Weapon Master

C914 Tang huan you deserve to die!

C914 Tang huan you deserve to die!

Even though Leng Yu had only stepped into the Sky Origin, his strength was definitely stronger than ordinary cultivators of the Sky Origin.    


As a result, this time, other than the middle stage Divine Weapon 'Absolute Yang Scarlet Scale Sword' that Tang Huan had not used, he did not hold anything back. First, he used 'Space Moving' to avoid its attack and lure it in, then 'Yin and Yang Void Method' to suddenly launch an attack.    


With the form of "Overlord's Arts", not only did Tang Huan mobilize the incomparably majestic True Essence, the heat generated by the "Great Ultimate Spiritual Fire" had also been pushed to the extreme.    


Not only that, Tang Huan had even used "Flying Astral Soul Explosion" once!    


Under this kind of attack, even the cultivators at the peak of the Essence Condensation Realm ranked above the Earth Rank would be severely injured.    


However, even though Tang Huan's opponent was an expert of the Sky Origin Realm, he was still a little unwilling to see how far Leng Yu would be forced to under this attack.    


After all, there was an entire realm of difference in their cultivations. If not for Tang Huan, the other Origin Condensation Cultivators would not have had the courage to challenge Leng Yu.    




An incomparably dazzling blood-red light rose, and instantly tore apart the sea of flames. Leng Yu's figure appeared once again, his entire body enveloped in a thick layer of blood light, and the longsword in his hand streaked across the sky like a rainbow.    


A bone-chilling cold surged out from the sword in waves wherever it passed. The surrounding flames were swiftly extinguished and the heat gradually disappeared.    


At this time, Leng Yu looked like a vicious god who had just rushed out of a sea of blood from hell. His entire body was brimming with killing intent, and under the shroud of blood, not only was his fair and jade-like face so red that it seemed to drip blood, his two dark pupils were also filled with blood.    




After the one shot, under the raging impact of the Stong Qi, Tang Huan was pushed back more than ten metres before he agilely landed on the ground. On the surface of the long spear, flames were still lingering around.    


With just a glance at Leng Yu, a hint of a smile flashed past Tang Huan's eyes.    


Leng Yu looked like nothing had happened, but the extremely powerful Perception Ability immediately caused Tang Huan to notice many small abnormalities. Although the right hand that was holding the sword was trying very hard to suppress them, there was still an extremely slight tremble, and his body was also trembling slightly. His consciousness seemed to be in a trance, and he had not fully recovered.    


"Tang Huan, you deserve to die!"    


Leng Yu seemed to have bitten his lips to the point that it bled, and a few characters squeezed out coldly from between his teeth. His tone was gloomy and cold, as though a strand of cold wind from the depths of hell had blown out.    




Tang Huan's lips curved into a cold smile. She took a step forward and shot forward like a meteor, her spear like a fire dragon bursting out of its hole. She roared at the Doberman, and a blazing spear light shot out from her spear.    




Leng Yu's face sank, he swung and stabbed, and a wave of blood surged out.    


However, before the wave of blood that was swirling around his longsword even touched Tang Huan, that terrifying spear light was completely torn apart by the Stong Qi that came from within the wave of blood. The heat that was carried by the spear light was also completely extinguished by the cold intent, and even Tang Huan's figure quickly dissipated.    


Leng Yu's expression instantly turned incomparably gloomy. That seemingly ferocious and terrifying attack of his was actually an illusion he had deliberately created; his true body must have already been shifted somewhere else.    




With almost no hesitation at all, Leng Yu's arm twisted like a fried dough twist as he repeatedly thrusted behind him in an extremely strange posture. Amidst the unceasing sound of breaking through the air, eye-piercing Blood Red Odor began to roll out layer after layer.    


A bone-chillingly cold aura rapidly spread out from the Blood Red Odor. In a split-second, the area of ten meters around it had been frozen solid by this blood-red color.    


This was the Blood Sealing Style of the "Light Sword Spell of the Blood of Ice"!    


When he was unleashing the battle skill, Leng Yu's body also turned around, but just as he turned halfway, his expression changed. Tang Huan did not appear behind him, instead, he appeared in a location not more than two meters away from him without any warning.    


Instantly, Leng Yu caught a glimpse of an abnormal Pang Shuo's Flaming Pointed Awl from the corner of his eyes.    


The Flaming Pointed Awl was closing in on him at a frightening speed, it was actually creating a terrifying storm, the tyrannical aura quickly expanded, as though it wanted to instantly destroy him. This was the last move of the "Flaming Rainbow Spear Art", the power it unleashed was extremely violent.    


It was also at this time that another star shaped aura shot out from between Tang Huan's brows.    


Furthermore, the timing Tang Huan chose this time was even more appropriate. It just so happened that after Leng Yu used his battle skill, he would be exhausted of his previous strength, and before he could even use his new strength, and with the short distance between them, Leng Yu had no time to retaliate.    


"How hateful!"    


Leng Yu gritted his teeth. Like a collapsing dam, the Blood Red Odor roared out from his body with the momentum of a raging storm, and then quickly condensed on the surface of his body. In the eyes of others, Leng Yu's body seemed to be expanding crazily. In a blink of an eye, Leng Yu had turned into a blood-red giant that was a few metres tall.    




In the next moment, the Flaming Pointed Awl already carried Pang Shuo's body.    


The terrifying power tore apart violently, causing the body to collapse layer by layer. In less than a blink of an eye, the thick layer of blood colored outer shell on Leng Yu's body disappeared, and his figure reappeared once again.    




Leng Yu opened his mouth slightly, and a mouthful of blood was uncontrollably spat out.    


But at the same time, the sharp sword in Leng Yu's hand also reversed, and fiercely slashed forward, as fast as an arrow leaving the bow. Under the situation he was in a moment ago, he did not retaliate hastily. Instead, he endured Tang Huan's fierce attacks for the sake of accumulating power for this attack.    




Another sound rang out.    


The cold sword intent instantly filled every inch of the area, and an enormous blood-red sword light shot out, rapidly piercing through the surroundings. The air was like a tidal wave as it swept towards both sides of the platform, and the space was actually constantly being sliced in half.    


However, the moment he swung the sword, the cluster of star shaped Qi also landed on Leng Yu's forehead.    




Leng Yu let out a groan as he immediately lost consciousness. His body flew like a cloud and crashed into the ground twenty meters away, causing the Sword Discourse Arena to violently tremble.    


Boom!" Right at this moment, Tang Huan's long spear swept out and a torrent of flames condensed into form, mightily clashing head on with Pang Shuo's sword beam. Instantly, space rapidly distorted and a terrifying energy wave that could be seen with the naked eye spread out, crazily bombarding the high platform's barrier.    




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