Limitless Arrogant Sovereign



"Don't forget, you're still in my Profound Array. How about this, if you can get out of this Profound Array, consider it my loss?"    


In regards to Xu Zifeng's warning, Ye Xiu did not pay attention to it. Instead, he reminded the other party back with a smile.    




Regarding Ye Xiu's words, Xu Zifeng was stunned, but when he thought about everything that happened to him, his brows knitted slightly.    


The Profound Array also had its own array, but he had never seen such a array before, not even Ye Xiu's method of setting it up.    


"I didn't know this was an illusory magic array, that's why I was tricked. Are you sure you want to bet with me?" Xu Zifeng asked.    


"Hehe, I, Ye Xiu, have always been one for words, as long as you leave this Profound Array, I will admit defeat, and then, I will personally bring you to the Five Elements Trial Field to see for yourself." Ye Xiu gently smiled.    




Hearing Ye Xiu's words, Xu Zifeng did not hesitate and nodded his head to agree.    


Although he had never seen this Profound Array before, as long as it was a Profound Array, there was nothing he would be afraid of. After all, he was a Third Level Profound Array Master.    


"Alright, get ready. I'm going to reopen the formation."    


After Xu Zifeng agreed to it, Ye Xiu gave a reminder, and changed his hands again, allowing the Profound Array to circulate once more.    


"A piece of cake."    


It was just as Xu Zifeng had said. Now, he knew that this was an illusory magic array, so everything he saw was fake.    


Therefore, as long as he adhered to this belief, the illusion array would have no effect on him, and at that time, he would use his strength to break this Profound Array.    


"You unfilial disciple, kneel down!"    


Just as Xu Zifeng took a deep breath to calm himself down, an angry voice came out, followed by a powerful pressure acting on his body.    


Although Xu Zifeng knew that the Master that appeared in front of him again today was fake, this strong pressure was simply too real.    


"Evil disciple, you actually dare to disobey my orders? Watch as I destroy you." Seeing that Xu Zifeng still had not knelt down, the Master in front of him was once again enraged.    


In the next second, the powerful pressure increased again.    




But right at this moment, Xu Zifeng, who was originally persevering, suddenly kneeled down on the ground with a thump, and even his entire body started to tremble.    


"What's going on?"    


Seeing that his body actually couldn't help but kneel down, Xu Zifeng's face was full of shock, because at this moment, he discovered that he was actually unable to control his own body.    


He clearly knew that this Master in front of him was fake, but why did he still kneel down truthfully? In fact, his entire body was no longer under his control.    


"How is it, are you my opponent now?"    


At this time, Ye Xiu's voice resounded in Xu Zifeng's mind. Of course, the current him did not appear.    


"I ?"    


Hearing Ye Xiu's words, Xu Zifeng was immediately at a loss for words. Indeed, even if he had a higher cultivation and strength, what use did it have? His body was not under the control of his brain at all.    


Which is to say, if Ye Xiu wanted to kill him at this time, even ten of him would only be a matter of time.    


"I've lost!"    


Thinking of this, Xu Zifeng lowered his head silently.    


Although his cultivation was much higher than Ye Xiu, if he were to fight face to face, victory or defeat would not be a problem.    


However, as a dual cultivator, Xu Zifeng was very clear that the true strength of dual cultivators was the combination of their strength and Profound Array.    


And now, Ye Xiu had used his own Profound Array to successfully control him, so it was no wonder that he lost this match.    


"You're really admitting defeat?"    


Ye Xiu asked again.    


No matter what, Xu Zifeng and his Master came here to take a look at the Five Elements Trial Field. If all of their efforts were to be wasted because of him admitting defeat, then at that time, he might even be punished by his Master.    


"Don't worry, my Master won't hit me anymore, because he knows how important I am to him." Xu Zifeng seemed to have seen through Ye Xiu's worry, so he gave an explanation.    


"Then do you hate your Master? After all, I beat you like this when I was young, and I tortured you like that. " Ye Xiu asked.    


Ye Xiu was not an idiot, so even if he had only watched a little, he could easily deduce the entire situation from that tiny bit of information just now.    


Don't look at how high Long Yazi's cultivation was, his Middle Period of Profound Void Stage was much higher than Ling Zhen's.    


However, what was the use of having a high cultivation base? If he couldn't continue to level up, he would only stay where he was.    


If he didn't advance, he'd retreat. Therefore, Long Yazi had to use all of his strength to nurture Xu Zifeng, and nurture the other party to become a genius that surpassed him. This way, one day, he would be able to avenge himself.    


It was a pity that Long Yazi's initial education had been too overboard, causing him to have a serious psychological trauma.    


If not for this, how could a simple illusion formation be able to perfectly control a powerhouse at the peak of the Profound Pill Realm without being able to move?    


