Ancient Thunder Dragon Spell

C69 escape from death

C69 escape from death

When Lei Yang's figure became clear again, he had already appeared thousands of meters away from the trio.    


"This ..." Although Lei Yang was surprised, he was pleasantly surprised in his heart. The danger had temporarily been resolved by accident, and the feeling of pride and excitement in his heart, couldn't help but rise once again.    


He had the feeling that this time's pursuit might be dangerous, but he was able to survive. This caused him to feel as if he had won a blessing in disguise.    


Although they were separated by a distance, the danger behind them was not resolved. Lei Yang did not dare to think too much, after thinking about the teleportation this time, with 80% of the time being another special ability he gained from the small success stage of the Flowerbutterfly Steps, he once again ran for his life.    


"Damn it, what kind of monster is this, he's going to never end ... ..." As they walked forward, Shan Gui scolded them fiercely.    


In truth, the speed of this middle stage Spirit Qi at which this cultivator in front of him moved far surpassed his cultivation level, especially the secret technique that he used to suddenly distance himself from time to time, was probably even faster than cultivators in the early stages of Spirit Origin Realm.    


In fact, Su Shengqin and his female cultivator companion from the Heaven Gate Sect were even more surprised.    


Heaven Gate Sect had always been known for its speed. Although the two of them were only in the middle of the ninth level of the Spirit Qi, their speed had long surpassed the speed of cultivators of the same realm.    


The freak they were chasing was actually not able to catch up to him with the help of their secret technique. They had no idea what kind of method he used to catch him, but in the blink of an eye, he appeared again in the distance. This was truly unbelievable.    


"How did he do it?" Su Shengqin opened his eyes wide, and asked his companion in a daze.    


"Maybe he has some special magical equipment ...?" The female cultivator was also stunned, feeling the same shock in her heart.    


However, without any hesitation, the three of them continued with their secret techniques and continued forward. The temptation of the Dragonheart Fruit was too great.    


However, just like that, a day passed in the blink of an eye.    


During the course of this day, Lei Yang had been in danger several times, but every time the astonishing mystical techniques behind him landed on the ground, he relied on two special skills to alternately use.    


Behind him, Shan Gui and the others... The three of them had long since felt a strong sense of grievance in their hearts as they pursued this day. Not only was this guy abnormally fast, even his luck seemed to be extremely good.    


From the looks of it, his cultivation base was far below theirs, and yet he was just a young cultivator that they could not catch up to. The feeling of being able to see, but not being able to hit, and having all the strength in their body, but not being able to use, had thoroughly caused the three of them to feel extremely stifled.    


Their eyes were bloodshot and their killing intent was extremely thick. It was as if they had completely fallen into a madness that would not stop until they died.    


In reality, as the three of them continued to cast their secret techniques, the backlash they suffered seemed to have reached the limit of their pursuit. As for the guy in front, he seemed to be fine and was still alive, running for his life.    


This made them fall into a state of madness. In the end, they seemed to have forgotten their original intention to pursue him. They only wanted to catch up to him and burn his bones to ashes to vent the anger in their hearts.    


Following the unceasing pursuit, Lei Yang had already gradually distanced himself far away from the mountain range, and gradually neared to the plains on the other side of the mountain range.    


Until now, when Lei Yang was running away quickly, and reached the edge of the plain quickly. And at the edge of the plain, was a large expanse of fiery red Maple Forest, which gradually appeared before Lei Yang's eyes.    


Lei Yang did not choose. He was clear that there was a strong sense of danger from the Maple Forest in front of him, but he had no choice but to continue onward.    


He wondered if he could use this dense and vast maple forest to shake off the three powerful enemies behind him.    


The three people behind him continued to chase him, causing the murderous aura to grow stronger and stronger. In fact, even the female Heaven Gate Sect Cultivator from the Righteous Dao Sect had lost the air of an Immortal, her eyes completely bloodshot and her expression vicious.    


Lei Yang dared to judge, if he fell into their hands, even if he were to die a hundred times, it would still not be enough to vent the hatred in their hearts.    


However, Shan Gui, who was chasing from behind, saw that Lei Yang was quickly approaching the vast expanse of Maple Forest, his eyes immediately filled with anxiety for the first time.    


