan Xiang did not delay any further, and immediately after, he took his hand out from the box, and at the same time, held onto a plate in his hand.    


"Because there are tied winners among the eliminated contestants, so if you draw two numbers, you will have to decide who you want to fight against at that time!" Xu An replied.    


Of course, there weren't many draws, so it wasn't easy to get a draw.    


"Sect Master Xu, this number should not be a tie, right?"    


After hearing Xu An's words, Yan Xiang looked at the number plate in his hands, and then gave this number plate to Xu An.    


When everyone saw Yan Xiang handing over his number plate, they became even more nervous. It was just that a few of their faces had already revealed their disappointment.    


"Number 30!"    


When Xu An looked at the number on the number plate, he announced it.    




Upon hearing this number, a few of the people below the stage immediately shouted out.    


In the next second, this man jumped up from below the stage, his eyes full of excitement and excitement.    


He originally thought that he wouldn't have a chance once he lost the match, but he never thought that he would be the lucky one for the final match of the second round.    


"This junior brother, thank you, but even if you helped me out a lot, I still cannot give you the victory in this match because this Sky Sect Site is extremely important to me. If you miss it, you will not be able to enter." The man stood on the stage and thanked Yan Xiang.    


It was only when the man entered the stage that Yan Xiang recognized him. Wasn't this the man who was forced to fight against the knife-wielding man, and lost the match in the end?    


In that round, Ye Xiu had even made Yan Xiang pay attention to the saber-wielding man's attack method, because that was the way to win.    


After that, Ye Xiu gave a hint and this hint made Yan Xiang understand something.    


Although Yan Xiang was somewhat unwilling to get the Peak Profound Infant Stage Expert, but since things had already come to this point, he could only give it his all.    


Furthermore, with Ye Xiu's previous suggestion, Yan Xiang was not certain to lose.    


"Just do your best, I won't easily hand over the victory to you." Yan Xiang said fiercely.    


"The two of you, are you ready? If you are, then the final match of the second round will officially begin." Xu An announced.    


The two rounds of the competition was almost over. This was naturally good news to Xu An, because there were no problems during this period.    


As the host, they naturally had to ensure that the competition went on smoothly. Only by doing this would they not lose face.    


To a sect, face was naturally very important. If they lost all face, then no matter how strong that sect was, it would definitely fall down in the future.    


"I'm ready!"    


When the two heard Xu An's words, they both nodded their heads at the same time.    


"Let the competition begin!"    


Hearing the two's words, Xu An softly announced.    


Under Xu An's orders, Yan Xiang immediately summoned his Profound Artifact Sword out.    


When the other person saw Yan Xiang use his Profound Artifact Sword, he naturally did not hesitate to summon his own.    


Although his cultivation was higher than Yan Xiang's, but it was his second chance, so he could not be careless.    


If he lost this precious opportunity because of carelessness, then even he wouldn't be able to forgive himself.    


Of course, if he went all out and lost, he would have a clear conscience.    


"Junior brother, because this opportunity was given to me by you and your cultivation is weaker than mine, I let you make the first move and it can be considered as you being worthy." Yan Xiang's opponent said softly with a Profound Artifact Sword in his hand.    


With a treasured sword in hand, his chances of winning would be even higher, so he did not want his opponent to end the match without even making a move.    


"Thank you, then I won't be polite."    


With regards to his opponent's words, Yan Xiang did not reject them, and calmly chose to accept.    




Following a loud shout, the Profound Power in Yan Xiang's body exploded, and the Profound Artifact Sword in his hand directly slashed at his opponent.    


"Come at me!"    


Facing Yan Xiang's attack, the man immediately shouted out loud, and then he too rushed forward with his sword.    


Allowing Yan Xiang to attack first did not mean that the man had to stand still to withstand the attack.    


Therefore, for the man to take action after Yan Xiang had made his move, it did not count as breaking the promise.    




As the two figures battled, the sound of clashing metals continuously rang out.    


But what made people feel strange was that although Yan Xiang's cultivation was obviously lower than his, the battle between the two did not end in failure.    


This was obviously illogical.    


Towards this point, Yan Xiang's opponent had a face full of astonishment. He realized that every single move and every single move was being suppressed, to the point where they couldn't even display their true strength.    


Yan Xiang understood his advice, and fused the Eight Sword Technique and the basic sword technique into his own sword technique.    


Whether it was the Eight Sword Technique or the basics of sword technique, Yan Xiang only knew a little of it, but even a little of it was enough for this world.    


What was worth mentioning was that Ye Xiu had passed the knowledge of sword arts to the four of them not long after he taught them the basics of swordsmanship.    


Although the Eight Sword Technique was very important to Ye Xiu, but from the comprehension level of Lin Tian and the others, even if the Eight Sword Technique was taught, there were not many that could truly learn it.    


The Eight Sword Technique was ever-changing. Everyone had different comprehensions to the sword techniques, and the sword techniques they learned were also different, which was why Ye Xiu was able to impart the sword techniques to everyone so brazenly.    


Furthermore, the reason why Long Yazi was willing to join Five Elements' Sect was because of Ye Xiu's sword techniques.    


Yan Xiang's talent was a little worse than Xu Zifeng's, so she was naturally inferior in comprehending the Eight Sword Technique.    


But, for Yan Xiang to be the disciple with the strongest Five Elements Sect, there must be a side of him that was beyond ordinary. Therefore, even if his comprehension of Eight Sword Technique was not high, and his comprehension of the basics of sword arts was not high, fusing these two comprehensions into his own sword techniques could still be considered as a type of ability.    


Regarding this, Ye Xiu had discovered it during the first round of the competition. Although Ye Xiu had warned him during the first round, he did not truly use the basics of the sword techniques, but fused a bit of the insights into his own sword techniques.    


After that, Ye Xiu checked on the sword technique and found that it was more suitable for Yan Xiang to integrate with it.    


Thus, in his previous reminders, Ye Xiu always used his perspective of Yan Xiang to remind him how to face his enemy.    


Just like this, time ticked by second by second. Although Yan Xiang who was on stage seemed to struggle as he fought hard, but anyone with a discerning eye could tell that he was not the one who was at a disadvantage.    


"Elder Ye, looks like Yan Xiang has stabilized this match." Xu Zifeng looked at Yan Xiang's performance on the stage and could not help but nod his head.    


Yan Xiang was able to integrate his comprehension of the other sword techniques into his own sword techniques, and with regards to this point, Xu Zifeng was inferior.    


However, although Xu Zifeng's talent was not as good as Song Qianqian's, he was still much stronger than Lin Tian's and Chen Aoxuan's. Therefore, in his hands, the Eight Sword Technique could already display some of its power.    


Of course, as mentioned before, if they had comprehended different Eight Sword Technique, then the Eight Sword Technique that they had used would also be different. Adding on to that, other than Ye Xiu, no one else had learned Eight Gates of Limitless.    


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