What he could not move was his body, and his body was the most honest. If not for the torture and blows that he had accumulated over time, how could his body have such a huge reaction?    


"I hate you!"    


Xu Zifeng said after hesitating for a few seconds.    


"But I don't blame him, because if it wasn't for him, perhaps I would have already frozen to death and absolutely never have such an achievement. Although he was extremely strict with me in the beginning, it was precisely because of his severity that made me the current me." Xu Zifeng said.    




Hearing Xu Zifeng's words, Ye Xiu silently nodded his head, he waved his hand and the next second, the illusion formation disappeared, and the two of them once again activated Training Field.    




When Ye Xiu and Xu Zifeng reappeared, the entire area around their Training Field was instantly in an uproar.    


The reason was simply because Xu Zifeng was currently kneeling in front of Ye Xiu, and this posture made everyone think that Ye Xiu had won this competition.    


"Zifeng, you lost?"    


When Long Yazi, who was standing beside Training Field, saw the kneeling Xu Zifeng, his expression suddenly changed as he asked.    


"Master, I'm sorry. I lost."    


Faced with his Master's accusation, Xu Zifeng lowered his head and admitted his wrongs.    


"Senior Long, don't be angry yet. The reason why he lost this competition isn't because of you, but because of your relationship with him."    


Just as Xu Zifeng was admitting defeat, Ye Xiu took two steps forward and sternly said as he looked at Long Yazi.    




With regards to Ye Xiu's accusation, Long Yazi naturally could not understand, as he did not participate in the competition, why did Xu Zifeng's loss fall on his head?    


"Senior Long, I know that you don't understand right now, so I'll explain it to you. Do you know what kind of Profound Array I just set up for him?" Ye Xiu asked.    


"What Profound Array?"    


Faced with Ye Xiu's inquiry, Long Yazi naturally did not know anything. Although he had some understanding of the Profound Array, he had never seen the way Ye Xiu set up the formation before, so he naturally did not know what that Profound Array was.    


"It's a very simple illusion formation, and the one who defeated him wasn't me, but you in the illusion formation. It's because of your relationship that he can't move in the illusion formation, and if I really am an enemy, right now, he is already dead beyond dead." Ye Xiu explained.    


"Me? How could I be in this illusion array? " Long Yazi was very confused.    


I was clearly outside the Training Field, why am I in some kind of illusory magic array?    


"Oh, or perhaps it's the you from before, the you he faced when he was young. Think about it, when he was young, how you treated him. Although he has grown up now, there is already a huge shadow in his heart." Ye Xiu continued.    


After hearing Ye Xiu's words, Long Yazi began to recall his memories, and this time, it seemed that he had really gone a bit overboard.    


Originally, all of these things were already in the past. Furthermore, with Xu Zifeng's strength becoming more and more powerful, Long Yazi had not fought against him for a long time.    


It was also because of this that he had already experienced the events of his childhood, but he never would have thought that it would be so deeply engraved in Xu Zifeng's heart, and would even have formed a mental devil that troubled him.    


Although the illusion formation was a coincidence for Ye Xiu, it was fortunate that it was only a competition. If it was a life and death battle, Xu Zifeng would definitely lose his life inside.    


At that time, no matter how talented you are, a single inner demon is enough to destroy everything.    


"Senior Long, as a Master, it is understandable that you wish for your own disciple to become famous, but your way of doing things is too ruthless. You cannot force the things that you cannot accomplish onto others, and while doing so seems to be helping him, but in reality, it is robbing him of everything, making him feel like he is not himself in this world."    


"If a person loses his self-control, then one day he will truly possess absolute strength. When that time comes, this world will definitely suffer a great calamity. The first person to suffer will be you, the person that will make his heart demon."    




When Long Yazi was immersed in his memories, Ye Xiu was still talking nonstop.    


In Ye Xiu's heart, the relationship between master and disciple was an existence that could not be desecrated, but the relationship between master and disciple was filled with hatred, he could not accept it.    


And it was because of this reason that Ye Xiu said so much to Long Yazi, because he was the key to causing Xu Zifeng's inner demon, so to remove the inner demon, he had to personally do it himself.    


As the saying goes, to remove a bell, one had to tie it to someone else. To make Xu Zifeng forget about the past and eliminate the inner demons, that could only be done by relying on Long Yazi.    


Of course, as for how Long Yazi could remove the inner demons in the depths of his heart, the only way was to make sure that the latter no longer hated him.    


Hatred was the source of the demonheart. Once the hatred was dispelled, the demonheart would naturally cease to exist.    


"Zifeng, do you blame me?"    


After he clearly recalled every detail of the past, Long Yazi asked as he looked at Xu Zifeng who was on the Training Field.    


Long Yazi had never thought about this problem until now, but today, when Ye Xiu brought it up again, he realized that he seemed to have really done something wrong.    


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