Weapon Master

C22 Melt Spirit Liquid

C22 Melt Spirit Liquid

?"This time, it's definitely going to be successful!"    


In the afternoon two days later, Tang Huan was beaming with joy as he looked at the long blade in the huge wooden barrel.    


This was the fourth low-level weapon that Tang Huan had consecutively forged.    


After losing that "Ink Spirit Stone", Tang Huan failed two more times, which caused him losing both the Shadow Moon Stone and the Golden Red Stone.    


The reason why Tang Huan failed using "Shadow Moon Stone" to forge the long sword was that he was not familiar with this kind of gem and had not refined it thoroughly enough. In the end, when he smeared it, some of the impurities seeped into the inner parts of the sword billet, causing the forging to fail.    


When he was forging the axe using the "Golden Red Stone", at the time that the weapon billet was fusing with the gem juice, the coordination of the Genuine Qi and the True Fire went awry, and he failed once again.    


Having failed three times, Tang Huan realized that he had been extremely lucky that day when he passed the examination.    


However, even though he had consecutively failed, Tang Huan did not feel discouraged in the slightest, on the contrary, his interest had even increased greatly.    


When he was on Earth in his previous life, he had experienced countless failures. It was because of his persistence and perseverance that he had become a famous master of swordsmith on Earth at such a young age. Now that he came to this Glory Continent, how could Tang Huan be defeated by a few failures?    


After every failure, Tang Huan would carefully learn from his mistakes.    


By the fourth time, Tang Huan was already extremely confident. Although the process of forging couldn't be said to be flawless, but there was nothing to criticize either. Tang Huan was very satisfied.    


Right now, the long blade was in the process of being quenched. As soon as the quenching was completed, a low-level weapon would be produced.    


Tang Huan stood beside the barrel with a smile on his face, continuously assessing the time in his heart.    


Because that piece of "Thunder Light Stone" was relatively large, Tang Huan specially forged a heavy weapon. The weight of the blade exceeded fifteen kilograms, and from the hilt to the tip, the length of the blade reached one and a half meters. Moreover, the widest part of the blade was more than fifteen centimeters. If this weapon was paired with a "Thunder Light Stone," the power would definitely be extraordinary.    


"Now is the time!"    


Tang Huan's eyes slightly gazed, his right hand directly reaching into the water bucket, grabbing the blade out.    


In the next moment, Tang Huan was immediately dumbfounded.    


This entire long blade was extremely black, it did not even have a hint of the elegant demeanor of a low-level weapon. From this long blade, Tang Huan could not sense any hint of the berserk intent of lightning.    


"Another failure? How is that possible? "    


Tang Huan looked at his long blade in a daze, his face was filled with surprise, he could not believe his eyes, "Could it be that some steps went wrong?"    


After a while, Tang Huan took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down, and slowly memorized the process of forging the long blade.    


"Forging weapon billet, refining the gem, smearing the juice, fusing the juice and the weapon billet... The timing of the quenching process was also chosen quite well. This means that before quenching, there would not be any problems ... "    


"Could it be that the process of quenching is too long or too short?"    


Tang Huan was not sure.    


In the past, whether it was on Earth in his previous life or it was after he had come the Glory Continent, he would only forge normal weapons. He was very experienced in the quenching of ordinary weapons. As long as there were no problems with the quenchant, then there was no possibility of him failing the quenching of ordinary weapons.    


But now, it was the first time that he had tried to quench a low-level weapon, so Tang Huan did not dare guarantee that he could grasp the timing accurately.    


While he was thinking, Tang Huan's eyes slightly closed, his palm was filled with Genuine Qi, sweeping across the blade time and time again.    


Not long after, a flame ignited on Tang Huan's palms.    


"I understand, there's a problem with the quenchant!"    


After a long while, Tang Huan suddenly shouted in realization, and ran towards the backyard like a wisp of smoke.    


Not long later, Tang Huan ran back again, holding a black jade jar in his arms, he opened it up and took a look, there was some almost transparent liquid inside.    


"That's right, this is it."    


Tang Huan beamed. The transparent liquid in the jar should be called 'Melt Spirit Liquid'.    


Before this, although the young Tang Huan was extremely interested in forging, he had never been able to get through the Spiritual Meridian and cultivate the Genuine Qi. The old blacksmith had also not imparted him much knowledge on how to forge graded weapons, but had only taught him how to forge common weapons. Unfortunately, although young Tang Huan had a bit of strength, his perception was not high. The ordinary weapons that he forged were also of an ordinary quality, which made the old blacksmith teach him even less.    


The young Tang Huan did not have any friends in Furious Waves City, nor did anyone communicate with him. All Tang Huan knew at present was what the old blacksmith casually mentioned about after lunch.    


In this regard, the young Tang Huan's knowledge was truly lacking.    


Just like this "Melt Spirit Liquid", the old blacksmith had once casually mentioned that if the water quality was ordinary, he would have to add it into the quenchant before quenching the low-level weapon.    


Tang Huan thought back to when he went to the old blacksmith's room to look for gems and saw the contents of the jar. Only then did he remember the unintentional words the old blacksmith said a few years ago.    


Thinking back carefully to the dosage that the old blacksmith mentioned, Tang Huan poured a little of the "Melt Spirit Liquid" in, and the transparent liquid quickly dispersed and blended into the water, and with the addition of the "Melt Spirit Liquid", the water in the bucket started to sparkle.    


"With this' Melt Spirit Liquid ', I can definitely succeed!"    


Tang Huan put the lid on the jar and clenched his teeth as he waved his fist a few times. Then, he fiercely looked at the only "Fire Cloud Stone" remaining, that was like a cluster of crystals.    


"Ding!" "Clang ..."    


The clanging sounds rang out once again in the blacksmith's shop.    


Unknowingly, it was already evening.    


"Success! I finally succeeded! "    


Finally, a joyous laugh echoed throughout the blacksmith's shop. Beside the huge barrel, Tang Huan was dancing with joy.    


At the moment, Tang Huan was holding a broadsword in his hands.    


The entire sword was about a meter long and as wide as a palm. The entire sword was painted with a dark red color, and not only was it faintly red in color, it was also continuously emitting a fiery aura.    


This broadsword was one that Tang Huan had just forged using a "Fire Cloud Stone."    


"After wasting hundreds of gold coins, I've finally forged it!"    


After a while, Tang Huan finally calmed down from his excitement, but there was still a smile on his face.    


Just thinking about the four gems that he had lost consecutively, Tang Huan couldn't help but feel some pain. One "Ink Spirit Stone" worth fifty gold coins, one "Shadow Moon Stone" worth about ninety gold coins, one "Golden Red Stone" worth one hundred and fifty gold coins, and one "Thunder Light Stone" worth three hundred gold coins.    


After calculation, he had lost almost six hundred gold coins, which was more than total income of the three weapons that Tang Huan had sold a few days ago.    


"Since it was fused with a 'Fire Cloud Stone', then it is called 'Fire Cloud Sword'."    


Tang Huan muttered. On a whim, he immediately waved the Fire Cloud Sword, showing the "Nine Moves of Wandering Dragon" nonstop in the smithy.    


In a split-second, amidst the hissing sounds of the sword, a blazing heat spread out crazily.    


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