Limitless Upgrading System: From Ant To Dominator

C991 Leave Is the Best Plan

C991 Leave Is the Best Plan

If that thing had entered Di's cave... wouldn't that thing have been able to silently harm people, or even Zhou Hao?    


Di said that thing was sliding down, and Zhou Hao's cave was right under Di's cave. In other words, that thing must have passed by Zhou Hao's cave, but he didn't know.    


But he didn't know... didn't that mean that the thing could have quietly taken care of him?    


Hiss -    


Zhou Hao sucked in a breath of cold air.    


"What are you thinking about?" Di asked.    


Zhou Hao recovered and said, "I am thinking about what that thing is."    


Di lowered her head and let out a long breath. She seemed to be in a very low mood.    


She said, "Strange things often happen in Desolation Land. There are also many Vicious Beast. That thing can't be some powerful Vicious Beast, right?"    


After saying that, she looked at Zhou Hao again and said with a smile, "But, your current cultivation base is already at the Holy Spirit Stage. You must be able to defeat that thing, right?"    




Zhou Hao paused for a moment and said, "That thing doesn't look simple. I don't have much confidence in it. However, if we really encounter it, I will do my best!"    


Di snorted and said, "Don't say that. How can it raise the morale of others and destroy their own prestige!"    


Zhou Hao laughed dryly and forced his chest out. He said, "You are right!"    


He laughed dryly on the surface and laughed bitterly in his heart.    


Of course, Di did not know how terrifying it would be if something that even his perception could avoid was. ...    


However, it was true. The good thing was that Zhou Hao had broken through to the Holy Spirit Stage.    


It was only when he broke through to the Holy Spirit Stage that he sensed a dangerous Qi.    


If this Qi was the thing Di saw, then it could be estimated that Zhou Hao, who was at the Holy Spirit Stage, might still be able to fight that thing.    


"If we can stop fighting, then we won't fight anymore. Let's leave this place first..." Zhou Hao said.    


Di giggled and said, "Are you scared?"    


Zhou Hao tsked and said, "Of course not. This is called strategy, understand? As long as there is a green mountain, there is no need to worry about not having firewood to burn! "    


Di nodded and said, "Alright, alright. I'll listen to you. It's fine as long as you're alive, but..."    


She widened her big eyes and shone with a strange light. She looked at Zhou Hao and said, "Don't you think that since you're now at the Holy Spirit Stage, you need those things to practice? Try the power of a Holy Spirit Stage? "    


Zhou Hao muttered, "You think too much. You still don't know what that thing is like, and you still need to practice... It would be good if you don't lose your life..."    


"Wu ~"    


Di's readers pouted and said, "Yes, yes, yes. You're right. Then are we going out now?"    




Zhou Hao shook his finger and said, "Not now. We have to wait."    


He could sense that the dangerous aura outside was still lingering, so it was best not to go out for now.    


Di nodded. She couldn't make the decision now. Since the opponent was a Holy Spirit Stage, and his cultivation base was much higher than hers, she naturally had to listen to him.    


It was right to listen to him.    


Zhou Hao carefully sensed the situation outside. Then, he suddenly made a gesture of silence, signaling Di not to speak.    


He sensed that the unknown aura outside the cave seemed to have suddenly become stronger, like water rising.    


With the rise of the sky, the water could carry a boat and also capsize a boat.    


The aura outside gradually became stronger, and it gradually became more and more terrifying...    


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