Weapon Master

C28 Spiritual Beast

C28 Spiritual Beast



In Maze Realm Forest, loud and clear howls of wolves suddenly broke the tranquility of the early morning. Within the short shrubs, dozens of sturdy Black Wolves were sprinting forward, as fast as lightning.    


A few dozen meters in front of the pack of wolves, a figure was running frantically. It was Tang Huan.    


"Damn it, after entering the Maze Realm Forest for more than ten days, it?s one thing that I can't even find a single low-grade gem, but how come I would be chased by these beasts when I wanted to sleep!"    


Tang Huan was depressed and cursed repeatedly in his heart, but he did not dare stop in his tracks.    


In his previous life, he had also seen wolves at the zoo, but those wolves were only as big as dogs. However, all the wolves in Maze Realm Forest were actually close to one meter tall, especially that one who looked like the Leader Wolf. It was even huger, and was as strong as a horse.    


Just yesterday, Tang Huan saw a fellow who supposed to be a Stage Two Martial Disciple being torn apart by a few big Black Wolves. After a little while, there were only pieces of bones.    


Right now, there were dozens of Black Wolves chasing him. Once he was surrounded, the result would be very miserable.    


During the past ten or so days since he had entered the Maze Realm Forest, Tang Huan had been extremely vigilant at night, constantly paying attention to his surroundings. After continuously being vigilant for so many days, he was already so tired to the point of being unable to endure any longer, and since he did not encounter any sort of danger during the previous few nights, he decided to rest for a while last night and had a sound sleep.    


However, he didn't expect that the wolf pack would find him at dawn.    


When Tang Huan woke up, the wolf pack was already a hundred meters away. Tang Huan did not even have time to pack up his tent or food before he ran off grabbing his Fire Cloud Sword.    


Last night, Tang Huan intentionally chose an empty place to sleep, so that he would be able to discover danger. However, it turned out to be a great disadvantage to him.    


In such an area, the wolves chasing him were almost unstoppable.    


Even if Tang Huan activated his Genuine Qi and ran frantically, he could not compare to the four legged Black Wolf. Just few moments, the distance between the two sides was shortened by half.    


Fortunately, there was a forest not far ahead.    


One hundred meters ... Fifty meters ... Thirty meters ... Ten meters ...    




Tang Huan fled into the lush forest like an arrow that had left the bow.    


His eyes quickly swept across the area, and after a moment, Tang Huan selected a tree that was around 20-30 meters tall, and climbed upwards like an ape. He reached the tree branch that was about 10 meters above the ground in a few steps, and felt that it was still not safe, thus Tang Huan climbed another few meters.    


Immediately after, dozens of Black Wolves rushed into the forest and surrounded the big tree.    


"Awoo!" The sturdy head wolf howled and a few Black Wolves took a few steps forward and started chewing on the tree trunk crazily.    


"An animal is an animal, you think this ..."    


Seeing that, Tang Huan could not help but laugh out loud, but before he finished speaking, his laughter suddenly stopped, and his eyes revealed shock that was difficult to hide. The speed at which the Black Wolves were chewing on the tree trunk was astonishing. The tree pieces flew around their mouth, and in a short while, a circle of the tree trunk was bitten off.    


If this trend continued, this tree, which took almost two people to hold together, would probably be bitten off in less than a minute.    




The huge and strong head wolf let out another heaven-shaking roar, raising its head to look up, its pair of ghastly green eyes seemed to ridicule him.    


Listening to the cracking sounds coming from below, Tang Huan felt his scalp go numb.    


"You are all vicious. I do not believe that you can bite all the trees off in this forest!"    


Tang Huan grinded his teeth and cursed, in a moment, he swept his gaze across the area, and then quickly ran along the thick branches, after a while, he jumped up high and landed on another big tree more than 10 meters away, but at the same time, the wolves closed in from below once again.    


"Crack, crack, crack ..."    


The Black Wolves who were chewing on the tree trunk changed, but that kind of voice that made people feel soft teeth once again sounded out, after staying for just a little while, Tang Huan had no choice but to change his position.    


After about half an hour, the tree he was stopping over had already changed a few dozen.    


The wolves below completely aimed at him, and they followed him wherever he went, then began to bite the tree trunks. Under this kind of situation, Tang Huan didn't dare to get down to the ground.    


Tang Huan was caught between a rock and a hard place, if he had known this earlier, he would not have climbed up the tree. If he had continued to run in the forest, with the help of the trees, he might have been able to change the situation.    


However, at this point, it was too late for regret.    


"I can't be in the situation like this."    


Tang Huan thought quickly, "This pack of wolves is too troublesome. If they stay under the tree for more than ten days and don't leave, even if I am not eaten by them, I would starve to death in the end. Moreover, after dying of starvation, I would still become the food of those beasts below."    


After thinking about it, Tang Huan moved to another big tree to settle down on again.    




The wolf pack followed him again, but halfway through, the head wolf suddenly howled.    


The wolf pack immediately turned around but all charged towards another tree. In a split-second, that tree was surrounded.    




Tang Huan was surprised, but he did not act rashly. In his mind, it was very likely that the wolves were tired of chasing after him, and the reason they had made such a move was to lure him down from the tree, and now, there were probably Black Wolf lying in ambush around.    


In the next moment, Tang Huan immediately counted, only to realize that the number of Black Wolves around the big tree did not decrease at all.    


All of the Black Wolves that were chasing him were there!    




Just as Tang Huan was confused, the head wolf suddenly growled. It took two steps forward and used its claws to smack the slightly concave piece of tree bark in front of it onto the ground.    


In a flash, a hole the size of a washbasin appeared.    




Inside the hole, a blue beast the size of a soccer ball was curled up into a ball, trembling in fear. Even from where Tang Huan was standing, one could see the tears glistened in its black eyes, it looked pitiful.    


"Awoo!" In the next moment, almost all of the Black Wolves opened their mouths and roared, and their voices revealed excitement which were hard to hide.    


"Yiya!" "Yiya ..."    


The small blue beast desperately squeezed its way inside, its mouth producing a childish cry. The tears in its large eyes could no longer be concealed as they fell down in long streams.    


Tang Huan was not a compassionate person, but when he saw its pitiful appearance, he couldn't help but feel pity for it in the bottom of his heart.    


"Isn?t this little one a Spiritual Beast? Otherwise, why would it have such a human-like expression? "    


Tang Huan could not help but mutter. In this world, Spiritual Beast were an extremely rare life form, they could absorb spirit energy like humans, and they were extremely perceptive in spirituality. Maybe their strength was not strong enough, but they would usually possess some extremely miraculous and unbelievable ability.    


The pitiful state of the little blue beast made the wolf pack even more excited. They couldn't help but approach the hole with eyes full of greed.    




When the head wolf saw this, it bared its fangs and let out an angry roar. The surrounding wolves immediately became clear-headed, and no one dared to challenge its authority. They hurriedly retreated with their tails between its legs.    


"Yiya! Yiya! ..."    


Just then, the blue beast seemed to have sensed Tang Huan's existence, and looked at him through the hole, its round and bright eyes full of pleading.    


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