Originally, he wanted to rely on his cultivation to forcefully kill Lei Yang, but when the Maple Forest appeared, he became extremely anxious, not caring about the consequences of hurting his own foundation, he forcefully used a secret technique, causing his entire being to look like a sharp sword that cut through the void, instantly rushing forward with an indescribable speed, chasing after them.    


Furthermore, at the same time as he was walking forward, he suddenly shouted loudly, "Su Shengqin, hurry up and stop him.    


Shan Gui thought about how, not long ago, he had just escaped from a place that looked like a land of demons, and it seemed like he had narrowly escaped death by running out of there. Even if it was for the Dragonheart Fruit, he was absolutely unwilling to step even half a step there again.    


Although Su Shengqin could not understand why Shan Gui was so anxious, a senior from the sect had told him before that in Secret Realm, the plains were called deathlands, and the danger level was far greater than the mountains.    


Seeing that Lei Yang was about to enter, they naturally did not want to follow him, so the two of them looked at each other and used their secret techniques, hoping to catch Lei Yang before he escaped into the Maple Forest!    


The speed that the three of them exchanged didn't care about the cost as they got closer and closer to Lei Yang.    


Even as the three of them neared, three shocking, shocking magical techniques rose up from within the never-changing gray sky.    


Shan Gui released an earth-shaking roar in his anxiety, causing the skeleton patterns all over his body to suddenly fly out of his body. The space surrounding him made his surroundings look like an inescapable hell.    


As countless skeletal patterns flew out from his body, a black mist that was several times thicker than before began to swirl around him. It emanated a ghastly, ghastly aura that caused one's hair to stand on end.    


"Ten thousand souls, return to the sect and devour the heavens and devour the earth!" Following Shan Gui's anxious roar, the thick black mist around him started to churn violently. The countless patterns of the skeletons instantly merged together in the black mist and turned into a huge, sinister looking skeleton that was at least three hundred meters in size. They headed towards Lei Yang, who was currently fleeing at an extremely fast speed, who was just inches away from the maple forest, and attempted to devour him in a single gulp.    


At almost the same time that Shan Gui took action, Heaven Gate Sect's Su Shengqin and his companion who was a female cultivator, in a moment of desperation, actually also started to form hand seals at the same time.    


The two of them were performing different hand signs. One of them was filled with masculine power while the other was filled with feminine power. Although there were big differences, it formed a very practiced fit.    


With this combination, the two of them immediately formed an alliance, causing an illusionary mountain to appear between them.    


The mountain was half bright and half dim, as if it represented the poles of both Yin and Yang. When it appeared, it emanated a shocking gravitational force.    


There were two different types of power within the gravitational power. As they fused together, an enormous black hole formed in the middle of the mountain.    


"Yin Yang Heaven Gate, return!" When Su Shengqin's finger landed, he released a light reprimand from his mouth. The black hole unexpectedly extended out without end, and the shocking suction force from it swept towards Lei Yang even more so.    


"Ghost sect Tao technique!"    


"The Dao of Yin and Yang in Heaven Gate Sect!"    


The moment both sides attacked each other, two cries of surprise came from each other's mouths.    


The three of them hurriedly looked at each other. When they felt the powerful magic techniques from each other, their pupils violently contracted. The initial contempt was long gone, whether it was their eyes or the bottom of their hearts.    


In reality, when the two sides made their move, they had their own selfish thoughts and wanted to swallow Lei Yang under their own techniques. This way, regardless of whether Lei Yang was alive or dead, the Dragonheart Fruit would inevitably fall into their hands.    


As a result, those who obtained the Dragonheart Fruit gained the initiative. Whether it was fighting or running away, they also gained the confidence to do so. But now, it seemed that both of them had underestimated each other's strength.    


However, their thoughts were indeed impossible to realize.    


Just as Lei Yang was about to rush into the forest in the plains, he suddenly felt that the three people behind him had suddenly been stimulated and became unusually berserk.    


At that instant, the danger that was not quite as strong as before suddenly soared crazily. In a split-second, it reached its peak, and it couldn't help but tense up all over his body, causing his hair to stand on end and all his cells to seem as if they were going to scream.    


Following the devouring of the enormous skull pattern, the black hole of the Yin Yang Mountain approached at an extremely fast speed. Lei Yang could even feel that his own speed had started to slow down.    


He knew that whether it was the giant mouth of the skeleton or the black hole with a powerful suction force, if he fell into any of them, he would die without a complete corpse, his soul dead.    


However, at this moment, the two special abilities that were used previously were not effective at all. Feeling the danger getting stronger and stronger, and the strong suction force of the black hole pulling Lei Yang back, it was at this moment that Lei Yang panicked.    


"Motherf * cker, are we really going to die here?" Lei Yang's heart was in turmoil, he cursed under his breath, his cultivation was circulating frantically, but he was still pushed back by the powerful suction.    


Seeing that the enormous mouth and black hole would engulf him in at most another three to four breaths of time, a crazed look appeared in Lei Yang's eyes, and his eyes instantly turned scarlet. Raising his head, he let out a crazed laughter.    


As he laughed, he shook the storage ring in his hand, and a Dragonheart Fruit instantly appeared in his hand. Without any hesitation, he shoved this Dragonheart Fruit into his mouth.    


The Dragonheart Fruit melted once it entered his mouth, and suddenly, an indescribably majestic force of Qi and blood spread out from Lei Yang's heart in an instant. In the blink of an eye, it had formed into a boundless sea of blood and Qi three meters around Lei Yang.    


The vital energy and blood contained dense life force and did not have any offensive power, but in a short period of time, they seemed to have formed a vacuum within ten meters of Lei Yang, which was comparable to a strong defense.    


It was also at this time that the boundless energy and blood dispersed, and the powerful suction force that Lei Yang felt had seemingly been cut off, instantly allowing him to regain his freedom.    


At the same time, the butterflies under his feet took steps forward, and that kind of special short distance teleportation finally happened again ... Activate!    


When Lei Yang's body became illusionary, the two tyrannical techniques suddenly dropped, but they had lost their target, as they angrily devoured the void, making it seem as if it was not even there at all.    


"No ...." As the two powerful techniques failed, the black mist in the sky roiled, Shan Gui was the first to walk out, a roar of unwillingness coming out from his mouth.    


Even though he was very powerful, he still showed a deep expression of exhaustion after this strike. It was clear that this technique consumed a great deal of energy.    


However, he had no choice but to accept this reality. Looking at the blazing forest in front of him, Shan Gui felt that he could not muster up the courage to step in again.    


Seemingly at the same time, Su Shengqin and his companion also arrived with a loud bang. After stopping, the two looked at the Feng Lin in front of them at the same time.    


Their states of mind were even worse than Shan Gui's. Even though it was a joint attack from the two of them, it was as if the techniques of the "Yin Yang Heaven Gate" were exceptionally powerful. Even though they could barely open it, it was way beyond their limits.    


"You all ... Do you see him? He ... That was ... Swallowing it?! " Su Shengqin's female cultivator companion also looked at Su Shengqin as if he had seen a ghost, and asked uncertainly.    


"Yes ..." A! He actually ... have not been... Pull ... "Explode!" Su Shengqin was currently as shocked as his female cultivator companion were.    


"What a troublesome freak!" But what a pity, even if he didn't explode from the dragon heart fruit's qi and blood, he probably wouldn't be able to walk out of this forest alive.    


It's just that he wasted three rare and precious fruits for nothing. What a pity! " At this time, Shan Gui seemed to have thought of the previous scene, a look of heartache flashed past his eyes, as he helplessly said this, his tone filled with regret.    


The three of them had helpless looks in their eyes. It was the first time they had ever seen a cultivator of the eighth level of the Spirit Qi that could flee. After a moment of silence, Shan Gui turned and flashed, and had no choice but to leave.    


However, before they left, he warned Su Shengqin and Yue Yang: "Don't be hasty, although the Dragonheart Fruit is rare, it is more important that you guys do not dare to provoke the life of the creatures in the maple forest.    


As a fellow sect member, I am only kind enough to remind you to wait. However, whether or not you want to enter that place is not up to me to decide. "    


Seeing that Shan Gui's back figure had gradually disappeared into the distance, the two of them hesitated in place for a while. After doing this thrice, they also turned around and ran quickly towards another direction.    


They firmly believed that there must be some extremely dangerous place that even Shan Gui was not willing to enter.    


Moreover, their goal was to quickly raise their cultivation, and to borrow the ground dragon aura at the center of Secret Realm to condense their Spiritual Source! And so, he stepped into the Spirit Origin Realm that he had been yearning for for for a long time.    


... ....    




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